This is What Will Happen if Trump is Re-Elected

The race is neck and neck between this thread and the Tampons Aren't For Women Only thread. :auiqs.jpg:
Trump and his minions pplaan on creatiing aan auutoocracy.. Noow you riight wiingers can stay blliind or you can make yourself believe thiss is a great thing because it wiill take out liberals.. But what this really is, is the ennd of democracy in America.

The is the Pprojject 2025 plan.

Section 1: Taking the Reins of Government


White House Office

Rick Dearborn

Executive Office of the President of the United States

Russ Vought

Central Personnel Agencies: Managing the Bureaucracy

Donald Devine
Dennis Dean Kirk
Paul Dans

Section 2: The Common Defense


Department of Defense

Christopher Miller

Department of Homeland Security

Ken Cuccinelli

Department of State

Kiron K. Skinner

Intelligence Community

Dustin J. Carmack

Media Agencies

U.S. Agency for Global Media

Mora Namdar

Corporation for Public Broadcasting

Mike Gonzalez

Agency for International Development

Max Primorac

Section 3: The General Welfare


Department of Agriculture

Daren Bakst

Department of Education

Lindsey M. Burke

Department of Energy and Related Commissions

Bernard L. McNamee

Environmental Protection Agency

Mandy M. Gunasekara

Department of Health and Human Services

Roger Severino

Department of Housing and Urban Development

Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., MD

Department of the Interior

William Perry Pendley

Department of Justice

Gene Hamilton

Department of Labor and Related Agencies

Jonathan Berry

Department of Transportation

Diana Furchtgott-Roth

Department of Veterans Affairs

Brooks D. Tucker

Section 4: The Economy


Department of Commerce

Thomas F. Gilman

Department of the Treasury

William L. Walton
Stephen Moore
David R. Burton

Export-Import Bank

The Export-Import Bank Should Be Abolished

Veronique de Rugy

The Case of the Export-Import Bank

Jennifer Hazelton

Federal Reserve

Paul Winfree

Small Business Administration

Karen Kerrigan


The Case for Fair Trade

Peter Navarro

The Case for Free Trade

Kent Lassman

Section 5: Independent Regulatory Agencies


Financial Regulatory Agencies

Securities and Exchange Commission and Related Agencies

David R. Burton

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Robert Bowes

Federal Communications Commission

Brendan Carr

Federal Election Commission

Hans A. von Spakovsky

Federal Trade Commission

Adam Candeub

Hey, there's some interesting stuff in there. For example, under Dept of Treasury, it says....

The primary subject matter focus of the incoming Administration’s Treasury
Department should be:

  • Tax policy and tax administration;
  • Fiscal responsibility;
  • Improved financial regulation;
  • Addressing the economic and financial aspects of the geopolitical threat posed by China and other hostile countries;
  • Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise
  • Reform of the anti-money laundering and beneficial ownership reporting systems;
  • Reversal of the racist “equity” agenda of the Biden Administration; and
  • Reversal of the economically destructive and ineffective climate-related financial-risk agenda of the Biden Administration.
The soundness and stability of U.S. currency, the dollar, has been put at risk
because of the worst inflation in four decades. American families have been
made poorer by Biden’s economic strategy of taxing, spending, borrowing,
regulating, and printing money. The average family has seen real annual earnings
fall about $6,000 during the Biden Administration.1 In 2022, the average
American’s 401(k) plan dropped in value from $130,700 to $103,900—more
than 20 percent.

Why has the Biden Administration failed to achieve virtually all components of
its mission? Under the leadership of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, the department
has made “equity” and “climate change” among its top five priorities. The
next Administration must act decisively to curtail activities that fall outside Treasury’s
mandate and primary mission. Treasury must refocus on its core missions
of promoting economic growth, prosperity, and economic stability.

Sure does sound better than this:


Dontcha think?
IM2, this is not your style, and you used to know how to type. Did your 12-year-old get your password?

If you have something to say, then go ahead and say it. NOBODY is going to read these linked articles. All of them come from compromised sources; no need to read them to know what they say.

Trump has not been CONVICTED of anything, and the jurisdictions where the brain-dead courts do convict him those judgments will be overturned on appeal They are all, legally speaking, garbage.

What do I know? I'm only a lawyer.
I'm sure the world's terrorists are looking forward to another Trump Administration since he plans on dismantling the FBI.

Yes! So smart!

