This is the most fiscally irresponsible document ever offered by the GOP



The Republican Party's new "Pledge to America," already battered by liberals, is now facing criticism from an unlikely source — some conservatives

Other conservative bloggers called it "milquetoast" and "smoke and mirrors."

The plan also pledges to honor "traditional marriage" and faith-based organizations.

GOP's 'Pledge to America' gets blasted by some conservative bloggers - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee


If all else fails, attack the gays. The old Republican stand by.


You can read it here. Add another trillion to the deficit giving millionaires and billionaires tax cuts. Do nothing about jobs going overseas. It's the same old story. Nothing new. America will put these people in office. You watch.


After November, the Republican base will crow, "We Won!"

Then what?

And don't forget, they want to privatize SS, the VA and Medicare. Wonder how that will play. Wall Street needs some more money to play with. They don't have enough. Buying politicians is expensive.
The Republican Party's new "Pledge to America," already battered by liberals, is now facing criticism from an unlikely source — some conservatives

Other conservative bloggers called it "milquetoast" and "smoke and mirrors."

The plan also pledges to honor "traditional marriage" and faith-based organizations.

GOP's 'Pledge to America' gets blasted by some conservative bloggers - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee


If all else fails, attack the gays. The old Republican stand by.


You can read it here. Add another trillion to the deficit giving millionaires and billionaires tax cuts. Do nothing about jobs going overseas. It's the same old story. Nothing new. America will put these people in office. You watch.


After November, the Republican base will crow, "We Won!"

Then what?

And don't forget, they want to privatize SS, the VA and Medicare. Wonder how that will play. Wall Street needs some more money to play with. They don't have enough. Buying politicians is expensive.

We already know how the private VA worked out. Wounded troops living in quarters of filth. Remember Bush investigated that.
When are you going to realize there is no such thing as a fiscally responsible politician?

Then don't vote.

I've given up on voting.

repugnantcans and dimocrats are exactly the same so why bother.

I'll work to see a third party but I won't vote in any elctoral race that only has a choice (non choice) between repugnantcans or dimocrats.
The Republican Party's new "Pledge to America," already battered by liberals, is now facing criticism from an unlikely source — some conservatives

Other conservative bloggers called it "milquetoast" and "smoke and mirrors."

The plan also pledges to honor "traditional marriage" and faith-based organizations.

GOP's 'Pledge to America' gets blasted by some conservative bloggers - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee


If all else fails, attack the gays. The old Republican stand by.


You can read it here. Add another trillion to the deficit giving millionaires and billionaires tax cuts. Do nothing about jobs going overseas. It's the same old story. Nothing new. America will put these people in office. You watch.


After November, the Republican base will crow, "We Won!"

Then what?

And don't forget, they want to privatize SS, the VA and Medicare. Wonder how that will play. Wall Street needs some more money to play with. They don't have enough. Buying politicians is expensive.

Attack the gays? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Except now you've Ignited the rdean into explaining why they're not the same..

Grab a chair. This is going to be fun.
When are you going to realize there is no such thing as a fiscally responsible politician?

Then don't vote.

I've given up on voting.

repugnantcans and dimocrats are exactly the same so why bother.

I'll work to see a third party but I won't vote in any elctoral race that only has a choice (non choice) between repugnantcans or dimocrats.

They are NOT the same. The Republican party is 90% white and mostly Christian. They vote in lockstep.

Democrats are basically everyone else. Truly a party of coalitions. This is why Democrats have a difficult time getting their "agenda" passed. Because first, they have to agree on an agenda. Then they have to work to get the votes for it.

Republicans do what they are told and believe anything, no matter how far fetched or strange.

There is an enormous difference between these two parties.
Except now you've Ignited the rdean into explaining why they're not the same..

Grab a chair. This is going to be fun.

You can't possibly believe they are the same. Just looking at them will tell you that.
Yeah, read the so-called "Pledge" recently, and it's just garbage. Doesn't say a single thing. They say "stop tax hikes" when there's none in the works (having Bush's tax cuts expire is not the same thing). Requiring congressional approval for anything that affects the deficit would pretty much be the end of Congress. They would literally not do anything again (think about it, lets say for example with "Don't Ask Don't Tell," if there's the need for some extra number of rooms or bathrooms, they would have to discuss it and igure out with none existent data whether or not it may or may not increase the deficit - legislation would never get passed again).

They even had to repeat points - they want to repeal the health care mandate for small business AND repeal the law. You can't do BOTH, if you repeal the law, you repeal the mandate. Then they want to go back to pre-2008 spending, WHILE increasing military spending AND funding a totally useless missile defense system AND not let the tax-cuts expire. >_< It doesn't make any sense.

