THIS is what needs to be said

IM2 Is the guy the other blacks would coerce me to beat him in the middle of the night with a sock with 3 soap bars in it. They'd pull down the covers on his ass and say "do it".
That is IM2.

POS, Piece Of Shit.

You don't know any blacks.
I beg to differ just a tad on that.
Me and 1 black guy grew up buying a dime bag of weed every day an getting 1 qt of Bull from the store every day after school.

We'd split the dime, smoke 1 joint, then sell the rest for lunch money the next day.

Sometimes we'd get fucked up.

OMG, he got this kickass dirtbike 1 time, we went through
the woods @ 70 mph.

The dime thing equaled out to 1 joint, quart from the Chink store, and sell a pinner for an extra lunch tomorrow.

The standard I know about blacks cause I had a black friend tale. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.
Happy Birthday IM2! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

Since people have "comments', I will continue.

Fools like Jackson, D’Sousa and others give this made up card credence among the whites who imagine that today blacks get all of these extra things that whites don’t get by simply stating our race. If you look at the reality of America past and present whites are the only ones who actually own this card. This type of illogical thinking seems to have been a tradition in some parts of the white community. I remember reading the story of how blacks during slavery who tried running away were said to have a disorder called drapetomania. Samuel Cartwright, a well known physician of that time, coined this term and it was actually believed to be true, precise and documented medical fact. Just how long will whites continue believing pure idiocy about people of other races to deny their own problems and their racism?

As the south was seceding those states had whites that believed the negro was happy being a slave. They honestly believed this. As American Apartheid became a way of life, blacks who got angry and physically fought back when mistreated were considered violent. It was deemed a natural trait that we were violent, not that we might just be a little upset with the manner in which we were treated. Whites believed this and still today believe that we are just so much more predisposed to violence despite the fact that whites murdered millions of Native Americans in order to take their land. But that’s not violence, that’s called progress. Why they were just a more advanced and superior civilization and that was the justification.

Whites made it illegal to teach blacks how to read and yet when blacks could not read, whites would use that as evidence of us having less intelligence. This type of madness is today exemplified in a belief that we are using race to play victim because racism does not exist anymore. That those who are leaders in the modern black struggle for equality make up racism to line their pockets and get rich. That blacks do not want equality, they want revenge. That blacks want to enslave whites just as we were enslaved. All this is lunacy, still some whites, nonwhites and dumb blacks believe this. I remember being asked would I complain if things were different and blacks were the one doing the things I protest. That question really angered me because it was a comment based upon the same white racist lunacy while the person asking the question was not white and faces racism by whites personally.

Whites owned slaves, but it was not just that simple. Imagine your family of 5 surrounded day and night by 100 people who you owned, people that did not like being owned by you. Whites lived in constant fear during slavery and the only way they maintained the institution was due to things that had nothing to do with democracy. Blacks did not just sit idly by and accept being slaves. Slave owners lived in constant fear of slave uprisings and violence. There was a reason for laws like the Fugitive Slave Act and slave patrols.

When you think about these 240 plus years from the perspective of being black, it makes no sense to fight for 200-300 years to end a system of oppression then restart the same oppression because you are in charge. Logically what would be the outcome of this paranoid white belief? A nation of whites fighting against us like we fought, a nation of unrest, mistrust and hatred just like we have now, with constant division among the citizens of this nation. Yeah that’s what we black folks want. To reverse the violence and hate just so we can say we won. Just think about how stupid that sounds and yet people believe this who listen to mental midgets like Limbaugh, O’Rielly and others who have consistently baited white racial fears based upon a load of lunacy. These men were unknown, now they are rich. So just exactly who race pimped to line their pockets and just exactly who created a grievance industry making up racism by blacks?

I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.
What if you are wrong?

I'm not wrong.

What if you are?

In 3 hours I will have lived 58 years as a black man. I know what I am saying is right and I will not be questioned by someone white who thinks they can challenge my comments with no life experience as a person of color but with an opinion which is based on a false sense of racial symmetry.

Happy Birthday.



This scene from Bowfinger reminds me of your rant.

I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.

