This is why it is tough to vote Democrat in 2020.

Actually, Eisenhower's was the problem. 1953. Look it up.
May we please stay in this century. Thank you. Also the OP is how the Democrats ignore Iran’s actions and why it is hard to vote for them but about 1953.

I still can't trust the Republicans on middle east policy in general. They got us into Iraq, where that asshole Saddam was keeping Iran at bay out of good old mutual historic hate. It was all simpler to ignore the region and Saddam, than to try to remake it for our ultimate benefit, whatever the heck that is. Give Israel air refuel capability. Let them deal with the threat from Iran as they see fit. How is Syria's nuclear program doing? They live there. We don't. We have not shown talent at nation building, and probably will not.

Oh I agree this is on Bush. But Trump has taken a different approach and is being vilified for it and that is the part I do not understand.
Big Don made an error not jumping at the chance to be invited to leave Iraq. There are too many moving parts to the problem and we are not the linchpin, as we do not live there. We are outsider to everyone in the region, as their involvement would be if it were Mexico or Canada.

That is neither here nor there. How can I vote for one of the Democrat candidates when they don't support the killing of a terrorist?

Killing that jerk is a done deal. I have no need for the opposition party of the president to sing praises. They owe me nothing. They oppose out of partisanship after the fact, completely impotent. If he had been a 150 miles north, in his own country, I would not have supported either, and probably neither would you. This whole thing only happened because the jerk had the gall to come to Baghdad, probably instigating the attack on our embassy and being conceited enough to be found in plain sight still in the area the next day. This move was green lighted months ago. The guy has been deservedly on the list a long time, It does not represent a grand new strategy. Some targets of opportunity are just too good and timely to pass up. I suspect Joe or Bloomberg would have done the same thing, but if invited out of the country afterwards, would have taken that opportunity to lower our involvement in the area. Trump almost did it. It would have been the best move by a republican or democrat in 20 years, but the dumbass listens to the last on he speaks with and goes along. No points. I would give my left nut to know who the bastard was. Would have suspected Bolton if Trump had not fired him, now no telling who the cloaked influential warmonger is.
Don’t tell me you forgot this day in 2012:
View attachment 300489

Full text of Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the UN General Assembly

Netanyahu has never been a fan of the JCPOA. Their prior intention had been to bomb Iranian facilities but lacked the hardware which our government has refused to cooperate with. Netanyahu has been pushing Trump to back out of JCPOA for years.

Then why is Israel supporting our actions now? Was their conjecture incorrect in 2012? Did they support the Iran deal? Please post that link. Thanks.

Did you actually read what I wrote? It doesn’t seem like you did.

Did you?

What I told you now is not based on secret information. It’s not based on military intelligence. It’s based on public reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Anybody can read them. They’re online.

Why do you blame Israel when it was public information? This is from your link btw.

What are you talking about? I’m not blaming Israel for anything. All I said was that Netanyahu was no fan of the JCPOA, he pushed Trump to drop out of the deal and has publicly stated that Iran was very near to having nuclear weapons.

All of that is true. You’re oddly trying to downplay the Iranian nuclear program as not being a threat which runs counter to both US and Israeli intelligence assessments.

Your quote: That’s not what the Israelis were telling us about their nuclear capacity.

Your links states otherwise.
If so, I missed it. Would you kindly point out where in my link it says otherwise?
SHAPIRO: Trump's Iran Policy Isn't the Problem. Barack Obama's Was.

Iran has been a terror regime since forever ago and the prior administration helped fund it by giving them $150Bn. They used the monies to fund Hamas, Hezbollah, help Syria and spread terror in Iraq. Actions have consequences. Thankfully we called them out and killed one of their top generals. The fact that Democrats (not all) vilify the President for this how can any rational Independent vote for them in 2020?

I welcome your thoughts.

