This Is the Only Kind of Diversity the Left Cares About

Nope, just a datist! The numbers do not lie!


And the USA is 27th on the list. Isn't it good to know there are more smart people in Cambodia by percentage than the USA?

Frankly, these days, I'm not sure we even make the list THAT high (my list is years old).

A big CONGRATS to the leftist state-run education system and our MSM for the big dumbing down of our country.

Excellent post. I missed that
What’s ironic here is that Harvards recent freshman class was 26% Asian, yet Asian-Anmericans only represent 7% of our population. Guess they sure are discriminating against Asians.
The very existence of race quotas is wrong.

It doesn't matter which race got more applicants in. You say racism is bad, yet here it is. Racism. Affirmative action is racist. Period.
If this kind of behavior happened in the workplace, the employer would be fined into oblivion or shut down. But if it's the Supreme Court? Oh, that's fine. If it's in a university? Oh, we're just trying to promote more diversity! NO THE HELL YOU AREN'T. You want to create diversity of race but not diversity of qualifications and capabilities.

F**k your social equity campaign. This is active discrimination against well-meaning aspirants of one race or another to advance a flawed agenda. This is an outright denial of opportunity to those applicants who are fully qualified and have met the criteria. There is no equality or equity in this behavior. None whatsoever. And you would be lying if you said there was.

(And yes, I seethe with anger when people defend employing this standard in our education system. We should be educating as many people as possible in universities and colleges, not turning one or some away because of their race.)
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Besides the fact that the SAT isn't really a good indictor other than how good you are at taking tests, MANY factors are considered in deciding who to take including:

Community Volunteerism
Donations made by family members
Legacies by family members who have previous attended
And Asians nope
The very existence of race quotas is wrong.

It doesn't matter which race got more applicants in. You say racism is bad, yet here it is. Racism. Affirmative action is racist. Period.
If this kind of behavior happened in the workplace, the employer would be fined into oblivion or shut down. But if it's the Supreme Court? Oh, that's fine. If it's in a university? Oh, we're just trying to promote more diversity! NO THE HELL YOU AREN'T. You want to create diversity of race but not diversity of qualifications and capabilities.

F**k your social equity campaign. This is active discrimination against well-meaning aspirants of one race or another to advance a flawed agenda. This is an outright denial of opportunity to those applicants who are fully qualified and have met the criteria. There is no equality or equity in this behavior. None whatsoever. And you would be lying if you said there was.
That’s due to the inability to do math by demofks and have no knowledge of percentages.
Blah blah blah.

You do realize, don’t you, that test scores are not the only criteria for admission? In fact many colleges are doing away with them.
Interesting, instead of test scores, what criteria are they using for admission?

I can name one: Race.
The very existence of race quotas is wrong.

It doesn't matter which race got more applicants in. You say racism is bad, yet here it is. Racism. Affirmative action is racist. Period.
If this kind of behavior happened in the workplace, the employer would be fined into oblivion or shut down. But if it's the Supreme Court? Oh, that's fine. If it's in a university? Oh, we're just trying to promote more diversity! NO THE HELL YOU AREN'T. You want to create diversity of race but not diversity of qualifications and capabilities.

F**k your social equity campaign. This is active discrimination against well-meaning aspirants of one race or another to advance a flawed agenda. This is an outright denial of opportunity to those applicants who are fully qualified and have met the criteria. There is no equality or equity in this behavior. None whatsoever. And you would be lying if you said there was.

(And yes, I seethe with anger when people defend employing this system in our education system. We should be educating as many people as possible in universities and colleges, not turning one or some away because of their race)

Amen Brother
Interesting, instead of test scores, what criteria are they using for admission?

I can name one: Race.
Earlier in this thread I listed them.

One that comes to mind is first generation to go to college. If you applied to college and were the first generation in your family to do so, that might tick a box.
The very existence of race quotas is wrong.

It doesn't matter which race got more applicants in. You say racism is bad, yet here it is. Racism. Affirmative action is racist. Period.
If this kind of behavior happened in the workplace, the employer would be fined into oblivion or shut down. But if it's the Supreme Court? Oh, that's fine. If it's in a university? Oh, we're just trying to promote more diversity! NO THE HELL YOU AREN'T. You want to create diversity of race but not diversity of qualifications and capabilities.

