This Is Why I Call Them 'Disgusting Filth'

The Daily Caller is poorly written, frequently spreads hate-filled, inaccurate information and frequently doesn't distinguish between editorial content and actual news stories. The fact that Yahoo uses the DC as a legitimate news source should be embarrassing but Yahoo has proven again and again that they are incapable of embarrassment.

They've got the scrunt on video -- Right here

NBC Reporter Tips Off Hillary Spokeswoman To Interview Questions Before Live Segment [VIDEO]

Stupid bitch
and? trump get the same kind of info .
so what's the difference?

He gets the exact opposite treatment.
false trump want special treatment .ask Meagan Kelly ...

Kelly targeted Trump.

And he slammed her for it.
The Daily Caller is poorly written, frequently spreads hate-filled, inaccurate information and frequently doesn't distinguish between editorial content and actual news stories. The fact that Yahoo uses the DC as a legitimate news source should be embarrassing but Yahoo has proven again and again that they are incapable of embarrassment.

They've got the scrunt on video -- Right here

NBC Reporter Tips Off Hillary Spokeswoman To Interview Questions Before Live Segment [VIDEO]

Stupid bitch
and? trump get the same kind of info .
so what's the difference?

He gets the exact opposite treatment.
false trump want special treatment .ask Meagan Kelly ...

Kelly targeted Trump.

And he slammed her for it.
still trying to sell that delusion are we.
Megan Kelly did exactly what real journalist are supposed to do .
fucking amazing since she works for fox.
trump is a pussy.
Because they are. They are the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media. They are NOT what the Founders had in mind when they wrote the 1st Amendment. They would no more have approved of a complicit and dishonest media completely in one corner of the political spectrum any more than they would have approved of King George.

Except King George was honest about what he was. the DISGUSTING FILTH is not

NBC Reporter Tips Off Hillary Spokeswoman To Questions Before Live Interview


Via Daily Caller:

After Sunday’s Democratic debate, NBC News reporter Kristen Welker tipped Hillary Clinton’s communications director Jen Palmieri off to questions before conducting an interview in the spin room.

As host Ari Melber finished his interview with Bernie Sanders’ senior adviser Tad Devine, the MSNBC shot cut to Welker, and she is heard telling Palmieri, “And I’m going to ask you about Flint.”

Melber tried to speak over Welker saying, “Kristen, go ahead, you’re live.”

Then the shot went back to Melber, who was in the studio and he reiterated, “Kristen Welker in the spin room, I believe she has Clinton communications director with her, go ahead Kristen.”

Keep reading…

I think that if the only thing that you've got to get upset about that degree then maybe you need to pull your head out of your ass, watch 60 minutes and realise that there are a whole heap of people in the world with problems that makes yours pale in to insignificance.

And while you're at it stop pretending that A, You know what the founding fathers were thinking and B that the sun shone so bright out of their asses that everything they did was sacred. They were politicans same as the rest and they will have taken bribes and tip offs just as ours do now. Aint nothing changed but now we have a big electric world to bleat like a pussy on. Man up.

Shut up, bitch.

With such a humiliating and withing putdown however will I show my face at the country club again!

Yep that's me the bitch. The one telling the big bag of piss and wind (who is crying his little eyes out because a politican he doesn't like got an easy ride in an interview as if he lost his favourite ranbow pony doll) to go to his Doctor and get a pescription for Groacet. Yeah, me a bitch.

You earthshattering knobwomble. Go to your bathroom, stand in front of your mirror and take a long hard look at yourself.
and? trump get the same kind of info .
so what's the difference?

He gets the exact opposite treatment.
false trump want special treatment .ask Meagan Kelly ...

Kelly targeted Trump.

And he slammed her for it.
still trying to sell that delusion are we.
Megan Kelly did exactly what real journalist are supposed to do .
fucking amazing since she works for fox.
trump is a pussy.

She was there as a moderator, not to take sides.

She completely failed.
Because they are. They are the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media. They are NOT what the Founders had in mind when they wrote the 1st Amendment. They would no more have approved of a complicit and dishonest media completely in one corner of the political spectrum any more than they would have approved of King George.

Except King George was honest about what he was. the DISGUSTING FILTH is not

NBC Reporter Tips Off Hillary Spokeswoman To Questions Before Live Interview


Via Daily Caller:

After Sunday’s Democratic debate, NBC News reporter Kristen Welker tipped Hillary Clinton’s communications director Jen Palmieri off to questions before conducting an interview in the spin room.

