This is the path WEF expects to enact in the USA

They have to have an ID that is correct.
Your Bovine Scatology continues to pile up.
Fuck, you idiots already want us to have an ID or no vote, no diff.
Huge difference, dumb ass. Voter ID's, driver's lic., social security ID's are completely different than an ID that is attached to your bank account. > A digital bank account that is tied to your behavior. That can be drained at will.
Need to pay your mortgage, but were just caught on camera j-walking? They will deduct enough to make sure you lose your house. Need to pay your property taxes, but you had 6 beers this week instead of 2? Deduction! Now you can't pay your property taxes. All a part of, "You will own nothing and like it!"

The woman in the video doesn't want to vote. She wants to eat...
I grow some of my food so no ID is needed.
Where do you grow "some" of your food, because they are putting a halt to that too. On your own property? That you need to pay taxes on? Major deduction. Do you water your plants? Water ration deduction.
Growing food is called farming. And it is not acceptable climate change behavior. You just lost most of your credits. Want to buy seeds? Your digital bank card won't let you. Gates is buying up all the seeds, so you don't get any.
You had better start listening to what these people are saying and doing, or you'll be one of the first to starve to death...
Hoard now~eat later...

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