This Is What Happened When Maine Forced Welfare Recipients To Work

Mizzouri is passing laws to limit the time of help and to make work or looking for work or training as a part of getting welfare........
Clinton's Welfare reform made work a requirement for getting funds. Missouri is passing a redundant law? Is that the point? Pass the same law over and over again?
Hello, knock knock. Welfare reform under Bill Clinton make actual work a requirement if you want to receive welfare. And then it was Obama that relaxed the rules so welfare recipients could go to school so they could get off welfare forever.
What is it with these Republicans. Trying to take credit for something Democrats did three presidents ago? Remember when they attempted to take credit for taking out Bin Laden? What do Republicans do besides destroy, bully and take credit for what others have done? And America keeps falling for it. Come on people, get you nose out of Kardashian's butt and find out what is actually going on. Don't fall for what these ignoramuses keep spouting.

Gawd, you're an idiot
I know he gives credit to Clinton for doing something similar, then gives Obama credit for doing away with it. What the heck?
Now you made yourself look kinda tarded and foolish for sure.

From the OP:

After forcing these individuals to either work part-time for twenty hours each week, enroll in a vocational program, or volunteer for a minimum of twenty-four hours per month

And who asked for the requirements to be relaxed so people could get an education? Republican governors. Yep, they ask Obama for something and when he supports them, they attack him. Fucking turds.

Is Obama gutting welfare reform - The Washington Post

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney says that Obama wants to "strip the established work requirements" from the bill, and John Boehner calls the move "a partisan disgrace."

One man's gutting is, of course, another man's tweaking, but in this case, the Obama administration is not removing the bill's work requirements at all. He's changing them to allow states more flexibility. But the principle that welfare programs must require recipients to move toward employment isn't going anywhere.

Mitt Romney says Barack Obama s plan for welfare reform They just send you your check. PolitiFact


What does all that mean?

"If you can do a better job connecting people to work, we would consider waiving certain parts of the performance measures and use alternate measures," is how Liz Schott, a senior fellow at the left-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, translated the memo’s point. (The center supports the plan.)


See what I mean. I like to bitch slap as much as the next guy. But I save it for those who insist on determined ignorance.

Notice how I prove what I say? Can you see that? Notice these Republicans don't? Now, I'm not saying they are all dirty liars. But there are so many, it only seems that way.

OK tards, prove me wrong. Go ahead. I'm waiting.
And how many actually got an education? Welfare was suppose to do away with poverty. It's only made it worse.
Hello, knock knock. Welfare reform under Bill Clinton make actual work a requirement if you want to receive welfare. And then it was Obama that relaxed the rules so welfare recipients could go to school so they could get off welfare forever.
What is it with these Republicans. Trying to take credit for something Democrats did three presidents ago? Remember when they attempted to take credit for taking out Bin Laden? What do Republicans do besides destroy, bully and take credit for what others have done? And America keeps falling for it. Come on people, get you nose out of Kardashian's butt and find out what is actually going on. Don't fall for what these ignoramuses keep spouting.

Gawd, you're an idiot
I know he gives credit to Clinton for doing something similar, then gives Obama credit for doing away with it. What the heck?
Now you made yourself look kinda tarded and foolish for sure.

From the OP:

After forcing these individuals to either work part-time for twenty hours each week, enroll in a vocational program, or volunteer for a minimum of twenty-four hours per month

And who asked for the requirements to be relaxed so people could get an education? Republican governors. Yep, they ask Obama for something and when he supports them, they attack him. Fucking turds.

Is Obama gutting welfare reform - The Washington Post

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney says that Obama wants to "strip the established work requirements" from the bill, and John Boehner calls the move "a partisan disgrace."

One man's gutting is, of course, another man's tweaking, but in this case, the Obama administration is not removing the bill's work requirements at all. He's changing them to allow states more flexibility. But the principle that welfare programs must require recipients to move toward employment isn't going anywhere.

Mitt Romney says Barack Obama s plan for welfare reform They just send you your check. PolitiFact


What does all that mean?

"If you can do a better job connecting people to work, we would consider waiving certain parts of the performance measures and use alternate measures," is how Liz Schott, a senior fellow at the left-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, translated the memo’s point. (The center supports the plan.)


See what I mean. I like to bitch slap as much as the next guy. But I save it for those who insist on determined ignorance.

Notice how I prove what I say? Can you see that? Notice these Republicans don't? Now, I'm not saying they are all dirty liars. But there are so many, it only seems that way.

