This is the republicans denial again.

What law are you referring too?

Didn't sean handity on phax opinion promise indictments any day now 10 years ago....
I'm not interested in entertaining your delusions.

If you have something valid to post the post it.

If not then stop responding to my post.

So, what law?
LMAO ....

Of course you Fake News Sheeple have no clue what laws she violated.

Here ....

Listen to your boy Jim Comey lay out EXACTLY which laws she violated....

And, then justify illegally not charging her ....

There is a reason no one takes you Low/No Information Leftist psychos seriously.

It's because you CANNOT see the reality that is right in front of you.

Oh and in case you do actually watch the video ...

Intent has nothing to do with with whether or not she violated the law !!!

Even though her intent was more than obvious.


So, what law?
LMAO ....

Of course you Fake News Sheeple have no clue what laws she violated.

Here ....

Listen to your boy Jim Comey lay out EXACTLY which laws she violated....

And, then justify illegally not charging her ....

There is a reason no one takes you Low/No Information Leftist psychos seriously.

It's because you CANNOT see the reality that is right in front of you.

Oh and in case you do actually watch the video ...

Intent has nothing to do with with whether or not she violated the law !!!

Even though her intent was more than obvious.

That's not the intent of what Comey said. Why don't you post what he stated about not charging her.
Go fuck yourself ...

I will not do your lazy ass homework for you.

I posted the video in context to my point.

I even gave you a disclosure in case you actually watched the video.

I'm done with your dumbass for the evening.

There is a story told about Abraham Lincoln who had a very heated argument with a political opponent. Lincoln asked his political rival, "How many legs does a cow have?"

"Four, of course," came the disgusted reply.

"That's right," agreed Lincoln. "Now suppose you call the cow's tail a leg; how many legs would the cow have?

"Why, five, of course," was the confident reply.

"Now, that's where you're wrong," said Lincoln. "Calling a cow's tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."

and calling a demonstration an insurrection doesn't make it one.
Go fuck yourself ...

I will not do your lazy ass homework for you.

I posted the video in context to my point.

I even gave you a disclosure in case you actually watched the video.

I'm done with your dumbass for the evening.
Well, john maybe it can wait until tomorrow for you to answer this then.

To warrant a criminal charge, Mr. Comey said, there had to be evidence that Mrs. Clinton intentionally transmitted or willfully mishandled classified information. The F.B.I. found neither, and as a result, he said, “our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”

Nitey nite john.

There is a story told about Abraham Lincoln who had a very heated argument with a political opponent. Lincoln asked his political rival, "How many legs does a cow have?"

"Four, of course," came the disgusted reply.

"That's right," agreed Lincoln. "Now suppose you call the cow's tail a leg; how many legs would the cow have?

"Why, five, of course," was the confident reply.

"Now, that's where you're wrong," said Lincoln. "Calling a cow's tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."

and calling a demonstration an insurrection doesn't make it one.
Calling an insurrection an demonstration doesn't make it one.
well I don't do facebook since they banned President trump.

seriously I don't do facebook for professional reasons. lol
I use it when hiring people, I look up their profiles and I learn a lot about the individual we may or may not hire.
You are stupid as hell. "We are coming for you Nancy", "Hang Pence". Those freaking morons were there for one reason and one reason alone, to stop the certification of an election.
In all seriousness, I'm beginning to wonder if the Trumpsters really haven't seen much of the video from January 6th.

They only consume "news" from within their informational ecosystem, and I doubt those "sources" have shown a lot of it.

Maybe they really, seriously don't know. I realize that willful ignorance does not excuse this, but at least it would explain it.
Last edited:
Read this and tell me how proud you are.
I assume you've seen the videos of what these thugs were doing and saying to the cops.

Trumpsters' true colors really came out that day. is actual video of Trump supporters in the building.....walking peacefully through the hallways and taking selfies....the blm and antifa terrorists were the ones vandalizing the place and attacking police officers........