Trump unconditionally surrendered to Afghanistan!
Trump gave Putin the go ahead to attack Ukraine!
Trump made the Brits and French withdraw their ambassadors!
Trump made the FBI go after his political opponents

Putin was waging war in eastern Ukraine all during Trump's reign. He did not turn and tuck his tail while Trump was blackmailing Zelensky.
Are you still falling for the old Clinton scheme, "Trump and Putin are friends, and I have a dossier to prove it."?
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Are you still falling for the old Clinton scheme, "Trump and Putin are friends, and I have a dossier to prove it."?
Trump liked people to bleev he was Putin's friend.

That's because Putin is Trump's man-love crush.

It is literally impossible for Traitor Trump to say a bad word about the love of his life. The mass murdering war criminal KGB Putin can do no wrong in Traitor Trump's mind.

If a celebrity hurts Crooked Donald's feelings, he will rage tweet at 3 am for days.

If a fellow Republican is in his way, Trump will accuse the Republican's father of killing Kennedy.

But never, and I mean never, will Trump criticize Putin for anything.

Trump even invented a personal relationship with Putin that didn't exist!

Trump actually starts blushing like a schoolgirl when he talks about being in a relationship with his idol. A relationship he entirely made up!

Q: Do you have a relationship with Vladimir Putin? A conversational relationship, or anything that you feel you have sway or influence over his government?

TRUMP: I do have a relationship, and I can tell you that he's very interested in what we're doing here today.
Trump and his minions pplaan on creatiing aan auutoocracy.. Noow you riight wiingers can stay blliind or you can make yourself believe thiss is a great thing because it wiill take out liberals.. But what this really is, is the ennd of democracy in America.

The is the Pprojject 2025 plan.

Section 1: Taking the Reins of Government


White House Office

Rick Dearborn

Executive Office of the President of the United States

Russ Vought

Central Personnel Agencies: Managing the Bureaucracy

Donald Devine
Dennis Dean Kirk
Paul Dans

Section 2: The Common Defense


Department of Defense

Christopher Miller

Department of Homeland Security

Ken Cuccinelli

Department of State

Kiron K. Skinner

Intelligence Community

Dustin J. Carmack

Media Agencies

U.S. Agency for Global Media

Mora Namdar

Corporation for Public Broadcasting

Mike Gonzalez

Agency for International Development

Max Primorac

Section 3: The General Welfare


Department of Agriculture

Daren Bakst

Department of Education

Lindsey M. Burke

Department of Energy and Related Commissions

Bernard L. McNamee

Environmental Protection Agency

Mandy M. Gunasekara

Department of Health and Human Services

Roger Severino

Department of Housing and Urban Development

Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., MD

Department of the Interior

William Perry Pendley

Department of Justice

Gene Hamilton

Department of Labor and Related Agencies

Jonathan Berry

Department of Transportation

Diana Furchtgott-Roth

Department of Veterans Affairs

Brooks D. Tucker

Section 4: The Economy


Department of Commerce

Thomas F. Gilman

Department of the Treasury

William L. Walton
Stephen Moore
David R. Burton

Export-Import Bank

The Export-Import Bank Should Be Abolished

Veronique de Rugy

The Case of the Export-Import Bank

Jennifer Hazelton

Federal Reserve

Paul Winfree

Small Business Administration

Karen Kerrigan


The Case for Fair Trade

Peter Navarro

The Case for Free Trade

Kent Lassman

Section 5: Independent Regulatory Agencies


Financial Regulatory Agencies

Securities and Exchange Commission and Related Agencies

David R. Burton

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Robert Bowes

Federal Communications Commission

Brendan Carr

Federal Election Commission

Hans A. von Spakovsky

Federal Trade Commission

Adam Candeub

Don't sweat it. The elections are rigged. The Democratic nominee is a LOCK to "win" the 24' election.
There is one county, and one leader, on which Trump has been as silent as the grave when it comes to criticism.

Russia and Putin.

In 2013, Trump tweeted that he was going to Russia and he gushingly hoped that Putin would become his new best friend.

In 2014, Putin invaded Crimea.

Not a single tweet from Trump criticizing this.

Putin also invaded eastern Ukraine.

Again, dead silence.

Russia then shot down a passenger airliner.

Not a word from Trump. He sure was busy sending out birther tweets, though!

Trump did not mention the invasion of Crimea until early 2017. And then it was to blame Obama!

I shit you not.

Trump NEVER has a bad word to say about Putin or Russia. But he has managed to insult all of our allies.

There's a word for someone who trashes our friends and supports our enemies.

You know what that word is.

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