Zone1 This is What the Government has done for Whites

Get real. For every white person who has missed out on an opportunity due to Affirmative Action (and I would consider myself one), there have been a dozen times where a white person has gotten an opportunity because of nepotism, the old boy network, or other advantages.
I have had many jobs in my life starting as a teen. Of the hundreds of others I have worked with and for over a span of nearly seventy years not a single black person was to be seen. The same can be said for all the others mentioned. I'm sure that many others share my experience.
That’s history. Now blacks are favored, and whites are unfairly discriminated against. I am opposed to racism, unlike you.

I saw a great quote that describes you, Lisa.

When you are privileged, equality seems like oppression.

For all your whining about black privilege, If you woke up tomorrow and found out God had made you black as a joke, I don't think you'd be enjoying your privilege. You'd be wondering why employers, the banks, and law enforcement don't treat you the same.

Many whites sacrificed and worked hard and applied their brains and effort to get what they have. And for generations, more blacks have been given stuff, proportionate to their numbers, by whites who pay more taxes, proportionate to their numbers. And that’s still not enough for you.

because it's not really true.

Let's make this simple for you- Let's assume that entitlements favor whites and welfare favors blacks.

We spend 2.5 TRILLION on entitlments.

We spend about 700 Billion on entitlements, and most of that is Medicaid, which is just as likely to be paying Nana's Nursing home bills as LaKeisha's health insurance.

Duh. That’s because whites outnumber blacks five to one. But blacks are twice as likely to be on welfare than whites.

Which says we have a long way to go to acheive equality in this country... you are OOOOH, so close, but you keep missing the point.

I don’t “complain” about blacks at all. Nor do I hate them. I point out that they are responsible for their own outcomes, via their own choices. I also point out that it is racist to bend over backwards to favor blacks because of race.

You, otoh, complain about whites incessantly, rail about what they did to “you” in the past, and call everyone a racist - especially if they are of the religion that can’t be named.

I've never heard IMAVICTIM mention religion once. But religion isn't a race. True, Jews faced discrimination, and so did Catholics. But no one knowns your religion going into a conversation. My coworkers have no idea I'm an atheist because frankly, I don't bring it up at work. (I save my mockery of God-botherers for this board.)

So all the religions sit around at the Interfaith Pancake Breakfast wondering why young people aren't going to church anymore.
I have had many jobs in my life starting as a teen. Of the hundreds of others I have worked with and for over a span of nearly seventy years not a single black person was to be seen. The same can be said for all the others mentioned. I'm sure that many others share my experience.

But have you ever asked yourself why that is? Could it because no black people applied, or could it be your boss was bigoted and wouldn't hire them?

I have worked in very diverse workplaces, and I've worked in lily-white workplaces. And as a rule, I found the less diverse a workplace, the management tended to be awful in other ways.
But have you ever asked yourself why that is? Could it because no black people applied, or could it be your boss was bigoted and wouldn't hire them?

I have worked in very diverse workplaces, and I've worked in lily-white workplaces. And as a rule, I found the less diverse a workplace, the management tended to be awful in other ways.
I'm guessing no blacks applied.

I worked as a meat cutter for A&P back in the day. Our store was on the edge of the primary black neighborhood in the city. To attract black customers we began offering 'soul food' products in our meat case. We had to restock the display each day, but I never saw a black person in the store. The store manager told me that the black shoppers only came into the store during the evening hours. Strange.
I'm guessing no blacks applied.

I worked as a meat cutter for A&P back in the day. Our store was on the edge of the primary black neighborhood in the city. To attract black customers we began offering 'soul food' products in our meat case. We had to restock the display each day, but I never saw a black person in the store. The store manager told me that the black shoppers only came into the store during the evening hours. Strange.
Possibly because like most poor people, they were busy working during the day. I know Iused to do all my shopping after work to keep my valuable weekends free.
Possibly because like most poor people, they were busy working during the day. I know Iused to do all my shopping after work to keep my valuable weekends free.
Doesn‘t everyone do this, and not just poor people? Groceries stores were always packed around 6 pm weekdays as everyone stopped off at the grocery store on their way home from work - and that included highly paid professionals as well.
Possibly because like most poor people, they were busy working during the day. I know Iused to do all my shopping after work to keep my valuable weekends free.
When you don't see a single black person in the store during day something else is going on.
I'm guessing no blacks applied.

