This is why it is tough to vote Democrat in 2020.

I could be wrong but your post was the first I saw that Iran was "close". And again it was based in IAEA not Israel. Then why did you say "That's not what Israel was telling us about their nuclear capacity"? Why mention Israel when it was the IAEA?

Jew hate?

I already stated above. I thought you’d trust it more if it came from Israel. You’ve been complimentary of them before.

Don’t let your prejudice do your thinking for you. Has nothing to do with “Jew hate”. And knock off that stupid smear of me. It’s untrue.

You thought I would be more trustful of Israel than a neutral party? Are you kidding? Your Jew hate has no bounds. My goodness.

Why wouldn’t I? As I said. You’ve been complimentary towards Israel. I’ve never heard you be complimentary of the IAEA.

How does that demonstrate Jew hate?

(man I’m trying really hard to be rational here but are you intentionally trying to goad me into attacking you?)

You said Israel in a negative connotation. Stop it.

Whatever this is pointless. We will not agree. Funny that you didn't read your own link.

That’s false. What was negative about my connotation?

You made it seem like we did the deal because Israel asked us to.
I already stated above. I thought you’d trust it more if it came from Israel. You’ve been complimentary of them before.

Don’t let your prejudice do your thinking for you. Has nothing to do with “Jew hate”. And knock off that stupid smear of me. It’s untrue.

You thought I would be more trustful of Israel than a neutral party? Are you kidding? Your Jew hate has no bounds. My goodness.

Why wouldn’t I? As I said. You’ve been complimentary towards Israel. I’ve never heard you be complimentary of the IAEA.

How does that demonstrate Jew hate?

(man I’m trying really hard to be rational here but are you intentionally trying to goad me into attacking you?)

You said Israel in a negative connotation. Stop it.

Whatever this is pointless. We will not agree. Funny that you didn't read your own link.

That’s false. What was negative about my connotation?

You made it seem like we did the deal because Israel asked us to.

We “did the deal”? Are you referring to the JCPOA? Israel (by which we are talking about Netanyahu) didn’t want us to do the deal. Never did. They were happy when Trump bailed and had been lobbying him to do so from early in his presidency.

We did the deal because Iran had a nuclear program which was progressing and reaching a point where they were getting far too close to having enough fissile material to build a nuclear weapon. Israel thought so. We thought so. Our European allies thought so. I only brought up Israel because I thought you’d take that seriously. Based on your prior statements, I didn’t think you’d have much faith in the assessment of the Obama administration who you don’t seem to care much for.
Obama made a decision between curtailing their nuclear program or their terrorism network. He chose to go after the bigger threat. I think it’s a defensible choice.

Only he didn't curtail it. Read the agreement.
It granted them centrifuges. GRANTED. That is not curtailing anything

Good: no, making them take a ten-year break from nuking up (and now it's only five years) is hardly curtailing their nuclear program, considering they are rapidly spinning those centrifuges all the time, getting all the materials ready to make lots of bombs as soon as the treaty runs out. I think what Obama and Kerry did was pretty awful: treasonous, really --- putting us at direct risk of being nuked.
Obama made a decision between curtailing their nuclear program or their terrorism network. He chose to go after the bigger threat. I think it’s a defensible choice.

Only he didn't curtail it. Read the agreement.
It granted them centrifuges. GRANTED. That is not curtailing anything

Good: no, making them take a ten-year break from nuking up (and now it's only five years) is hardly curtailing their nuclear program, considering they are rapidly spinning those centrifuges all the time, getting all the materials ready to make lots of bombs as soon as the treaty runs out. I think what Obama and Kerry did was pretty awful: treasonous, really --- putting us at direct risk of being nuked.

It’s is a serious problem that Iran could develop a bomb in 10 years after the agreement runs out. How does ending the agreement now help that? That just takes the problem we have 10 years from now and makes it today’s problem.
It’s is a serious problem that Iran could develop a bomb in 10 years after the agreement runs out. How does ending the agreement now help that? That just takes the problem we have 10 years from now and makes it today’s problem.

Better face it honestly, not do all this pretending.
Putting the Iran government under pressure with lots of sanctions is working well: their people are openly turning on the theocracy. If we are lucky their government will collapse and a more peaceful government come in.

Or we could fight a war with them. Whichever. Either work for me, since 1979.
You thought I would be more trustful of Israel than a neutral party? Are you kidding? Your Jew hate has no bounds. My goodness.

Why wouldn’t I? As I said. You’ve been complimentary towards Israel. I’ve never heard you be complimentary of the IAEA.

How does that demonstrate Jew hate?

