This Is Why Democrats Are Such......

Yet it was Reagan that brought us the end to the long-lasting nuclear nightmare.

Don't bother replying. I won't be reading whatever you write.

I never do, either.....that one is the most prodigious liar on the board....starting with his avi.
st ronny, who reduced the number of nukes we possessed AND was completely on board with banning assault rifles would be CONsidered a lefty left left liberal by the freaks who now make up the majority of the
' GOP '.
Mutual agreement to reduce number of nukes.
Please document that "banning assault rifles" claim of yours.
st ronny, who reduced the number of nukes we possessed AND was completely on board with banning assault rifles would be CONsidered a lefty left left liberal by the freaks who now make up the majority of the
' GOP '.
hey, what liberal didnt love ronnie
Mutual agreement to reduce number of nukes.
Please document that "banning assault rifles" claim of yours.

• Ronald Reagan lobbied members of the House of Representatives to support the 1994 federal Assault Weapons Ban. The ban passed by only two votes; at least two House members publicly credited Reagan’s direct appeals for their “aye” votes.

• In the early 1990s, President Reagan lobbied Congress to pass the Brady Law, a major gun safety initiative vigorously opposed by the gun lobby.

• During Reagan’s tenure as President, bans on cop-killer bullets, undetectable handguns, and the manufacture and sale of machine guns became law.2, 3

you're welcome.


Communism has long since ceased to be a creed people are willing to kill and die for. Russia, China, and North Korea are motivated by nationalism. There are very few Communists in the United States or anywhere else. The vast majority of "Communists" in the United States dwell in the fearful, hateful imaginations of right wing nut cases.
.....ignorant buffoons who swallow every communism-supporting lie.

1. Government school students haven’t been taught about communism because they are taught by communists, and they omit a lot.
Communists….the most prodigious murders of the 20th century….and the Democrat Party has taken on their persona.

2. So, Gorbachev dies and we are treated to what Limbaugh called a 'media gorbasm.'
"NBC was by far the most obscene in their mourning for yet another communist dictator. Anchor Lester Holt led into the segment claiming Gorbachev had single-handedly “oversaw the end of the Cold War.”

And, of course, no praise for a communist dictator would be complete without chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell, who has a very long and public history of getting smitten with communist dictators. “Mikhail Gorbachev, the communist leader whose brief six-year reign transformed the map of Europe and the world,” she said."3.

3. No.....he didn't "transform' the world, or "oversee the end of the Cold War".......he lost it to Ronald Reagan.
He never intended to end Bolshevik order:
"At no point, however, did Gorbachev want to yield Moscow's pride of place as the number two superpower. And he was blissfully confident that the risks were tolerable: "There is no reason to fear the collapse or the end of socialism", Gorbachev assured Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu three weeks after the Berlin Wall had been breached and three weeks before the Romanian dictator was executed by his own people."

4. "Mitchell lauded Gorbachev for his “a larger vision for his country” and willingness to meet with President Ronald Reagan, who she framed as unreasonable for calling the Soviet Union “an evil empire.”

Here is where praise belongs:
"Reagan was made from far sterner stuff than was his Soviet counterpart. His genial grin and wise-cracking demeanor concealed a spine of steel when push came to shove. Yet at their next meeting in Reykjavik in 1986, where Gorbachev would not budge on the "Star Wars" question, Reagan was decisive and unforgiving. He recalls in An American Life how he stood up from the table to proclaim that the meeting was over. Then he turned to his Secretary of State: "Let's go, George. We're leaving." Like any good diplomat, Shultz was crushed by so much roughness, but Reagan was completely unfazed. Later on, he explained: "I went to Reykjavik determined that everything was negotiable except two things, our freedom and our future."

5. "I didn't understand", recalls Time's Joe Klein, "how truly monumental, and morally important, Reagan's anti-communism was until I visited the Soviet Union in 1987." He continues with a seemingly trivial vignette. Attending the Bolshoi Ballet, he was nudged by his minder: "'Ronald Reagan. Evil empire', he whispered with dramatic intensity and shot a glance toward his lap where he had hidden two enthusiastic thumbs up. 'Yes!'"

When an American president manages to pluck the soul strings of those who have been raised to fear and despise what he represents, he surely deserves the honorific 'great.'
The "amazing and mysterious" life of Ronald Reagan - National Interest, The Articles | Find
Articles at CBS

Who won the Nobel Peace Prize.....Reagan or Gorbachev?

We're lucky Reagan's stupid bluster didn't bring back the hardliners. Reagan did good, and then BAD that goes on to this day. THE GOP sucks always...

Liberals, in my experience, are fearful folks who need the bodyguard of big government because they are vulnerable, battered emotional hypochondriacs....they need to insure themselves against every societal misadventure that could occur. They call that 'empathy,' but it's actually neurosis. They have some sort of metaphorical bullet lodged near their heart, just waiting for a slight move which will end it all! Thus, the overwhelming feeling of incipient failure, and apprehension. And, recognizing their own weakness, they lash out at those willing to depend on themselves.
If liberals are such losers, why are the most prestigious universities in the United States full of liberal students? These are earning powerful degrees that will enable them to achieve lucrative and satisfying careers.

