This is what left-wing policy results in

Tell us then how it is socialism when the big food companies are private.
Tell us then how the "big food companies" are "private" when the government is controlling every facet of their operations - right down to what type of breads they can make. :eusa_doh:
The reality is, there are no wartime tax rates and our commander in chief, believes we can lower our tax burden.
It's impossible not to laugh at left-wing hatriots. Here is their official platform:
  • We must decrease the defense budget. It is bloated and unnecessary!
  • We must increase taxes for defense - we are in a war!
You can always count on the left to contradict their own positions in a single breath. These people cannot figure out which way is up or what they believe.
It cannot be real times of War under Any form of Capitalism, if our federal Congress cannot justify Tax Rates, meet for the exigency.

If we can lower tax rates, then there is no national security problem sufficient to deny or disparage our Individual Liberty.
Everybody knows, real times of war require real times of war tax rates.
In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
Yes folks.... danielpalos really did just quote the Nazi's.

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it is all the national socialist right wing, has to work with, besides just fantasy.
It cannot be real times of War under Any form of Capitalism, if our federal Congress cannot justify Tax Rates, meet for the exigency.
Once again - tax rates do not dictate war time status. In addition to that reality, our Confress is fully empowered to set whatever tax rates they would like.
If we can lower tax rates, then there is no national security problem sufficient to deny or disparage our Individual Liberty.
As long as defense is fully funded (and it is) your argument is irrational and idiotic.
It cannot be real times of War under Any form of Capitalism, if our federal Congress cannot justify Tax Rates, meet for the exigency.
Once again - tax rates do not dictate war time status. In addition to that reality, our Confress is fully empowered to set whatever tax rates they would like.
If we can lower tax rates, then there is no national security problem sufficient to deny or disparage our Individual Liberty.
As long as defense is fully funded (and it is) your argument is irrational and idiotic.
No, they don't. Congress has an obligation to pay the Debts, and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.

There is no national security concern, if our federal Congress cannot justify tax rates meet for that exigency. It really is that simple. Congress is Only delegated their authority by the People.

There can be no government Infringement to Individual Liberty, if there is no fiscal exigency requiring it.
Tell us then how it is socialism when the big food companies are private.
Tell us then how the "big food companies" are "private" when the government is controlling every facet of their operations - right down to what type of breads they can make. :eusa_doh:
I am not talking about a bakery. Since the big food companies are private, who else can be responsible for the food crisis?
There can be no government Infringement to Individual Liberty, if there is no fiscal exigency requiring it.
I've got news for you snowflake - there can be no government infringement to individual liberty, period. Whether there is a "fiscal exigency" or not. Whether we are at war or not. The fact that you believe there can be is why you are so woefully unqualified to be discussing any of this.
Congress has an obligation to...provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.
No they don't. Neither one of those are one of their 18 enumerated powers. Here is Thomas Jefferson explaining it to left-wing nitwits looking for ways to grant the federal government unlimited powers:

Congress had not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but were restrained to those specifically enumerated; and that, as it was never meant they should provide for that welfare but by the exercise of the enumerated powers, so it could not have been meant they should raise money for purposes which the enumeration did not place under their action” - Thomas Jefferson (June 6, 1817)

[We] disavow, and declare to be most false and unfounded, the doctrine that the [Constitution], in authorizing its federal branch to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States, has given them thereby a power to do whatever they may think, or pretend, would promote the general welfare–which construction would make that of itself a complete government, without limitation of powers.… The plain sense and obvious meaning were that they might levy the taxes necessary to provide for the general welfare by the various acts of power therein specified and delegated to them, and by no others. – Thomas Jefferson (December 24, 1825)
Tell us then how it is socialism when the big food companies are private.
Tell us then how the "big food companies" are "private" when the government is controlling every facet of their operations - right down to what type of breads they can make. :eusa_doh:
I am not talking about a bakery. Since the big food companies are private, who else can be responsible for the food crisis?
Uh...the government which collapsed their nation with socialism. The dictator who created limited resources with a failed left-wing ideology (one that he himself does not adhere to while living in tremendous wealth). What do you think - the "big food companies" all banned together and decided to devastate their own bottom line by throwing out all of the food supply?!?

You can't defend your precious little liberal ideology. It is a failed ideology. It ends in poverty and misery every time.
Tell us then how it is socialism when the big food companies are private.
Tell us then how the "big food companies" are "private" when the government is controlling every facet of their operations - right down to what type of breads they can make. :eusa_doh:
I am not talking about a bakery. Since the big food companies are private, who else can be responsible for the food crisis?
Uh...the government which collapsed their nation with socialism. The dictator who created limited resources with a failed left-wing ideology (one that he himself does not adhere to while living in tremendous wealth). What do you think - the "big food companies" all banned together and decided to devastate their own bottom line by throwing out all of the food supply?!?

You can't defend your precious little liberal ideology. It is a failed ideology. It ends in poverty and misery every time.
What socialism? The food companies are PRIVATE. Do you know what that means? Private? And stop bothering me with your ideology pigeonhole thinking.

The food companies are not banned. If they were banned nobody would complain that they are withholding food. Your view needs lies to prevail.
You need knockout arguments ( :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby: SOCIALISM :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby: ) because you have none. Not a single. Maybe, a week or two without food would make you think, what do you say?
What socialism? The food companies are PRIVATE. Do you know what that means? Private?
Snowflake....they are NOT "private". Private means the freedom to do as you wish. The government controls every aspect of their lives (as illustrated by them telling bakeries what type of breads they can bake - you moron). Venezuela is a socialist nation you dimwit. Here - let me know when you finally get it and are embarrassed by your idiotic comments:

Socialist Venezuela owns hundreds of companies and most are going under

Why Venezuela's socialist meltdown COULD actually happen in the US

Venezuela: Socialism’s House of Horrors

Venezuela's socialist leaders are nationalising bakeries as the country’s 'bread war' escalates

Venezuela's socialist leaders seize bakeries in 'bread war'

Venezuela's socialist leaders seize bakeries in 'bread war'

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