In March 2016, then-U.S. Central Command nominee Army Gen. Joseph Votel said that Iran had become “more aggressive” since the advent of the nuclear deal. Indeed, Iran has built up Hezbollah in Lebanon, propped up Bashar Assad in Syria, increased its presence in Iraq and bolstered its war in Yemen. In the past few months, Iran and its proxies have attacked shipping in the Strait of Hormuz, Saudi oil facilities, an American drone and an American embassy, among other targets.
Someone has given you bad information. Iran had $150 billion invested in America in 2001 and Bush seized those assets. All Barack did was to return the illegally seized assets to Iran. Following that you entire post is waffle.

Yes. I would not have returned the assets? Does your Leftist brain understand that?
Then why is Israel supporting our actions now? Was their conjecture incorrect in 2012? Did they support the Iran deal? Please post that link. Thanks.

Did you actually read what I wrote? It doesn’t seem like you did.

Did you?

What I told you now is not based on secret information. It’s not based on military intelligence. It’s based on public reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Anybody can read them. They’re online.

Why do you blame Israel when it was public information? This is from your link btw.

What are you talking about? I’m not blaming Israel for anything. All I said was that Netanyahu was no fan of the JCPOA, he pushed Trump to drop out of the deal and has publicly stated that Iran was very near to having nuclear weapons.

All of that is true. You’re oddly trying to downplay the Iranian nuclear program as not being a threat which runs counter to both US and Israeli intelligence assessments.

Your quote: That’s not what the Israelis were telling us about their nuclear capacity.

Your links states otherwise.
If so, I missed it. Would you kindly point out where in my link it says otherwise?

I did. What I told you now is not based on secret information. It’s not based on military intelligence. It’s based on public reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Anybody can read them. They’re online.
Did you actually read what I wrote? It doesn’t seem like you did.

Did you?

What I told you now is not based on secret information. It’s not based on military intelligence. It’s based on public reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Anybody can read them. They’re online.

Why do you blame Israel when it was public information? This is from your link btw.

What are you talking about? I’m not blaming Israel for anything. All I said was that Netanyahu was no fan of the JCPOA, he pushed Trump to drop out of the deal and has publicly stated that Iran was very near to having nuclear weapons.

All of that is true. You’re oddly trying to downplay the Iranian nuclear program as not being a threat which runs counter to both US and Israeli intelligence assessments.

Your quote: That’s not what the Israelis were telling us about their nuclear capacity.

Your links states otherwise.
If so, I missed it. Would you kindly point out where in my link it says otherwise?

I did. What I told you now is not based on secret information. It’s not based on military intelligence. It’s based on public reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Anybody can read them. They’re online.

Sorry, I didn’t realize you were quoting the speech. What exactly do you think this means and how do you think that contradicts my statement?
Did you?

What I told you now is not based on secret information. It’s not based on military intelligence. It’s based on public reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Anybody can read them. They’re online.

Why do you blame Israel when it was public information? This is from your link btw.

What are you talking about? I’m not blaming Israel for anything. All I said was that Netanyahu was no fan of the JCPOA, he pushed Trump to drop out of the deal and has publicly stated that Iran was very near to having nuclear weapons.

All of that is true. You’re oddly trying to downplay the Iranian nuclear program as not being a threat which runs counter to both US and Israeli intelligence assessments.

Your quote: That’s not what the Israelis were telling us about their nuclear capacity.

Your links states otherwise.
If so, I missed it. Would you kindly point out where in my link it says otherwise?

I did. What I told you now is not based on secret information. It’s not based on military intelligence. It’s based on public reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Anybody can read them. They’re online.

Sorry, I didn’t realize you were quoting the speech. What exactly do you think this means and how do you think that contradicts my statement?

It means he was stating public knowledge that other people already had. Israel was not pressuring anyone to do anything. You said this: That’s not what the Israelis were telling us about their nuclear capacity.

Blatant lie.
May we please stay in this century. Thank you. Also the OP is how the Democrats ignore Iran’s actions and why it is hard to vote for them but about 1953.