And why are you so full of anger and hatred? I suspect you are angry about your status in life and project your anger at right wing hate targets. You try to build yourself up by tearing others down.
We're lucky Reagan's stupid bluster didn't bring back the hardliners. Reagan did good, and then BAD that goes on to this day. THE GOP sucks always...
Pop Quiz......

a. Who did a better job with the economy, Trump or the Democrats?

b. Who was better containing the southern border, Trump or the Democrats?

c. Who contained inflation better, Trump or the Democrats?

d. When was there more peace in the world, under Trump or under the Democrat?

e. When did we have better gas prices, under Trump or under the Democrats?

f. Where did we get the truth about Russian Collusion, from Trump or from the Democrats?

g. Who provided the Taliban with over $30 billion in weapons, Trump or the Democrats?

h. Who, contrary to the Constitution, allowed courts and attorneys general to alter the menthods of elections, Trump or the Democrats?

i. Who is in favor of censorship of views they don't like, Trump or the Democrats???

j. Who insistes on nuclear-arming the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, Trump or the Democrats?
Thanks GOP, that's what 40 years of giveaway to the rich and worst inequality and upward mobility MEAN DUH....

The bottom 25 percent of earners made a buck and a half more per hour under Obama, a pittance compared with the five dollars more per hour they made under Trump.

U.S. Hourly Wage Growth
Bottom Quarter
Hourly wage growth under Obama $1.48
Hourly wage growth under Trump $5.14
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Wake the heck up, Blanko.
If liberals are such losers, why are the most prestigious universities in the United States full of liberal students? These are earning powerful degrees that will enable them to achieve lucrative and satisfying careers.

And why are you so full of anger and hatred? I suspect you are angry about your status in life and project your anger at right wing hate targets. You try to build yourself up by tearing others down.

Can you explain why you support this?

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?
Pop Quiz......

a. Who did a better job with the economy, Trump or the Democrats?

b. Who was better containing the southern border, Trump or the Democrats?

c. Who contained inflation better, Trump or the Democrats?

d. When was there more peace in the world, under Trump or under the Democrat?

e. When did we have better gas prices, under Trump or under the Democrats?

f. Where did we get the truth about Russian Collusion, from Trump or from the Democrats?

g. Who provided the Taliban with over $30 billion in weapons, Trump or the Democrats?

h. Who, contrary to the Constitution, allowed courts and attorneys general to alter the menthods of elections, Trump or the Democrats?

i. Who is in favor of censorship of views they don't like, Trump or the Democrats???

j. Who insistes on nuclear-arming the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, Trump or the Democrats?
The Trump economy crashed

Biden had to rescue it
.....ignorant buffoons who swallow every communism-supporting lie.

1. Government school students haven’t been taught about communism because they are taught by communists, and they omit a lot.
Communists….the most prodigious murders of the 20th century….and the Democrat Party has taken on their persona.

2. So, Gorbachev dies and we are treated to what Limbaugh called a 'media gorbasm.'
"NBC was by far the most obscene in their mourning for yet another communist dictator. Anchor Lester Holt led into the segment claiming Gorbachev had single-handedly “oversaw the end of the Cold War.”

And, of course, no praise for a communist dictator would be complete without chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell, who has a very long and public history of getting smitten with communist dictators. “Mikhail Gorbachev, the communist leader whose brief six-year reign transformed the map of Europe and the world,” she said."3.

3. No.....he didn't "transform' the world, or "oversee the end of the Cold War".......he lost it to Ronald Reagan.
He never intended to end Bolshevik order:
"At no point, however, did Gorbachev want to yield Moscow's pride of place as the number two superpower. And he was blissfully confident that the risks were tolerable: "There is no reason to fear the collapse or the end of socialism", Gorbachev assured Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu three weeks after the Berlin Wall had been breached and three weeks before the Romanian dictator was executed by his own people."

4. "Mitchell lauded Gorbachev for his “a larger vision for his country” and willingness to meet with President Ronald Reagan, who she framed as unreasonable for calling the Soviet Union “an evil empire.”

Here is where praise belongs:
"Reagan was made from far sterner stuff than was his Soviet counterpart. His genial grin and wise-cracking demeanor concealed a spine of steel when push came to shove. Yet at their next meeting in Reykjavik in 1986, where Gorbachev would not budge on the "Star Wars" question, Reagan was decisive and unforgiving. He recalls in An American Life how he stood up from the table to proclaim that the meeting was over. Then he turned to his Secretary of State: "Let's go, George. We're leaving." Like any good diplomat, Shultz was crushed by so much roughness, but Reagan was completely unfazed. Later on, he explained: "I went to Reykjavik determined that everything was negotiable except two things, our freedom and our future."

5. "I didn't understand", recalls Time's Joe Klein, "how truly monumental, and morally important, Reagan's anti-communism was until I visited the Soviet Union in 1987." He continues with a seemingly trivial vignette. Attending the Bolshoi Ballet, he was nudged by his minder: "'Ronald Reagan. Evil empire', he whispered with dramatic intensity and shot a glance toward his lap where he had hidden two enthusiastic thumbs up. 'Yes!'"

When an American president manages to pluck the soul strings of those who have been raised to fear and despise what he represents, he surely deserves the honorific 'great.'
The "amazing and mysterious" life of Ronald Reagan - National Interest, The Articles | Find
Articles at CBS

Who won the Nobel Peace Prize.....Reagan or Gorbachev?

Please get help
Can you explain why you support this?

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?
You voted for Trump


Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.

We're a home school family.
I was a librarian for 36 1/2 years

So I’ve had contact with many home school families

Some were excellent
I hired two siblings as pages and clerks

Unfortunately they were in the minority

All to often a middle school male student gets suspended
Mom sticks him in his bedroom while she’s at work
And claims she’s home schooling him

I live in Indiana

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