This is Why I Just Don't Like Cops

About seven years ago I tapped the bumper of a cop's car in a Elizabeth, New Jersey parking lot. The cop made a big deal out of it even though there was not a single mark on the bumper that could have been discerned with a magnifying glass.

The cop said $300 would do to cure the problem so he escorted me to the closest ATM and I withdrew the money and gave it to him. I then saw him share it with a fellow cop and both of them had a great laugh, even though they knew I was still watching them.

No, I really don't like cops.


Come on now, you know no one is going to believe your bullshit story!

Definitely not.

If he had to split it with his buddy, $300 wouldn't be enough!

$300 was the max the machine would allow for withdrawal, Einstein. And the cop KNEW that, too.

My throwing of the bullshit flag has absolutely nothing to do with the amount. You could have said anything and I still wouldn't believe it. That you really think the amount was a factor in my determination of whether or not it was true shoots more holes in your story.

I fucking don't care about your determination. Believe what you want. Just because you haven't had a bad experience with a policeman doesn't mean it doesn't exist for others. Enjoy your echo chamber.
Criminals usually do have bad experiences with cops.
These cops who turned their backs for a second time really don't give a phlying phuck and they don't care if they start a race war. They'd rather be azzholes at a funeral, flip off their mayor and create problems instead of a solve them.

Wenjian Liu's Funeral Draws Thousands Of Officers, Supporters In Brooklyn
Wenjian Liu s Funeral Draws Thousands Of Officers Supporters In Brooklyn

So before this, you liked cops then ?

My first encounter was in Houston, Texas in 1977 when I had just arrived from Florida in my car. I was pulling away from the drop boxes of the main Post Office downtown, heading for the Medical Center where one of my parents was hospitalized. Motorcycle cop pulls me over and said I didn't take the right lane leaving the Post Office drive thru. There was 5 lanes and even more signs overhead. I gave him my FL license and explained my situation. He was a total ass and said, "Well, they have street signs in Florida, too." So I copped an attitude and he threatened to arrest me. For what?

Like I said, I really don't like cops.

If you cop an attitude so will they. You are an asshole on this board, so you were probably an asshole to the police officer, his response is to get firm with you and let you know you are in the wrong.

I doubt this story is the truth either, just your version.

If I'm an asshole on this board, then you're the pixelated methane that arrives after I post.
You are a libtard therefore you are an asshole.
These cops who turned their backs for a second time really don't give a phlying phuck and they don't care if they start a race war. They'd rather be azzholes at a funeral, flip off their mayor and create problems instead of a solve them.

Wenjian Liu's Funeral Draws Thousands Of Officers, Supporters In Brooklyn
Wenjian Liu s Funeral Draws Thousands Of Officers Supporters In Brooklyn

A funeral is hardly an appropriate place to protest. These douchebags are no better than the Westboro Baptist Church nutters.
Granny says, "Dat's right - anybody dat hates the cops oughta get the death penalty...

Police union pushes for cop killings to be included in federal hate crimes law
5 Jan.`15 ~ Bias attacks against police should be prosecuted more harshly, union argues
In the wake of the murder of two New York City police officers and a national debate about policing, the National Fraternal Order of Police is asking for the Congressional hate crimes statute to be expanded to include crimes against police officers. The union has more than 300,000 members. Violence against police officers that is motivated by anti-police bias should be prosecuted as a hate crime, the nation’s largest police union is arguing in a letter to President Barack Obama and Congressional leaders this week. “Right now, it’s a hate crime if you attack someone solely because of the color of their skin, but it ought to be a hate crime if you attack someone solely because of the color of their uniform as well,” said Jim Pasco, the executive director of the National Fraternal Order of Police. “Enough is enough! It’s time for Congress to do something to protect the men and women who protect us,” Chuck Canterbury, the president of the union, said in a statement Monday. The group has long lobbied for harsher punishment for those who harm law enforcement officers.

The organization argues that “ambush attacks” — like the one in which NYPD officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were killed last month — are frequently motivated by hatred of the police. According to FBI statistics, about 21.7 percent of non-accidental law enforcement deaths since 2004 were ambush attacks. In general, the number of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty has declined since the 1970s, reflecting the fall of violent crime in the United States in general. It’s not clear who in Congress would take up the union’s call to introduce such legislation. In the past, Democrats such as Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona and Republicans such as Peter King of New York have sponsored union-backed bills. Asked about the push today, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said the initiative is "something that we'll have to consider." Earnest said the task force on policing convened by President Barack Obama would consider the hate crimes idea.

A hate crime is defined by Congress as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.” If local authorities decline to prosecute a hate crime, the federal government can take over, making hate crime offenders more likely to face prosecution. Ismaaiyl Brinsley, who shot himself after killing the NYPD officers last month, posted anti-police messages on social media before carrying out the ambush. His is the kind of crime the union hopes to prevent by classifying it as a hate crime. The 1969 federal hate crimes statute has been expanded before. Sexual orientation and disability were added to the law by Congress in 2009 after lengthy lobbying efforts by LGBT groups.

