This Is Why Democrats Are Such......

Nobody is better at cheating in an election than the Democrats.

1. If the US Constitution holds force, then the only body that can alter the “time, place, and manner” of elections is the elected state legislature.
Not state governors,
election officials,
attorneys general,
state courts,
state constitutions,
sec’ys of state,
election commission......
....or ....some other body.

So.....the outcome of the election is yet to be determined.
You do not prove that by asserting it.

If you know as much about the Constitution as you think you do, you should home school Trump about it.


Former Trump Adviser Says He Tried to Teach President the Constitution, but His Eyes Just Rolled Back in His Head​

BY ZOLA RAY ON 1/3/18 AT 2:07 PM EST, Newsweek

As a candidate for president, Donald Trump didn't understand the Constitution—and didn't want to learn about it, a key campaign aide said.

"I got as far as the Fourth Amendment, before his finger is pulling down on his lip and his eyes are rolling back in his head," Sam Nunberg, a former adviser to the Trump campaign, said in Michael Wolff's bombshell new book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, excerpted Wednesday in New York magazine.


‘It’s like a different language, right?’ How Trump tried (and failed) to read the US Constitution aloud, GQ, 23 January 2020​

In an extract (below) from their new book, A Very Stable Genius: Donald J Trump’s Testing Of America, Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig detail how where other presidents, ex-presidents and constitutional figures managed to read aloud with ease, President Trump appeared never to have read the Constitution before...

With LED lights on stilts in front of him, Trump took his seat. “You’re lucky you got the easy part,” Pelosi told him cheerfully. “It gets complicated after this.” But the president stumbled, trying to get out the words in the arcane, stilted form the Founding Fathers had written. Trump grew irritated. “It’s very hard to do because of the language here,” Trump told the crew. “It’s very hard to get through that whole thing without a stumble.” He added, “It’s like a different language, right?” The cameraman tried to calm Trump, telling him it was no big deal, to take a moment and start over. Trump tried again, but again remarked, “It’s like a foreign language.




TrumpCrimes 2.png
You do not prove that by asserting it.

If you know as much about the Constitution as you think you do, you should home school Trump about it.


Former Trump Adviser Says He Tried to Teach President the Constitution, but His Eyes Just Rolled Back in His Head​

BY ZOLA RAY ON 1/3/18 AT 2:07 PM EST, Newsweek

As a candidate for president, Donald Trump didn't understand the Constitution—and didn't want to learn about it, a key campaign aide said.

"I got as far as the Fourth Amendment, before his finger is pulling down on his lip and his eyes are rolling back in his head," Sam Nunberg, a former adviser to the Trump campaign, said in Michael Wolff's bombshell new book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, excerpted Wednesday in New Yorkmagazine.


‘It’s like a different language, right?’ How Trump tried (and failed) to read the US Constitution aloud, GQ, 23 January 2020​

In an extract (below) from their new book, A Very Stable Genius: Donald J Trump’s Testing Of America, Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig detail how where other presidents, ex-presidents and constitutional figures managed to read aloud with ease, President Trump appeared never to have read the Constitution before...

With LED lights on stilts in front of him, Trump took his seat. “You’re lucky you got the easy part,” Pelosi told him cheerfully. “It gets complicated after this.” But the president stumbled, trying to get out the words in the arcane, stilted form the Founding Fathers had written. Trump grew irritated. “It’s very hard to do because of the language here,” Trump told the crew. “It’s very hard to get through that whole thing without a stumble.” He added, “It’s like a different language, right?” The cameraman tried to calm Trump, telling him it was no big deal, to take a moment and start over. Trump tried again, but again remarked, “It’s like a foreign language.

What a Good German you are.

Do you prefer 'good bye,' or your more traditional Sieg Heil????
Adults judge a President by his achievements for the people….Democrats judge by their personality. Dick Morris notes a number of astounding achievements by Trump…..