(man I’m trying really hard to be rational here but are you intentionally trying to goad me into attacking you?)

You said Israel in a negative connotation. Stop it.

Whatever this is pointless. We will not agree. Funny that you didn't read your own link.

That’s false. What was negative about my connotation?

You made it seem like we did the deal because Israel asked us to.

We “did the deal”? Are you referring to the JCPOA? Israel (by which we are talking about Netanyahu) didn’t want us to do the deal. Never did. They were happy when Trump bailed and had been lobbying him to do so from early in his presidency.

We did the deal because Iran had a nuclear program which was progressing and reaching a point where they were getting far too close to having enough fissile material to build a nuclear weapon. Israel thought so. We thought so. Our European allies thought so. I only brought up Israel because I thought you’d take that seriously. Based on your prior statements, I didn’t think you’d have much faith in the assessment of the Obama administration who you don’t seem to care much for.

Never negotiate with terrorists. Per below they are not close, as I first stated.
How Close Is Iran to a Nuclear Weapon? Here's What We Know
thank God for Trump for stopping the Clinton junta in 2016 and not allowing the Clinton group of mafiosos into the WH. in 2020, Trump will win in a landslide, folks!
Why wouldn’t I? As I said. You’ve been complimentary towards Israel. I’ve never heard you be complimentary of the IAEA.

How does that demonstrate Jew hate?

(man I’m trying really hard to be rational here but are you intentionally trying to goad me into attacking you?)

You said Israel in a negative connotation. Stop it.

Whatever this is pointless. We will not agree. Funny that you didn't read your own link.

That’s false. What was negative about my connotation?

You made it seem like we did the deal because Israel asked us to.

We “did the deal”? Are you referring to the JCPOA? Israel (by which we are talking about Netanyahu) didn’t want us to do the deal. Never did. They were happy when Trump bailed and had been lobbying him to do so from early in his presidency.

We did the deal because Iran had a nuclear program which was progressing and reaching a point where they were getting far too close to having enough fissile material to build a nuclear weapon. Israel thought so. We thought so. Our European allies thought so. I only brought up Israel because I thought you’d take that seriously. Based on your prior statements, I didn’t think you’d have much faith in the assessment of the Obama administration who you don’t seem to care much for.

Never negotiate with terrorists. Per below they are not close, as I first stated.
How Close Is Iran to a Nuclear Weapon? Here's What We Know

That’s an article from 2020. The JCPOA took effect around 2015. The fact that they aren’t very close to building a bomb is a direct result of the JCPOA.

From your article:
This is known as Iran’s “breakout” time and Miles Pomper, a nuclear arms control expert at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, currently estimates it to be at least a year. The calculation is based on the amount of work the country would have to do just to get its nuclear infrastructure back to pre-2015 levels.

They were a fair bit closer in 2015 when the deal was negotiated, perhaps as close as a few months. You can thank Obama for this anytime.
You said Israel in a negative connotation. Stop it.

Whatever this is pointless. We will not agree. Funny that you didn't read your own link.

That’s false. What was negative about my connotation?

You made it seem like we did the deal because Israel asked us to.

We “did the deal”? Are you referring to the JCPOA? Israel (by which we are talking about Netanyahu) didn’t want us to do the deal. Never did. They were happy when Trump bailed and had been lobbying him to do so from early in his presidency.

We did the deal because Iran had a nuclear program which was progressing and reaching a point where they were getting far too close to having enough fissile material to build a nuclear weapon. Israel thought so. We thought so. Our European allies thought so. I only brought up Israel because I thought you’d take that seriously. Based on your prior statements, I didn’t think you’d have much faith in the assessment of the Obama administration who you don’t seem to care much for.

Never negotiate with terrorists. Per below they are not close, as I first stated.
How Close Is Iran to a Nuclear Weapon? Here's What We Know

That’s an article from 2020. The JCPOA took effect around 2015. The fact that they aren’t very close to building a bomb is a direct result of the JCPOA.

From your article:
This is known as Iran’s “breakout” time and Miles Pomper, a nuclear arms control expert at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, currently estimates it to be at least a year. The calculation is based on the amount of work the country would have to do just to get its nuclear infrastructure back to pre-2015 levels.

They were a fair bit closer in 2015 when the deal was negotiated, perhaps as close as a few months. You can thank Obama for this anytime.

They will never get there

"Iran probably will be within 2-3 months a nuclear weapon by the end of 2020, perhaps by the summer of 2021 if they slow down," Nephew said.

