This is what's wrong with our career politicians


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
As an era closes, Barbara Boxer defends politics as a 'noble' profession'

Serving in government was NEVER meant to be a 'profesdion'. It was never meant p be a 'career'. It was meant to be like JURY DUTY - you become a 'SERVANT of the People', serve for a short time, and then go back to your lives as citizens.

Barbara Boxer is compleyely wrong about it being a 'profession', and after decafes of using the federal government to make their own millions at taxpayer expense, Un-Constitutionally elevating themselves above the Constitution and rule of law they sure have made it anything but 'noble'.

She and her ilk on both sides of the aisle ate pariah, parasites, criminals, leeches ...DESPOTS who try to pass themselves off as 'noble', 'self-sacrificing', 'honorable' 'benevolent' servants.

Part of the problem is thst politicians like herself believe they ate so much smarter, so much more, intelligent, so much better than everyone else - they truly believe they are above the 'common folk', believe the people they are supposed to be serving are beneath them....and they believe this so completely they don't even see how f*ed up and wrong that is and that's not the way it's supposed to be.

They are professionals...professional con artists. Like food allowed to hang around too long, politicians spoil, become rotten, and the only way to get rid of them is throw them out...which is why we need term limits.

We need to get rid of the spoiled, rotten meat and make sure the problem does not repeat itself.

Barbara Boxer is a cancer, like do many others, that has infected Congress / our government. She may not have started out that way but she has metasticized into a cancer over time.

The only hope for this country is to cut out cancers like her.

As an era closes, Barbara Boxer defends politics as a 'noble' profession

Barbara Boxer is leaving, walking away on her own finally, too late, but she leaves behind a hoard of dopplegangers, useless, bloated, self/party serving politicians who have been allowed to loiter way to long.

This article was meant to honor her and her long 'noble profession', one that she and so many have perverted.

Good riddance to Barbara Boxer. May many more like her - Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnel, Charlie Rangel...follow her as quickly as possible.

Politics has been a profession since Ancient Greece.

Tell me, how many of our Founding Fathers "went back to their lives as citizens", and how many of them stayed in politics for the rest of their lives?

Politics has been a profession since Ancient Greece.

Tell me, how many of our Founding Fathers "went back to their lives as citizens", and how many of them stayed in politics for the rest of their lives?
Do your homework and find out.

Yeah, to Boxer, being a politician is like another 'old noble profession' - prostitution.

Politics has been a profession since Ancient Greece.

Tell me, how many of our Founding Fathers "went back to their lives as citizens", and how many of them stayed in politics for the rest of their lives?
Do your homework and find out.

Yeah, to Boxer, being a politician is like another 'old noble profession' - prostitution.


I already know the answer, dumbass.

I'm prompting you to educate yourself, before making even more of a fool of yourself.

Politics has been a profession since Ancient Greece.

Tell me, how many of our Founding Fathers "went back to their lives as citizens", and how many of them stayed in politics for the rest of their lives?

Hmm I wonder what Mitch McConnel will do after he gets booted out of Congress... oh he'll probably become a lobbyist...
Asking self-serving elitist millionaires to be servants of the people' is like asking a cat burgler to be your banker. T has worked so well, as they have made it whete they can impose their wills and laws onto those they believe they rule while illegalky exempting themselves from those laws ...and the punishment of breaking them.

Just ask Charlie 'Multi-offender Tax Cheat' Rangel - he loves his 'noble profession'.

Politics has been a profession since Ancient Greece.

Tell me, how many of our Founding Fathers "went back to their lives as citizens", and how many of them stayed in politics for the rest of their lives?

Hmm I wonder what Mitch McConnel will do after he gets booted out of Congress... oh he'll probably become a lobbyist...

Senator Mitch McConnell.

Politics has been a profession since Ancient Greece.

Tell me, how many of our Founding Fathers "went back to their lives as citizens", and how many of them stayed in politics for the rest of their lives?
Our founding fathers never left their lives as citizens, big difference.

Our Founding Fathers weren't just "citizens", they were the most power elites in the colonies.

Politics has been a profession since Ancient Greece.

Tell me, how many of our Founding Fathers "went back to their lives as citizens", and how many of them stayed in politics for the rest of their lives?

Hmm I wonder what Mitch McConnel will do after he gets booted out of Congress... oh he'll probably become a lobbyist...

