This Is Why They Can’t Have Our Guns

The crooked congress was caught red handed being crooked by looking the other way at shiff for lying his Azz off to the camera

Trump now will get the military ready to change the proven crooked congress
somebody has been "going to get our guns" ever since day one of posting on the internet - guess what?


They can't, but they keep talking about it. Funny that.

Consider the last 30 years of attempted gun control. A dismal failure on their part, because no one likes them.

I consider the last few decades of RW dopes crying about dems taking their water guns very fucking day and nothing has happened.

now thats FUNNY !

They have been packing the lower courts and the Supreme court, and passing gun laws at the local and state dumb ass.....

how many people knocked on your door and took ONE of your guns - dumbass?

That is because we have succeeded in blocking their election of the bills they try to pass.
Are you trying to imply they are not trying?
For example, the 1993 Assault Weapons ban, the stated desires of Beto, etc.

Dennis Prager always says that if you don't believe in evil, you fight those who fight evil....that is exactly the problem with the left.
Yep, make up a fake boogeyman to fight who can’t hurt you.

You all know climate change and pollution is a huge threat, yet in every post you deny it. Talk about burying your heads in the sand. LOL

Nothing will be done about the climate changing. To think we can change the climate is supreme arrogance. Ruminate on that for a bit.

That is silly.
We add over 29 billion additional tons of carbon the atmosphere every single year, and CO2 last forever, so is accumulative.
You know a volcanic eruption can change the climate for a year or so, so then why do you doubt that the accumulated carbon we burn can not?

“…most previous studies regarding the CO2 fertilization effect have focused primarily on “doubling-CO2 experiments” with twofold higher CO2 concentration of about 700 or 800 ppm than the current global CO2 concentration [40, 42, 45, 48]. Nevertheless, the CO2 fertilization effect may sustain up to about 1000 ppm for leaf photosynthesis [46, 49] and 1800 ppm for grain yield of crops [50]. For example, Xu [23] examined the optimal atmospheric CO2 concentration of the CO2 fertilization effect on the growth of winter wheat and found that the optimal atmospheric CO2 concentration was 894 and 968 ppm for total biomass and leaf photosynthesis.” The optimal CO 2 concentrations for the growth of three perennial grass species | BMC Plant Biology | Full Text
Dennis Prager always says that if you don't believe in evil, you fight those who fight evil....that is exactly the problem with the left.
Yep, make up a fake boogeyman to fight who can’t hurt you.

You all know climate change and pollution is a huge threat, yet in every post you deny it. Talk about burying your heads in the sand. LOL

Nothing will be done about the climate changing. To think we can change the climate is supreme arrogance. Ruminate on that for a bit.

That is silly.
We add over 29 billion additional tons of carbon the atmosphere every single year, and CO2 last forever, so is accumulative.
You know a volcanic eruption can change the climate for a year or so, so then why do you doubt that the accumulated carbon we burn can not?

“…most previous studies regarding the CO2 fertilization effect have focused primarily on “doubling-CO2 experiments” with twofold higher CO2 concentration of about 700 or 800 ppm than the current global CO2 concentration [40, 42, 45, 48]. Nevertheless, the CO2 fertilization effect may sustain up to about 1000 ppm for leaf photosynthesis [46, 49] and 1800 ppm for grain yield of crops [50]. For example, Xu [23] examined the optimal atmospheric CO2 concentration of the CO2 fertilization effect on the growth of winter wheat and found that the optimal atmospheric CO2 concentration was 894 and 968 ppm for total biomass and leaf photosynthesis.” The optimal CO 2 concentrations for the growth of three perennial grass species | BMC Plant Biology | Full Text
The most prolific period of life on earth was when the CO2 was the highest...
Dennis Prager always says that if you don't believe in evil, you fight those who fight evil....that is exactly the problem with the left.
Yep, make up a fake boogeyman to fight who can’t hurt you.

You all know climate change and pollution is a huge threat, yet in every post you deny it. Talk about burying your heads in the sand. LOL

Nothing will be done about the climate changing. To think we can change the climate is supreme arrogance. Ruminate on that for a bit.