Whelp --- Lush Rimjob did say that his job was "to make you mad". And has a keen eye for baiting. "Take that bone out of your nose and call me back". Not in any way honest, or productive. But it does sell mattresses, or whatever he's hawking these daze.

And then there was this guffawable gaffe:

So, did he make a mistake, as happens when you speak contemporaneously on the air for fifteen hours a week, or was he lying about Sherrod Brown being Black?

When you talk about Trump making a misstatement he is just all lies.

When you talk about Rush making a misstatement is he just always baiting?
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.

Got any actual racist quotes from Rush Limbaugh?

He probably does.

Rush is a fucktard.

If I get him to retract his statement that Women like you who make the state pay for their birth control are whores, will you stop calling him a fucktard?
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.
I'm not wrong.

What if you are?

In 3 hours I will have lived 58 years as a black man. I know what I am saying is right and I will not be questioned by someone white who thinks they can challenge my comments with no life experience as a person of color but with an opinion which is based on a false sense of racial symmetry.

Happy Birthday.



This scene from Bowfinger reminds me of your rant.

So you're my senior which means you lived during de jure racism. Because that's how things were when I was born. And despite all the evidence that shows I and many other people of color are right, you have no proof and post a video of an Eddie Murphy scene. You're not black.
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.

Whelp --- Lush Rimjob did say that his job was "to make you mad". And has a keen eye for baiting. "Take that bone out of your nose and call me back". Not in any way honest, or productive. But it does sell mattresses, or whatever he's hawking these daze.

And then there was this guffawable gaffe:

So, did he make a mistake, as happens when you speak contemporaneously on the air for fifteen hours a week, or was he lying about Sherrod Brown being Black?

When you talk about Trump making a misstatement he is just all lies.

When you talk about Rush making a misstatement is he just always baiting?

Limbaugh is a racist and he's been race baiting for years.
What if you are?

In 3 hours I will have lived 58 years as a black man. I know what I am saying is right and I will not be questioned by someone white who thinks they can challenge my comments with no life experience as a person of color but with an opinion which is based on a false sense of racial symmetry.

I am Black and I am your senior.

Just because you are Black doesn't mean you understand the affliction that plagues our people.

Apparently I understand it better than you.

Because what I do know is the narrative whites have put out there over the course of at least the last 40 years is completely wrong. And I know for a fact that based on 32 years of work on issues affecting blacks and 36 years of research that I am not wrong. So you better bring a strong case and know that you will not get away with digital blackface.

If you were in my state, you would be Chattahoochee bound. You're so derp, it's not even funny.
Kinda sad, really.

If I were in your state I'd be governor. Gaslighting don't work with me. I know I am right.

Here is a birthday gift of sorts.

If we were not like we are, nobody would have problems with us.

Pepe Le Pew thinks his excrement doesn't stink.

We know we are flawed as most people are. But we refuse to admit WE are the source of most of the problems we complain of.

Why are you whining at Whites?

That's like blaming the mirror because you are fat.
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.
What if you are?

In 3 hours I will have lived 58 years as a black man. I know what I am saying is right and I will not be questioned by someone white who thinks they can challenge my comments with no life experience as a person of color but with an opinion which is based on a false sense of racial symmetry.

Happy Birthday.



This scene from Bowfinger reminds me of your rant.

So you're my senior which means you lived during de jure racism. Because that's how things were when I was born. And despite all the evidence that shows I and many other people of color are right, you have no proof and post a video of an Eddie Murphy scene. You're not black.

I don't buy into the slave or victim or "get over" mentality.

I was arrested during a race riot in the 1960's or early 70's and learned that Black revolution was the way for those who liked getting their asses kicked by the Police to have something to complain about and look like they were noble and devoted to the betterment of the people.

But there is nobody standing in our way but us.

Us and the fact that we hang on to ways of looking at life and dealing with life and raising our kids which make them more likely to be statistics in some areas, and less likely to succeed.

And the White man isn't responsible for that.

We are.

So, what message do you have for the young girls and guys, the teens, the twenty somethings and the heads of young households?

Because coming here and ranting is barking up the wrong tree, dawg.

Remember when Sharpton or Jesse said some disparaging thing about Obama because he wasn't "Black enough"?

