This Is Why I Call Them 'Disgusting Filth'

No, it does not.

I think you are suffering from Confirmation Bias.
false ! you lack the objectivity to see the lack of it in your own words .
put another way, it's a discipline you'll never acquire.

Mmm, and what do you base that assumption of your on? I ask again.
it not an assumption. you yourself have proven it to be fact.

All you just did there to "support" your opinion was to state it more strongly.

That you think that can work, shows that you are the one who is "lacking objectivity" here.
false ! I stated a fact .

false ! they were ignoring no one they were crafting a strategy and programing to exploit that myth ..
you don't understand the first thing about show business,
what's happening is called playing to the house or you might know it as give the people what they want , even thought it's bullshit .

Except they were not doing that.

They were not giving conservatives what they wanted.

Thus Fox got to move in on a large and long ignored market. Money that could have been made, that was left lying on the ground for decades by the media that you claim is not biased.

That was my point. That you still have not addressed, because you insist on not understanding it.
bullshit ! conservatives got just what they wanted .
the media all of it left or right is bias but only for profits.
the supposed philosophical differences are an illusion own it.
fox moved in on nothing they created a market.

Sure. After decades of being ignored.

And were was the supposedly profit driven media before FOx that was ignoring such a huge audience?

This is a very simple point that you are some how missing.

And yet you accuse me of being biased.

they were not ignored and the audience was not huge at all. and still isn't
fox news was for a niche audience and still is
as I said you have no point .

Self Identified conservatives were 36% of the population in 1992 compared to 43% liberals.

And you dismiss that as "not large" and a "niche audience"?

And you claim that I am the one who is not objective?

not by broadcast standards ..stating the facts is objective .
you r constant attempt to make something out of nothing is not.
game, se,t match'
false ! you lack the objectivity to see the lack of it in your own words .
put another way, it's a discipline you'll never acquire.

Mmm, and what do you base that assumption of your on? I ask again.
it not an assumption. you yourself have proven it to be fact.

All you just did there to "support" your opinion was to state it more strongly.

That you think that can work, shows that you are the one who is "lacking objectivity" here.
false ! I stated a fact .

I think that if the only thing that you've got to get upset about that degree then maybe you need to pull your head out of your ass, watch 60 minutes and realise that there are a whole heap of people in the world with problems that makes yours pale in to insignificance.

And while you're at it stop pretending that A, You know what the founding fathers were thinking and B that the sun shone so bright out of their asses that everything they did was sacred. They were politicans same as the rest and they will have taken bribes and tip offs just as ours do now. Aint nothing changed but now we have a big electric world to bleat like a pussy on. Man up.

Shut up, bitch.

With such a humiliating and withing putdown however will I show my face at the country club again!

Yep that's me the bitch. The one telling the big bag of piss and wind (who is crying his little eyes out because a politican he doesn't like got an easy ride in an interview as if he lost his favourite ranbow pony doll) to go to his Doctor and get a pescription for Groacet. Yeah, me a bitch.

You earthshattering knobwomble. Go to your bathroom, stand in front of your mirror and take a long hard look at yourself.

The question of whether the media is biased or not is a very serious one.

If you need it explained why, then you are a moron.

Maybe there are morons reading that you could explain it to?


THe media is how most people still perceive reality.

If the media is lying to those people is will effect policy, and policy based on lies and not the reality of the situation will be bad policy.

Bad policy hurts people on a very large scale.

The OP is an fine example of a deep bias. The matter of factness suggests that the bias is widespread.

So what you are saying is that good free american citizens with rights to bare arms aren't capable of understanding political reality and filtering media bias out?

Sounds to me like you're making the start of a case for scraping democracy.
Shut up, bitch.

With such a humiliating and withing putdown however will I show my face at the country club again!

Yep that's me the bitch. The one telling the big bag of piss and wind (who is crying his little eyes out because a politican he doesn't like got an easy ride in an interview as if he lost his favourite ranbow pony doll) to go to his Doctor and get a pescription for Groacet. Yeah, me a bitch.

You earthshattering knobwomble. Go to your bathroom, stand in front of your mirror and take a long hard look at yourself.

The question of whether the media is biased or not is a very serious one.

If you need it explained why, then you are a moron.

Maybe there are morons reading that you could explain it to?


THe media is how most people still perceive reality.

If the media is lying to those people is will effect policy, and policy based on lies and not the reality of the situation will be bad policy.

Bad policy hurts people on a very large scale.

The OP is an fine example of a deep bias. The matter of factness suggests that the bias is widespread.

So what you are saying is that good free american citizens with rights to bare arms aren't capable of understanding political reality and filtering media bias out?

Sounds to me like you're making the start of a case for scraping democracy.

My statement was clear.

Do you have something to say that addresses it, and not your strawman?
With such a humiliating and withing putdown however will I show my face at the country club again!

Yep that's me the bitch. The one telling the big bag of piss and wind (who is crying his little eyes out because a politican he doesn't like got an easy ride in an interview as if he lost his favourite ranbow pony doll) to go to his Doctor and get a pescription for Groacet. Yeah, me a bitch.