Senator Mitch McConnell.

and? He's been in Congress since 1984... 32 years. No politician should be in office that long.

Politics has been a profession since Ancient Greece.

Tell me, how many of our Founding Fathers "went back to their lives as citizens", and how many of them stayed in politics for the rest of their lives?
Our founding fathers never left their lives as citizens, big difference.

Our Founding Fathers weren't just "citizens", they were the most power elites in the colonies.
And that refutes my post how? The founding fathers never were far from the lives of other colonists. They had to run their plantations, law practices, farms, or merchant enterprises. In other words unlike today, our founders were never separated from reality.
As an era closes, Barbara Boxer defends politics as a 'noble' profession'

Serving in government was NEVER meant to be a 'profesdion'. It was never meant p be a 'career'. It was meant to be like JURY DUTY - you become a 'SERVANT of the People', serve for a short time, and then go back to your lives as citizens.

Barbara Boxer is compleyely wrong about it being a 'profession', and after decafes of using the federal government to make their own millions at taxpayer expense, Un-Constitutionally elevating themselves above the Constitution and rule of law they sure have made it anything but 'noble'.

She and her ilk on both sides of the aisle ate pariah, parasites, criminals, leeches ...DESPOTS who try to pass themselves off as 'noble', 'self-sacrificing', 'honorable' 'benevolent' servants.

Part of the problem is thst politicians like herself believe they ate so much smarter, so much more, intelligent, so much better than everyone else - they truly believe they are above the 'common folk', believe the people they are supposed to be serving are beneath them....and they believe this so completely they don't even see how f*ed up and wrong that is and that's not the way it's supposed to be.

They are professionals...professional con artists. Like food allowed to hang around too long, politicians spoil, become rotten, and the only way to get rid of them is throw them out...which is why we need term limits.

We need to get rid of the spoiled, rotten meat and make sure the problem does not repeat itself.

Barbara Boxer is a cancer, like do many others, that has infected Congress / our government. She may not have started out that way but she has metasticized into a cancer over time.

The only hope for this country is to cut out cancers like her.

As an era closes, Barbara Boxer defends politics as a 'noble' profession

Barbara Boxer is leaving, walking away on her own finally, too late, but she leaves behind a hoard of dopplegangers, useless, bloated, self/party serving politicians who have been allowed to loiter way to long.

This article was meant to honor her and her long 'noble profession', one that she and so many have perverted.

Good riddance to Barbara Boxer. May many more like her - Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnel, Charlie Rangel...follow her as quickly as possible.
In 1776, political office was a part time job. A lot has change since then. The size of the US government today is greater than the population of the 13 colonies. The estimated GDP of the nation then was less than .1% of what it is today. Our peace time military has increased by a factor 10,000. The federal budget has increased 4000 times.

With the increase in the size of government has come complexity. Consider congress in those early days versus today. In 1790, most bills could be written on the back of an envelope. Today the average bill is about 50 pages but can be several thousand pages. In the early days of congress, 200 to 500 bills were under consideration. Today congress will have as many 5,000 bills being brought up. Congressmen in early days had no staff. Today they manage a staff of 18 to 60 employees. Most freshman legislatures spend their first term following in the footsteps of senior law makers. It takes them years to learn the system and even longer to rise to a position of leadership.

The idea that professionals have failed therefore we should turn to amateurs really makes no sense. Hiring amateurs to run the most complex bureaucratic organization in the world is not going to work anymore than hiring plumbers to fix your teeth. The fact is governing and legislating requires skills and knowledge of government. If we hire amateurs, then the decisions are going to be made by lobbyists and political advisers, not those we elect.
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'Hiring amateurs to run the most complex bureaucratic organization in the world is not going to work anymore than hiring plumbers to fix your teeth. The fact is governing and legislating requires skills and knowledge of government. If we hire amateurs, then the decisions are going to be made by lobbyists and political advisers, not those we elect.'

Sounds a lot like what has been happening and what would have happened had Hillary won. :p
As an era closes, Barbara Boxer defends politics as a 'noble' profession'

Serving in government was NEVER meant to be a 'profesdion'. It was never meant p be a 'career'. It was meant to be like JURY DUTY - you become a 'SERVANT of the People', serve for a short time, and then go back to your lives as citizens.