As host Ari Melber finished his interview with Bernie Sanders’ senior adviser Tad Devine, the MSNBC shot cut to Welker, and she is heard telling Palmieri, “And I’m going to ask you about Flint.”

Melber tried to speak over Welker saying, “Kristen, go ahead, you’re live.”

Then the shot went back to Melber, who was in the studio and he reiterated, “Kristen Welker in the spin room, I believe she has Clinton communications director with her, go ahead Kristen.”

Keep reading…

I think that if the only thing that you've got to get upset about that degree then maybe you need to pull your head out of your ass, watch 60 minutes and realise that there are a whole heap of people in the world with problems that makes yours pale in to insignificance.

And while you're at it stop pretending that A, You know what the founding fathers were thinking and B that the sun shone so bright out of their asses that everything they did was sacred. They were politicans same as the rest and they will have taken bribes and tip offs just as ours do now. Aint nothing changed but now we have a big electric world to bleat like a pussy on. Man up.

Shut up, bitch.

With such a humiliating and withing putdown however will I show my face at the country club again!

Yep that's me the bitch. The one telling the big bag of piss and wind (who is crying his little eyes out because a politican he doesn't like got an easy ride in an interview as if he lost his favourite ranbow pony doll) to go to his Doctor and get a pescription for Groacet. Yeah, me a bitch.

You earthshattering knobwomble. Go to your bathroom, stand in front of your mirror and take a long hard look at yourself.

The question of whether the media is biased or not is a very serious one.

If you need it explained why, then you are a moron.
and? trump get the same kind of info .
so what's the difference?

He gets the exact opposite treatment.
false trump want special treatment .ask Meagan Kelly ...

Kelly targeted Trump.

And he slammed her for it.
still trying to sell that delusion are we.
Megan Kelly did exactly what real journalist are supposed to do .
fucking amazing since she works for fox.
trump is a pussy.

She was there as a moderator, not to take sides.

She completely failed.
false a mo
and? trump get the same kind of info .
so what's the difference?

He gets the exact opposite treatment.
false trump want special treatment .ask Meagan Kelly ...

Kelly targeted Trump.

And he slammed her for it.
still trying to sell that delusion are we.
Megan Kelly did exactly what real journalist are supposed to do .
fucking amazing since she works for fox.
trump is a pussy.

She was there as a moderator, not to take sides.

She completely failed.
Redirect Discussion
  • It is not uncommon for a debater to go on a tangent when discussing his point. If he manages to integrate a slightly off-topic point with his main point that's fine, but if he stays off-topic that's a problem and could degrade the quality of the debate. If the debate moderator feels that the discussion is going too far off of the topic, she can interject and redirect the discussion by either asking the person to return to his original point or moving on to the other party's response.

  • that is what she did .

  • trump was treated no different than all the other participants
He gets the exact opposite treatment.
false trump want special treatment .ask Meagan Kelly ...

Kelly targeted Trump.

And he slammed her for it.
still trying to sell that delusion are we.
Megan Kelly did exactly what real journalist are supposed to do .
fucking amazing since she works for fox.
trump is a pussy.

She was there as a moderator, not to take sides.

She completely failed.
false a mo
He gets the exact opposite treatment.
false trump want special treatment .ask Meagan Kelly ...

What do you base that claim on?

Kelly targeted Trump.

And he slammed her for it.
still trying to sell that delusion are we.
Megan Kelly did exactly what real journalist are supposed to do .
fucking amazing since she works for fox.
trump is a pussy.

She was there as a moderator, not to take sides.

She completely failed.
Redirect Discussion
  • It is not uncommon for a debater to go on a tangent when discussing his point. If he manages to integrate a slightly off-topic point with his main point that's fine, but if he stays off-topic that's a problem and could degrade the quality of the debate. If the debate moderator feels that the discussion is going too far off of the topic, she can interject and redirect the discussion by either asking the person to return to his original point or moving on to the other party's response.

  • that is what she did .

  • trump was treated no different than all the other participants
Because they are. They are the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media. They are NOT what the Founders had in mind when they wrote the 1st Amendment. They would no more have approved of a complicit and dishonest media completely in one corner of the political spectrum any more than they would have approved of King George.

Except King George was honest about what he was. the DISGUSTING FILTH is not

NBC Reporter Tips Off Hillary Spokeswoman To Questions Before Live Interview


Via Daily Caller:

After Sunday’s Democratic debate, NBC News reporter Kristen Welker tipped Hillary Clinton’s communications director Jen Palmieri off to questions before conducting an interview in the spin room.