That is silly.
We add over 29 billion additional tons of carbon the atmosphere every single year, and CO2 last forever, so is accumulative.
You know a volcanic eruption can change the climate for a year or so, so then why do you doubt that the accumulated carbon we burn can not?

“…most previous studies regarding the CO2 fertilization effect have focused primarily on “doubling-CO2 experiments” with twofold higher CO2 concentration of about 700 or 800 ppm than the current global CO2 concentration [40, 42, 45, 48]. Nevertheless, the CO2 fertilization effect may sustain up to about 1000 ppm for leaf photosynthesis [46, 49] and 1800 ppm for grain yield of crops [50]. For example, Xu [23] examined the optimal atmospheric CO2 concentration of the CO2 fertilization effect on the growth of winter wheat and found that the optimal atmospheric CO2 concentration was 894 and 968 ppm for total biomass and leaf photosynthesis.” The optimal CO 2 concentrations for the growth of three perennial grass species | BMC Plant Biology | Full Text

Yes, it is true that more CO2 is good for plant growth. But that additional plant growth is not good for humans because it does not translate into more nutrition in the leaves, seeds, or whatever we harvest for. It just means more cellulose, that we can not digest. And the change on climate, such as more storms, hotter temperatures, etc., more than offset any positive in growth rates.

Again, plant growth can not equal the 100 million years worth of sequestered carbon we dump instantly into the atmosphere when we burn fossil fuel. The 29 billion tons of carbon we add to the atmosphere each year is in excess of what plants can absorb. We actually produce about 10 billion more tons of carbon than that, but it is absorbed by plants.
Yep, make up a fake boogeyman to fight who can’t hurt you.

You all know climate change and pollution is a huge threat, yet in every post you deny it. Talk about burying your heads in the sand. LOL

Nothing will be done about the climate changing. To think we can change the climate is supreme arrogance. Ruminate on that for a bit.

That is silly.
We add over 29 billion additional tons of carbon the atmosphere every single year, and CO2 last forever, so is accumulative.
You know a volcanic eruption can change the climate for a year or so, so then why do you doubt that the accumulated carbon we burn can not?

“…most previous studies regarding the CO2 fertilization effect have focused primarily on “doubling-CO2 experiments” with twofold higher CO2 concentration of about 700 or 800 ppm than the current global CO2 concentration [40, 42, 45, 48]. Nevertheless, the CO2 fertilization effect may sustain up to about 1000 ppm for leaf photosynthesis [46, 49] and 1800 ppm for grain yield of crops [50]. For example, Xu [23] examined the optimal atmospheric CO2 concentration of the CO2 fertilization effect on the growth of winter wheat and found that the optimal atmospheric CO2 concentration was 894 and 968 ppm for total biomass and leaf photosynthesis.” The optimal CO 2 concentrations for the growth of three perennial grass species | BMC Plant Biology | Full Text
The most prolific period of life on earth was when the CO2 was the highest...

Prolific for plants, but not necessarily for animals.
The planet was also significantly hotter, with a constant overcast from all the humidity in the air.
The stars and moon would never have been visible.
If that happened now, solar photovoltaic cells would not work well, astronomy would be impossible, and even air travel would be very rare and risky from the constant fog.

And since we are stimulating more heating on top of what was already the end of a hot period, we are likely going to cause a warming even greater than the hottest period this planet has ever experienced.
If that initiates a positive feedback acceleration, we could be talking about surface temperatures above the boiling point of water. This is unlikely, but we don't know for sure, and there is no way to stop it at that point.
You all know climate change and pollution is a huge threat, yet in every post you deny it. Talk about burying your heads in the sand. LOL

Nothing will be done about the climate changing. To think we can change the climate is supreme arrogance. Ruminate on that for a bit.

That is silly.
We add over 29 billion additional tons of carbon the atmosphere every single year, and CO2 last forever, so is accumulative.
You know a volcanic eruption can change the climate for a year or so, so then why do you doubt that the accumulated carbon we burn can not?

