This Is The Reason The LEFTISTS Are In Such A Lather...

Conservatives are finally being forced to show a little bit of personal responsibility and they all start crying about their freedoms being taken away. You can't make this stuff up.

I love how whenever you liberals decide it's time to take more money out of my pocket to pay for your latest give-away, that I should just hand it over and keep my mouth shut.

"Personal responsibility" to a liberal means that I'm responsible for those that choose not to be responsible for themselves. You're CAN'T make this stuff up!:cuckoo:

LOL, more money out of your pocket. Haha.

That's funny. Because you chose to not have insurance before was taking money out of my pocket. It's time you showed some responsibility for once in your life. The gravy train is over for you moocher.
Neat part about Switzerland is every male is required to own a gun and know how to use it. Not only does it keep external enemies in fear it inculcates respect for the people by those in government.

They also don't have a standing army. You in favor of that as well?

Grand idea!

Think of all the money to be made from making chairs!

That from an small town's Italian newspaper headline I read about 40 years ago (translated):

"George Trovato gets million dollar contract to make chairs for standing army!"

Hey, it worked for Switzerland AND Italy, so why not here?

Neat part about Switzerland is every male is required to own a gun and know how to use it. Not only does it keep external enemies in fear it inculcates respect for the people by those in government.

They also don't have a standing army. You in favor of that as well?

They of course have a standing army.
More misinformation from the Cluck In Chief of this site.

Incorrect, but you're batshit insane so you get a pass as we all laugh at you.
The world would have no Swiss Army Knives were there not a Swiss Army.

THEN how would liberals pick their noses?

Imagine if you funneled all those creative juices in to actually finding a job.

Work!!! ?????

Why would I, or indeed anyone, work when there's so much in the way of government goodies OWED to me? Funny thing is, those checks for funny money actually can be used to buy stuff.

Jobs? Those are for the uncreative these days.
OP- RW IDIOCY- In a year, everyone will see all the Pub lies about ACA, AND that they and the insurers were screwing it up- It will have about 70 per cent approval and growing....
Why even bring it up for them? The beautiful thing about progressive LOLberals, is that if you just let them continue to talk and act, they eventually hang themselves by their own rope.

Yes, the democrats are going to find out the fucking hard way, yet again (as usual), that their policies are always a train wreck. They will continue to point to "teatards" adn others as being the disease in politics of the USA. But the reality is it is their own policies that hurt them the most.

Why don't you point to a country that is "doing it right" in your opinion. This should be good.

I don't need to point somewhere else and say "they're doing it right."

The fact of the matter here, in this thread, before your attempted deflection, is that progressive LOLberal policies are their own worst enemy. LOLberals have ranted and raved about how Obamacare is gettinga bad rap from conservatives adn then, when it rolled out. Then, well, it's still someone elses fault.

That's the point. There is no reason to point out to LOLberals that their policies and ideas put into play are disasters. They find it out for themselves. But only after they lie and cheat to get them installed, and then blame everyone else up until it backfires right in their smug little fuckin' faces.

Democrats are in big trouble come 2014. And Im no fan of republicans. BIG f'in trouble. They are, of course, the last ones to know this.....
Conservatives are finally being forced to show a little bit of personal responsibility and they all start crying about their freedoms being taken away. You can't make this stuff up.

Beinng foced. I bet you got a little tingly thinking about forcing other people to do what you think is right. As for the millions of Americans who will pay more for their policies, weren't able to keep the ones they had, etc....

What i suggest is that you get your LOLberal reps to run on that whole "forced personal responsibility" slogan. it should go over really well with voters.

You seem to a lather yourself. :D
You're not even funny when you TRY to be.

Thanks for showing you're doing your best to deflect too... pretty much proves the OP.

Sucks to be a leftard right now... I know... your messiah is in the toilet and the water is swirling down.
Even more so sure doesn't take much to put you in the "foam-at-the-mouth" stage, does it.'s funny to watch you call the President "messiah"'s only people like YOU here who use that term.

Looks like you're foaming at the mouth bodey.
Conservatives are finally being forced to show a little bit of personal responsibility and they all start crying about their freedoms being taken away. You can't make this stuff up.

I love how whenever you liberals decide it's time to take more money out of my pocket to pay for your latest give-away, that I should just hand it over and keep my mouth shut.

"Personal responsibility" to a liberal means that I'm responsible for those that choose not to be responsible for themselves. You're CAN'T make this stuff up!:cuckoo:

LOL, more money out of your pocket. Haha.

That's funny. Because you chose to not have insurance before was taking money out of my pocket. It's time you showed some responsibility for once in your life. The gravy train is over for you moocher.

Lol. You're a liberal calling someone else a moocher. How ironic, you're pushing a healthcare law that allows millions to supposedly get free healthcare on the backs of other taxpayers-- and you're calling someone else a moocher.

That is a classic faux pas, RDD. Classic.
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Actually the Messiah tag was invented by Disco Louie. One of the first and most true Obama acolytes.

Please humor Disco by always capitalizing Messiah (also "He", "Him", etc.) when referring to his objet de l'amour.
The ODS kooks certainly are in meltdown mode.

I think it's because a few of them have realized that President Obama really isn't really the antichrist, which is what their cult has been telling them. Their entire worldview, which was based on President Obama being a sort of messiah opponent, is falling apart.
The ODS kooks certainly are in meltdown mode.

I think it's because a few of them have realized that President Obama really isn't really the antichrist, which is what their cult has been telling them. Their entire worldview, which was based on President Obama being a sort of messiah opponent, is falling apart.

I'm sure it really isn't really too.

Conservatives are finally being forced to show a little bit of personal responsibility and they all start crying about their freedoms being taken away. You can't make this stuff up.

I love how whenever you liberals decide it's time to take more money out of my pocket to pay for your latest give-away, that I should just hand it over and keep my mouth shut.

"Personal responsibility" to a liberal means that I'm responsible for those that choose not to be responsible for themselves. You're CAN'T make this stuff up!:cuckoo:

LOL, more money out of your pocket. Haha.

That's funny. Because you chose to not have insurance before was taking money out of my pocket. It's time you showed some responsibility for once in your life. The gravy train is over for you moocher.

I've had health insurance for going on thirty years now...either paid for by an employer or paid for by myself. Moocher? God but you are an idiot!
So toxic that his candidates scored better than the Republican candidates in the elections last week? especially in places like VA, which are supposed to be the happy hunting grounds for republicans?

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