As host Ari Melber finished his interview with Bernie Sanders’ senior adviser Tad Devine, the MSNBC shot cut to Welker, and she is heard telling Palmieri, “And I’m going to ask you about Flint.”

Melber tried to speak over Welker saying, “Kristen, go ahead, you’re live.”

Then the shot went back to Melber, who was in the studio and he reiterated, “Kristen Welker in the spin room, I believe she has Clinton communications director with her, go ahead Kristen.”

Keep reading…

I think that if the only thing that you've got to get upset about that degree then maybe you need to pull your head out of your ass, watch 60 minutes and realise that there are a whole heap of people in the world with problems that makes yours pale in to insignificance.

And while you're at it stop pretending that A, You know what the founding fathers were thinking and B that the sun shone so bright out of their asses that everything they did was sacred. They were politicans same as the rest and they will have taken bribes and tip offs just as ours do now. Aint nothing changed but now we have a big electric world to bleat like a pussy on. Man up.

Shut up, bitch.

With such a humiliating and withing putdown however will I show my face at the country club again!

Yep that's me the bitch. The one telling the big bag of piss and wind (who is crying his little eyes out because a politican he doesn't like got an easy ride in an interview as if he lost his favourite ranbow pony doll) to go to his Doctor and get a pescription for Groacet. Yeah, me a bitch.

You earthshattering knobwomble. Go to your bathroom, stand in front of your mirror and take a long hard look at yourself.

The question of whether the media is biased or not is a very serious one.

If you need it explained why, then you are a moron.
it only concerns asshats like you when the bias in not on your side ,
you could give a fuck about objectivity .
Lets be honest the media thrives and continues to flourish on sensationalism over content. The days of reporting the news vanished when news directors opted to interject their political opinion in the selection of stories covered with a bias toward reporting the angle that supported their beliefs. The current Nielson ratings validate and support the disgust of viewers with irresponsible agenda based news reporting. Possibly the hat trick was the hypocrisy exhibited by the press in their handling of the players in the news over the past thirty years commencing with the treatment of Senator Bob Packwood.
Allowing 90% of the media to be bought up and merged into six corporations spelled the end of the 4th Estate.

Ratings and money became the prime movers for the media and pulling more viewers enables them to charge more for ads.

Follow the money === always.
Lets be honest the media thrives and continues to flourish on sensationalism over content. The days of reporting the news vanished when news directors opted to interject their political opinion in the selection of stories covered with a bias toward reporting the angle that supported their beliefs. The current Nielson ratings validate and support the disgust of viewers with irresponsible agenda based news reporting. Possibly the hat trick was the hypocrisy exhibited by the press in their handling of the players in the news over the past thirty years commencing with the treatment of Senator Bob Packwood.
Allowing 90% of the media to be bought up and merged into six corporations spelled the end of the 4th Estate.

Ratings and money became the prime movers for the media and pulling more viewers enables them to charge more for ads.

Follow the money === always.
the media no matter what side it claims to be on will do and have always done what will bring in the most viewers, viewers = money .
Because they are. They are the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media. They are NOT what the Founders had in mind when they wrote the 1st Amendment. They would no more have approved of a complicit and dishonest media completely in one corner of the political spectrum any more than they would have approved of King George.

Except King George was honest about what he was. the DISGUSTING FILTH is not

NBC Reporter Tips Off Hillary Spokeswoman To Questions Before Live Interview


Via Daily Caller:

After Sunday’s Democratic debate, NBC News reporter Kristen Welker tipped Hillary Clinton’s communications director Jen Palmieri off to questions before conducting an interview in the spin room.

As host Ari Melber finished his interview with Bernie Sanders’ senior adviser Tad Devine, the MSNBC shot cut to Welker, and she is heard telling Palmieri, “And I’m going to ask you about Flint.”

Melber tried to speak over Welker saying, “Kristen, go ahead, you’re live.”

Then the shot went back to Melber, who was in the studio and he reiterated, “Kristen Welker in the spin room, I believe she has Clinton communications director with her, go ahead Kristen.”

Keep reading…

I think that if the only thing that you've got to get upset about that degree then maybe you need to pull your head out of your ass, watch 60 minutes and realise that there are a whole heap of people in the world with problems that makes yours pale in to insignificance.

And while you're at it stop pretending that A, You know what the founding fathers were thinking and B that the sun shone so bright out of their asses that everything they did was sacred. They were politicans same as the rest and they will have taken bribes and tip offs just as ours do now. Aint nothing changed but now we have a big electric world to bleat like a pussy on. Man up.

