This is the republicans denial again.

Read this and tell me how proud you are.

There was NO insurrection, hardly anyone was even trying to overthrow anything, 99% of the people inside the Capital building had no weapons at all.

This a stupid Democrat claim that died long ago.


You are stupid as hell. "We are coming for you Nancy", "Hang Pence". Those freaking morons were there for one reason and one reason alone, to stop the certification of an election. That, in and of itself, is the very definition of insurrection, and to be quite honest, every one of those stupid mofo's should be lined up against a wall and shot. Weapons don't amount to a hill of beans. INTENT, you got that you stupid dick, is where the rubber meets the road, and their intent was quite clear. Trump encouraged it. For the love of Christ, he ENCOURAGED IT. I mean he is the biggest loser, the biggest piece of damn shit, that has ever drawn a damn breath. The worst president in the history of this country, and maybe the worst human being that has ever claimed to be American. He don't give two shits about you, he don't give two shits about this country, he don't even give two shits about his children and wife. He only cares about himself, and there is a special place in hell waiting for his fat, orange colored, self-absorbed ass. Wake up and smell the damn coffee.
Read this and tell me how proud you are.

There was NO insurrection, hardly anyone was even trying to overthrow anything, 99% of the people inside the Capital building had no weapons at all.

This a stupid Democrat claim that died long ago.


Again, explained over and over, you don't need weapons like guns when you have the sheer numbers and your opposing force is vastly outnumbered...and unwilling to use deadly force..well, except in one case.
But, short knives, bear spray (and other sprays), flagsticks (some broken off to form spears), and other bludgeons are quite effective when you have the numbers. Everyone who was there that day was there to
interrupt a Constitutional process aimed at overturning a free and fair election. One of the cornerstones of our democracy. And maybe if the example of Babbitt being shot wasn't a bit of a deterrent to the people who
were literally steps from the House floor, they might have succeeded in forcing the majority of the politicians to throw out the election results.

Yep. Insurrection. Treason. Sedition. I don't care how many years it takes. How many hours of video footage has to be gone through. ANYONE who was there that day needs to answer for the lie they supported.
Starting with Individual #1. Who got exactly what he wanted in getting his lemmings to storm the Capitol..and then went back to the WH to watch it like the cowardly pussy he is.

Then you have nothing to show a insurrection actually took place, thank you for clearing that up.

One sentence of nothing. You have a..singular..wit. :)
Insurrection. Deal with it. Your boy is all done. But that's no reason for you to give up hope.

I understand why you feel the need to distract from Biden's growing record.

No one cares bud. This isn't about Biden. It's about Trump and the insurrection he fomented. I'm sorry. These are the facts..and they are not in dispute.

But, the facts are in dispute. Completely.

It is funny that you could have missed tha... OH.

That was just you lying.

So, if you would lie about such a minor point, ie that the claims are undisputed,

then, can we trust your word on far more serious matters?

That was a rhetorical question. THe obvious answer is no we cannot, because you are a filthy liar.

The riot was a riot. Your side's desire to inflate it's importance is because of your desire to distract from your side's far more massive use of political violence AND a desire to justify your next level of escalation of the partisan conflict.

No the facts are not in dispute. The rioters were there that day at the behest of Donald Trump (who was pissed he lost)....

THere are quite a few people that believe that the actual rioters were lefty infiltrators who were there to make the Right look bad.

You know that. Thus your claim that it is not in dispute is just you being a filthy liar.

Yeah. I know. But it's like everything else you and your ilk believe about that day. It's a lie. It's all been pretty much put to bed. They were all Trump supporters. There to do his bidding. History will record it as such.
Your base denial of the facts show that people like you are beyond talking to. Beyond trying to reason with. The only hope you have the hope that your majority will rule again some day.
I wouldn't bet the farm on it though. :)

Actually, I've seen video of at least ONE that was NOT a Trump supporter, who admitted he was there under false pretenses.

So, again, you lied. You lied to defend a lie.

You seem incapable of telling truth from fiction.

Given that, nothing you say, has any credibility.

Everyone who was there that day was there to
interrupt a Constitutional process aimed at overturning a free and fair election.
Could you explain the convoluted reasoning you used to come to that stupid conclusion?

Watched it unfold on live TV. Saw the preamble and Trump's speech at the Elipse.
That's not a stupid conclusion. That's just fact.
You're dodging the question.

Why are you refusing to explain your reasoning? Are you afraid that I will rip it to shreds? I think you are.
Trumps 'insurrection' IS a conspiracy theory.
Why are you telling us that? Tell the hillbilly insurrectionists who say, to a man, that they were acting on trump's orders. I am sure they will be surprised to hear that what they did didn't really happen.

So to prove that Trump said something, you point to something someone else says?