Bunn broadly agreed. "Iran could, if nobody interfered with them, produce enough material for a bomb in less than a year, and produce a bomb itself shortly thereafter," he said. "We’re talking somewhere in the three-to-nine month range, probably."

Still, he said that the caveat of "if nobody interfered with them" is a big one.

Once it became clear that an Iranian facility was starting to produce bomb material, Bunn said, "the question of bombing that facility would come up, and my guess is either the United States or Israel would do so. To avoid that, the Iranians, I would guess, are likely not to start producing weapon-grade material."

How close is Iran to building a nuclear weapon?
That’s false. What was negative about my connotation?

You made it seem like we did the deal because Israel asked us to.

We “did the deal”? Are you referring to the JCPOA? Israel (by which we are talking about Netanyahu) didn’t want us to do the deal. Never did. They were happy when Trump bailed and had been lobbying him to do so from early in his presidency.

We did the deal because Iran had a nuclear program which was progressing and reaching a point where they were getting far too close to having enough fissile material to build a nuclear weapon. Israel thought so. We thought so. Our European allies thought so. I only brought up Israel because I thought you’d take that seriously. Based on your prior statements, I didn’t think you’d have much faith in the assessment of the Obama administration who you don’t seem to care much for.

Never negotiate with terrorists. Per below they are not close, as I first stated.
How Close Is Iran to a Nuclear Weapon? Here's What We Know

That’s an article from 2020. The JCPOA took effect around 2015. The fact that they aren’t very close to building a bomb is a direct result of the JCPOA.

From your article:
This is known as Iran’s “breakout” time and Miles Pomper, a nuclear arms control expert at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, currently estimates it to be at least a year. The calculation is based on the amount of work the country would have to do just to get its nuclear infrastructure back to pre-2015 levels.

They were a fair bit closer in 2015 when the deal was negotiated, perhaps as close as a few months. You can thank Obama for this anytime.

They will never get there

"Iran probably will be within 2-3 months a nuclear weapon by the end of 2020, perhaps by the summer of 2021 if they slow down," Nephew said.

Bunn broadly agreed. "Iran could, if nobody interfered with them, produce enough material for a bomb in less than a year, and produce a bomb itself shortly thereafter," he said. "We’re talking somewhere in the three-to-nine month range, probably."

Still, he said that the caveat of "if nobody interfered with them" is a big one.

Once it became clear that an Iranian facility was starting to produce bomb material, Bunn said, "the question of bombing that facility would come up, and my guess is either the United States or Israel would do so. To avoid that, the Iranians, I would guess, are likely not to start producing weapon-grade material."

How close is Iran to building a nuclear weapon?

As long as guessing is allowed (per your article), I would guess that Iran now takes all steps necessary to produce a nuclear weapon. No one is going to be firing missiles at leaders of a nuclear armed state. I would guess that’s one of the effects of Soleimani’s assassination.
You made it seem like we did the deal because Israel asked us to.

We “did the deal”? Are you referring to the JCPOA? Israel (by which we are talking about Netanyahu) didn’t want us to do the deal. Never did. They were happy when Trump bailed and had been lobbying him to do so from early in his presidency.

We did the deal because Iran had a nuclear program which was progressing and reaching a point where they were getting far too close to having enough fissile material to build a nuclear weapon. Israel thought so. We thought so. Our European allies thought so. I only brought up Israel because I thought you’d take that seriously. Based on your prior statements, I didn’t think you’d have much faith in the assessment of the Obama administration who you don’t seem to care much for.

Never negotiate with terrorists. Per below they are not close, as I first stated.
How Close Is Iran to a Nuclear Weapon? Here's What We Know

That’s an article from 2020. The JCPOA took effect around 2015. The fact that they aren’t very close to building a bomb is a direct result of the JCPOA.

From your article:
This is known as Iran’s “breakout” time and Miles Pomper, a nuclear arms control expert at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, currently estimates it to be at least a year. The calculation is based on the amount of work the country would have to do just to get its nuclear infrastructure back to pre-2015 levels.

They were a fair bit closer in 2015 when the deal was negotiated, perhaps as close as a few months. You can thank Obama for this anytime.

They will never get there

"Iran probably will be within 2-3 months a nuclear weapon by the end of 2020, perhaps by the summer of 2021 if they slow down," Nephew said.

Bunn broadly agreed. "Iran could, if nobody interfered with them, produce enough material for a bomb in less than a year, and produce a bomb itself shortly thereafter," he said. "We’re talking somewhere in the three-to-nine month range, probably."

Still, he said that the caveat of "if nobody interfered with them" is a big one.

