This is the cost of having a President who has sold out to China.

Hmm, after careful consideration, and hours of head scratching I came to an epiphany: you missed the bloody point like a perfect idiot. Your last reply/comment just came off as TMI gaslighting. So many things going on here. I will stick to one issue: George Floyd. First of all I can only find evidence of 2 examinations of Floyd. Both found that Floyd had twice the level that would cause fatal overdose. A rather suspicious private funded examination that found Floyd died from a knee on the neck. Surprise surprise. Secondly, and more authoritatively":
Chief medical examiner Dr. Andrew Baker, who listed Floyd’s death as a homicide, thought the amount of fentanyl in Floyd’s blood was “pretty high” and could be “a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances.”
[Dr. Baker] said that if Mr. Floyd had been found dead in his home (or anywhere else) and there were no other contributing factors he would conclude that it was an overdose death.”

But there was a contributing factor. Chauvin had his knee on the guys neck for nine minutes.

Just like if you smother a terminally ill patient, no one is going to give you a pass because "they were going to die anyway".

The statement was that it COULD be a fatal level. But here's the thing, Floyd was a life-long drug addict. That level would probably kill me, I have absolutely no tolerance. But he had been taking drugs for years.

Now, on video evidence that Floyd during his arrest, (You can see it on the video) George Floyd was in the midst of exited delirium brought on by a drug overdose. (fentanyl). He even said : "I can't breath" BEFORE anyone laid a finger on him. HE was already SUFFOCATING before anyone touched him! That can not be overlooked. (Floyd also had heart disease AND COVID19, which also cause HYPOXIA). AND, most DAMNING OF ALL, the coroner admitted his conclusion was based NOT ON THE OVERALL FACTS, but on the "OPTICS' of that video. Really? OPTICS, not a scientific independent conclusion? Penn and Teller use "optics" when they pull a rabbit out of fucking hat, too. This is more about mob justice. Because violent mob threatens to burn down shit, not because of actual independent verifiable facts obtained scientifically. This is what you support?

Uh, yeah, I'm all for hanging Chauvin out to dry because what he did was wrong. Because now the NEXT thug cop is going to think twice about using a choke hold on a suspect.

The point is that Chauvin used a knee to the neck to subdue a man who was already in distress, over a PETTY crime. Floyd wasn't a murderer or a rapist, he was a guy who passed a fake $20 in a store.
That's just goofy!

If you do not see China as our enemy, you're a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

It probably hasn't dawned on you but we cannot win a hot war with Communist China.

Then why are you guys so anxious for one?

If we all agree that war with China would be unwinnable, then why are you so willing to go to war over some shitty Islands in the South China Sea, or Hong Kong, or Taiwan?

the problem that a lot of us in the west don't see is how China perceives these issues. They see these issues as national sovereignty.

If there is a disagreement between Chinese on the Mainland and Chinese on Taiwan, why is this OUR PROBLEM? Because 73 years ago, we decided to stick it in Mao's eye by propping up Chiang Kai-shek?
But there was a contributing factor. Chauvin had his knee on the guys neck for nine minutes.

Just like if you smother a terminally ill patient, no one is going to give you a pass because "they were going to die anyway".

The statement was that it COULD be a fatal level. But here's the thing, Floyd was a life-long drug addict. That level would probably kill me, I have absolutely no tolerance. But he had been taking drugs for years.

Uh, yeah, I'm all for hanging Chauvin out to dry because what he did was wrong. Because now the NEXT thug cop is going to think twice about using a choke hold on a suspect.

The point is that Chauvin used a knee to the neck to subdue a man who was already in distress, over a PETTY crime. Floyd wasn't a murderer or a rapist, he was a guy who passed a fake $20 in a store.
There was about 18 minutes or so before the knee. Floyd was a negative to civilization. He cost society a lot of money and resources by the way he lived. From crimes to bringing children into the world he did not take care of. We keep making heroes of this type of person. This is a reason we are in decline. Progs made a George Floyd. Progs condemned his life from the beginning. Progs used his death to blame others for his ending.
There was about 18 minutes or so before the knee. Floyd was a negative to civilization. He cost society a lot of money and resources by the way he lived. From crimes to bringing children into the world he did not take care of. We keep making heroes of this type of person. This is a reason we are in decline. Progs made a George Floyd. Progs condemned his life from the beginning. Progs used his death to blame others for his ending.

Does your doctor know you are off your meds?

No one is arguing that Floyd was a good person.

But if we allow the cops to kill you based on your moral failings, none of us our safe. You can take ten minutes of anyone's life out of context to make them look like a bad person.
I read this poor excuse for a reply. China is sending political apparatchiks and Fentanyl, by the butt load. merry FUCKING Christmas , you fucking dingbat liberals. Liberals don't givea shit about anything, They play a good game. Fuck liberals. Gays, abortion, cannibalism, they will stand by ANYTHING if it gets them votes. The Cynical bastards.
When did we get the right to cannibalism?
There was about 18 minutes or so before the knee. Floyd was a negative to civilization. He cost society a lot of money and resources by the way he lived. From crimes to bringing children into the world he did not take care of. We keep making heroes of this type of person. This is a reason we are in decline. Progs made a George Floyd. Progs condemned his life from the beginning. Progs used his death to blame others for his ending.
I see you refuse to recognize individual responsibility.
Then why are you guys so anxious for one?

If we all agree that war with China would be unwinnable, then why are you so willing to go to war over some shitty Islands in the South China Sea, or Hong Kong, or Taiwan?

the problem that a lot of us in the west don't see is how China perceives these issues. They see these issues as national sovereignty.

If there is a disagreement between Chinese on the Mainland and Chinese on Taiwan, why is this OUR PROBLEM? Because 73 years ago, we decided to stick it in Mao's eye by propping up Chiang Kai-shek?
And it's a stupid policy position.

You see, unlike a right winger who has to claim that Trump is upholding family values when he fucks porn stars, I'll freely admit that Biden isn't getting me everything I'd LIKE to see.

No matter who is in charge, we are going to continue to get suckered into putting the interests of Chiang Kaisheck's successors above our own.
Is his stuff largely manufactured in China?...No?....well, then that's not such a bad place to be. You're shooting for diplomacy. Take your lumps. Take your small victories.
Unless you'd like him to launch nuclear missiles at China and Russia and begin the bombing...not really much you can do about it. Taiwan is an island. You wanna go to war
over it after braying for six years that the last guy didn't get us into any wars? Wasn't he VERY deferential to China?....yep. Oh he tried to make em pay with his silly assed
tariff wars...but that didn't turn out so well for us..did it? :)
STFU, traitor POS!
And it's a stupid policy position.

You see, unlike a right winger who has to claim that Trump is upholding family values when he fucks porn stars, I'll freely admit that Biden isn't getting me everything I'd LIKE to see.

No matter who is in charge, we are going to continue to get suckered into putting the interests of Chiang Kaisheck's successors above our own.

We didn't have these problems with Ukraine or China when President Trump was in office. Funny how that worked.
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We didn't have these problems with Ukraine or China when President Trump was in office. Funny how that worked.

Sure we had problems... just not the ones you guys claim.

China was buzzing Taiwan then just like they are now. Trump started an unnecessary trade war.

Russia was illegally occupying part of Ukraine, and Trump turned a blind eye when Putin did it.

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