This Is What Happens Without Police

The Stockton police are apparently going to get involved now. According to what I read today on The Blaze, they are investigating the Sikhs for allegedly violating the criminal's rights and illicitly beating his ass.
One of the craziest things about this story is that the 7-11 where the event happened is just across the street from the Stockton PD.

Yet they couldn't be bothered to respond when their Sacred Cow- the young black guy- was getting his behind thrashed.
The store clerk is being prosecuted.

Of course they will! But I can only imagine the years of frustration this guy went through probably month after month. I mean WTF?.. they are supposed to file an insurance claim every month?
Sure its wrong to beat someone ... but its also wrong to blatantly steal knowing you are causing someone to potentially go out of business... knowing that YOUR neighborhood is the one that will suffer because of your selfishness.

If the thief didn't receive more than $900 dollars worth of bodily damage, the store clerk should simply have to pay a small fine. Tell the thief to contact his insurance company for extra compensation... for being an asshole.
Without police this is what society becomes
Too bad they didn't kill him.

Man, that was fun to watch, I had to watch it several times! Stupid Sikhs screwed up though, they shouldn't have taken that video or posted it nor called the cops, you had to know they would end up getting the blame as you are damned if you do and damned if you don't; what you do in a case like this is beat his ass to pieces then take his sorry ass out somewhere and dump him and let him deal with it.

Maybe shove a few packs of cigarettes up his ass for good measure.

Enough of this making millionaires out of felons and convicts for getting what they have coming to them.
violating the criminal's rights


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