I still can't trust the Republicans on middle east policy in general. They got us into Iraq, where that asshole Saddam was keeping Iran at bay out of good old mutual historic hate. It was all simpler to ignore the region and Saddam, than to try to remake it for our ultimate benefit, whatever the heck that is. Give Israel air refuel capability. Let them deal with the threat from Iran as they see fit. How is Syria's nuclear program doing? They live there. We don't. We have not shown talent at nation building, and probably will not.

Oh I agree this is on Bush. But Trump has taken a different approach and is being vilified for it and that is the part I do not understand.
Big Don made an error not jumping at the chance to be invited to leave Iraq. There are too many moving parts to the problem and we are not the linchpin, as we do not live there. We are outsider to everyone in the region, as their involvement would be if it were Mexico or Canada.

That is neither here nor there. How can I vote for one of the Democrat candidates when they don't support the killing of a terrorist?

Killing that jerk is a done deal. I have no need for the opposition party of the president to sing praises. They owe me nothing. They oppose out of partisanship after the fact, completely impotent. If he had been a 150 miles north, in his own country, I would not have supported either, and probably neither would you. This whole thing only happened because the jerk had the gall to come to Baghdad, probably instigating the attack on our embassy and being conceited enough to be found in plain sight still in the area the next day. This move was green lighted months ago. The guy has been deservedly on the list a long time, It does not represent a grand new strategy. Some targets of opportunity are just too good and timely to pass up. I suspect Joe or Bloomberg would have done the same thing, but if invited out of the country afterwards, would have taken that opportunity to lower our involvement in the area. Trump almost did it. It would have been the best move by a republican or democrat in 20 years, but the dumbass listens to the last on he speaks with and goes along. No points. I would give my left nut to know who the bastard was. Would have suspected Bolton if Trump had not fired him, now no telling who the cloaked influential warmonger is.
What are you talking about? I’m not blaming Israel for anything. All I said was that Netanyahu was no fan of the JCPOA, he pushed Trump to drop out of the deal and has publicly stated that Iran was very near to having nuclear weapons.

All of that is true. You’re oddly trying to downplay the Iranian nuclear program as not being a threat which runs counter to both US and Israeli intelligence assessments.

Your quote: That’s not what the Israelis were telling us about their nuclear capacity.

Your links states otherwise.
If so, I missed it. Would you kindly point out where in my link it says otherwise?

I did. What I told you now is not based on secret information. It’s not based on military intelligence. It’s based on public reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Anybody can read them. They’re online.

Sorry, I didn’t realize you were quoting the speech. What exactly do you think this means and how do you think that contradicts my statement?

It means he was stating public knowledge that other people already had. Israel was not pressuring anyone to do anything. You said this: That’s not what the Israelis were telling us about their nuclear capacity.

Blatant lie.

I honestly think you’ve jumped the shark here.

You claimed that Iran’s nuclear program was no big deal. I provided you with a speech that shows Netanyahu was saying it was a very big deal. His entire speech was pressing the UN to act to counter Iran’s nuclear program as a fundamental risk to the survival of Israel.

And your little quibble is what information used to reach that conclusion? Seriously
SHAPIRO: Trump's Iran Policy Isn't the Problem. Barack Obama's Was.

Iran has been a terror regime since forever ago and the prior administration helped fund it by giving them $150Bn. They used the monies to fund Hamas, Hezbollah, help Syria and spread terror in Iraq. Actions have consequences. Thankfully we called them out and killed one of their top generals. The fact that Democrats (not all) vilify the President for this how can any rational Independent vote for them in 2020?

I welcome your thoughts.