Police union pushes for cop killings to be included in federal hate crimes law - Yahoo News
These cops who turned their backs for a second time really don't give a phlying phuck and they don't care if they start a race war. They'd rather be azzholes at a funeral, flip off their mayor and create problems instead of a solve them.

Wenjian Liu's Funeral Draws Thousands Of Officers, Supporters In Brooklyn
Wenjian Liu s Funeral Draws Thousands Of Officers Supporters In Brooklyn
The dumb bastards think their childish little political games is cute. They don't seem to realize they're only hurting themselves.
The rank & file actin' rank...

Amid tears for Liu, some police turn backs on De Blasio at funeral
January 05, 2015 ~ Thousands of New York police officers on Sunday bade farewell to their colleague, Wenjian Liu, who was murdered on Dec. 20, in a simple ceremony marked by tears and by dozens of cops turning their backs on Mayor Bill De Blasio.
It was not the same type of mass protest that occurred at the funeral service for Officer Rafael Ramos, who was also killed in cold blood by African American Ismaaiyl Brinsley, but it once again became the prominent image resulting from the ceremony, something that NYPD Commissioner William Bratton had tried to avoid by issuing an internal memo to the force. "A hero's funeral is about grieving, not grievance," Bratton said in the internal message distributed Friday afternoon to police stations throughout the city. "I remind you that when you don the uniform of the department, you are bound by the tradition, honor and decency that go with it."

But the gesture on the part of some officers demonstrates that the conflict between the mayor and the police unions remains alive, despite the meetings that took place this past week and De Blasio's surprise appearance on Saturday at Liu's wake, a move that did not spark any such protest actions. The agents who expressed their disgust with Bratton were continuing to publicly show their disapproval of his support for the demonstrations against police brutality that took place in New York. The unions assert that the mayor's attitude fostered the climate of tension that led Brinsley to murder the two officers to take revenge for the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, both African American, at the hands of white police officers.

The ceremony, which had been delayed until today so that Liu's relatives could arrive from China, began at 11 a.m., despite the cold and rain. Speaking at the funeral were De Blasio and Bratton, who praised Liu's dedication to police work and keeping the public safe, along with Liu's father, who spoke in Chinese through a translator, and said it was the "saddest day" of his life, and the officer's widow, whom he had married just two months before being gunned down.

Amid tears for Liu some police turn backs on De Blasio at funeral Fox News Latino
Who in here believes that politicizing a funeral was in the best interest of the NYPD?

Make it known.
Who in here believes that politicizing a funeral was in the best interest of the NYPD?

Make it known.
Dissent is patriotic. At least that's what the liberals used to float around. Oh wait, only THEY can protest, I forgot. The cops didn't even want the asshole there, you kick them in the nuts then expect them to stand there and pretend his words are worth hearing?

Come on now, you know no one is going to believe your bullshit story!

Definitely not.

If he had to split it with his buddy, $300 wouldn't be enough!

$300 was the max the machine would allow for withdrawal, Einstein. And the cop KNEW that, too.

My throwing of the bullshit flag has absolutely nothing to do with the amount. You could have said anything and I still wouldn't believe it. That you really think the amount was a factor in my determination of whether or not it was true shoots more holes in your story.

I fucking don't care about your determination. Believe what you want. Just because you haven't had a bad experience with a policeman doesn't mean it doesn't exist for others. Enjoy your echo chamber.
Criminals usually do have bad experiences with cops.

She has stated that she had run ins with police in many places and it's the fault of the police. She sounds like someone that can't keep a job wherever they go and it's always the employers fault even when the common denominator is the employee.
Who in here believes that politicizing a funeral was in the best interest of the NYPD?

Make it known.
Dissent is patriotic. At least that's what the liberals used to float around. Oh wait, only THEY can protest, I forgot. The cops didn't even want the asshole there, you kick them in the nuts then expect them to stand there and pretend his words are worth hearing?

And that's absolutely correct, dissent is patriotic. The NYPD should organize a march right away. We need to get some volunteers to tear gas them, stun gun and pepper spray them, then arrest them so they'll feel like "real" protesters. Maybe even rough em up a little.

Liberals don't protest funerals, certainly not that I'm aware of.

The only groups protesting funerals are...

The Westboro Baptist Church and the NYPD.
Last edited:
Definitely not.

If he had to split it with his buddy, $300 wouldn't be enough!

$300 was the max the machine would allow for withdrawal, Einstein. And the cop KNEW that, too.

My throwing of the bullshit flag has absolutely nothing to do with the amount. You could have said anything and I still wouldn't believe it. That you really think the amount was a factor in my determination of whether or not it was true shoots more holes in your story.

I fucking don't care about your determination. Believe what you want. Just because you haven't had a bad experience with a policeman doesn't mean it doesn't exist for others. Enjoy your echo chamber.
Criminals usually do have bad experiences with cops.