Shut up, bitch.

With such a humiliating and withing putdown however will I show my face at the country club again!

Yep that's me the bitch. The one telling the big bag of piss and wind (who is crying his little eyes out because a politican he doesn't like got an easy ride in an interview as if he lost his favourite ranbow pony doll) to go to his Doctor and get a pescription for Groacet. Yeah, me a bitch.

You earthshattering knobwomble. Go to your bathroom, stand in front of your mirror and take a long hard look at yourself.

The question of whether the media is biased or not is a very serious one.

If you need it explained why, then you are a moron.
it only concerns asshats like you when the bias in not on your side ,
you could give a fuck about objectivity .

And what do you base that belief system on?
Because they are. They are the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media. They are NOT what the Founders had in mind when they wrote the 1st Amendment. They would no more have approved of a complicit and dishonest media completely in one corner of the political spectrum any more than they would have approved of King George.

Except King George was honest about what he was. the DISGUSTING FILTH is not

NBC Reporter Tips Off Hillary Spokeswoman To Questions Before Live Interview


Via Daily Caller:

After Sunday’s Democratic debate, NBC News reporter Kristen Welker tipped Hillary Clinton’s communications director Jen Palmieri off to questions before conducting an interview in the spin room.

As host Ari Melber finished his interview with Bernie Sanders’ senior adviser Tad Devine, the MSNBC shot cut to Welker, and she is heard telling Palmieri, “And I’m going to ask you about Flint.”

Melber tried to speak over Welker saying, “Kristen, go ahead, you’re live.”

Then the shot went back to Melber, who was in the studio and he reiterated, “Kristen Welker in the spin room, I believe she has Clinton communications director with her, go ahead Kristen.”

Keep reading…

I think that if the only thing that you've got to get upset about that degree then maybe you need to pull your head out of your ass, watch 60 minutes and realise that there are a whole heap of people in the world with problems that makes yours pale in to insignificance.

And while you're at it stop pretending that A, You know what the founding fathers were thinking and B that the sun shone so bright out of their asses that everything they did was sacred. They were politicans same as the rest and they will have taken bribes and tip offs just as ours do now. Aint nothing changed but now we have a big electric world to bleat like a pussy on. Man up.
edge is a basement dweller.

No kidding.
Lets be honest the media thrives and continues to flourish on sensationalism over content. The days of reporting the news vanished when news directors opted to interject their political opinion in the selection of stories covered with a bias toward reporting the angle that supported their beliefs. The current Nielson ratings validate and support the disgust of viewers with irresponsible agenda based news reporting. Possibly the hat trick was the hypocrisy exhibited by the press in their handling of the players in the news over the past thirty years commencing with the treatment of Senator Bob Packwood.
Allowing 90% of the media to be bought up and merged into six corporations spelled the end of the 4th Estate.

Ratings and money became the prime movers for the media and pulling more viewers enables them to charge more for ads.

Follow the money === always.
the media no matter what side it claims to be on will do and have always done what will bring in the most viewers, viewers = money .


Fox exploded out of nowhere because the rest of the media was ignoring a great niche market.

Half the country.

And they ignored them, because they wanted and still do want, to marginalize conservatives.
I think that if the only thing that you've got to get upset about that degree then maybe you need to pull your head out of your ass, watch 60 minutes and realise that there are a whole heap of people in the world with problems that makes yours pale in to insignificance.

And while you're at it stop pretending that A, You know what the founding fathers were thinking and B that the sun shone so bright out of their asses that everything they did was sacred. They were politicans same as the rest and they will have taken bribes and tip offs just as ours do now. Aint nothing changed but now we have a big electric world to bleat like a pussy on. Man up.

Shut up, bitch.

With such a humiliating and withing putdown however will I show my face at the country club again!

Yep that's me the bitch. The one telling the big bag of piss and wind (who is crying his little eyes out because a politican he doesn't like got an easy ride in an interview as if he lost his favourite ranbow pony doll) to go to his Doctor and get a pescription for Groacet. Yeah, me a bitch.

You earthshattering knobwomble. Go to your bathroom, stand in front of your mirror and take a long hard look at yourself.

The question of whether the media is biased or not is a very serious one.

If you need it explained why, then you are a moron.
it only concerns asshats like you when the bias in not on your side ,
you could give a fuck about objectivity .

And what do you base that belief system on?
it not a belief system it's fact ,
one day when you grow you might learn the difference

Objectivity is a central philosophical concept, related to reality and truth, which has been variously defined by sources. Generally, objectivity means the state or quality of being true even outside of a subject's individual biases, interpretations, feelings, and imaginings.
Shut up, bitch.

