This is the “social injustice” future for all of us if we don’t fight back now

Now that you've lashed out with your impotent name calling what exactly is your non cosplay plan for stopping this trial? 😄
Nothing, I'm not worried about it. It is what it is. I have worked with and socialized with some good people of all races to include blacks. I just get real defensive when called racist. Some of the biggest racists I know are black.
Nothing, I'm not worried about it. It is what it is. I have worked with and socialized with some good people of all races to include blacks. I just get real defensive when called racist. Some of the biggest racists I know are black.
I don't give a shit what you're sensitive about Soy Boy. 😄
I find little pleasure in the fact that our youth are digging their own grave. They'll get exactly what they deserve which is a world of poverty and government dependence, devoid of freedom and liberty. When that happens, and it surely will, being able to say 'I told you so' won't make anyone feel any better.
Wamose, it's a freakin heartbreak. The current situation in our America is starting to look more & more like 1920's Germany. The statist left in America are acting more & more like the RFB/KPD(violent street rebels) communalists did In Germany up to 1933. It took the entire might of Ernst Rohm's SA Brown Shirts(tough boys many WW1 vets) to take out the RFB/KPD. The SA are often mistaken as a right wing paramilitary organization as they looked as Savior's to the Geman population but turned out identical in thought & action as the RFB/KPD statist left. The last thing we need in America is a repeat of the street violence(already happening) that plagued 1920's/1930's Germany. I FULLY agree with you wamose as there can be no winners in a society that is built upon self enslavement to tyrannical g'ment.

Then there were the spies.

'If ever they emerge from the archives of the Kremlin, the world may be in a better position to understand why the intrigues of Mr. Neville Chamberlain should for a long while have appeared more daunting to Stalin than the intentions of the German Fuehrer.

Indeed, at this point in the winter of 1939-40, Moscow was entirely ignorant of the nature of those intentions. The Gestapo had swept away the German Communist Party and put the Soviet spy networks out of action. Now that he had signed his pact with Hitler, Stalin was eager to stand by its terms: he forbade the setting-up of a new spy system.

The chiefs of Soviet Intelligence knew that to disobey this order might well cost them their lives. They did disobey it, but only in a wary and limited fashion, contenting themselves with laying the foundations for future enterprises.

Britain, on the other hand, was duly "ringed" by the Big Chief's network. Trepper had taken up residence in Brussels for legal and geographical reasons: Belgian law was exceptionally easygoing on spies, punishing their activities only if these were directed against the country's own interests. His mission was to invade the British Isles using Belgium as a springboard. Nothing could be more characteristic of the meticulousness with which Soviet Intelligence always proceeds.

When German Abwehr tried to get at Britain's secrets, it was content to parachute a few luckless agents into the Home Counties, where they were very soon caught and hanged.'
(Perrault, The Red Orchestra, p. 29)
In my opinion, it is too late to "resist."

1. Americans (many of them reluctantly) agreed to the changes of the 1960s.

2. The result was migration to the suburbs by many Caucasians, and the appearance of violent crime in areas (such as downtown) that were previously safe.

3. Caucasians are simply not having enough children while Hispanic people continue to have many children, and African Americans continue to have children, too.

4. All of our largest cities are now predominately people of color. The voters are electing mayors, district attorneys, etc. of color. A few liberal Caucasians are also voting for them.

5. Instead of "resisting," it would be more realistic to be "adjusting."

a. By 2050, demographers tell us Caucasians will no longer be the majority ethnicity. They will, however, remain the largest single group for a while.

b. Therefore, Caucasians will have time to adjust to the new realities.

i. In the coming decades, for example, probably all presidents will be people of color. Maybe a token Caucasian will be chosen for vice president.

6. Some years back, some activists of color used to say something like: "If you Caucasians do not like these population changes, then get out. Leave this country."

a. In my opinion, some Americans WILL be leaving this country in the next century, and maybe there will even be some peaceful division of this country where Caucasians will be allowed to live in their own safe zone.

i. And do not forget: Many Caucasian liberals say that there is no need for Caucasians to panic. They reassure us that life will be better for everyone in a truly multi-racial society.
Between truly enormous abortion and killing each other, African-Americans will be extinct. Black people get a few breaths by African immigration. But Africans don't have the same outlook and they really don't like American blacks.
That's what I have also heard.

Africans, it is claimed, are astonished by how many African Americans think and -- above all -- act.
There is a corner of Culver City called Little Ethiopia. All the houses are neat, with little gardens. There is no trash laying around anywhere. The stores are all clean and well kept. Just a lovely little community.
Be prepared for the liberals to call you a racist.
It’s the white Dems who are the racists. They run the Democratic Plantation.

Joe Biden is the Big Guy in the ranks of the Democrat racists as well as the Big Guy in the Biden Crime Family Corruption schemes.
It’s the white Dems who are the racists. They run the Democratic Plantation.

Joe Biden is the Big Guy in the ranks of the Democrat racists as well as the Big Guy in the Biden Crime Family Corruption schemes.
I love how racists think they're effectively hiding their racism by accusing the Democrats of running a Plantation. Let me guess, you used the word Plantation there because of all the Black and minority voters who choose to vote Democratic.....
I love how racists think they're effectively hiding their racism by accusing the Democrats of running a Plantation. Let me guess, you used the word Plantation there because of all the Black and minority voters who choose to vote Democratic.....
Life on a plantation before the Civi War sucked for slaves and still today life on the Democratic Plantation sucks for the blacks. The Democrats make all sorts of wonderful promises and rarely deliver on any of them. Of course they blame their failure to deliver on those nasty racist Republicans.

Democrats have been running Chicago for the last 93 years. Surely Chicago must be a great place for blacks to live if the Democrats are really worried about the lives of people who consistently vote for the Party.

Life on a plantation before the Civi War sucked for slaves and still today life on the Democratic Plantation sucks for the blacks. The Democrats make all sorts of wonderful promises and rarely deliver on any of them. Of course they blame their failure to deliver on those nasty racist Republicans.
Black slaves on white southern plantations had no choice, black voters do. When you describe the Democratic party today as a plantation you are dismissing and insulting the choice black voters make. That's racist. Also its southern white republican voters these days who are insistent that we keep honoring those old dead slavers so it's not surprising to find racism a part of your programming.
Democrats have been running Chicago for the last 93 years. Surely Chicago must be a great place for blacks to live if the Democrats are really worried about the lives of people who consistently vote for the Party.
Surely if you think Republicans can do a better then you'd be able to discuss policy. The fact is however that poverty and crime are worse in Republican States and Republican districts than Democratic ones.

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