In March 2016, then-U.S. Central Command nominee Army Gen. Joseph Votel said that Iran had become “more aggressive” since the advent of the nuclear deal. Indeed, Iran has built up Hezbollah in Lebanon, propped up Bashar Assad in Syria, increased its presence in Iraq and bolstered its war in Yemen. In the past few months, Iran and its proxies have attacked shipping in the Strait of Hormuz, Saudi oil facilities, an American drone and an American embassy, among other targets.
Iran is a beast... Obama’s deal put the beast in the zoo where we and our allies could watch over their actions. The beast still caused trouble in the zoo, it bit patrons and attacked staff and other animals however we were able to limit the damage by not allowing the beast to grow too strong.

trump kicked the beast out of the zoo in hopes that it will starve on its own and come back with its tail tucked. Problem is, the beast has support from russia and Syria and Iraq and other sources outside the zoo so there is also a risk that the beast will grow stronger.

I personally feel more nervous with the beast outside the zoo... what happens in the future?? We shall see

He let the beast outside the zoo and when the beast misbehaved he shot one of its paws off. He is also starving it so it cannot hunt as well and of course the beast is worried about having other body parts shot off.
True. So odds of the beast coming back with a tucked tail is now not very likely. The odds of it seeking revenge and strength to defend itself against the USA are amplified.

That beast is on its last legs as I see it as it is eating its own young and other pups seem to want to rebel against it.

Iranians refuse to trample on U.S. and Israeli flags as protests flare
U.S. Sees Iran Protests as a Chance to Appeal to Moderates
I'm glad you’re confident in that. I’m not convinced. Still see a threat. Especially in a year once they get a nuke
Your quote: That’s not what the Israelis were telling us about their nuclear capacity.

Your links states otherwise.
If so, I missed it. Would you kindly point out where in my link it says otherwise?

I did. What I told you now is not based on secret information. It’s not based on military intelligence. It’s based on public reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Anybody can read them. They’re online.

Sorry, I didn’t realize you were quoting the speech. What exactly do you think this means and how do you think that contradicts my statement?

It means he was stating public knowledge that other people already had. Israel was not pressuring anyone to do anything. You said this: That’s not what the Israelis were telling us about their nuclear capacity.

Blatant lie.

I honestly think you’ve jumped the shark here.

You claimed that Iran’s nuclear program was no big deal. I provided you with a speech that shows Netanyahu was saying it was a very big deal. His entire speech was pressing the UN to act to counter Iran’s nuclear program as a fundamental risk to the survival of Israel.

And your little quibble is what information used to reach that conclusion? Seriously

When did I say it was "no big deal". You claimed Israel pressured us when Israel just read a report out loud from the IAEA. You lied. Typical for a Leftist. Had you stated this then I would have agreed with you: That’s not what the IAEA were telling us about their nuclear capacity. But typical leftist Jew hate caused you to blame Israel and wrongly.
SHAPIRO: Trump's Iran Policy Isn't the Problem. Barack Obama's Was.

Iran has been a terror regime since forever ago and the prior administration helped fund it by giving them $150Bn. They used the monies to fund Hamas, Hezbollah, help Syria and spread terror in Iraq. Actions have consequences. Thankfully we called them out and killed one of their top generals. The fact that Democrats (not all) vilify the President for this how can any rational Independent vote for them in 2020?

I welcome your thoughts.

In March 2016, then-U.S. Central Command nominee Army Gen. Joseph Votel said that Iran had become “more aggressive” since the advent of the nuclear deal. Indeed, Iran has built up Hezbollah in Lebanon, propped up Bashar Assad in Syria, increased its presence in Iraq and bolstered its war in Yemen. In the past few months, Iran and its proxies have attacked shipping in the Strait of Hormuz, Saudi oil facilities, an American drone and an American embassy, among other targets.
Iran is a beast... Obama’s deal put the beast in the zoo where we and our allies could watch over their actions. The beast still caused trouble in the zoo, it bit patrons and attacked staff and other animals however we were able to limit the damage by not allowing the beast to grow too strong.

trump kicked the beast out of the zoo in hopes that it will starve on its own and come back with its tail tucked. Problem is, the beast has support from russia and Syria and Iraq and other sources outside the zoo so there is also a risk that the beast will grow stronger.