1.” He defied the economic establishment by getting Congress to pass a massive tax cut, skillfully crafted to aim at the middle class, the working poor, and small businesses. …. he made sure his tax cuts were the first in recent history to target the lower middle class—the working class. Trump signed a law giving a tax credit of $2,000 per child, and changed tax rates so the lower-income people did not even have to file returns.
What about Trump's deficits? Republicans used to value balanced budgets. What happened to that.
Who had four years to win or end the War in Afghanistan, then who had the nerve to condemn President Biden for ending it?

Why are you afraid to answer those few questions?

The party will come get you, huh?

Is that the best you can do? Your man Trump demonstrated that he does not understand the Constitution, and that he does not care about it.

And you voted for this party????????????

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors 2of their right of free speech.
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????
Who had four years to win or end the War in Afghanistan, then who had the nerve to condemn President Biden for ending it?

He didn't "end it"......he re-armed our enemies.


the Taliban seized way more ScanEagle drones than the government is saying they did. There is no accounting on the number of crashed units.

Direct Quote from Report
“This also raises concerns about how NAVAIR justified procuring 105 ScanEagle vehicles totaling over $32 million and spare parts totaling over $52 million, and future planned procurements.”

This week, the SIGAR audit on the $174 million drone loss disappeared from its website. Here is the link that was removed.


Here is a breakdown of estimated vehicle costs:

  • Armored personnel carriers such as the M113A2 cost $170,000 each and recent purchases of the M577A2 post carrier cost $333,333 each.
  • Mine resistant vehicles ranges from $412,000 to $767,000. The total cost could range between $382 million to $711 million.
  • Recovery vehicles such as the ‘truck, wrecker’ cost between for the base model $168,960 and $880,674 for super strength versions.
  • Medium range tactical vehicles include 5-ton cargo and general transport trucks were priced at $67,139. However, the family of MTV heavy vehicleshad prices ranging from $235,500 to $724,820 each. Cargo trucks to transport airplanes cost $800,865.
  • Humvees – ambulance type (range from $37,943 to $142,918 with most at $96,466); cargo type, priced at $104,682. Utility Humvees were typically priced at $91,429. However, the 12,000 lb. troop transport version cost up to $329,000.
  • Light tactical vehicles: Fast attack combat vehicles ($69,400); and passenger motor vehicles ($65,500). All terrain 4-wheel vehicles go up to $42,273 in the military databases.




UPDATE: Biden's Gift to Taliban Included 110 Helicopters, 20 Light Attack Airplanes, 42,000 Light Attack Vehicles, 25,000 Grenade Launchers

If you thought the Joe Biden Afghanistan disaster was bad now – things are going to get much worse. Joe Biden supplied the Taliban terrorist organization and their Islamist accomplices with billions of dollars worth of US armaments. Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the...
He didn't "end it"......he re-armed our enemies.


the Taliban seized way more ScanEagle drones than the government is saying they did. There is no accounting on the number of crashed units.

Direct Quote from Report
“This also raises concerns about how NAVAIR justified procuring 105 ScanEagle vehicles totaling over $32 million and spare parts totaling over $52 million, and future planned procurements.”

This week, the SIGAR audit on the $174 million drone loss disappeared from its website. Here is the link that was removed.


Here is a breakdown of estimated vehicle costs:

  • Armored personnel carriers such as the M113A2 cost $170,000 each and recent purchases of the M577A2 post carrier cost $333,333 each.
  • Mine resistant vehicles ranges from $412,000 to $767,000. The total cost could range between $382 million to $711 million.
  • Recovery vehicles such as the ‘truck, wrecker’ cost between for the base model $168,960 and $880,674 for super strength versions.
  • Medium range tactical vehicles include 5-ton cargo and general transport trucks were priced at $67,139. However, the family of MTV heavy vehicleshad prices ranging from $235,500 to $724,820 each. Cargo trucks to transport airplanes cost $800,865.
  • Humvees – ambulance type (range from $37,943 to $142,918 with most at $96,466); cargo type, priced at $104,682. Utility Humvees were typically priced at $91,429. However, the 12,000 lb. troop transport version cost up to $329,000.
  • Light tactical vehicles: Fast attack combat vehicles ($69,400); and passenger motor vehicles ($65,500). All terrain 4-wheel vehicles go up to $42,273 in the military databases.