Read this and tell me how proud you are.

There was NO insurrection, hardly anyone was even trying to overthrow anything, 99% of the people inside the Capital building had no weapons at all.

This a stupid Democrat claim that died long ago.


Again, explained over and over, you don't need weapons like guns when you have the sheer numbers and your opposing force is vastly outnumbered...and unwilling to use deadly force..well, except in one case.
But, short knives, bear spray (and other sprays), flagsticks (some broken off to form spears), and other bludgeons are quite effective when you have the numbers. Everyone who was there that day was there to
interrupt a Constitutional process aimed at overturning a free and fair election. One of the cornerstones of our democracy. And maybe if the example of Babbitt being shot wasn't a bit of a deterrent to the people who
were literally steps from the House floor, they might have succeeded in forcing the majority of the politicians to throw out the election results.

Yep. Insurrection. Treason. Sedition. I don't care how many years it takes. How many hours of video footage has to be gone through. ANYONE who was there that day needs to answer for the lie they supported.
Starting with Individual #1. Who got exactly what he wanted in getting his lemmings to storm the Capitol..and then went back to the WH to watch it like the cowardly pussy he is.

Then you have nothing to show a insurrection actually took place, thank you for clearing that up.

One sentence of nothing. You have a..singular..wit. :)
Insurrection. Deal with it. Your boy is all done. But that's no reason for you to give up hope.

I understand why you feel the need to distract from Biden's growing record.

No one cares bud. This isn't about Biden. It's about Trump and the insurrection he fomented. I'm sorry. These are the facts..and they are not in dispute.

But, the facts are in dispute. Completely.

It is funny that you could have missed tha... OH.

That was just you lying.

So, if you would lie about such a minor point, ie that the claims are undisputed,

then, can we trust your word on far more serious matters?

That was a rhetorical question. THe obvious answer is no we cannot, because you are a filthy liar.

The riot was a riot. Your side's desire to inflate it's importance is because of your desire to distract from your side's far more massive use of political violence AND a desire to justify your next level of escalation of the partisan conflict.

No the facts are not in dispute. The rioters were there that day at the behest of Donald Trump (who was pissed he lost)....

THere are quite a few people that believe that the actual rioters were lefty infiltrators who were there to make the Right look bad.

You know that. Thus your claim that it is not in dispute is just you being a filthy liar.

Yeah. I know. But it's like everything else you and your ilk believe about that day. It's a lie. It's all been pretty much put to bed. They were all Trump supporters. There to do his bidding. History will record it as such.
Your base denial of the facts show that people like you are beyond talking to. Beyond trying to reason with. The only hope you have the hope that your majority will rule again some day.
I wouldn't bet the farm on it though. :)

Actually, I've seen video of at least ONE that was NOT a Trump supporter, who admitted he was there under false pretenses.

So, again, you lied. You lied to defend a lie.

You seem incapable of telling truth from fiction.

Given that, nothing you say, has any credibility.

Whelp. Then, you only got about 7 or 8K of them left to go then. Cause the ones I saw, were all wearing or carrying Trump gear.That includes the 700 or 800 or so that actually breached the Capitol.
So, keep on denying reality. The majority of Americans know who was responsible for that day...oh yeah..Trump! LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
Read this and tell me how proud you are.

There was NO insurrection, hardly anyone was even trying to overthrow anything, 99% of the people inside the Capital building had no weapons at all.

This a stupid Democrat claim that died long ago.


Again, explained over and over, you don't need weapons like guns when you have the sheer numbers and your opposing force is vastly outnumbered...and unwilling to use deadly force..well, except in one case.
But, short knives, bear spray (and other sprays), flagsticks (some broken off to form spears), and other bludgeons are quite effective when you have the numbers. Everyone who was there that day was there to
interrupt a Constitutional process aimed at overturning a free and fair election. One of the cornerstones of our democracy. And maybe if the example of Babbitt being shot wasn't a bit of a deterrent to the people who
were literally steps from the House floor, they might have succeeded in forcing the majority of the politicians to throw out the election results.

Yep. Insurrection. Treason. Sedition. I don't care how many years it takes. How many hours of video footage has to be gone through. ANYONE who was there that day needs to answer for the lie they supported.
Starting with Individual #1. Who got exactly what he wanted in getting his lemmings to storm the Capitol..and then went back to the WH to watch it like the cowardly pussy he is.

Then you have nothing to show a insurrection actually took place, thank you for clearing that up.

One sentence of nothing. You have a..singular..wit. :)
Insurrection. Deal with it. Your boy is all done. But that's no reason for you to give up hope.

I understand why you feel the need to distract from Biden's growing record.

No one cares bud. This isn't about Biden. It's about Trump and the insurrection he fomented. I'm sorry. These are the facts..and they are not in dispute.