Once it became clear that an Iranian facility was starting to produce bomb material, Bunn said, "the question of bombing that facility would come up, and my guess is either the United States or Israel would do so. To avoid that, the Iranians, I would guess, are likely not to start producing weapon-grade material."

How close is Iran to building a nuclear weapon?

As long as guessing is allowed (per your article), I would guess that Iran now takes all steps necessary to produce a nuclear weapon. No one is going to be firing missiles at leaders of a nuclear armed state. I would guess that’s one of the effects of Soleimani’s assassination.

Won't let them get that far. If Israel feels threatened they will bomb the facility before they can get a nuclear bomb.
We “did the deal”? Are you referring to the JCPOA? Israel (by which we are talking about Netanyahu) didn’t want us to do the deal. Never did. They were happy when Trump bailed and had been lobbying him to do so from early in his presidency.

We did the deal because Iran had a nuclear program which was progressing and reaching a point where they were getting far too close to having enough fissile material to build a nuclear weapon. Israel thought so. We thought so. Our European allies thought so. I only brought up Israel because I thought you’d take that seriously. Based on your prior statements, I didn’t think you’d have much faith in the assessment of the Obama administration who you don’t seem to care much for.

Never negotiate with terrorists. Per below they are not close, as I first stated.
How Close Is Iran to a Nuclear Weapon? Here's What We Know

That’s an article from 2020. The JCPOA took effect around 2015. The fact that they aren’t very close to building a bomb is a direct result of the JCPOA.

From your article:
This is known as Iran’s “breakout” time and Miles Pomper, a nuclear arms control expert at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, currently estimates it to be at least a year. The calculation is based on the amount of work the country would have to do just to get its nuclear infrastructure back to pre-2015 levels.

They were a fair bit closer in 2015 when the deal was negotiated, perhaps as close as a few months. You can thank Obama for this anytime.

They will never get there

"Iran probably will be within 2-3 months a nuclear weapon by the end of 2020, perhaps by the summer of 2021 if they slow down," Nephew said.

Bunn broadly agreed. "Iran could, if nobody interfered with them, produce enough material for a bomb in less than a year, and produce a bomb itself shortly thereafter," he said. "We’re talking somewhere in the three-to-nine month range, probably."

Still, he said that the caveat of "if nobody interfered with them" is a big one.

Once it became clear that an Iranian facility was starting to produce bomb material, Bunn said, "the question of bombing that facility would come up, and my guess is either the United States or Israel would do so. To avoid that, the Iranians, I would guess, are likely not to start producing weapon-grade material."

How close is Iran to building a nuclear weapon?

As long as guessing is allowed (per your article), I would guess that Iran now takes all steps necessary to produce a nuclear weapon. No one is going to be firing missiles at leaders of a nuclear armed state. I would guess that’s one of the effects of Soleimani’s assassination.

Won't let them get that far. If Israel feels threatened they will bomb the facility before they can get a nuclear bomb.

You realize that these facilities aren’t just sitting out in the open but are far underground and protected from bombing. They’re also not necessarily declared sites so where to bomb becomes its own problem.

The effectiveness of this plan is quite uncertain.
Never negotiate with terrorists. Per below they are not close, as I first stated.
How Close Is Iran to a Nuclear Weapon? Here's What We Know

That’s an article from 2020. The JCPOA took effect around 2015. The fact that they aren’t very close to building a bomb is a direct result of the JCPOA.

From your article:
This is known as Iran’s “breakout” time and Miles Pomper, a nuclear arms control expert at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, currently estimates it to be at least a year. The calculation is based on the amount of work the country would have to do just to get its nuclear infrastructure back to pre-2015 levels.

They were a fair bit closer in 2015 when the deal was negotiated, perhaps as close as a few months. You can thank Obama for this anytime.

They will never get there

"Iran probably will be within 2-3 months a nuclear weapon by the end of 2020, perhaps by the summer of 2021 if they slow down," Nephew said.

Bunn broadly agreed. "Iran could, if nobody interfered with them, produce enough material for a bomb in less than a year, and produce a bomb itself shortly thereafter," he said. "We’re talking somewhere in the three-to-nine month range, probably."

Still, he said that the caveat of "if nobody interfered with them" is a big one.

Once it became clear that an Iranian facility was starting to produce bomb material, Bunn said, "the question of bombing that facility would come up, and my guess is either the United States or Israel would do so. To avoid that, the Iranians, I would guess, are likely not to start producing weapon-grade material."

How close is Iran to building a nuclear weapon?

As long as guessing is allowed (per your article), I would guess that Iran now takes all steps necessary to produce a nuclear weapon. No one is going to be firing missiles at leaders of a nuclear armed state. I would guess that’s one of the effects of Soleimani’s assassination.