Barbara Boxer is compleyely wrong about it being a 'profession', and after decafes of using the federal government to make their own millions at taxpayer expense, Un-Constitutionally elevating themselves above the Constitution and rule of law they sure have made it anything but 'noble'.

She and her ilk on both sides of the aisle ate pariah, parasites, criminals, leeches ...DESPOTS who try to pass themselves off as 'noble', 'self-sacrificing', 'honorable' 'benevolent' servants.

Part of the problem is thst politicians like herself believe they ate so much smarter, so much more, intelligent, so much better than everyone else - they truly believe they are above the 'common folk', believe the people they are supposed to be serving are beneath them....and they believe this so completely they don't even see how f*ed up and wrong that is and that's not the way it's supposed to be.

They are professionals...professional con artists. Like food allowed to hang around too long, politicians spoil, become rotten, and the only way to get rid of them is throw them out...which is why we need term limits.

We need to get rid of the spoiled, rotten meat and make sure the problem does not repeat itself.

Barbara Boxer is a cancer, like do many others, that has infected Congress / our government. She may not have started out that way but she has metasticized into a cancer over time.

The only hope for this country is to cut out cancers like her.

As an era closes, Barbara Boxer defends politics as a 'noble' profession

Barbara Boxer is leaving, walking away on her own finally, too late, but she leaves behind a hoard of dopplegangers, useless, bloated, self/party serving politicians who have been allowed to loiter way to long.

This article was meant to honor her and her long 'noble profession', one that she and so many have perverted.

Good riddance to Barbara Boxer. May many more like her - Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnel, Charlie Rangel...follow her as quickly as possible.
I wonder if Boxer and others like her( non partisan commentary here) would espouse the same beliefs if the job did not include a salary of over $180k , platinum plus benefits for life, a nice juicy pension ( over $120k per year for life) and all the perks that go with being a US Senator or House Member......

Politics has been a profession since Ancient Greece.

Tell me, how many of our Founding Fathers "went back to their lives as citizens", and how many of them stayed in politics for the rest of their lives?

Hmm I wonder what Mitch McConnel will do after he gets booted out of Congress... oh he'll probably become a lobbyist...
I object to any former Senator or Member of the House becoming a lobbyist, or working for any lobbying firm for at least 5 years after their final day in service.

Politics has been a profession since Ancient Greece.

Tell me, how many of our Founding Fathers "went back to their lives as citizens", and how many of them stayed in politics for the rest of their lives?

Hmm I wonder what Mitch McConnel will do after he gets booted out of Congress... oh he'll probably become a lobbyist...
I object to any former Senator or Member of the House becoming a lobbyist, or working for any lobbying firm for at least 5 years after their final day in service.

Well isn't Trump's plan only in his cabinet?

Politics has been a profession since Ancient Greece.

Tell me, how many of our Founding Fathers "went back to their lives as citizens", and how many of them stayed in politics for the rest of their lives?
Do your homework and find out.

Yeah, to Boxer, being a politician is like another 'old noble profession' - prostitution.


I already know the answer, dumbass.

I'm prompting you to educate yourself, before making even more of a fool of yourself.
As a moderator, what right do you have to come on here and deliberately attempt to inflame and antagonize?
I think you should disqualify yourself as a moderator. Or remain a moderator and not post.
One cannot be a referee and a player at the same time.

Politics has been a profession since Ancient Greece.

Tell me, how many of our Founding Fathers "went back to their lives as citizens", and how many of them stayed in politics for the rest of their lives?

Hmm I wonder what Mitch McConnel will do after he gets booted out of Congress... oh he'll probably become a lobbyist...

Senator Mitch McConnell.
A misconception. Senators and House Members ARE members of The Congress.
Even the news media gets it wrong. They refer to a Member of the House as "Congresswoman" Or "Congressman"..This is incorrect. The proper term is "Representative".
Please note: this is from
The next Congress to convene is the 117th Congress.
At Noon Eastern Time,Jan 3rd, 2017 the 117th Congress ( House and Senate) will convene for the first time,

Politics has been a profession since Ancient Greece.

Tell me, how many of our Founding Fathers "went back to their lives as citizens", and how many of them stayed in politics for the rest of their lives?
Our founding fathers never left their lives as citizens, big difference.
Yeah...But the doctor is still going to insult you.
All libs do this as a first reaction to anyone who dares disagree with them.

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