This Is What Happened When Maine Forced Welfare Recipients To Work

Of course they should! Great idea!
Also, it was obvious that many recipients can find a job and can earn enough money to live without help of government, sad that such people are still trying to cheat!
totally untrue. Jobs are harder to get than you seem to think.

I'm pretty sure you wont find a job if you're not looking.
Dude I spent 4 months unemployed job hunting found a job that lasted 4 months, temporary seasonal job. Spent another 4 months job hunting. Since I was self employed, legally, I wasn't able to collect unemployment either time. I was also not qualified for food stamps or any other aid even though I was completely broke. I never found a job. I work for Uber now. It's not exactly what I would call a job.
Of course they should! Great idea!
Also, it was obvious that many recipients can find a job and can earn enough money to live without help of government, sad that such people are still trying to cheat!
totally untrue. Jobs are harder to get than you seem to think.

I'm pretty sure you wont find a job if you're not looking.
Dude I spent 4 months unemployed job hunting found a job that lasted 4 months, temporary seasonal job. Spent another 4 months job hunting. Since I was self employed, legally, I wasn't able to collect unemployment either time. I was also not qualified for food stamps or any other aid even though I was completely broke. I never found a job. I work for Uber now. It's not exactly what I would call a job.

I understand what you're saying, but you missed my point. You had a chance (higher then zero) finding a job because you were looking. Those who doesn't look, and not intending to look for a job, wont find it for sure (zero chance).

Sorry it happened to you. My wife was unemployed during a market crash for two years, so I can relate to what you were going through.
Of course they should! Great idea!
Also, it was obvious that many recipients can find a job and can earn enough money to live without help of government, sad that such people are still trying to cheat!
totally untrue. Jobs are harder to get than you seem to think.

I'm pretty sure you wont find a job if you're not looking.
Dude I spent 4 months unemployed job hunting found a job that lasted 4 months, temporary seasonal job. Spent another 4 months job hunting. Since I was self employed, legally, I wasn't able to collect unemployment either time. I was also not qualified for food stamps or any other aid even though I was completely broke. I never found a job. I work for Uber now. It's not exactly what I would call a job.

What type of work do you do? Any special skills?
There have been a couple of threads on this already. Given that liberals are not opposed to programs that make unemployed citizens into employed citizens.....hired by the government....I suspect that our nutters are erroneously claiming a victory of some kind. I'm not confident that. LePaige could lead the state toward a common sense program that benefits all.

I'll look into what happened in Maine.
If it works, I'm all for it. Oh, and I'm a liberal.
I live week to week. I have my retirement planned out. When I lose my job, or my cancer gets so I can't work. I will go slap a cop and live the rest of my life in Prison. I will not be homeless. Period. And it will be more expensive to take care of my ass in Prison than it would be in a group home somewhere.

Slightly better idea.... take the last of your money and purchase an airsoft pistol and a can of black spray paint. Paint over that orange muzzle and then use it to threaten a cop. From there you get to go directly to the afterlife and not only don't YOU have to pay for yourself, nobody else does either.
Dude I spent 4 months unemployed job hunting found a job that lasted 4 months, temporary seasonal job. Spent another 4 months job hunting. Since I was self employed, legally, I wasn't able to collect unemployment either time. I was also not qualified for food stamps or any other aid even though I was completely broke. I never found a job. I work for Uber now. It's not exactly what I would call a job.

Life sucks and then we die. Life was never meant to be fun, happy, enjoyable or pleasant. Life has ALWAYS been intended to be hard, unpleasant, unfair, and downright miserable at every turn. I learned that MANY years ago.
Dude I spent 4 months unemployed job hunting found a job that lasted 4 months, temporary seasonal job. Spent another 4 months job hunting. Since I was self employed, legally, I wasn't able to collect unemployment either time. I was also not qualified for food stamps or any other aid even though I was completely broke. I never found a job. I work for Uber now. It's not exactly what I would call a job.

Life sucks and then we die. Life was never meant to be fun, happy, enjoyable or pleasant. Life has ALWAYS been intended to be hard, unpleasant, unfair, and downright miserable at every turn. I learned that MANY years ago.