I personally feel more nervous with the beast outside the zoo... what happens in the future?? We shall see

He let the beast outside the zoo and when the beast misbehaved he shot one of its paws off. He is also starving it so it cannot hunt as well and of course the beast is worried about having other body parts shot off.
True. So odds of the beast coming back with a tucked tail is now not very likely. The odds of it seeking revenge and strength to defend itself against the USA are amplified.

That beast is on its last legs as I see it as it is eating its own young and other pups seem to want to rebel against it.

Iranians refuse to trample on U.S. and Israeli flags as protests flare
U.S. Sees Iran Protests as a Chance to Appeal to Moderates
I'm glad you’re confident in that. I’m not convinced. Still see a threat. Especially in a year once they get a nuke

They are heavily sanctioned and facing the risk of civil war. Let's see what happens.
Still better than a nuclear armed Iran.
Of course but there is little proof out there that Iran had that capability.

I didn’t say they did. But Obama made a decision between curtailing their nuclear program or their terrorism network. He chose to go after the bigger threat. I think it’s a defensible choice.

Only he didn't curtail it. Read the agreement.
It granted them centrifuges. GRANTED. That is not curtailing anything

It is if you don’t use them to make highly enriched uranium.
What else would they do with them?
SHAPIRO: Trump's Iran Policy Isn't the Problem. Barack Obama's Was.

Iran has been a terror regime since forever ago and the prior administration helped fund it by giving them $150Bn. They used the monies to fund Hamas, Hezbollah, help Syria and spread terror in Iraq. Actions have consequences. Thankfully we called them out and killed one of their top generals. The fact that Democrats (not all) vilify the President for this how can any rational Independent vote for them in 2020?

I welcome your thoughts.

In March 2016, then-U.S. Central Command nominee Army Gen. Joseph Votel said that Iran had become “more aggressive” since the advent of the nuclear deal. Indeed, Iran has built up Hezbollah in Lebanon, propped up Bashar Assad in Syria, increased its presence in Iraq and bolstered its war in Yemen. In the past few months, Iran and its proxies have attacked shipping in the Strait of Hormuz, Saudi oil facilities, an American drone and an American embassy, among other targets.
Someone has given you bad information. Iran had $150 billion invested in America in 2001 and Bush seized those assets. All Barack did was to return the illegally seized assets to Iran. Following that you entire post is waffle.
Oh my! Where in the world do you get your info!?!
When did I say it was "no big deal".

Right here. You’re awfully young to have such bad short term memory.

They showed little to no acumen of developing a nuclear weapon. They used that threat to bribe the Western World in giving them monies to fund terrorism. It would be like my kids bribing me to get them stuff or else they would emancipate themselves. They have zero income and are too young so it would be a worthless threat.

You attempted to downplay the threat of a nuclear Iran. It’s a bizarre claim to me and many people felt quite the opposite. I thought that if i showed you a source you trusted, such as the position of the Israeli government, maybe you’d reconsider.

You claimed Israel pressured us when Israel just read a report out loud from the IAEA. You lied. Typical for a Leftist

Thats not what exactly what I said. I said Netanyahu was pressuring Trump to drop out of JCPOA. That’s true. Netanyahu’s speech before the UN was in 2012, well before Trump so it’s clear that I was not using the speech to demonstrate that particular statement. Not have I ever stated that Netanyahu’s speech in 2012 encompassed everything they said about Iran’s nuclear program.

Had you stated this then I would have agreed with you: That’s not what the IAEA were telling us about their nuclear capacity. But typical leftist Jew hate caused you to blame Israel and wrongly.

This is such a tiny nit pick that it demonstrates your argument is quite weak. Instead of attacking the main point of my argument, you can at most quibble with some of the phrasing.

I never blamed Israel for anything. You have falsely accused me of many terrible things.
When did I say it was "no big deal".

Right here. You’re awfully young to have such bad short term memory.

