This is the republicans denial again.

Its a mess. Our country is running on lies propaganda & very bad politicians. Neither side is doing what is needed, small towns & rural communities need broad band & infrastructure, scams abound at every level. We are losing our status as creators & innovators.
Read this and tell me how proud you are.

There was NO insurrection, hardly anyone was even trying to overthrow anything, 99% of the people inside the Capital building had no weapons at all.

This a stupid Democrat claim that died long ago.


Again, explained over and over, you don't need weapons like guns when you have the sheer numbers and your opposing force is vastly outnumbered...and unwilling to use deadly force..well, except in one case.
But, short knives, bear spray (and other sprays), flagsticks (some broken off to form spears), and other bludgeons are quite effective when you have the numbers. Everyone who was there that day was there to
interrupt a Constitutional process aimed at overturning a free and fair election. One of the cornerstones of our democracy. And maybe if the example of Babbitt being shot wasn't a bit of a deterrent to the people who
were literally steps from the House floor, they might have succeeded in forcing the majority of the politicians to throw out the election results.

Yep. Insurrection. Treason. Sedition. I don't care how many years it takes. How many hours of video footage has to be gone through. ANYONE who was there that day needs to answer for the lie they supported.
Starting with Individual #1. Who got exactly what he wanted in getting his lemmings to storm the Capitol..and then went back to the WH to watch it like the cowardly pussy he is.

Sounds like a peaceful protest to us
Its a mess. Our country is running on lies propaganda & very bad politicians. Neither side is doing what is needed, small towns & rural communities need broad band & infrastructure, scams abound at every level. We are losing our status as creators & innovators.
You can't create or innovate when you refuse to communicate.

When collaboration is equated with capitulation.

Evidently, innovation is simply no longer an American priority.
The question is what are democrats afraid of? They won all the marbles but they still behave like losers. I guess it beats having to defend the old dude in the W.H. The post is an unverified account cobbled together by someone named Brian Davenport and much ado about nothing compared to illegals massing at the border, energy prices rising, cities burning and the crime rate out of control.
Yeah will They were all tourists You are bonkers a republican but I repeat myself
I'm sure that you're going to love the House Select Committee on the 1/6 insurrection.

I know I am.
Do you think they will finally charge someone with insurrection?

I mean if there was an insurrection and all should they charge someone with insurrection?

Why? We have laws against trespassing, vandalism, conspiracy, murder.

"Birmingham man charged with conspiracy, aiding and abetting related to Capitol insurrection"

"The Justice Department charged six more people Friday it says are members of a right-wing militia group that plotted in advance of Jan. 6 to attack the U.S. Capitol.

The indictment offers the most sweeping evidence so far that members of the far-right extremist group known as the Oath Keepers had spent months allegedly planning to prevent Congress from certifying President Joe Biden's victory in a bid to keep former President Donald Trump in power."

"Shane Jason Woods, 43, has been charged with a number of federal offenses, including assault on a law enforcement officer, assault in special maritime and territorial jurisdiction, and engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds, according to a statement from the department."

People get charged for the specific crime that they have committed. The US isn't a third world dictatorship, that has vague laws and imprisons people for being an "enemy of the state". If you break a window, you get charged with vandalism. If you trespass, you get charged with trespassing. If you assault a police officer, you get charged with assault on a law enforcement officer.
Read this and tell me how proud you are.

  • Overall, we rate Occupy Democrats Questionable due to far left-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, and the publication of fake news as evidence by numerous failed fact checks.

Detailed Report​

Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracies, Failed Fact Checks
Bias Rating: FAR LEFT
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA (44/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Organization/Foundation
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

"Media Bias/Fact Check (MBFC) is an American website founded in 2015 by editor Dave Van Zandt.[1] The website has been described as an amateur effort to rate news media sources based on factual accuracy and political bias"

"Poynter Institute notes, "Media Bias/Fact Check is a widely cited source for news stories and even studies about misinformation, despite the fact that its method is in no way scientific.""

Still doesn't change this;

View attachment 506298

View attachment 506300View attachment 506302

Gee, what if I can show you that even leftist sources such as the Atlantic and the New York Slime say that Occupy Democrats isn't credible???

Occupy Democrats - Wikipedia

Last edited:
Read this and tell me how proud you are.

  • Overall, we rate Occupy Democrats Questionable due to far left-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, and the publication of fake news as evidence by numerous failed fact checks.

Detailed Report​

Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracies, Failed Fact Checks
Bias Rating: FAR LEFT
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA (44/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Organization/Foundation
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

"Media Bias/Fact Check (MBFC) is an American website founded in 2015 by editor Dave Van Zandt.[1] The website has been described as an amateur effort to rate news media sources based on factual accuracy and political bias"

"Poynter Institute notes, "Media Bias/Fact Check is a widely cited source for news stories and even studies about misinformation, despite the fact that its method is in no way scientific.""

Still doesn't change this;

View attachment 506298

View attachment 506300View attachment 506302

Sure. There was an actual riot. It lasted for hours, about 4 near as I can tell.

In the context of 5 years of riots from the left, causing hundreds of millions in damages and scores of deaths, it is well within the new norms, and not worthy of ANY of the hysteria you drama queens have been trying to gin up.
Read this and tell me how proud you are.

There was no insurrection you dope......Trump supporters wandered the halls and took selfies while blm and antifa terrorists fought with the police and vandalized the building......the cop had no place to demand anything, considering his fellow officer gunned down an unarmed woman...


