This is the cost of having a President who has sold out to China.

Huh?? :auiqs.jpg:
If you don't believe that January 6th, 2021 was an attempt to overthrow our democratic government...then, you are lost. There's no reaching you. You deflect to protests (turned violent) over racial bigotry that had next to nothing to do with the LACK of response to a virus. LOL...explain..Seriously?
No, it wasn't . Fuck that . Actually, after months of race riots democrats supported in 2020, are you a complete idiot? Why are you ignoring the elephant in the room, the DEMOCRAT supported race riot's of 2020? A far larger and more cogent. But we a get a one sided Democrat run one-sided taxpayer funded which hunt. But Nothing about the months of race riots. Why is that? Is this STILL a Democratic Republic? You'd never know it.
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China is now holding military exercises including missile launches in an obvious show of military force with Pelosi on her way to the region. What does Grasshopper Joe say? Nothing. After the 2 hour tongue lashing he received from Master Xi he has bowed and apologized. Now Pelosi is headed for "Asia" with no plans to visit Taiwan. The world sees America cowering from China. That's a REALLY bad place to be.

Having Joe as CIC in any capacity is a really bad place to be. Joe is a fuck up of everything he touches.
Taiwan is an island.
An island of vital interest to us. It's not Pago Pago, stoop.

You wanna go to war over it after braying for six years that the last guy didn't get us into any wars?
The last guy kept us out of wars by keeping our enemies much too afraid to start one with him. Even Milley called China afraid that Trump might go to war against them if pushed too far!

No such concern there now with Joe in office, Joe is the quintessential bought and paid for wind up paper tiger that can't even give you a paper cut.

Wonder how hard Jinping laughed the day he saw Joe fall off his bicycle standing still?
No..they are the cancerous the moment. :)
Boogeymen...not bogies Goose. :auiqs.jpg:
So, liberals tacitly support or burn down and do massive damage over the span of a few months. Deaths and damage aplenty. So, lets ignore all that though, instead, lets just narrowly focus on a singular event because it suits the Democrat's agenda. Seem fair and above board to you? Fuck off.
So..why not just let the nukes fly and be done with it if you think weakness looks bad?

Imbecile, aggression is not the opposite of weakness, STRENGTH is!

Trump was never aggressive, but he projected STRENGTH.

Joe Biden?

Jabroney copy 2.jpg
Wow, sounds like rational diplomacy to me.

We do not recognize Taiwan as an independent country. Neither does the UN. Our official policy, China's official policy, and Taiwan's official policy is that Taiwan is part of China.

So why provoke the situation?

Here's what the West (AKA Stupid White People) don't understand. Taiwan, Hong Kong, the Uyghurs, Tibet - We see these as issues of "Freedom", even though none of them have a history of Democracy or human rights to be proud of. (Taiwan was a fascist dictatorship for much of its history, Hong Kong a Colonial State, the Uyghurs are Muslim fundamentalist's and the Tibetans had a rather nasty theocracy before China reasserted their sovereignty. )

China sees these issues as matters of national sovereignty. They might tolerate an de facto independent Taiwan, but they won't tolerate outsiders treating Taiwan as an independent country.

Or 180 years since the Opium Wars, and the west still isn't treating China with respect.
I read this poor excuse for a reply. China is sending political apparatchiks and Fentanyl, by the butt load. merry FUCKING Christmas , you fucking dingbat liberals. Liberals don't givea shit about anything, They play a good game. Fuck liberals. Gays, abortion, cannibalism, they will stand by ANYTHING if it gets them votes. The Cynical bastards.
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China is now holding military exercises including missile launches in an obvious show of military force with Pelosi on her way to the region. What does Grasshopper Joe say? Nothing. After the 2 hour tongue lashing he received from Master Xi he has bowed and apologized. Now Pelosi is headed for "Asia" with no plans to visit Taiwan. The world sees America cowering from China. That's a REALLY bad place to be.
“Cowering”?!?! You’re hilarious
We need to step back. reasses
Well, fuck off. You are an idiot, I am done with you.
You’re done with me because I laugh at people being over dramatic? Perhaps then, you are one of those being over dramatic. Every thing is going to be ok Mary. Sending you hugs and support
Opium wars? But China exports 99.99999999% (plus 1%) of fentanyl to this country? Are you fucking kidding me? George Floyd died from a fentanyl induced hypoxia. From FUCKING CHINA. Let's get real here.

1) You obviously don't understand the Opium Wars and their significance as the beginning of the "Century of Humiliation" for China at the hands of western powers (and later Japan). to give you a clue. It would like China sent its military to enforce the continued selling of Fentanyl, and made Washington sign a humiliating treaty giving extraterritoriality to it's citizens.
2) George Floyd died because a racist cop strangled him for nine minutes.

Shhh. Quiet. Let me sort this out: THE FUCKING Democrats are running single part only single narrative ONLY witch hunt (Jan 6th hearings). But totally ignore (shhhh) the preponderance of facts Democrats tacitly or openly supported race riots that did far more damage to our society and our economy than what happened on Jan 6th. Explain this dichotomy. Why?

