This is the Democrat Nightmare in Reality

So do you like blacks more than Hispanics or vice versa? Put a link up.
So do you like blacks more than Hispanics or vice versa? Put a link up.

I thought the democrat nightmare was having a babbling brain damaged candidate as your leading contender.

I'm hoping Old Corrupt Joe bleeds from both eyes tonight.
Watch this growing awareness in the minority community.

The Dems are losing their grip.
They are falling in all demographics

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Another little interesting tidbit was a Pew Research survey I saw a while ago, I think it was from 2012.
25% of Democrats self identify as completely Liberal, 25% identify as Moderates Leaning Liberal, while 30% identified as Moderate, and 20% as Moderates leaning Conservative.

Appeasing the farthest left fringe is losing the middle for them and that includes the that part of the middle that identifies as Democrat.

For Republicans it is the opposite problem.
Of the general population (including unregistered voters) 20% are liberals, 35% are moderate and 45% self identify as conservative.
But exit polls consistently show that in many elections there are as many liberals that vote as there are conservatives. It is only when candidates run actually conservative campaigns that conservatives tend to turn out and make the difference like with Reagan in 1980 and 1984. They lose some more in the middle but the higher conservative turn out more than makes up for it. This is why the Luntz and 'Turd Blossom' never get election results thought they do talk a good game.
So for Republicans, their far right messages bring them more voters, as long as they don't go too far, like Goldwater did.
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