You earthshattering knobwomble. Go to your bathroom, stand in front of your mirror and take a long hard look at yourself.

The question of whether the media is biased or not is a very serious one.

If you need it explained why, then you are a moron.

Maybe there are morons reading that you could explain it to?


THe media is how most people still perceive reality.

If the media is lying to those people is will effect policy, and policy based on lies and not the reality of the situation will be bad policy.

Bad policy hurts people on a very large scale.

The OP is an fine example of a deep bias. The matter of factness suggests that the bias is widespread.

So what you are saying is that good free american citizens with rights to bare arms aren't capable of understanding political reality and filtering media bias out?

Sounds to me like you're making the start of a case for scraping democracy.

My statement was clear.

Do you have something to say that addresses it, and not your strawman?

So you aren't making a case for scrapping democracy? Do you not trust american voters to filter media bias?
Because they are. They are the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media. They are NOT what the Founders had in mind when they wrote the 1st Amendment. They would no more have approved of a complicit and dishonest media completely in one corner of the political spectrum any more than they would have approved of King George.

Except King George was honest about what he was. the DISGUSTING FILTH is not

NBC Reporter Tips Off Hillary Spokeswoman To Questions Before Live Interview


Via Daily Caller:

After Sunday’s Democratic debate, NBC News reporter Kristen Welker tipped Hillary Clinton’s communications director Jen Palmieri off to questions before conducting an interview in the spin room.

As host Ari Melber finished his interview with Bernie Sanders’ senior adviser Tad Devine, the MSNBC shot cut to Welker, and she is heard telling Palmieri, “And I’m going to ask you about Flint.”

Melber tried to speak over Welker saying, “Kristen, go ahead, you’re live.”

Then the shot went back to Melber, who was in the studio and he reiterated, “Kristen Welker in the spin room, I believe she has Clinton communications director with her, go ahead Kristen.”

Keep reading…

I've found that reporters are now busy making the news rather than reporting it.

This is all 100% in line with our modern 21st century values of producing profitable products and services and allowing consumers to make their own decisions.
This is all 100% in line with our modern 21st century values of producing profitable products and services and allowing consumers to make their own decisions.

You're either missing the point or too stupid to understand it.

Profit making enterprises don't get special protections by the Constitution of The United States of America..... Especially not in its VERY FIRST AMENDMENT!!

There are VERY special carve-outs and VERY Special Shield Laws for the Press.

Here's an example -- You, personally, get word that the US is about to launch a pre-emptive strike on North Korea and if you disseminate that information? You're going to Prison for the rest of your life or, more likely, will be executed for Treason. I'd volunteer for the Firing Squad

The Press? They can report it. Legally. At will. With no ramifications. None.

The Press gets VERY special treatment in this Country. Do you not understand the ENORMOUS amount of freedom we give them?

If you want to start treating them like any other for-profit entertainment Company, I'm all-in for that.

With special privilege comes special responsibilities but the DISGUSTING FILTH uses their special privilege for partisan purposes.

You're either missing the point or too stupid to understand it.

No, I get the point entirely. It's their business, they can run their business however they want, and reap the profits or losses that happen as a result. It's an idea that you'd be all too happy to shout at the top of your lungs when you approve the the results. But when you disapprove of the results you turn into the same kind of obsessive control liberal that you cry about.
You're either missing the point or too stupid to understand it.

No, I get the point entirely. It's their business, they can run their business however they want, and reap the profits or losses that happen as a result. It's an idea that you'd be all too happy to shout at the top of your lungs when you approve the the results. But when you disapprove of the results you turn into the same kind of obsessive control liberal that you cry about.

Then you're stupid and should stay out of political discussions until you at least have a high school understanding of America.

The Constitution gives special protections to the DISGUSTING FILTH

Got it?

In the last 80 years they've used those special protections and Court Rulings on special Shield 'Laws' to hide more and more in the corner of dimocrap scum. Completely ignoring the 'why' of the 1st Amendment.

"Yellow Journalism" should have died with Hearst and Pulitzer. But.......

This discussion went over your head way back. Way over your head.

Just stick to College Sophomore logic and bumper-sticker sloganeering. That's more your IQ range
You're either missing the point or too stupid to understand it.

No, I get the point entirely. It's their business, they can run their business however they want, and reap the profits or losses that happen as a result. It's an idea that you'd be all too happy to shout at the top of your lungs when you approve the the results. But when you disapprove of the results you turn into the same kind of obsessive control liberal that you cry about.

Then you're stupid and should stay out of political discussions until you at least have a high school understanding of America.

The Constitution gives special protections to the DISGUSTING FILTH

Got it?

In the last 80 years they've used those special protections and Court Rulings on special Shield 'Laws' to hide more and more in the corner of dimocrap scum. Completely ignoring the 'why' of the 1st Amendment.

"Yellow Journalism" should have died with Hearst and Pulitzer. But.......

This discussion went over your head way back. Way over your head.

Just stick to College Sophomore logic and bumper-sticker sloganeering. That's more your IQ range

Why do you hate the constitution?

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