It's kind of simple. the Geo. Floyd riots weren't an attempt to overthrow the government. They were demonstrations against police brutality, and they ONLY happened because TEN YEARS of peaceful protests didn't solve the problem.

and China treated the US with respect by unleashing a virus that killed nearly 1 million Americans and over 100 thousand last yr with fentanyl .. STFU . and dont say they didnt because after the outbreak in Wuhan they stopped domestic travel to and from Wuhan but allowed international flights !

Uh, China didn't "unleash" a virus, buddy. You can't "unleash" a virus. Viruses happen. If we lost a million people, it was because of Trump's incompetence.

I read this poor excuse for a reply. China is sending political apparatchiks and Fentanyl, by the butt load. merry FUCKING Christmas , you fucking dingbat liberals. Liberals don't givea shit about anything, They play a good game. Fuck liberals. Gays, abortion, cannibalism, they will stand by ANYTHING if it gets them votes. The Cynical bastards.

You read it.
You clearly didn't understand it.
Please get someone to explain the big words to you and try again.
1) You obviously don't understand the Opium Wars and their significance as the beginning of the "Century of Humiliation" for China at the hands of western powers (and later Japan). to give you a clue. It would like China sent its military to enforce the continued selling of Fentanyl, and made Washington sign a humiliating treaty giving extraterritoriality to it's citizens.
2) George Floyd died because a racist cop strangled him for nine minutes.

It's kind of simple. the Geo. Floyd riots weren't an attempt to overthrow the government. They were demonstrations against police brutality, and they ONLY happened because TEN YEARS of peaceful protests didn't solve the problem.

Uh, China didn't "unleash" a virus, buddy. You can't "unleash" a virus. Viruses happen. If we lost a million people, it was because of Trump's incompetence.

You read it.
You clearly didn't understand it.
Please get someone to explain the big words to you and try again.
Trump was gruff we know that. His tariffs was a way to get manufacturing back here. China won World War 3 with the release of the virus. George Floyd was piece of shit. If he was born to a single mother at a young age then he was designed that way by the Progs.
Trump was gruff we know that. His tariffs was a way to get manufacturing back here. China won World War 3 with the release of the virus. George Floyd was piece of shit. If he was born to a single mother at a young age then he was designed that way by the Progs.

does your doctor know you are off your meds.

Trump's tariffs did not bring back manufacturing jobs.

If you had a factory in China, all Trump Tariffs did was make it economical to move your factory to Vietnam. Which it already was because you can hire a Vietnamese for about a third of what you would have to pay a Chinese.

George Floyd was not a good person. Still didn't deserved to be murdered by the police.
And aggression spawns???.....Death. Destruction. Suffering. Loss. Chaos.
Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, countless countries in the southern hemisphere, Africa, Asia..and on, and on, and on.

So..why not just let the nukes fly and be done with it if you think weakness looks bad? :)
That's why you don't want a country thinking we are weak... especially China.... we build nukes so we don't have to use them.... we build up our military so we don't have to deploy them.....
I find the concept so simple that it amazes me when people just don't get it.....
China is now holding military exercises including missile launches in an obvious show of military force with Pelosi on her way to the region. What does Grasshopper Joe say? Nothing. After the 2 hour tongue lashing he received from Master Xi he has bowed and apologized. Now Pelosi is headed for "Asia" with no plans to visit Taiwan. The world sees America cowering from China. That's a REALLY bad place to be.
Do you want Pelosi to go to Taiwan or not?
That's why you don't want a country thinking we are weak... especially China.... we build nukes so we don't have to use them.... we build up our military so we don't have to deploy them.....
I find the concept so simple that it amazes me when people just don't get it.....

We spend more on our military than the next ten countries combined, and eight of those are ALLIES.
We spend more on our military than the next ten countries combined, and eight of those are ALLIES.
China spends way more than we do.... and that nation is our number one enemy....
1) You obviously don't understand the Opium Wars and their significance as the beginning of the "Century of Humiliation" for China at the hands of western powers (and later Japan). to give you a clue. It would like China sent its military to enforce the continued selling of Fentanyl, and made Washington sign a humiliating treaty giving extraterritoriality to it's citizens.
2) George Floyd died because a racist cop strangled him for nine minutes.

It's kind of simple. the Geo. Floyd riots weren't an attempt to overthrow the government. They were demonstrations against police brutality, and they ONLY happened because TEN YEARS of peaceful protests didn't solve the problem.

Uh, China didn't "unleash" a virus, buddy. You can't "unleash" a virus. Viruses happen. If we lost a million people, it was because of Trump's incompetence.

You read it.
You clearly didn't understand it.
Please get someone to explain the big words to you and try again.
listen to the idiot defend his chicom masters ! are all homosexuals as cowardly as you are ? everyone with a brain knows what your communist allies did !

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