They showed little to no acumen of developing a nuclear weapon. They used that threat to bribe the Western World in giving them monies to fund terrorism. It would be like my kids bribing me to get them stuff or else they would emancipate themselves. They have zero income and are too young so it would be a worthless threat.

You attempted to downplay the threat of a nuclear Iran. It’s a bizarre claim to me and many people felt quite the opposite. I thought that if i showed you a source you trusted, such as the position of the Israeli government, maybe you’d reconsider.

You claimed Israel pressured us when Israel just read a report out loud from the IAEA. You lied. Typical for a Leftist

Thats not what exactly what I said. I said Netanyahu was pressuring Trump to drop out of JCPOA. That’s true. Netanyahu’s speech before the UN was in 2012, well before Trump so it’s clear that I was not using the speech to demonstrate that particular statement. Not have I ever stated that Netanyahu’s speech in 2012 encompassed everything they said about Iran’s nuclear program.

Had you stated this then I would have agreed with you: That’s not what the IAEA were telling us about their nuclear capacity. But typical leftist Jew hate caused you to blame Israel and wrongly.

This is such a tiny nit pick that it demonstrates your argument is quite weak. Instead of attacking the main point of my argument, you can at most quibble with some of the phrasing.

I never blamed Israel for anything. You have falsely accused me of many terrible things.

I could be wrong but your post was the first I saw that Iran was "close". And again it was based in IAEA not Israel. Then why did you say "That's not what Israel was telling us about their nuclear capacity"? Why mention Israel when it was the IAEA?

Jew hate?
When did I say it was "no big deal".

Right here. You’re awfully young to have such bad short term memory.

They showed little to no acumen of developing a nuclear weapon. They used that threat to bribe the Western World in giving them monies to fund terrorism. It would be like my kids bribing me to get them stuff or else they would emancipate themselves. They have zero income and are too young so it would be a worthless threat.

You attempted to downplay the threat of a nuclear Iran. It’s a bizarre claim to me and many people felt quite the opposite. I thought that if i showed you a source you trusted, such as the position of the Israeli government, maybe you’d reconsider.

You claimed Israel pressured us when Israel just read a report out loud from the IAEA. You lied. Typical for a Leftist

Thats not what exactly what I said. I said Netanyahu was pressuring Trump to drop out of JCPOA. That’s true. Netanyahu’s speech before the UN was in 2012, well before Trump so it’s clear that I was not using the speech to demonstrate that particular statement. Not have I ever stated that Netanyahu’s speech in 2012 encompassed everything they said about Iran’s nuclear program.

Had you stated this then I would have agreed with you: That’s not what the IAEA were telling us about their nuclear capacity. But typical leftist Jew hate caused you to blame Israel and wrongly.

This is such a tiny nit pick that it demonstrates your argument is quite weak. Instead of attacking the main point of my argument, you can at most quibble with some of the phrasing.

I never blamed Israel for anything. You have falsely accused me of many terrible things.

I could be wrong but your post was the first I saw that Iran was "close". And again it was based in IAEA not Israel. Then why did you say "That's not what Israel was telling us about their nuclear capacity"? Why mention Israel when it was the IAEA?

Jew hate?

I already stated above. I thought you’d trust it more if it came from Israel. You’ve been complimentary of them before.

Don’t let your prejudice do your thinking for you. Has nothing to do with “Jew hate”. And knock off that stupid smear of me. It’s untrue.
When did I say it was "no big deal".

Right here. You’re awfully young to have such bad short term memory.

They showed little to no acumen of developing a nuclear weapon. They used that threat to bribe the Western World in giving them monies to fund terrorism. It would be like my kids bribing me to get them stuff or else they would emancipate themselves. They have zero income and are too young so it would be a worthless threat.

You attempted to downplay the threat of a nuclear Iran. It’s a bizarre claim to me and many people felt quite the opposite. I thought that if i showed you a source you trusted, such as the position of the Israeli government, maybe you’d reconsider.

