This is the “social injustice” future for all of us if we don’t fight back now

Black slaves on white southern plantations had no choice, black voters do. When you describe the Democratic party today as a plantation you are dismissing and insulting the choice black voters make. That's racist. Also its southern white republican voters these days who are insistent that we keep honoring those old dead slavers so it's not surprising to find racism a part of your programming.

Surely if you think Republicans can do a better then you'd be able to discuss policy. The fact is however that poverty and crime are worse in Republican States and Republican districts than Democratic ones.
We are discussing the DEMOCRATIC PLANTATION here and why it lies to the blacks that live in the Big Blue Cities and makes wonderful promises that it fails to deliver on.

Once again in Chicago. ..…

I would say it is racist for the Democrats who run Chicago to not educate the students in public schools. What type of life can these students look forward to? It seems the Democrats are actually trying to not educate students so they don’t wise up and vote the Democrats out.

Plus don’t try to tell me these teachers are underpaid.


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