This is what we are getting with open boarders.

When will we finally have had enough and Biden is removed from office and the corrupt government assisting him in the destruction of our country?

Stop lying. The Border isn't open. In fact, it's more closed today than any other time. And because of that, illegal crossings are down 50%. While the ICE is busy bussing and flying them back to the countries of origin, you MAGAts are illegally busing them to the northern cities causing one hell of a lot of strife just so you can make this shit up.
Stop lying. The Border isn't open. In fact, it's more closed today than any other time. And because of that, illegal crossings are down 50%. While the ICE is busy bussing and flying them back to the countries of origin, you MAGAts are illegally busing them to the northern cities causing one hell of a lot of strife just so you can make this shit up.
Liar....Those newly minted "migrants" (with .gov paperwork mind you) want to go to Yankeeland.

Do your part and quit being anti-Hispanic :

Stop lying. The Border isn't open. In fact, it's more closed today than any other time. And because of that, illegal crossings are down 50%. While the ICE is busy bussing and flying them back to the countries of origin, you MAGAts are illegally busing them to the northern cities causing one hell of a lot of strife just so you can make this shit up.

Over 6 million illegals since Biden was implanted into the Oval Office. All-time record numbers.
Stop lying. The Border isn't open. In fact, it's more closed today than any other time. And because of that, illegal crossings are down 50%. While the ICE is busy bussing and flying them back to the countries of origin, you MAGAts are illegally busing them to the northern cities causing one hell of a lot of strife just so you can make this shit up.
how far do you live from the border?....just curious....
Stop lying. The Border isn't open. In fact, it's more closed today than any other time. And because of that, illegal crossings are down 50%. While the ICE is busy bussing and flying them back to the countries of origin, you MAGAts are illegally busing them to the northern cities causing one hell of a lot of strife just so you can make this shit up.

"The border isn't open"! Bwahahahaaaaaaa! What a dumbfuck!
There's a reason we have been flooded with record #'s ever since the stupid old senile fuck became president. The lousy bastard literally invited this invasion when as a candidate he literally came out and announced to the third-world that should he become president there should be an "immediate surge to the border". Want to see the video dumbass?!
"The border isn't open"! Bwahahahaaaaaaa! What a dumbfuck!
There's a reason we have been flooded with record #'s ever since the stupid old senile fuck became president. The lousy bastard literally invited this invasion when as a candidate he literally came out and announced to the third-world that should he become president there should be an "immediate surge to the border". Want to see the video dumbass?!

It's down 50%. The only crime here is your lack of education.
Liar....Those newly minted "migrants" (with .gov paperwork mind you) want to go to Yankeeland.

So what. Notice that you only included those with Gov paperwork meaning......Legals.

Do your part and quit being anti-Hispanic :

Sounds more like it's YOU that is the bigot here. Your attempt at spreading Hate and Fear is noted, MAGAt.

And since those funds won't go to preventing border crossings, where are they going to go? Does the Governor need a new Mansion?

First of all, your URL is no good. Second, you are using a movie as an example. 3rd, since it's the Thunderdome, it's more likely to be you MAGAts that would build and run it.
Getting this too!

It's down 50%. The only crime here is your lack of education.

Down 50% from what, yesterday? There have been record #'s flooding in SINCE Biden became president. The third-world knows with a Dimocrat in the WH they have a friendly ally, and don't you fucking dare try and deny that FACT!
Everyone knows who create the sanctuary cities and states, and it ain't Republicans pal!

Column: Biden called for the border surge. And now he owns it.​

"I would in fact make sure that there is, that we immediately surge to the border — all those people are seeking asylum. They deserve to be heard,” Biden said. “That’s who we are. We’re a nation that says, ‘If you want to flee and you’re fleeing oppression, you should come.’”
Flee they did. And come they did, surging. Some came wearing Biden T-shirts reading, “Biden, please let us in.”

“They see him as the migrant president, and so many feel they’re going to reach the United States,” Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said of Biden in an exclusive report by Reuters. “We need to work together to regulate the flow, because this business can’t be tackled from one day to the next.”
As president, Biden immediately stopped construction on the border walls and began to unravel and end Trump administration policy that kept the border better contained. The most significant of these changes was Biden ending the Trump administration “Remain in Mexico” order that kept migrants from rushing the border while they appealed for amnesty status.

Border crossings reportedly decrease after Title 42 rules scrapped

Migrant crossings drop at U.S.-Mexico border after Title 42 expires

There a probably over 1000 cites that can be presented. You can stop lying now. We know you are just attempting to spread Hate, Fear and destroying America to rebuild it like you MAGAts think is should be.

Yeah it's dropped in the last handful of days, after the two and a half years of record #'s since dumbfuck became president. Look it up yourself if you don't believe me. Stop being a dishonest clown, everyone knows we've been seeing an unprecedented invasion, and everyone needs to know why!

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