You claimed Israel pressured us when Israel just read a report out loud from the IAEA. You lied. Typical for a Leftist

Thats not what exactly what I said. I said Netanyahu was pressuring Trump to drop out of JCPOA. That’s true. Netanyahu’s speech before the UN was in 2012, well before Trump so it’s clear that I was not using the speech to demonstrate that particular statement. Not have I ever stated that Netanyahu’s speech in 2012 encompassed everything they said about Iran’s nuclear program.

Had you stated this then I would have agreed with you: That’s not what the IAEA were telling us about their nuclear capacity. But typical leftist Jew hate caused you to blame Israel and wrongly.

This is such a tiny nit pick that it demonstrates your argument is quite weak. Instead of attacking the main point of my argument, you can at most quibble with some of the phrasing.

I never blamed Israel for anything. You have falsely accused me of many terrible things.

I could be wrong but your post was the first I saw that Iran was "close". And again it was based in IAEA not Israel. Then why did you say "That's not what Israel was telling us about their nuclear capacity"? Why mention Israel when it was the IAEA?

Jew hate?

I already stated above. I thought you’d trust it more if it came from Israel. You’ve been complimentary of them before.

Don’t let your prejudice do your thinking for you. Has nothing to do with “Jew hate”. And knock off that stupid smear of me. It’s untrue.

You thought I would be more trustful of Israel than a neutral party? Are you kidding? Your Jew hate has no bounds. My goodness.
When did I say it was "no big deal".

Right here. You’re awfully young to have such bad short term memory.

They showed little to no acumen of developing a nuclear weapon. They used that threat to bribe the Western World in giving them monies to fund terrorism. It would be like my kids bribing me to get them stuff or else they would emancipate themselves. They have zero income and are too young so it would be a worthless threat.

You attempted to downplay the threat of a nuclear Iran. It’s a bizarre claim to me and many people felt quite the opposite. I thought that if i showed you a source you trusted, such as the position of the Israeli government, maybe you’d reconsider.

You claimed Israel pressured us when Israel just read a report out loud from the IAEA. You lied. Typical for a Leftist

Thats not what exactly what I said. I said Netanyahu was pressuring Trump to drop out of JCPOA. That’s true. Netanyahu’s speech before the UN was in 2012, well before Trump so it’s clear that I was not using the speech to demonstrate that particular statement. Not have I ever stated that Netanyahu’s speech in 2012 encompassed everything they said about Iran’s nuclear program.

Had you stated this then I would have agreed with you: That’s not what the IAEA were telling us about their nuclear capacity. But typical leftist Jew hate caused you to blame Israel and wrongly.

This is such a tiny nit pick that it demonstrates your argument is quite weak. Instead of attacking the main point of my argument, you can at most quibble with some of the phrasing.

I never blamed Israel for anything. You have falsely accused me of many terrible things.

I could be wrong but your post was the first I saw that Iran was "close". And again it was based in IAEA not Israel. Then why did you say "That's not what Israel was telling us about their nuclear capacity"? Why mention Israel when it was the IAEA?

Jew hate?

I already stated above. I thought you’d trust it more if it came from Israel. You’ve been complimentary of them before.

Don’t let your prejudice do your thinking for you. Has nothing to do with “Jew hate”. And knock off that stupid smear of me. It’s untrue.

You thought I would be more trustful of Israel than a neutral party? Are you kidding? Your Jew hate has no bounds. My goodness.

Why wouldn’t I? As I said. You’ve been complimentary towards Israel. I’ve never heard you be complimentary of the IAEA.

How does that demonstrate Jew hate?

(man I’m trying really hard to be rational here but are you intentionally trying to goad me into attacking you?)
When did I say it was "no big deal".

Right here. You’re awfully young to have such bad short term memory.

They showed little to no acumen of developing a nuclear weapon. They used that threat to bribe the Western World in giving them monies to fund terrorism. It would be like my kids bribing me to get them stuff or else they would emancipate themselves. They have zero income and are too young so it would be a worthless threat.