That, my friends, is the conservative outlook on life.
Lapaige is the most evil man that has ever stood on this Earth as far as I am concerned, he takes from the poorest here and gives it to the richest here..... he is the Devil incarnate in ALL that he does.

This is the epitome of liberalism

Lapaige us the most evil man that has EVER stood on the earth....riiiigghhht.

Not Hitler

Not Pol Pot.

Not Stalin.

Not Nero.

But Lapaige....
That, my friends, is the conservative outlook on life.

That is the REALITY of life., LL. I learned that the moment I was born and have continued to be reminded of it for almost 41 years at this point. It's just the reality of life.

Nope. Life is's fun and it has lots of moments of joy. You don't see it that way.......that's a YOU problem.
Of course they should! Great idea!
Also, it was obvious that many recipients can find a job and can earn enough money to live without help of government, sad that such people are still trying to cheat!
totally untrue. Jobs are harder to get than you seem to think.

I'm pretty sure you wont find a job if you're not looking.
Dude I spent 4 months unemployed job hunting found a job that lasted 4 months, temporary seasonal job. Spent another 4 months job hunting. Since I was self employed, legally, I wasn't able to collect unemployment either time. I was also not qualified for food stamps or any other aid even though I was completely broke. I never found a job. I work for Uber now. It's not exactly what I would call a job.

What type of work do you do? Any special skills?
I used to be a COBOL programmer but had a nervous breakdown. It was years before I was stable again. I'm now on medication for Bi-Polar Disorder and my computer skills are obsolete.

I worked 22 years as a Bank of America courier, delivering proof and mail throughout Brevard County. They now take pictures and send the stuff via internet.

I now do Uber, which is rideshare, but it's getting hard to compete with the Haitians who live in their cars.
That, my friends, is the conservative outlook on life.

That is the REALITY of life., LL. I learned that the moment I was born and have continued to be reminded of it for almost 41 years at this point. It's just the reality of life.
I current follow the Buddhist philosophy, even though I'm still not a Buddhist. Life is suffering. Waste no time dreading the future that might not come, or even if will come is still a waste of time. Don't waste time with wishful thinking dreaming of the things that you want. Deal with what is.
That, my friends, is the conservative outlook on life.

That is the REALITY of life., LL. I learned that the moment I was born and have continued to be reminded of it for almost 41 years at this point. It's just the reality of life.
I current follow the Buddhist philosophy, even though I'm still not a Buddhist. Life is suffering. Waste no time dreading the future that might not come, or even if will come is still a waste of time. Don't waste time with wishful thinking dreaming of the things that you want. Deal with what is.

No shit!
It's amazing how fast a bum can run when you offer him a job.
That's an extremely idiotic statement.
No. It isnt. I've actually spent time on the streets. I've been to homeless shelters, and I know how these people think. Many of them don't want to work. They would rather stay on the streets and collect their freebies. Many times, I'd see someone offer them work, and they weren't interested. That's a fact!
Of course they should! Great idea!
Also, it was obvious that many recipients can find a job and can earn enough money to live without help of government, sad that such people are still trying to cheat!
totally untrue. Jobs are harder to get than you seem to think.

I'm pretty sure you wont find a job if you're not looking.
Dude I spent 4 months unemployed job hunting found a job that lasted 4 months, temporary seasonal job. Spent another 4 months job hunting. Since I was self employed, legally, I wasn't able to collect unemployment either time. I was also not qualified for food stamps or any other aid even though I was completely broke. I never found a job. I work for Uber now. It's not exactly what I would call a job.

What type of work do you do? Any special skills?
I used to be a COBOL programmer but had a nervous breakdown. It was years before I was stable again. I'm now on medication for Bi-Polar Disorder and my computer skills are obsolete.

I worked 22 years as a Bank of America courier, delivering proof and mail throughout Brevard County. They now take pictures and send the stuff via internet.

I now do Uber, which is rideshare, but it's getting hard to compete with the Haitians who live in their cars.

I can definitely see where that would screw up your earning potential.

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