But, the facts are in dispute. Completely.

It is funny that you could have missed tha... OH.

That was just you lying.

So, if you would lie about such a minor point, ie that the claims are undisputed,

then, can we trust your word on far more serious matters?

That was a rhetorical question. THe obvious answer is no we cannot, because you are a filthy liar.

The riot was a riot. Your side's desire to inflate it's importance is because of your desire to distract from your side's far more massive use of political violence AND a desire to justify your next level of escalation of the partisan conflict.

No the facts are not in dispute. The rioters were there that day at the behest of Donald Trump (who was pissed he lost)....

THere are quite a few people that believe that the actual rioters were lefty infiltrators who were there to make the Right look bad.

You know that. Thus your claim that it is not in dispute is just you being a filthy liar.

Yeah. I know. But it's like everything else you and your ilk believe about that day. It's a lie. It's all been pretty much put to bed. They were all Trump supporters. There to do his bidding. History will record it as such.
Your base denial of the facts show that people like you are beyond talking to. Beyond trying to reason with. The only hope you have the hope that your majority will rule again some day.
I wouldn't bet the farm on it though. :)

Actually, I've seen video of at least ONE that was NOT a Trump supporter, who admitted he was there under false pretenses.

So, again, you lied. You lied to defend a lie.

You seem incapable of telling truth from fiction.

Given that, nothing you say, has any credibility.

Whelp. Then, you only got about 7 or 8K of them left to go then. Cause the ones I saw, were all wearing or carrying Trump gear.That includes the 700 or 800 or so that actually breached the Capitol.
So, keep on denying reality. The majority of Americans know who was responsible for that day...oh yeah..Trump! LOL. :auiqs.jpg:

Yeah, the one that admitted it, he was wearing trump gear too. It was his disguise.

Do you understand the words I was using when I said, stuff like, "infiltraters" or "false pretenses"?

Also, the only ones to discuss are the actual rioters. No one has a problem, well, no reasonable person has a problem with the protestors that stayed outside.

So, why you tried to move the goal posts to include all...

Oh, more lying. Got it.

Question: How can you find that you have to lie so much, and not realize that that means you are completely wrong?
Read this and tell me how proud you are.

There was NO insurrection, hardly anyone was even trying to overthrow anything, 99% of the people inside the Capital building had no weapons at all.

This a stupid Democrat claim that died long ago.


Again, explained over and over, you don't need weapons like guns when you have the sheer numbers and your opposing force is vastly outnumbered...and unwilling to use deadly force..well, except in one case.
But, short knives, bear spray (and other sprays), flagsticks (some broken off to form spears), and other bludgeons are quite effective when you have the numbers. Everyone who was there that day was there to
interrupt a Constitutional process aimed at overturning a free and fair election. One of the cornerstones of our democracy. And maybe if the example of Babbitt being shot wasn't a bit of a deterrent to the people who
were literally steps from the House floor, they might have succeeded in forcing the majority of the politicians to throw out the election results.

Yep. Insurrection. Treason. Sedition. I don't care how many years it takes. How many hours of video footage has to be gone through. ANYONE who was there that day needs to answer for the lie they supported.
Starting with Individual #1. Who got exactly what he wanted in getting his lemmings to storm the Capitol..and then went back to the WH to watch it like the cowardly pussy he is.

Then you have nothing to show a insurrection actually took place, thank you for clearing that up.

One sentence of nothing. You have a..singular..wit. :)
Insurrection. Deal with it. Your boy is all done. But that's no reason for you to give up hope.

I understand why you feel the need to distract from Biden's growing record.

No one cares bud. This isn't about Biden. It's about Trump and the insurrection he fomented. I'm sorry. These are the facts..and they are not in dispute.

But, the facts are in dispute. Completely.

It is funny that you could have missed tha... OH.

That was just you lying.

So, if you would lie about such a minor point, ie that the claims are undisputed,

then, can we trust your word on far more serious matters?

That was a rhetorical question. THe obvious answer is no we cannot, because you are a filthy liar.

The riot was a riot. Your side's desire to inflate it's importance is because of your desire to distract from your side's far more massive use of political violence AND a desire to justify your next level of escalation of the partisan conflict.

No the facts are not in dispute. The rioters were there that day at the behest of Donald Trump (who was pissed he lost)....

THere are quite a few people that believe that the actual rioters were lefty infiltrators who were there to make the Right look bad.

You know that. Thus your claim that it is not in dispute is just you being a filthy liar.

Yeah. I know. But it's like everything else you and your ilk believe about that day. It's a lie. It's all been pretty much put to bed. They were all Trump supporters. There to do his bidding. History will record it as such.
Your base denial of the facts show that people like you are beyond talking to. Beyond trying to reason with. The only hope you have the hope that your majority will rule again some day.
I wouldn't bet the farm on it though. :)

Actually, I've seen video of at least ONE that was NOT a Trump supporter, who admitted he was there under false pretenses.