Sure there's about 2 interesting things here: the small-business tax reduction, which could work (again, going back to 2008 spending? 0_o) and be positive; and giving three days to congressmen to read every bill before a vote, which is a great idea although - as all of you from both sides well know... they won't read it anyway.

As for "enforce sanctions on Iran," I'm a little puzzled by what they mean. Sanctions are already being placed on Iran, though if they want to ENFORCE them I imagine they mean some sort of naval blockade against it, not allowing gasoline tankers in for example. Of course, that would set off a third major war in ten years - with possibly nuclear consequences between Israel and Iran. But sure, go ahead, maybe it'll reduce the deficit.

It just goes to show the old adage: back during the Bush years, the Republicans were a party of bad ideas, and the Democrats a party of no ideas. Today it is reversed. It appears that that's the crux of the matter: The party in power usually has bad ideas; and those out of power have no ideas. People will rather vote for no ideas than bad ideas. And it keeps the on-again off-again system working, with only bad ideas being implemented of course.
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Then don't vote.

I've given up on voting.

repugnantcans and dimocrats are exactly the same so why bother.

I'll work to see a third party but I won't vote in any elctoral race that only has a choice (non choice) between repugnantcans or dimocrats.

They are NOT the same. The Republican party is 90% white and mostly Christian. They vote in lockstep.

Democrats are basically everyone else. Truly a party of coalitions. This is why Democrats have a difficult time getting their "agenda" passed. Because first, they have to agree on an agenda. Then they have to work to get the votes for it.

Republicans do what they are told and believe anything, no matter how far fetched or strange.

There is an enormous difference between these two parties.

Judge by the results.

Dimocrats in power, bigger government more debt

Repugnantcans in power bigger government more debt.

I don't care how you get there the end destination is exactly the same so there is no difference.
Yeah, read the so-called "Pledge" recently, and it's just garbage. Doesn't say a single thing. They say "stop tax hikes" when there's none in the works (having Bush's tax cuts expire is not the same thing). Requiring congressional approval for anything that affects the deficit would pretty much be the end of Congress. They would literally not do anything again (think about it, lets say for example with "Don't Ask Don't Tell," if there's the need for some extra number of rooms or bathrooms, they would have to discuss it and igure out with none existent data whether or not it may or may not increase the deficit - legislation would never get passed again).

They even had to repeat points - they want to repeal the health care mandate for small business AND repeal the law. You can't do BOTH, if you repeal the law, you repeal the mandate. Then they want to go back to pre-2008 spending, WHILE increasing military spending AND funding a totally useless missile defense system AND not let the tax-cuts expire. >_< It doesn't make any sense.

Sure there's about 2 interesting things here: the small-business tax reduction, which could work (again, going back to 2008 spending? 0_o) and be positive; and giving three days to congressmen to read every bill before a vote, which is a great idea although - as all of you from both sides well know... they won't read it anyway.

As for "enforce sanctions on Iran," I'm a little puzzled by what they mean. Sanctions are already being placed on Iran, though if they want to ENFORCE them I imagine they mean some sort of naval blockade against it, not allowing gasoline tankers in for example. Of course, that would set off a third major war in ten years - with possibly nuclear consequences between Israel and Iran. But sure, go ahead, maybe it'll reduce the deficit.

It just goes to show the old adage: back during the Bush years, the Republicans were a party of bad ideas, and the Democrats a party of no ideas. Today it is reversed. It appears that that's the crux of the matter: The party in power usually has bad ideas; and those out of power have no ideas. People will rather vote for no ideas than bad ideas. And it keeps the on-again off-again system working, with only bad ideas being implemented of course.

To Republcians, "small business" is any company with over a billion in revenue.

It's all in definitions.

Notice there's nothing about keeping jobs in this country? Republciain motto: Fuck Amerca, make China stronger!
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Except now you've Ignited the rdean into explaining why they're not the same..

Grab a chair. This is going to be fun.

You can't possibly believe they are the same. Just looking at them will tell you that.

If you're going to explain how they're both built by Race then yes, the Democrats have more of a variarety than Republicans. But we all knew that. right?

But me and Skull Pilot aren't talking about Race. We're talking about how both Parties say different shit, but they act the same way..

Republicans promise Smaller Government, but they won't do it.

Democrats promise Social Programs which expand government and they do it.

So essentially they're the same. That's why I left the Republican party.
This is what happens when you have no ideas of your own, so you resort to starting up a webiste and hoping to steal ideas from people on the Internet. GOP leadership at it's finest.
We pledge to bring America back to the fiscal policies of George Bush

The hell with the taxes.....just spend, spend, spend

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