She has stated that she had run ins with police in many places and it's the fault of the police. She sounds like someone that can't keep a job wherever they go and it's always the employers fault even when the common denominator is the employee.

Can you pull a rabbit out of your ass?
Who in here believes that politicizing a funeral was in the best interest of the NYPD?

Make it known.
Dissent is patriotic. At least that's what the liberals used to float around. Oh wait, only THEY can protest, I forgot. The cops didn't even want the asshole there, you kick them in the nuts then expect them to stand there and pretend his words are worth hearing?

And that's absolutely correct, dissent is patriotic. The NYPD should organize a march right away. We need to get some volunteers to tear gas them, stun gun and pepper spray them, then arrest them so they'll feel like "real" protesters. Maybe even rough em up a little.

Liberals don't protest funerals, certainly not that I'm aware of.

The only groups protesting funerals are...

The Westboro Baptist Church and the NYPD.
Hey Bozo, the cops weren't breaking any laws. What's that got to do with illegal protesting, blocking traffic, occupying land that isn't theirs, throwing rocks and bottles? FAIL.
Who in here believes that politicizing a funeral was in the best interest of the NYPD?

Make it known.
Dissent is patriotic. At least that's what the liberals used to float around. Oh wait, only THEY can protest, I forgot. The cops didn't even want the asshole there, you kick them in the nuts then expect them to stand there and pretend his words are worth hearing?

And that's absolutely correct, dissent is patriotic. The NYPD should organize a march right away. We need to get some volunteers to tear gas them, stun gun and pepper spray them, then arrest them so they'll feel like "real" protesters. Maybe even rough em up a little.

Liberals don't protest funerals, certainly not that I'm aware of.

The only groups protesting funerals are...

The Westboro Baptist Church and the NYPD.
Hey Bozo, the cops weren't breaking any laws. What's that got to do with illegal protesting, blocking traffic, occupying land that isn't theirs, throwing rocks and bottles? FAIL.



Who in here believes that politicizing a funeral was in the best interest of the NYPD?

Make it known.
Dissent is patriotic. At least that's what the liberals used to float around. Oh wait, only THEY can protest, I forgot. The cops didn't even want the asshole there, you kick them in the nuts then expect them to stand there and pretend his words are worth hearing?

And that's absolutely correct, dissent is patriotic. The NYPD should organize a march right away. We need to get some volunteers to tear gas them, stun gun and pepper spray them, then arrest them so they'll feel like "real" protesters. Maybe even rough em up a little.

Liberals don't protest funerals, certainly not that I'm aware of.

The only groups protesting funerals are...

The Westboro Baptist Church and the NYPD.
Hey Bozo, the cops weren't breaking any laws. What's that got to do with illegal protesting, blocking traffic, occupying land that isn't theirs, throwing rocks and bottles? FAIL.



Hey Bozo, why are the turds sitting that way? Oh, yeah, blocking traffic.
Who in here believes that politicizing a funeral was in the best interest of the NYPD?

Make it known.
Dissent is patriotic. At least that's what the liberals used to float around. Oh wait, only THEY can protest, I forgot. The cops didn't even want the asshole there, you kick them in the nuts then expect them to stand there and pretend his words are worth hearing?

And that's absolutely correct, dissent is patriotic. The NYPD should organize a march right away. We need to get some volunteers to tear gas them, stun gun and pepper spray them, then arrest them so they'll feel like "real" protesters. Maybe even rough em up a little.

Liberals don't protest funerals, certainly not that I'm aware of.

The only groups protesting funerals are...

The Westboro Baptist Church and the NYPD.
Hey Bozo, the cops weren't breaking any laws. What's that got to do with illegal protesting, blocking traffic, occupying land that isn't theirs, throwing rocks and bottles? FAIL.



Hey Bozo, why are the turds sitting that way? Oh, yeah, blocking traffic.

They were on college campus, you idiot.
They were on college campus, you idiot.
They don't own the campus, you idiot.

They were having a peaceful protest, you idiot.



Katehi and State Assembly Speaker John A. Pérez requested an outside investigation, and Mark G. Yudof appointed former Los Angeles Police Department Chief William J. Bratton to head the investigation.

The Board of the Council of UC Faculty Associations said that "police violence" was used against non-violent demonstrators throughout the state of California:

This week, we have seen excessive force used against non-violent protesters at UC Berkeley, UCLA, CSU Long Beach, and UC Davis. Student, faculty and staff protesters have been pepper-sprayed directly in the eyes and mouth, beaten and shoved by batons, dragged by the arms while handcuffed, and submitted to other forms of excessive force. Protesters have been hospitalized because of injuries inflicted during these incidents. The violence was unprovoked, disproportional and excessive.
Dissent is patriotic. At least that's what the liberals used to float around. Oh wait, only THEY can protest, I forgot. The cops didn't even want the asshole there, you kick them in the nuts then expect them to stand there and pretend his words are worth hearing?
Answer the question mook.

Do you believe that the NYPD's politicizing of the funeral of their fallen soldier is in their best interest...yes or no?

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