Just like they did for the last 7 months burning and looting cities, destroying court houses and police stations and murdering 48 AMericans...that was blm and antifa, not Trump supporters...

So the lie that Trump supporters were the violent people at the capitol is just stupid...

The amount of video that has been withheld from you is profound.

And you don't have the balls to look for yourself.

Trump loves people like you.

YOu think that teh dems in control, are withholding the video, because it makes republicans LOOK BAD?


View attachment 506307

Withholding video?



Never mind.

You are the one that used the word "withheld".

You were not clear so I responded to what your meaning seemed to be.

If I was incorrect in my guess, a reasonable person would CLARIFY.

Withheld by your information ecosystem. Your world. Your "news".

I assumed that would be obvious. And that would explain what I'm seeing.

I don't need you to approve or agree.
Last edited:
Read this and tell me how proud you are.
I assume you've seen the videos of what these thugs were doing and saying to the cops.

Trumpsters' true colors really came out that day. is actual video of Trump supporters in the building.....walking peacefully through the hallways and taking selfies....the blm and antifa terrorists were the ones vandalizing the place and attacking police officers........

Just like they did for the last 7 months burning and looting cities, destroying court houses and police stations and murdering 48 AMericans...that was blm and antifa, not Trump supporters...

So the lie that Trump supporters were the violent people at the capitol is just stupid...

The amount of video that has been withheld from you is profound.

And you don't have the balls to look for yourself.

Trump loves people like you.

YOu think that teh dems in control, are withholding the video, because it makes republicans LOOK BAD?


View attachment 506307

Withholding video?



Never mind.

You are the one that used the word "withheld".

You were not clear so I responded to what your meaning seemed to be.

If I was incorrect in my guess, a reasonable person would CLARIFY.

Withheld by your information ecosystem. Your world. Your "news".

I assumed that would be obvious. And that would explain what I'm seeing.

I don't need you to approve or agree.

Dude. Save the bullshit for someone who cares.

BOTH video(s) are real. There was violence and there was plenty of people just walking around NOT being violent.

The possibility that those being the most violent and aggressive were opposition infiltraters is a real possibility that has at least one example that I have seen video of with an admission and at least one other that I have heard claimed but not seen. The idea that there could be more, is certainly possible.

The bit where you just dismiss everyone and act superior, is not contributing very much.
Go fuck yourself ...

I will not do your lazy ass homework for you.

I posted the video in context to my point.

I even gave you a disclosure in case you actually watched the video.

I'm done with your dumbass for the evening.
Well, john maybe it can wait until tomorrow for you to answer this then.

To warrant a criminal charge, Mr. Comey said, there had to be evidence that Mrs. Clinton intentionally transmitted or willfully mishandled classified information. The F.B.I. found neither, and as a result, he said, “our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”

Nitey nite john.
Intent matters not ....

You get drunk, drive your car, kill your drinking buddy in the process ... UNINTENTIONALLY ...

You fucking get charged anyway.

Christian Saucier had no intent of doing anything wrong with the photos he took ...

But, he was charges and convicted and spent time in jail.

Intent matters not ...... to the law.

She was still guilty.

And, everyone knows what her INTENT was when she set up a private server in the mom and pop store.

You are either just that ignorant or are all out LYING for HRC's criminal ass.
Here's your leader

a rally for a loser."​


Here I am.
Look at me.
Listen to my lies.
Cheer for me.
Believe what I tell you.
Send me money.
Make me great again.
Read this and tell me how proud you are.
I assume you've seen the videos of what these thugs were doing and saying to the cops.

Trumpsters' true colors really came out that day. is actual video of Trump supporters in the building.....walking peacefully through the hallways and taking selfies....the blm and antifa terrorists were the ones vandalizing the place and attacking police officers........

Just like they did for the last 7 months burning and looting cities, destroying court houses and police stations and murdering 48 AMericans...that was blm and antifa, not Trump supporters...