OK tards, prove me wrong. Go ahead. I'm waiting.
And how many actually got an education? Welfare was suppose to do away with poverty. It's only made it worse.
Why are you asking me questions? If you want to know something, go find out. Quit waiting to be fucking spoon fed. It's right wingers making the accusations which they obviously can't prove. Why not find out the truth FIRST and then make the accusation? Duh!
Hello, knock knock. Welfare reform under Bill Clinton make actual work a requirement if you want to receive welfare. And then it was Obama that relaxed the rules so welfare recipients could go to school so they could get off welfare forever.
What is it with these Republicans. Trying to take credit for something Democrats did three presidents ago? Remember when they attempted to take credit for taking out Bin Laden? What do Republicans do besides destroy, bully and take credit for what others have done? And America keeps falling for it. Come on people, get you nose out of Kardashian's butt and find out what is actually going on. Don't fall for what these ignoramuses keep spouting.

Gawd, you're an idiot
I know he gives credit to Clinton for doing something similar, then gives Obama credit for doing away with it. What the heck?
Now you made yourself look kinda tarded and foolish for sure.

From the OP:

After forcing these individuals to either work part-time for twenty hours each week, enroll in a vocational program, or volunteer for a minimum of twenty-four hours per month

And who asked for the requirements to be relaxed so people could get an education? Republican governors. Yep, they ask Obama for something and when he supports them, they attack him. Fucking turds.

Is Obama gutting welfare reform - The Washington Post

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney says that Obama wants to "strip the established work requirements" from the bill, and John Boehner calls the move "a partisan disgrace."

One man's gutting is, of course, another man's tweaking, but in this case, the Obama administration is not removing the bill's work requirements at all. He's changing them to allow states more flexibility. But the principle that welfare programs must require recipients to move toward employment isn't going anywhere.

Mitt Romney says Barack Obama s plan for welfare reform They just send you your check. PolitiFact


What does all that mean?

"If you can do a better job connecting people to work, we would consider waiving certain parts of the performance measures and use alternate measures," is how Liz Schott, a senior fellow at the left-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, translated the memo’s point. (The center supports the plan.)


See what I mean. I like to bitch slap as much as the next guy. But I save it for those who insist on determined ignorance.

Notice how I prove what I say? Can you see that? Notice these Republicans don't? Now, I'm not saying they are all dirty liars. But there are so many, it only seems that way.

OK tards, prove me wrong. Go ahead. I'm waiting.
And how many actually got an education? Welfare was suppose to do away with poverty. It's only made it worse.
Why are you asking me questions? If you want to know something, go find out. Quit waiting to be fucking spoon fed. It's right wingers making the accusations which they obviously can't prove. Why not find out the truth FIRST and then make the accusation? Duh!
I don't have to look it up. The op's point is when people are asked to earn their welfare, they don't want it.
It's amazing how fast a bum can run when you offer him a job.
That's an extremely idiotic statement.

I really get a kick out of those bums standing on the same damn street corner as the guy selling newspapers.
So tell me..why cant the bum do the same? I mean he's already standing on the damn corner anyway.
Offer one of those bums a job, tell him you'll pick him up the next morning and I guarantee he won't be there when you come back.
I'd do it, just for the exercise..If my neck becomes injured with the three plates with a T fused to my spine from crushed vertebrates,, if injured and I become a quadriplegic, Is it okay to get welfare then??

Government assistance for two hundred, Alex.

If someone is injured and can't work...

What is disability?
I'd do it, just for the exercise..If my neck becomes injured with the three plates with a T fused to my spine from crushed vertebrates,, if injured and I become a quadriplegic, Is it okay to get welfare then??

Government assistance for two hundred, Alex.

If someone is injured and can't work...

What is disability?
A fund that is paid for by years of work..
Mizzouri is passing laws to limit the time of help and to make work or looking for work or training as a part of getting welfare........
Clinton's Welfare reform made work a requirement for getting funds. Missouri is passing a redundant law? Is that the point? Pass the same law over and over again?
And that requirement was removed under Obama.
Mizzouri is passing laws to limit the time of help and to make work or looking for work or training as a part of getting welfare........
Clinton's Welfare reform made work a requirement for getting funds. Missouri is passing a redundant law? Is that the point? Pass the same law over and over again?
And that requirement was removed under Obama.
Actually states also had the choice to decide to include it or not....
I've spent the last hour reading about what Republicans have been doing to Maine. Cutting tens of thousands from health care. 400 million in tax cuts for the "job creators". What kind of jobs are in Maine? Fishing, tourism and lumber. Most salaries are around 40 to 45 grand. After winter heating, they depend on food stamps. The GOP governor was elected with 38% of the vote because 5 were running and there was no "run-off".
So thousands were slashed from welfare and food stamps. That's all the GOP care about.
And now, they are going after not for profit.

Maine governor cuts Medicaid as some GOP colleagues choose expansion - Politics - The Boston Globe

Maine s health care model Go smaller

Check out the GOP platform in Maine:

2014 Maine GOP Platform Sagadahoc County Maine Republicans

Nothing about improving, creating, supporting or anything that's actually good for the people. It's all about increasing suffering disguised as "cost savings".

And now Republicans are going after "food banks" trying to squeeze taxes from "not for profit".