I worked as a meat cutter for A&P back in the day. Our store was on the edge of the primary black neighborhood in the city. To attract black customers we began offering 'soul food' products in our meat case. We had to restock the display each day, but I never saw a black person in the store. The store manager told me that the black shoppers only came into the store during the evening hours. Strange.
Not really? A&P hasn't been around since the 1970's, they were probably all busy during the day.

When you don't see a single black person in the store during day something else is going on.

Um, yeah, they had jobs, and shopping was something they had to do during the evening.
Not really? A&P hasn't been around since the 1970's, they were probably all busy during the day.

Um, yeah, they had jobs, and shopping was something they had to do during the evening.
So, all the other daytime shoppers were unemployed? Blacks didn't show up on weekends either.
So, all the other daytime shoppers were unemployed? Blacks didn't show up on weekends either.

Point was, they showed up in the evenings. Maybe that when they like to shop.

Personally, I like to shop in the evenings, about one day a week. But I have a full time job, a side business, and a rental property.

But again, you use terms like "A&P" and "Soul Food", like you just got off a time Machine from the 1970's.

Point was, they showed up in the evenings. Maybe that when they like to shop.

Personally, I like to shop in the evenings, about one day a week. But I have a full time job, a side business, and a rental property.

But again, you use terms like "A&P" and "Soul Food", like you just got off a time Machine from the 1970's.

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This occurred in the 1960's. I think they just didn't want to be around white people. If they all shopped in the evening, they would be the majority in the store, safety in numbers. Less likely to be 'singled out' and discriminated against. Actually, a pretty smart plan.

Soul food is still very much a thing.

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This occurred in the 1960's. I think they just didn't want to be around white people. If they all shopped in the evening, they would be the majority in the store, safety in numbers. Less likely to be 'singled out' and discriminated against. Actually, a pretty smart plan.

Soul food is still very much a thing.

The 1960's? When Jim Crow was still a thing?
That was LBJ’s doing...and by intention.

That was LBJ’s doing...and by intention.
The Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts weren't the problem. It was the rush to access "all things white" under the 'equal accommodation clause' that was the wrong turn. It continues today and represents the biggest interracial transfer of wealth on the planet, from blacks to (mostly) whites. Blacks receive $billions on payday mostly from other-than-black employers. Within days (or hours) most of that money is back in other-than-black hands.
The Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts weren't the problem. It was the rush to access "all things white" under the 'equal accommodation clause' that was the wrong turn. It continues today and represents the biggest interracial transfer of wealth on the planet, from blacks to (mostly) whites. Blacks receive $billions on payday mostly from other-than-black employers. Within days (or hours) most of that money is back in other-than-black hands.

That has to be the most bizarre thinking I've heard yet.

The real problem is that we have wealth inequality that started to get worse for everyone when Tricky Dick got white people to vote against their own economic interests.
That has to be the most bizarre thinking I've heard yet.

The real problem is that we have wealth inequality that started to get worse for everyone when Tricky Dick got white people to vote against their own economic interests.
We have wealth inequality because,

Whites have a centuries long head start.
Blacks don't save or invest enough.
We have wealth inequality because,

Whites have a centuries long head start.
Blacks don't save or invest enough.
There has always been and will always be wealth inequality. The fortunate or ruthless accumulate wealth where the average person doesn’t.
We have wealth inequality because,

Whites have a centuries long head start.
Blacks don't save or invest enough.

We have wealth inequality because the rich are too f**king greedy.

And because dumb white trash are fine with it as long as you have a little more than the darkies.

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