This Is The Reason The LEFTISTS Are In Such A Lather...

I'm one of those Middle Class "saps" that gets up and goes to work five days a week, pays my taxes and saves for retirement. Yeah, I sure am a deadbeat! (eye roll)
Conservatives are finally being forced to show a little bit of personal responsibility and they all start crying about their freedoms being taken away. You can't make this stuff up.

Being coerced into paying a great deal of money for something one neither wants nor needs is not Personal Responsibility. It's a form of being mugged.
So toxic that his candidates scored better than the Republican candidates in the elections last week? especially in places like VA, which are supposed to be the happy hunting grounds for republicans?

Dude, I hate to have reality intrude on your fantasies but the race in Va. was going to be the Democrats in a landslide before the ObamaCare debacle turned it into a nail biter. Virginia underscores how much trouble the Democrats are in with if they can't get Barry's namesake fixed and fixed fast.
Conservatives are finally being forced to show a little bit of personal responsibility and they all start crying about their freedoms being taken away. You can't make this stuff up.

Being coerced into paying a great deal of money for something one neither wants nor needs is not Personal Responsibility. It's a form of being mugged.

Seriously, dont give them any hints. Let them actually put out candidates that will say this kind of thing to the American people with a straight face. The results will be beneficial to everyone. Including the morons who are the last in the room to realize they shit in their own hat.
The website will be fixed
There will be some confusion as people scramble for insurance
People who were previously unable to find affordable healthcare will obtain policies
Republicans will try to take them away
When the President of the United States flies into New Orleans with Mary Landrieux on Air Force One but the Louisiana Senator skips his speech because she has a "prior commitment" then it's a dead give away that Obama is indeed "toxic" for Democrats in swing State elections.
The website will be fixed
There will be some confusion as people scramble for insurance
People who were previously unable to find affordable healthcare will obtain policies
Republicans will try to take them away

And morons will suddenly become mentally proficient.

Conservatives are finally being forced to show a little bit of personal responsibility and they all start crying about their freedoms being taken away. You can't make this stuff up.

Forcing someone to be under the thumb of Big Insurance is not freedom, it's text book fascism.
The website will be fixed
There will be some confusion as people scramble for insurance
People who were previously unable to find affordable healthcare will obtain policies
Republicans will try to take them away

Whether or not the Web site gets fixed is irrelevant. It's the sticker shock and the president's lie that you could keep your policy and doctor that's going to cost you next year's elections.
Why don't you point to a country that is "doing it right" in your opinion. This should be good.


Why Switzerland?

Is it their universal, mandatory health system?

Or perhaps it's their military spending that makes up less than 1% of GDP. (Military expenditure (% of GDP) | Data | Table)

Which is it?

Don't leave out the whole money laundering thing. It's been very profitable. Fillled their vaults with jewish gold during WWII helped too.
The website will be fixed

In what century?

There will be some confusion as people scramble for insurance

Sure, as if there isn't already confusion about how it was supposed to be 'affordable', too.

People who were previously unable to find affordable healthcare will obtain policies

Really? So why would they want to pay even more for a plan, when they had a plan they could already afford?

Republicans will try to take them away

Actually, Obamacare took away 4.2 million people's insurance away.

Save your talking points, rightwinger. They're all desperate attempts to defend the indefensible.
The website will be fixed
There will be some confusion as people scramble for insurance
People who were previously unable to find affordable healthcare will obtain policies
Republicans will try to take them away

Why, pray tell would people need to "scramble" for insurance? The President of the United States, Barack Obama...the minority leader of the House, Nancy Pelosi...and the majority leader of the Senate, Harry Reid all assured the American people repeatedly over the past five years that they could KEEP their insurance policies if they liked them!!! So did all three of these "esteemed" leaders lie to us, Winger?
The website will be fixed
There will be some confusion as people scramble for insurance
People who were previously unable to find affordable healthcare will obtain policies
Republicans will try to take them away

Why, pray tell would people need to "scramble" for insurance? The President of the United States, Barack Obama...the minority leader of the House, Nancy Pelosi...and the majority leader of the Senate, Harry Reid all assured the American people repeatedly over the past five years that they could KEEP their insurance policies if they liked them!!! So did all three of these "esteemed" leaders lie to us, Winger?

It's the "teatards" fault. Or republicans. Or some variation of the, one.

Maybe Bush. It's still early in teh game of sticker and liar shock.
The website will be fixed
There will be some confusion as people scramble for insurance
People who were previously unable to find affordable healthcare will obtain policies
Republicans will try to take them away

You do realize that more people have actually lost coverage than have gained it under the ACA.. right?
I can't help but laugh when I hear Barack Obama telling people that the "answer" to their losing their health insurance is for them to shop for a new plan. Have his handlers told him that the web site is fixed? 'Cause telling people to go to a web site that doesn't work as a strategy to handle complaints is about as DUMB as it gets...seriously...SERIOUSLY DUMB!!!
Why even bring it up for them? The beautiful thing about progressive LOLberals, is that if you just let them continue to talk and act, they eventually hang themselves by their own rope.

Yes, the democrats are going to find out the fucking hard way, yet again (as usual), that their policies are always a train wreck. They will continue to point to "teatards" adn others as being the disease in politics of the USA. But the reality is it is their own policies that hurt them the most.

Why don't you point to a country that is "doing it right" in your opinion. This should be good.

I don't need to point somewhere else and say "they're doing it right."

The fact of the matter here, in this thread, before your attempted deflection, is that progressive LOLberal policies are their own worst enemy. LOLberals have ranted and raved about how Obamacare is gettinga bad rap from conservatives adn then, when it rolled out. Then, well, it's still someone elses fault.

That's the point. There is no reason to point out to LOLberals that their policies and ideas put into play are disasters. They find it out for themselves. But only after they lie and cheat to get them installed, and then blame everyone else up until it backfires right in their smug little fuckin' faces.

Democrats are in big trouble come 2014. And Im no fan of republicans. BIG f'in trouble. They are, of course, the last ones to know this.....

The reason you can't point any country out is because they don't exist. You rant on how liberal policies are known failures, yet liberal policies work well everywhere else in the world. I can name multiple countries that do things better than us in most of the hot button issues, and everyone one of those countries will have a more liberal policy in place than we currently have here.

Yet, you can't name a single place outside of our country that you would consider a good example of conservative policies in action. Why? Because the bullshit you pretend to stand for doesn't happen in the real world.

You're a joke and you prove it every time you post your insane bullshit and get called out like the chump you are.
I love how whenever you liberals decide it's time to take more money out of my pocket to pay for your latest give-away, that I should just hand it over and keep my mouth shut.

"Personal responsibility" to a liberal means that I'm responsible for those that choose not to be responsible for themselves. You're CAN'T make this stuff up!:cuckoo:

LOL, more money out of your pocket. Haha.

That's funny. Because you chose to not have insurance before was taking money out of my pocket. It's time you showed some responsibility for once in your life. The gravy train is over for you moocher.

Lol. You're a liberal calling someone else a moocher. How ironic, you're pushing a healthcare law that allows millions to supposedly get free healthcare on the backs of other taxpayers-- and you're calling someone else a moocher.

That is a classic faux pas, RDD. Classic.

Aren't you still on unemployment?

Maybe you should hit the wanted ads instead of being a hypocrite on this site.

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