Thry meant that he wasn't afflicted with the typical Ghetto mentality many come to think of as the very definition of, "Black."

But to every White, he was Black enough.

I would say that even though I am a proud Trump supporting Conservative, and you may not think I am Black enough, every White person, no doubt, does.
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I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing policies initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.

Whelp --- Lush Rimjob did say that his job was "to make you mad". And has a keen eye for baiting. "Take that bone out of your nose and call me back". Not in any way honest, or productive. But it does sell mattresses, or whatever he's hawking these daze.

And then there was this guffawable gaffe:

So, did he make a mistake, as happens when you speak contemporaneously on the air for fifteen hours a week, or was he lying about Sherrod Brown being Black?

When you talk about Trump making a misstatement he is just all lies.

When you talk about Rush making a misstatement is he just always baiting?

Limbaugh is a racist and he's been race baiting for years.

Remember when W was criticized for attacking Iraq when Afghanistan was where OBL was hiding out?

Remember when the Iraq invasion took place and people said he should have stopped the Mullahs in Iran, instead?

You should be doing what Cosby started.

Giving tough love messages to inner-city youths.

Obama has started doing the same recently. He did a thing in Oakland with the Warriors' Seth Curry.

Your focus should be on us.

Not them.

All they can do for you is make you look like you are doing something to impress people who are impressed by shams and displays and artifice and facades.
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on youtube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called the race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing policies initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.

Whelp --- Lush Rimjob did say that his job was "to make you mad". And has a keen eye for baiting. "Take that bone out of your nose and call me back". Not in any way honest, or productive. But it does sell mattresses, or whatever he's hawking these daze.

And then there was this guffawable gaffe:

So, did he make a mistake, as happens when you speak contemporaneously on the air for fifteen hours a week, or was he lying about Sherrod Brown being Black?

When you talk about Trump making a misstatement he is just all lies.

When you talk about Rush making a misstatement is he just always baiting?

Limbaugh is a racist and he's been race baiting for years.

He supports this Country. He supports an originalist view if the Constitution.

No one besides Trump and Rush and Hannity and Levin and Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and Lindsey Graham and a handful of others in Washington or the media have the vision to make our country continue on a stable pathway leading to the Constitution's promise being fully realized for all Black people.

No one else I know of is committed to making the promise come true that all men are equal under the law.

No one on the Left can be trusted to take us to the Promised Land.
What if you are wrong?

I'm not wrong.

What if you are?

In 3 hours I will have lived 58 years as a black man. I know what I am saying is right and I will not be questioned by someone white who thinks they can challenge my comments with no life experience as a person of color but with an opinion which is based on a false sense of racial symmetry.

I am Black and I am your senior.

Just because you are Black doesn't mean you understand the affliction that plagues our people.

Apparently I understand it better than you.

Because what I do know is the narrative whites have put out there over the course of at least the last 40 years is completely wrong. And I know for a fact that based on 32 years of work on issues affecting blacks and 36 years of research that I am not wrong. So you better bring a strong case and know that you will not get away with digital blackface.

You are wrong just based on the fact you view the world black versus white.

Awhile back you confused two towns in Texas when I put you in your place when you demanded white society should be forced to shop at black owned businesses.

I pointed out that where I live very few blacks live but we have Hispanics, Tejanos, and Asians that live with whites and many whites shop at minority owned businesses.

When this was pointed out you went on a tirade about how the whites never do that and when I requested your data that shows on a receipt what color the person was all you could do is troll.

Here is the reality and your segment of the population is a minority in this country and always will be.

As Hispanic and Asian communities grow you will be the minority even behind the white society!

Now let ask you how many white people do you live around and if your neighbors are all black why did you make that choice?

Is it because of your bigoted view of all whites?

If the store you own caters only to black society can you explain to the kind board why White society along with Asian and Hispanic communities should be forced to shop at your stores or eat at your restaurants?

You made a bigoted comment in your OP saying whites do not know what Sweet Potato Pie is but I do and can not stand it, but my cousin loves it and he is whiter than me and I an Casper look like he has a tan.

