This Is the Only Kind of Diversity the Left Cares About

So it is decided: College quotas are racist and should be eliminated

Nope. It's not like anyone is being denied college. The argument is who gets to get into the prestigious colleges (that most people on this board would never be considered for given the spelling and grammar I see here) and who would have to settle for a state college. Because the prestigious college opens more doors.

So considering race as ONE OF MANY factors in admissions to college actually seem reasonable. Maybe if we considered that a kid who graduated from UIC to be just as good as a Harvard grad, this wouldn't be so much of an issue.

So you have two kids.

One of them is a white kid who got 1600 on his SAT because his parents hired testing coaches and tutors for him. Otherwise he is kind of a slacker.

The other is a black kid who got 1550 on his SAT, is involved in his community, works a high school job to save up money for college.

I would say the drive and determination of the second kid more than makes up for 50 Test score points...

Really, who was not allowed to go to college because they were white? Not the college of their choice, but any college at all.

Come on, cite a case.

"Oh, Gee, I had to go to state university instead of Harvard" doesn't impress me.

Besides the fact that the SAT isn't really a good indictor other than how good you are at taking tests, MANY factors are considered in deciding who to take including:

Community Volunteerism
Donations made by family members
Legacies by family members who have previous attended
And Joe hastens to tell us all, once again, just how little he cares about a subject. So little that he'll write multiple posts about it.
What’s ironic here is that Harvards recent freshman class was 26% Asian, yet Asian-Anmericans only represent 7% of our population. Guess they sure are discriminating against Asians.
Isn't that kinda missing the point?
Okay, and how many doctors did fine on the test, but were so incompetent they committed malpractice?
How many lawyers are inept, and really are challenged if they have to do anything more complicated than a real estate closing. You are kind of making my point for me.
Actually, college is a overrated commodity that has been oversold to a populace.
I can honestly say, I got more out the military than I got out of college, but the main reason I joined the military was to pay for college.
1 . What percent of doctor's actions result in malpractice? Malpractice insurance is a necessity, good students pay less.

2. How many lawyers who pass the bar are inept? You're making my point for me.

3. We agree that college is WAYYYYYY too overrated. As Obama used to muse, "how many art-history majors do we need?" Kids need to evaluate "opportunity costs" for attending a 4-year college and not getting a good job that pays back their student loans.

4. Thank you for your service. I'm curious why you went to college and then the military??? That seems opposite to the "GI Bill" and other benefits. What was your degree? Did you use that knowledge in the military?

5. Test taking and learning material quickly is essential to succeeding in college (I'm an engineer, P.E.). I support the German system of industry/college coordination, where community colleges train students for the jobs industry needs. I also support free 2-year community college that includes job training.
What point?
That the more pertinent question is how many more highly qualified applicants were rejected in favor of applicants with lower test scores, lower GPAs, fewer extra-curricular activities and community service hours, etc.
1 . What percent of doctor's actions result in malpractice? Malpractice insurance is a necessity, good students pay less.
Not really. 96,000 Americans die from medical errors every year. You can watch TV and see all sorts of lawyers trolling for customers in malpractice suits. Some fields, like obstetrics, requires a lot more insurance because it's more high risk.

2. How many lawyers who pass the bar are inept? You're making my point for me.
Actually, quite a few of them...that's the point. My own attorney is adequate for real estate dealings, but if I were ever charged with something serious, I'd want someone a lot better.

3. We agree that college is WAYYYYYY too overrated. As Obama used to muse, "how many art-history majors do we need?" Kids need to evaluate "opportunity costs" for attending a 4-year college and not getting a good job that pays back their student loans.

Well, having gotten my own degree in "Management of things that have already happened", it's not so much the subject businesses are interested in, but whether or not you can complete a rigorous course of study. I work in a field that didn't require a bachelor degree when I entered it, but almost all jobs in it require one now. Which put me at an advantage over peers in the job search market.

4. Thank you for your service. I'm curious why you went to college and then the military??? That seems opposite to the "GI Bill" and other benefits. What was your degree? Did you use that knowledge in the military?

Long story short. - I did both at the same time. I joined the IL ARNG to get money to pay for college. I also had a dubious attempt at ROTC, but clearly was not officer material. Also, during college I worked two part time jobs to help pay for fees and incidentals. (But this was back in the 80's when college was a lot more affordable). AFTER I got my degree, I got an opportunity to go active duty, and took it, eventually leaving the service at the rank of Staff Sergeant. Also, during my time in college, both of my parents were diagnosed with terminal cancer, within about a year and half of each other.

5. Test taking and learning material quickly is essential to succeeding in college (I'm an engineer, P.E.). I support the German system of industry/college coordination, where community colleges train students for the jobs industry needs. I also support free 2-year community college that includes job training.

No argument with any of that... but that kind of goes against the whole Republican/small government ideology, doesn't it?
He'll never touch my azz.
He already has.
This Is the Only Kind of Diversity the Left Cares About

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear cases challenging race-based affirmative action at two colleges, Harvard University and University of North Carolina. Shapiro weighs in.

Conservativeas believe in the dignity of the individual; that we, as human beings, have a right to live, live freely, and pursue that which motivates us not because man or some government says so, but because these are God-given natural rights. Conservatism is the antidote to tyranny. It's the only one. It's based on thousands of years of human experience. There is nothing narrow about the conservative philosophy. It's a liberating philosophy. The Conservative does not despise government. He despises tyranny. This is precisely why the Conservative reveres the Constitution and insists on adherence to it.

As Conservativeas believe in the dignity of the individual, Utopianism (i.e. Socialism, Marxism and the American Left) attempts to shape and dominate the individual by doing two things at once: it strips the individual of his uniqueness, making him indistinguishable from the multitudes that form what is commonly referred to as 'the masses,' but it simultaneously assigns him a group identity based on race, ethnicity, age, gender, income, etc., to highlight differences within the masses. Utopianism's equality is intolerant of diversity, uniqueness, debate, etc., for utopianism's purpose requires a singular focus. There can be no competing voices or causes slowing or obstructing society's long and righteous march. Utopianism relies on deceit, propaganda, dependence, intimidation, and force. In its more aggressive state, as the malignancy of the enterprise becomes more painful and its impossibility more obvious, it incites violence inasmuch as avenues for free expression and civil dissent are cut off. Violence becomes the individual's primary recourse and the state's primary response. Ultimately, the only way out is the state's termination

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