Maine effort to tax nonprofits raises eyebrows across the US - Yahoo News

Nonprofit organizations across the country are closely watching Maine as it considers becoming the first state to impose property taxes on hospitals, private colleges and summer camps under a plan being pushed by Gov. Paul LePage.

LePage has called nonprofits "takers, not givers" and argues they need to chip in for things like police, firefighters and snow removal.

The Good Shepherd Food Bank estimates it would owe about $24,500 annually to the city of Auburn under the governor's plan. Spokeswoman Clara Whitney said that would mean the food bank would have to provide 100,000 fewer meals every year.

"If we have to redirect resources to pay property taxes it will be Mainers who are facing hunger who will be impacted," she said.


Then you look at education. Remember, Republicans say if you get an education, you can keep your welfare. So they must support education, right?


Maine’s per-pupil spending is below the other New England states. Based on the latest figures from the U.S. Census Bureau, Maine’s 2012 per pupil spending was $12,819. New Hampshire was next lowest in New England at $13,593 per student while Connecticut and Vermont were the highest at $16,274 and $16,040, respectively.

The state’s failure to make needed investments in education has serious consequences. These cuts potentially compromise education quality and economic growth. They also pass the buck to local school districts, placing even more pressure on local property taxpayers.


Republicans are like snakes. They have a forked tongue and you have to watch them or they slither up behind you and strike.
Ever notice that when something make sense, and it's working, liberals want to steer the thread in any other direction?

This thread is about welfare reform in Maine.

Care to comment on welfare reform in Maine Rdean?

You want a thread on medicaid, or education spending...start a thread.
Gawd, you're an idiot
I know he gives credit to Clinton for doing something similar, then gives Obama credit for doing away with it. What the heck?
Now you made yourself look kinda tarded and foolish for sure.

From the OP:

After forcing these individuals to either work part-time for twenty hours each week, enroll in a vocational program, or volunteer for a minimum of twenty-four hours per month

And who asked for the requirements to be relaxed so people could get an education? Republican governors. Yep, they ask Obama for something and when he supports them, they attack him. Fucking turds.

Is Obama gutting welfare reform - The Washington Post

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney says that Obama wants to "strip the established work requirements" from the bill, and John Boehner calls the move "a partisan disgrace."

One man's gutting is, of course, another man's tweaking, but in this case, the Obama administration is not removing the bill's work requirements at all. He's changing them to allow states more flexibility. But the principle that welfare programs must require recipients to move toward employment isn't going anywhere.

Mitt Romney says Barack Obama s plan for welfare reform They just send you your check. PolitiFact


What does all that mean?

"If you can do a better job connecting people to work, we would consider waiving certain parts of the performance measures and use alternate measures," is how Liz Schott, a senior fellow at the left-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, translated the memo’s point. (The center supports the plan.)


See what I mean. I like to bitch slap as much as the next guy. But I save it for those who insist on determined ignorance.

Notice how I prove what I say? Can you see that? Notice these Republicans don't? Now, I'm not saying they are all dirty liars. But there are so many, it only seems that way.

OK tards, prove me wrong. Go ahead. I'm waiting.
And how many actually got an education? Welfare was suppose to do away with poverty. It's only made it worse.
Why are you asking me questions? If you want to know something, go find out. Quit waiting to be fucking spoon fed. It's right wingers making the accusations which they obviously can't prove. Why not find out the truth FIRST and then make the accusation? Duh!
I don't have to look it up. The op's point is when people are asked to earn their welfare, they don't want it.
No that would be an invalid point. People forced to work for their welfare may chose to live in the streets or become criminals instead. I know I can't qualify for welfare and still be able to pay the rent. Because if I make enough money to pay the rent they won't give me welfare. And if I don't make enough money to pay the rent I won't have anyplace for them to send the welfare to.

I live week to week. I have my retirement planned out. When I lose my job, or my cancer gets so I can't work. I will go slap a cop and live the rest of my life in Prison. I will not be homeless. Period. And it will be more expensive to take care of my ass in Prison than it would be in a group home somewhere.
I'd do it, just for the exercise..If my neck becomes injured with the three plates with a T fused to my spine from crushed vertebrates,, if injured and I become a quadriplegic, Is it okay to get welfare then??

Insufficient information.

Please provide the date you joined The Democrat Party and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three people, not related to you, who can and will verify.
Who pays for the training programs?

Who cares, sounds like many are not interested


It would seem as though this could be a great opportunity for the industries in that area to bond together and train a know...since private industry can do everything better than the government.

They'd have to want to work first and people who are on welfare or any other form of gov assistance aren't exactly the go getters companies are looking for.
Of course they should! Great idea!
Also, it was obvious that many recipients can find a job and can earn enough money to live without help of government, sad that such people are still trying to cheat!
Of course they should! Great idea!
Also, it was obvious that many recipients can find a job and can earn enough money to live without help of government, sad that such people are still trying to cheat!
totally untrue. Jobs are harder to get than you seem to think.

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