You attempted to downplay the threat of a nuclear Iran. It’s a bizarre claim to me and many people felt quite the opposite. I thought that if i showed you a source you trusted, such as the position of the Israeli government, maybe you’d reconsider.

You claimed Israel pressured us when Israel just read a report out loud from the IAEA. You lied. Typical for a Leftist

Thats not what exactly what I said. I said Netanyahu was pressuring Trump to drop out of JCPOA. That’s true. Netanyahu’s speech before the UN was in 2012, well before Trump so it’s clear that I was not using the speech to demonstrate that particular statement. Not have I ever stated that Netanyahu’s speech in 2012 encompassed everything they said about Iran’s nuclear program.

Had you stated this then I would have agreed with you: That’s not what the IAEA were telling us about their nuclear capacity. But typical leftist Jew hate caused you to blame Israel and wrongly.

This is such a tiny nit pick that it demonstrates your argument is quite weak. Instead of attacking the main point of my argument, you can at most quibble with some of the phrasing.

I never blamed Israel for anything. You have falsely accused me of many terrible things.

I could be wrong but your post was the first I saw that Iran was "close". And again it was based in IAEA not Israel. Then why did you say "That's not what Israel was telling us about their nuclear capacity"? Why mention Israel when it was the IAEA?

Jew hate?

I already stated above. I thought you’d trust it more if it came from Israel. You’ve been complimentary of them before.

Don’t let your prejudice do your thinking for you. Has nothing to do with “Jew hate”. And knock off that stupid smear of me. It’s untrue.

You thought I would be more trustful of Israel than a neutral party? Are you kidding? Your Jew hate has no bounds. My goodness.

Why wouldn’t I? As I said. You’ve been complimentary towards Israel. I’ve never heard you be complimentary of the IAEA.

How does that demonstrate Jew hate?

(man I’m trying really hard to be rational here but are you intentionally trying to goad me into attacking you?)

You said Israel in a negative connotation. Stop it.

Whatever this is pointless. We will not agree. Funny that you didn't read your own link.
Right here. You’re awfully young to have such bad short term memory.

You attempted to downplay the threat of a nuclear Iran. It’s a bizarre claim to me and many people felt quite the opposite. I thought that if i showed you a source you trusted, such as the position of the Israeli government, maybe you’d reconsider.

Thats not what exactly what I said. I said Netanyahu was pressuring Trump to drop out of JCPOA. That’s true. Netanyahu’s speech before the UN was in 2012, well before Trump so it’s clear that I was not using the speech to demonstrate that particular statement. Not have I ever stated that Netanyahu’s speech in 2012 encompassed everything they said about Iran’s nuclear program.

This is such a tiny nit pick that it demonstrates your argument is quite weak. Instead of attacking the main point of my argument, you can at most quibble with some of the phrasing.

I never blamed Israel for anything. You have falsely accused me of many terrible things.

I could be wrong but your post was the first I saw that Iran was "close". And again it was based in IAEA not Israel. Then why did you say "That's not what Israel was telling us about their nuclear capacity"? Why mention Israel when it was the IAEA?

Jew hate?

I already stated above. I thought you’d trust it more if it came from Israel. You’ve been complimentary of them before.

Don’t let your prejudice do your thinking for you. Has nothing to do with “Jew hate”. And knock off that stupid smear of me. It’s untrue.

You thought I would be more trustful of Israel than a neutral party? Are you kidding? Your Jew hate has no bounds. My goodness.

Why wouldn’t I? As I said. You’ve been complimentary towards Israel. I’ve never heard you be complimentary of the IAEA.

How does that demonstrate Jew hate?

(man I’m trying really hard to be rational here but are you intentionally trying to goad me into attacking you?)

You said Israel in a negative connotation. Stop it.

Whatever this is pointless. We will not agree. Funny that you didn't read your own link.

That’s false. What was negative about my connotation?

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