UPDATE: Biden's Gift to Taliban Included 110 Helicopters, 20 Light Attack Airplanes, 42,000 Light Attack Vehicles, 25,000 Grenade Launchers

If you thought the Joe Biden Afghanistan disaster was bad now – things are going to get much worse. Joe Biden supplied the Taliban terrorist organization and their Islamist accomplices with billions of dollars worth of US armaments. Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the...
Your “site” is BOGUS
He didn't "end it"......he re-armed our enemies.


the Taliban seized way more ScanEagle drones than the government is saying they did. There is no accounting on the number of crashed units.

Direct Quote from Report
“This also raises concerns about how NAVAIR justified procuring 105 ScanEagle vehicles totaling over $32 million and spare parts totaling over $52 million, and future planned procurements.”

This week, the SIGAR audit on the $174 million drone loss disappeared from its website. Here is the link that was removed.


Here is a breakdown of estimated vehicle costs:

  • Armored personnel carriers such as the M113A2 cost $170,000 each and recent purchases of the M577A2 post carrier cost $333,333 each.
  • Mine resistant vehicles ranges from $412,000 to $767,000. The total cost could range between $382 million to $711 million.
  • Recovery vehicles such as the ‘truck, wrecker’ cost between for the base model $168,960 and $880,674 for super strength versions.
  • Medium range tactical vehicles include 5-ton cargo and general transport trucks were priced at $67,139. However, the family of MTV heavy vehicleshad prices ranging from $235,500 to $724,820 each. Cargo trucks to transport airplanes cost $800,865.
  • Humvees – ambulance type (range from $37,943 to $142,918 with most at $96,466); cargo type, priced at $104,682. Utility Humvees were typically priced at $91,429. However, the 12,000 lb. troop transport version cost up to $329,000.
  • Light tactical vehicles: Fast attack combat vehicles ($69,400); and passenger motor vehicles ($65,500). All terrain 4-wheel vehicles go up to $42,273 in the military databases.




UPDATE: Biden's Gift to Taliban Included 110 Helicopters, 20 Light Attack Airplanes, 42,000 Light Attack Vehicles, 25,000 Grenade Launchers

If you thought the Joe Biden Afghanistan disaster was bad now – things are going to get much worse. Joe Biden supplied the Taliban terrorist organization and their Islamist accomplices with billions of dollars worth of US armaments. Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the...
That is what happens when a defeated country retreats. It happened in Vietnam too.
I love it when the terminally indoctrinated, you, post "you lie!!!!!!!!!" yet are never able to produce any such.

Your post turned into a boomerang.
You post hyperbole. For example, Democrats are not Communists. Abortion is not infanticide. It is one of the most popular operations in the United States.
You post hyperbole. For example, Democrats are not Communists. Abortion is not infanticide. It is one of the most popular operations in the United States.

Let's check:

And Democrats demand the ability to slaughter it......even well after birth:

Infanticide now mainstream Democrat policy.

1. "Rhode Island and Vermont Democrats Propose Radical Abortion Bills"

Rhode Island and Vermont Democrats Propose Radical Abortion Bills

2. "Democratic governor who believes elderly have a ‘duty to die’ calls pro-life initiative ‘a monster’

The former [Democrat] governor of Colorado, who has expressed support for population control and said that the elderly have a “duty to die,” has come out against a state amendment that would recognize the rights of unborn children, calling the pro-life measure “a monster.”

Democratic governor who believes elderly have a ‘duty to die’ calls pro-life initiative ‘a monster’ — The Rights Writer

The Democrats are true to their forebears:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

3. The Democrat administration in Virginia offered a law favor of....infanticide....stopped by Republicans.

4. The Democrat governor of Virginia agreed with the bill for infanticide.

5. "New York abortion law changes allow infanticide"

New York abortion law changes allow infanticide

6. "Anti-infanticide bill blocked by Senate Democrats"

Anti-infanticide bill blocked by Senate Democrats

Pa Democrat John Fetterman

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