So the lie that Trump supporters were the violent people at the capitol is just stupid...

The amount of video that has been withheld from you is profound.

And you don't have the balls to look for yourself.

Trump loves people like you.

YOu think that teh dems in control, are withholding the video, because it makes republicans LOOK BAD?


View attachment 506307

Withholding video?



Never mind.

You are the one that used the word "withheld".

You were not clear so I responded to what your meaning seemed to be.

If I was incorrect in my guess, a reasonable person would CLARIFY.

Withheld by your information ecosystem. Your world. Your "news".

I assumed that would be obvious. And that would explain what I'm seeing.

I don't need you to approve or agree.

Dude. Save the bullshit for someone who cares.

BOTH video(s) are real. There was violence and there was plenty of people just walking around NOT being violent.

The possibility that those being the most violent and aggressive were opposition infiltraters is a real possibility that has at least one example that I have seen video of with an admission and at least one other that I have heard claimed but not seen. The idea that there could be more, is certainly possible.

The bit where you just dismiss everyone and act superior, is not contributing very much.

I don't care. Sorry.
Read this and tell me how proud you are.
I assume you've seen the videos of what these thugs were doing and saying to the cops.

Trumpsters' true colors really came out that day. is actual video of Trump supporters in the building.....walking peacefully through the hallways and taking selfies....the blm and antifa terrorists were the ones vandalizing the place and attacking police officers........

Just like they did for the last 7 months burning and looting cities, destroying court houses and police stations and murdering 48 AMericans...that was blm and antifa, not Trump supporters...

So the lie that Trump supporters were the violent people at the capitol is just stupid...

The amount of video that has been withheld from you is profound.

And you don't have the balls to look for yourself.

Trump loves people like you.

YOu think that teh dems in control, are withholding the video, because it makes republicans LOOK BAD?


View attachment 506307

Withholding video?



Never mind.

You are the one that used the word "withheld".

You were not clear so I responded to what your meaning seemed to be.

If I was incorrect in my guess, a reasonable person would CLARIFY.

Withheld by your information ecosystem. Your world. Your "news".

I assumed that would be obvious. And that would explain what I'm seeing.

I don't need you to approve or agree.

Dude. Save the bullshit for someone who cares.

BOTH video(s) are real. There was violence and there was plenty of people just walking around NOT being violent.

The possibility that those being the most violent and aggressive were opposition infiltraters is a real possibility that has at least one example that I have seen video of with an admission and at least one other that I have heard claimed but not seen. The idea that there could be more, is certainly possible.

The bit where you just dismiss everyone and act superior, is not contributing very much.

I don't care. Sorry.

You care enough to pepper threads with inane comments, burying real posts from people that want to discuss issues seriously.

The point(s) stands. Despite your posts burying it.

The 1/6 riot was an outlier. THe possibility that it was caused by infiltrators is real. THe idea that is reflects a real attempt at "insurrection" or defines Trump's supporters, is not.

That the left has HUNDREDS of larger and more violent riots to their credit AND more real refusals to respect the peaceful transfer of power, is also real.
Read this and tell me how proud you are.

There was NO insurrection, hardly anyone was even trying to overthrow anything, 99% of the people inside the Capital building had no weapons at all.

This a stupid Democrat claim that died long ago.


A mob does not need weapons to be dangerous.

Look at the posts on this thread. They seem to agree with that legislator who said it was little more than a tour.

It's funny at first, and then it's downright scary. Literally, scary. There is limitless video proof otherwise, but I guess they're not shown it in their world. And it's EVERYWHERE.

How the fuck does this happen? I put a lot of effort into trying to understand this, but I can only get so far. No matter how many questions I ask, no matter how many of them I observe or talk to, there is just a disconnect for me.

They have seen the videos of the violence. They know of the violence committed that day.

It's not a matter of not seeing the video.

It's a matter of honesty.

All they are doing is lying through their teeth.

What you don't realize is that it really doesn't matter what lies they spew or what they believe.

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