So as you tell the board you have done the research then maybe you can explain why Asian communities thrive better than yours when it come to marriage, raising kids, education and business while being in the same damn racist society you whine about?

Or how about Hispanic communities doing better than your black communities?

I am sure you will not answer because if you did you would realize the true bigot in this conversation is you but please ignore reality as you have done so far!
IM2 Is the guy the other blacks would coerce me to beat him in the middle of the night with a sock with 3 soap bars in it. They'd pull down the covers on his ass and say "do it".
That is IM2.

POS, Piece Of Shit.

You don't know any blacks.

Wow, I can not answer for Marion but you made the same comment to me and when I pointed out I have worked in the fifth ward of Houston you went silent.

So you do not know if Marion knows any minorities or not and you are just trolling!
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.

I read the first bit and last bit of that rant.

It's the same as all your other rants.

Racist crybabywhinepants

The only crying here is being done by you whites.

You do realize your entire OP is nothing but whining by you, so the other poster was and is correct...
What is a victim folk?

Here's a good read, IM2. It outlines cultural Marxism very well. I'll share a brief snip from it and link it for you in full.

''There are very few legitimate cultural divisions in the world. Most of them are arbitrarily created, not only by political and financial elites, but also by the useful idiots and mindlesacolytes infesting the sullied halls of academia.

It is perhaps no mistake that cultural Marxists in the form of "social justice warriors", PC busybodies and feminists tend to create artificial divisions between people and “classes” while attacking and homogenizing very real and natural divisions between individuals based on biological reality and inherent genetic and psychological ability. This is what cultural Marxists do: divide and conquer or homogenize and conquer, whatever the situation happens to call for.

They do this most commonly by designated arbitrary "victim status" to various classes, thus dividing them from each other based on how "oppressed" they supposedly are. The less statistically prominent a particular group is (less represented in a job field, media, education, population, etc.) in any western society based on their color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, etc., generally the more victim group status is afforded to them by social justice gatekeepers. Whites and males (straight males) are of course far at the bottom of their list of people who have reason to complain and we are repeatedly targeted by SJW organizations and web mobs as purveyors of some absurd theory called "the patriarchy".

Although cultural marxism does indeed target every individual and harm every individual in the long run, my list of personal solutions outlined in this article will be directed in large part at the categories of people most attacked by the social justice cult today...''

Continued - How To Stamp Out Cultural Marxism In A Single Generation

Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.

Think about this as you continue a system based on Cultural Marxism while claiming to be opposed to it.
.......actually racism has distorted reality for blacks-Jussie Smollett is a perfect example--and Booker and Harris also.....they couldn't even think for just 10 seconds about the Smollett stupidshit because they are so obsessed with fake racism
If you were in my state, you would be Chattahoochee bound. You're so derp, it's not even funny.
Kinda sad, really.

If I were in your state I'd be governor. Gaslighting don't wore here son. I know I am right.
Whoah! You definitely would not be Governor. Why do you fail so hard in your own state?

You better get things straight there before you een think about here.

The only failure here is you.

How so, buddy?

Read your posts. You're a loser white man.

That's why you're a racist.

3/4ths of what I say you can't understand and then you try denying facts presented by whites while you call me a racist. You're a dumb ass, maid Marion.

Says the OP'er that got two towns in Texas mixed up.

Everyone understands your rants about how you believe everything whites do is racist but what you do not understand is no one cares about your bigoted view in life!
IM2 Is the guy the other blacks would coerce me to beat him in the middle of the night with a sock with 3 soap bars in it. They'd pull down the covers on his ass and say "do it".
That is IM2.

POS, Piece Of Shit.

You don't know any blacks.
I beg to differ just a tad on that.
Me and 1 black guy grew up buying a dime bag of weed every day an getting 1 qt of Bull from the store every day after school.

We'd split the dime, smoke 1 joint, then sell the rest for lunch money the next day.

Sometimes we'd get fucked up.

OMG, he got this kickass dirtbike 1 time, we went through
the woods @ 70 mph.

The dime thing equaled out to 1 joint, quart from the Chink store, and sell a pinner for an extra lunch tomorrow.

The standard I know about blacks cause I had a black friend tale. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

And the typical trolling response believing your opinion is reality..

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