Won't let them get that far. If Israel feels threatened they will bomb the facility before they can get a nuclear bomb.

You realize that these facilities aren’t just sitting out in the open but are far underground and protected from bombing. They’re also not necessarily declared sites so where to bomb becomes its own problem.

The effectiveness of this plan is quite uncertain.
So then they could have been enriching all along? I believe in our intelligence and hey it’s worse for the local neighbors like the KSA. I do Not like the plan of bribing Iran. Pass. Hard pass.
Still better than a nuclear armed Iran.
Of course but there is little proof out there that Iran had that capability.

I didn’t say they did. But Obama made a decision between curtailing their nuclear program or their terrorism network. He chose to go after the bigger threat. I think it’s a defensible choice.

Only he didn't curtail it. Read the agreement.
It granted them centrifuges. GRANTED. That is not curtailing anything

It is if you don’t use them to make highly enriched uranium.

Highly enriched uranium is ONLY used to build nuclear bombs. They have no use in nuclear power generation.

Still better than a nuclear armed Iran.
Of course but there is little proof out there that Iran had that capability.

I didn’t say they did. But Obama made a decision between curtailing their nuclear program or their terrorism network. He chose to go after the bigger threat. I think it’s a defensible choice.

Only he didn't curtail it. Read the agreement.
It granted them centrifuges. GRANTED. That is not curtailing anything

It is if you don’t use them to make highly enriched uranium.

Highly enriched uranium is ONLY used to build nuclear bombs. They have no use in nuclear power generation.

Indeed. But you need low enriched uranium for nuclear power and you need centrifuges to get low enriched uranium.
Of course but there is little proof out there that Iran had that capability.

I didn’t say they did. But Obama made a decision between curtailing their nuclear program or their terrorism network. He chose to go after the bigger threat. I think it’s a defensible choice.

Only he didn't curtail it. Read the agreement.
It granted them centrifuges. GRANTED. That is not curtailing anything

It is if you don’t use them to make highly enriched uranium.

Highly enriched uranium is ONLY used to build nuclear bombs. They have no use in nuclear power generation.

Indeed. But you need low enriched uranium for nuclear power and you need centrifuges to get low enriched uranium.
Iran is on the verge of implosion. It will be fun to watch as it happens.
I didn’t say they did. But Obama made a decision between curtailing their nuclear program or their terrorism network. He chose to go after the bigger threat. I think it’s a defensible choice.

Only he didn't curtail it. Read the agreement.
It granted them centrifuges. GRANTED. That is not curtailing anything

It is if you don’t use them to make highly enriched uranium.

Highly enriched uranium is ONLY used to build nuclear bombs. They have no use in nuclear power generation.

Indeed. But you need low enriched uranium for nuclear power and you need centrifuges to get low enriched uranium.
Iran is on the verge of implosion. It will be fun to watch as it happens.

People are dying. Your idea of fun is sick.
Only he didn't curtail it. Read the agreement.
It granted them centrifuges. GRANTED. That is not curtailing anything

It is if you don’t use them to make highly enriched uranium.

Highly enriched uranium is ONLY used to build nuclear bombs. They have no use in nuclear power generation.

Indeed. But you need low enriched uranium for nuclear power and you need centrifuges to get low enriched uranium.
Iran is on the verge of implosion. It will be fun to watch as it happens.

People are dying. Your idea of fun is sick.
People die every day. Bad people dying is not a bad thing.
It is if you don’t use them to make highly enriched uranium.

Highly enriched uranium is ONLY used to build nuclear bombs. They have no use in nuclear power generation.

Indeed. But you need low enriched uranium for nuclear power and you need centrifuges to get low enriched uranium.
Iran is on the verge of implosion. It will be fun to watch as it happens.

People are dying. Your idea of fun is sick.
People die every day. Bad people dying is not a bad thing.

You think it’s just bad people that are dying in Iran?

How fun was it seeing a passenger plane shot down in Iran?
Highly enriched uranium is ONLY used to build nuclear bombs. They have no use in nuclear power generation.

Indeed. But you need low enriched uranium for nuclear power and you need centrifuges to get low enriched uranium.
Iran is on the verge of implosion. It will be fun to watch as it happens.

People are dying. Your idea of fun is sick.
People die every day. Bad people dying is not a bad thing.

You think it’s just bad people that are dying in Iran?

How fun was it seeing a passenger plane shot down in Iran?
No. I said It will be fun to watch had people die once the good people revolt. Pay attention, Leftist.

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