With such a humiliating and withing putdown however will I show my face at the country club again!

Yep that's me the bitch. The one telling the big bag of piss and wind (who is crying his little eyes out because a politican he doesn't like got an easy ride in an interview as if he lost his favourite ranbow pony doll) to go to his Doctor and get a pescription for Groacet. Yeah, me a bitch.

You earthshattering knobwomble. Go to your bathroom, stand in front of your mirror and take a long hard look at yourself.

The question of whether the media is biased or not is a very serious one.

If you need it explained why, then you are a moron.
it only concerns asshats like you when the bias in not on your side ,
you could give a fuck about objectivity .

And what do you base that belief system on?
it not a belief system it's fact ,
one day when you grow you might learn the difference

Objectivity is a central philosophical concept, related to reality and truth, which has been variously defined by sources. Generally, objectivity means the state or quality of being true even outside of a subject's individual biases, interpretations, feelings, and imaginings.

That in no way supports your claim that I only care about it, when the bias in not on my side.
Lets be honest the media thrives and continues to flourish on sensationalism over content. The days of reporting the news vanished when news directors opted to interject their political opinion in the selection of stories covered with a bias toward reporting the angle that supported their beliefs. The current Nielson ratings validate and support the disgust of viewers with irresponsible agenda based news reporting. Possibly the hat trick was the hypocrisy exhibited by the press in their handling of the players in the news over the past thirty years commencing with the treatment of Senator Bob Packwood.
Allowing 90% of the media to be bought up and merged into six corporations spelled the end of the 4th Estate.

Ratings and money became the prime movers for the media and pulling more viewers enables them to charge more for ads.

Follow the money === always.
the media no matter what side it claims to be on will do and have always done what will bring in the most viewers, viewers = money .


Fox exploded out of nowhere because the rest of the media was ignoring a great niche market.

Half the country.

And they ignored them, because they wanted and still do want, to marginalize conservatives.
fox did not explode out of no where .
Rupert Murdoch was looking for untapped or under performing markets fox was carefully crafted to be what it is to draw that demographic .
you are a prime example of that strategy.
how do I know this? I've made my living in the biz,
With such a humiliating and withing putdown however will I show my face at the country club again!

Yep that's me the bitch. The one telling the big bag of piss and wind (who is crying his little eyes out because a politican he doesn't like got an easy ride in an interview as if he lost his favourite ranbow pony doll) to go to his Doctor and get a pescription for Groacet. Yeah, me a bitch.

You earthshattering knobwomble. Go to your bathroom, stand in front of your mirror and take a long hard look at yourself.

The question of whether the media is biased or not is a very serious one.

If you need it explained why, then you are a moron.
it only concerns asshats like you when the bias in not on your side ,
you could give a fuck about objectivity .

And what do you base that belief system on?
it not a belief system it's fact ,
one day when you grow you might learn the difference

Objectivity is a central philosophical concept, related to reality and truth, which has been variously defined by sources. Generally, objectivity means the state or quality of being true even outside of a subject's individual biases, interpretations, feelings, and imaginings.

That in no way supports your claim that I only care about it, when the bias in not on my side.
denial! your post prove objectivity is a alien concept to you.
Lets be honest the media thrives and continues to flourish on sensationalism over content. The days of reporting the news vanished when news directors opted to interject their political opinion in the selection of stories covered with a bias toward reporting the angle that supported their beliefs. The current Nielson ratings validate and support the disgust of viewers with irresponsible agenda based news reporting. Possibly the hat trick was the hypocrisy exhibited by the press in their handling of the players in the news over the past thirty years commencing with the treatment of Senator Bob Packwood.
Allowing 90% of the media to be bought up and merged into six corporations spelled the end of the 4th Estate.

Ratings and money became the prime movers for the media and pulling more viewers enables them to charge more for ads.

Follow the money === always.
the media no matter what side it claims to be on will do and have always done what will bring in the most viewers, viewers = money .


Fox exploded out of nowhere because the rest of the media was ignoring a great niche market.

Half the country.

And they ignored them, because they wanted and still do want, to marginalize conservatives.
fox did not explode out of no where .
Rupert Murdoch was looking for untapped or under performing markets fox was carefully crafted to be what it is to draw that demographic .
you are a prime example of that strategy.
how do I know this? I've made my living in the biz,

That's my point.

You claimed the media was motivated by money.

Yet, they were ignoring half the freaking country, putting ideology ahead of making money.

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