[ in-suh-rek-shuhn ]SHOW IPA

See synonyms for: insurrection / insurrectionist on


an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government.
Pretty damn broad definition. We tend to shy away from broad definitions like that in law.
Read this and tell me how proud you are.

  • Overall, we rate Occupy Democrats Questionable due to far left-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, and the publication of fake news as evidence by numerous failed fact checks.

Detailed Report​

Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracies, Failed Fact Checks
Bias Rating: FAR LEFT
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA (44/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Organization/Foundation
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

"Media Bias/Fact Check (MBFC) is an American website founded in 2015 by editor Dave Van Zandt.[1] The website has been described as an amateur effort to rate news media sources based on factual accuracy and political bias"

"Poynter Institute notes, "Media Bias/Fact Check is a widely cited source for news stories and even studies about misinformation, despite the fact that its method is in no way scientific.""

Still doesn't change this;

View attachment 506298

View attachment 506300View attachment 506302

Sure. There was an actual riot. It lasted for hours, about 4 near as I can tell.

In the context of 5 years of riots from the left, causing hundreds of millions in damages and scores of deaths, it is well within the new norms, and not worthy of ANY of the hysteria you drama queens have been trying to gin up.

You did notice it is the Capitol Building of the United States of America? Oh, and Congress was in session. Oh, certifying the vote.

Oh, but we wouldn't want to go taking it out of context.
Read this and tell me how proud you are.
I assume you've seen the videos of what these thugs were doing and saying to the cops.

Trumpsters' true colors really came out that day. is actual video of Trump supporters in the building.....walking peacefully through the hallways and taking selfies....the blm and antifa terrorists were the ones vandalizing the place and attacking police officers........

Just like they did for the last 7 months burning and looting cities, destroying court houses and police stations and murdering 48 AMericans...that was blm and antifa, not Trump supporters...

So the lie that Trump supporters were the violent people at the capitol is just stupid...


[ in-suh-rek-shuhn ]SHOW IPA

See synonyms for: insurrection / insurrectionist on


an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government.
Pretty damn broad definition. We tend to shy away from broad definitions like that in law.
Read this and tell me how proud you are.

  • Overall, we rate Occupy Democrats Questionable due to far left-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, and the publication of fake news as evidence by numerous failed fact checks.

Detailed Report​

Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracies, Failed Fact Checks
Bias Rating: FAR LEFT
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA (44/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Organization/Foundation
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

"Media Bias/Fact Check (MBFC) is an American website founded in 2015 by editor Dave Van Zandt.[1] The website has been described as an amateur effort to rate news media sources based on factual accuracy and political bias"

"Poynter Institute notes, "Media Bias/Fact Check is a widely cited source for news stories and even studies about misinformation, despite the fact that its method is in no way scientific.""

Still doesn't change this;

View attachment 506298

View attachment 506300View attachment 506302

Sure. There was an actual riot. It lasted for hours, about 4 near as I can tell.

In the context of 5 years of riots from the left, causing hundreds of millions in damages and scores of deaths, it is well within the new norms, and not worthy of ANY of the hysteria you drama queens have been trying to gin up.

You did notice it is the Capitol Building of the United States of America? Oh, and Congress was in session. Oh, certifying the vote.

Oh, but we wouldn't want to go taking it out of context.

Yeah, I noticed. The certification was delayed, FOR HOURS.

I give the loss of life and the way that millions of people had to fear for their personal safety, in the 4 years of riots from teh left, as far more serious.

Do you understand that years are much longer periods of time that hours? Or are you just talking shit?
Read this and tell me how proud you are.
I assume you've seen the videos of what these thugs were doing and saying to the cops.

Trumpsters' true colors really came out that day. is actual video of Trump supporters in the building.....walking peacefully through the hallways and taking selfies....the blm and antifa terrorists were the ones vandalizing the place and attacking police officers........

Just like they did for the last 7 months burning and looting cities, destroying court houses and police stations and murdering 48 AMericans...that was blm and antifa, not Trump supporters...

So the lie that Trump supporters were the violent people at the capitol is just stupid...

The amount of video that has been withheld from you is profound.

And you don't have the balls to look for yourself.

Trump loves people like you.
Democrats have *moved on* from Trump Derangement to January Derangement.

Cold Month Bad! :eek: :eek:
Read this and tell me how proud you are.
I assume you've seen the videos of what these thugs were doing and saying to the cops.

Trumpsters' true colors really came out that day. is actual video of Trump supporters in the building.....walking peacefully through the hallways and taking selfies....the blm and antifa terrorists were the ones vandalizing the place and attacking police officers........

Just like they did for the last 7 months burning and looting cities, destroying court houses and police stations and murdering 48 AMericans...that was blm and antifa, not Trump supporters...

So the lie that Trump supporters were the violent people at the capitol is just stupid...

The amount of video that has been withheld from you is profound.

And you don't have the balls to look for yourself.

Trump loves people like you.

YOu think that teh dems in control, are withholding the video, because it makes republicans LOOK BAD?



Sonny, you are a damned fool..............So let me get this straight...these "insurrectionist" as you wrongly call them take over the building. Unarmed. So, the Police and the Army roll up with weapons - to include tanks, BFVs, Infantry, and so on - and you're telling me that the both the Police and the United States Army couldn't take that building back? From a bunch of unarmed people!?!?

Sonny, you are dumber than a box of barber hair...

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