So, again, you lied. You lied to defend a lie.

You seem incapable of telling truth from fiction.

Given that, nothing you say, has any credibility.

Whelp. Then, you only got about 7 or 8K of them left to go then. Cause the ones I saw, were all wearing or carrying Trump gear.That includes the 700 or 800 or so that actually breached the Capitol.
So, keep on denying reality. The majority of Americans know who was responsible for that day...oh yeah..Trump! LOL. :auiqs.jpg:

Yeah, the one that admitted it, he was wearing trump gear too. It was his disguise.

Do you understand the words I was using when I said, stuff like, "infiltraters" or "false pretenses"?

Also, the only ones to discuss are the actual rioters. No one has a problem, well, no reasonable person has a problem with the protestors that stayed outside.

So, why you tried to move the goal posts to include all...

Oh, more lying. Got it.

Question: How can you find that you have to lie so much, and not realize that that means you are completely wrong?

Trump supporters stormed the Capitol. Own it.
I don't care if people stayed outside. They are just as guilty. They bought the lie.
They get treated the same.

Your insurrection failed. What did you think was going to happen? :)
Read this and tell me how proud you are.
I assume you've seen the videos of what these thugs were doing and saying to the cops.

Trumpsters' true colors really came out that day. is actual video of Trump supporters in the building.....walking peacefully through the hallways and taking selfies....the blm and antifa terrorists were the ones vandalizing the place and attacking police officers........

Just like they did for the last 7 months burning and looting cities, destroying court houses and police stations and murdering 48 AMericans...that was blm and antifa, not Trump supporters...

So the lie that Trump supporters were the violent people at the capitol is just stupid...

The amount of video that has been withheld from you is profound.

And you don't have the balls to look for yourself.

Trump loves people like you.

YOu think that teh dems in control, are withholding the video, because it makes republicans LOOK BAD?


View attachment 506307

Withholding video?



Never mind.

You are the one that used the word "withheld".

You were not clear so I responded to what your meaning seemed to be.

If I was incorrect in my guess, a reasonable person would CLARIFY.
Deserves attention. Totally agree 100% Just like all the race riots we had that cost us billions and countless lives since 2019 Democrats ignore. Enough is enough.
Trump will be charged in time. First the senate has to overcome mitch the bitch and his refusal to have a comission to investigate the entire thing.
You dumbasses have been saying that for 5 years now on so many different fake conspiracies that I have lost count now.

Let us know what the voices are telling you in that Alt Left Reality of Fake news you live.

No they haven’t because they know a sitting President cannot be criminally charged. Trump has been President for 4 years.

That’s why Trump is so desperate to cling to the power because the statute of limitations would run out on many of his crimes by the time his second term ended.

Now he can be charged for all of the crimes he committed both while he was president and for his financial crimes before he became president.
Read this and tell me how proud you are.

The GOP are scared of the truth coming out.

The truth is kryptonite to a Trumper.

Trumpers in Congress coordinated that attack and if they have a proper investigation a lot of republicans will go to jail.
The GOP is the deep state, and they will protect their own.

Party over country, if you are a Trumper.
Democrat supported race riots we have ,for bloody months ad nauseum! But on ONE SPECIAL DAY, evil and the unholy unwashed NAZGUL suddenly reined supreme on January 6th 2021? Liberal democrats allowed and condoned basically anti white anti pogroms like the national sodalists or the Soviets or Chinese a history book, kidoos. Communism/socialism fails because human nature doesn't work that way...
Last edited:

No they haven’t because they know a sitting President cannot be criminally charged. Trump has been President for 4 years.

That’s why Trump is so desperate to cling to the power because the statute of limitations would run out on many of his crimes by the time his second term ended.

Now he can be charged for all of the crimes he committed both while he was president and for his financial crimes before he became president.
Do hold your breath while waiting on these phony charges.
The GOP are scared of the truth coming out.

The truth is kryptonite to a Trumper.

Trumpers in Congress coordinated that attack and if they have a proper investigation a lot of republicans will go to jail.
The GOP is the deep state, and they will protect their own.

Party over country, if you are a Trumper.
Do let us know when these delusional truths you speak of actually come out.
The GOP are scared of the truth coming out.

The truth is kryptonite to a Trumper.

Trumpers in Congress coordinated that attack and if they have a proper investigation a lot of republicans will go to jail.
The GOP is the deep state, and they will protect their own.

Party over country, if you are a Trumper.
Do let us know when these delusional truths you speak of actually come out.
Republicans are suppressing the investigation. these truths will never come out unless there is a proper investigation.

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