F**k your social equity campaign. This is active discrimination against well-meaning aspirants of one race or another to advance a flawed agenda. This is an outright denial of opportunity to those applicants who are fully qualified and have met the criteria. There is no equality or equity in this behavior. None whatsoever. And you would be lying if you said there was.

(And yes, I seethe with anger when people defend employing this standard in our education system. We should be educating as many people as possible in universities and colleges, not turning one or some away because of their race.)
They don’t use. The Supreme Court ruled against quotas some time ago, but supported colleges right to create a diverse campus.

In your last line, there is something you aren’t realizing…the number of people admitted hasn’t changed nor the number of people turned away. You just want different people turned away and you are ok with that.

Besides the fact that the SAT isn't really a good indictor other than how good you are at taking tests, MANY factors are considered in deciding who to take including:

Community Volunteerism
Donations made by family members
Legacies by family members who have previous attended
The only criteria that really matter are...

1. ability to learn
2. ability to retain
3. ability to apply what you've learned
4. strength of character (willingness to finish what you started)

Neither color nor athletic ability should ever factor into it...

That's not the world we live in...

Merely the world we SHOULD be living in...
The only criteria that really matter are...

1. ability to learn
2. ability to retain
3. ability to apply what you've learned
4. strength of character (willingness to finish what you started)

Neither color nor athletic ability should ever factor into it...

That's not the world we live in...

Merely the world we SHOULD be living in...
5) Can your father buy your way in.
Twinkie Boy says...

The very existence of race quotas is wrong.

It doesn't matter which race got more applicants in. You say racism is bad, yet here it is. Racism. Affirmative action is racist. Period.
If this kind of behavior happened in the workplace, the employer would be fined into oblivion or shut down. But if it's the Supreme Court? Oh, that's fine. If it's in a university? Oh, we're just trying to promote more diversity! NO THE HELL YOU AREN'T. You want to create diversity of race but not diversity of qualifications and capabilities.

Actually, it happens in the workplace all the time. Of course the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action have been WHITE WOMEN, but let's put that off to the side for the moment.

Diversity is just one of MANY factors that are considered in college applications. So are community involvement, athletics, donations, legacies, and of course, academic achievement. Anyone being considered for admission into Harvard has all these things. So if race slightly bumps a candidate up, that's just fine.

F**k your social equity campaign. This is active discrimination against well-meaning aspirants of one race or another to advance a flawed agenda. This is an outright denial of opportunity to those applicants who are fully qualified and have met the criteria. There is no equality or equity in this behavior. None whatsoever. And you would be lying if you said there was.

Sure there is... So let's be clear on what his happening here. We have a hierarchy of value in our universities. It's better to go to an Ivy League School than a State University, and better to go to a State University than a community college, and better to go to a community college than some on-line scam like University of Phoenix. The reason why Ivy League is so coveted is because it gives access to old boy networks in government and industry. So yes, the goal of diversity IS important. They very talented white kid who got bumped off by the slightly less talented black kid is still going to get into a university, maybe just not the one he wanted.

(And yes, I seethe with anger when people defend employing this standard in our education system. We should be educating as many people as possible in universities and colleges, not turning one or some away because of their race.)

Except no one is getting "turned away", really. "Oh, noes, I had my heart set on Harvard and I only got into U of I" is hardly a life-ending tragedy.
he only criteria that really matter are...

1. ability to learn
2. ability to retain
3. ability to apply what you've learned
4. strength of character (willingness to finish what you started)

Neither color nor athletic ability should ever factor into it...

That's not the world we live in...

Merely the world we SHOULD be living in...

Well, no. Not at all. While I'm not a fan of the Jock Culture on campus, the universities are. And yes, you can watch a Sunday Sports show and watch someone who supposedly graduated from a university and can't speak a coherent sentence without mumbling.

Then again, this guy graduated from Yale.

It amusing me that after years of using racism and misogyny to defend the Old Boys White Club, you guys are suddenly concerned about "Merit" when it comes to college admissions seeking diversity.

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