“…most previous studies regarding the CO2 fertilization effect have focused primarily on “doubling-CO2 experiments” with twofold higher CO2 concentration of about 700 or 800 ppm than the current global CO2 concentration [40, 42, 45, 48]. Nevertheless, the CO2 fertilization effect may sustain up to about 1000 ppm for leaf photosynthesis [46, 49] and 1800 ppm for grain yield of crops [50]. For example, Xu [23] examined the optimal atmospheric CO2 concentration of the CO2 fertilization effect on the growth of winter wheat and found that the optimal atmospheric CO2 concentration was 894 and 968 ppm for total biomass and leaf photosynthesis.” The optimal CO 2 concentrations for the growth of three perennial grass species | BMC Plant Biology | Full Text
The most prolific period of life on earth was when the CO2 was the highest...

Prolific for plants, but not necessarily for animals.
The planet was also significantly hotter, with a constant overcast from all the humidity in the air.
The stars and moon would never have been visible.
If that happened now, solar photovoltaic cells would not work well, astronomy would be impossible, and even air travel would be very rare and risky from the constant fog.

And since we are stimulating more heating on top of what was already the end of a hot period, we are likely going to cause a warming even greater than the hottest period this planet has ever experienced.
If that initiates a positive feedback acceleration, we could be talking about surface temperatures above the boiling point of water. This is unlikely, but we don't know for sure, and there is no way to stop it at that point.
Are you kidding? It was prolific for all life forms. 75 foot tall animals running around validate to that.
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Climate Change is a critical issue

Should they mention the threat of the radical right?
They are the ones attacking us today not radical Islam
somebody has been "going to get our guns" ever since day one of posting on the internet - guess what?


They can't, but they keep talking about it. Funny that.

Consider the last 30 years of attempted gun control. A dismal failure on their part, because no one likes them.

I consider the last few decades of RW dopes crying about dems taking their water guns every fucking day and nothing has happened.

now thats FUNNY !
somebody has been "going to get our guns" ever since day one of posting on the internet - guess what?


They can't, but they keep talking about it. Funny that.

Consider the last 30 years of attempted gun control. A dismal failure on their part, because no one likes them.

I consider the last few decades of RW dopes crying about dems taking their water guns very fucking day and nothing has happened.

now thats FUNNY !

They have been packing the lower courts and the Supreme court, and passing gun laws at the local and state dumb ass.....

how many people knocked on your door and took ONE of your guns - dumbass?
Yep, make up a fake boogeyman to fight who can’t hurt you.

You all know climate change and pollution is a huge threat, yet in every post you deny it. Talk about burying your heads in the sand. LOL

Nothing will be done about the climate changing. To think we can change the climate is supreme arrogance. Ruminate on that for a bit.

That is silly.
We add over 29 billion additional tons of carbon the atmosphere every single year, and CO2 last forever, so is accumulative.
You know a volcanic eruption can change the climate for a year or so, so then why do you doubt that the accumulated carbon we burn can not?

“…most previous studies regarding the CO2 fertilization effect have focused primarily on “doubling-CO2 experiments” with twofold higher CO2 concentration of about 700 or 800 ppm than the current global CO2 concentration [40, 42, 45, 48]. Nevertheless, the CO2 fertilization effect may sustain up to about 1000 ppm for leaf photosynthesis [46, 49] and 1800 ppm for grain yield of crops [50]. For example, Xu [23] examined the optimal atmospheric CO2 concentration of the CO2 fertilization effect on the growth of winter wheat and found that the optimal atmospheric CO2 concentration was 894 and 968 ppm for total biomass and leaf photosynthesis.” The optimal CO 2 concentrations for the growth of three perennial grass species | BMC Plant Biology | Full Text

Yes, it is true that more CO2 is good for plant growth. But that additional plant growth is not good for humans because it does not translate into more nutrition in the leaves, seeds, or whatever we harvest for. It just means more cellulose, that we can not digest. And the change on climate, such as more storms, hotter temperatures, etc., more than offset any positive in growth rates.

Again, plant growth can not equal the 100 million years worth of sequestered carbon we dump instantly into the atmosphere when we burn fossil fuel. The 29 billion tons of carbon we add to the atmosphere each year is in excess of what plants can absorb. We actually produce about 10 billion more tons of carbon than that, but it is absorbed by plants.

"Continuing the demonization of CO2, the article refers to China as “the biggest global polluter.” Let’s be clear, CO2 is not a “pollutant.” The average human breathes out about 2 pounds of CO2 per day. Over most of geological history, CO2 levels have been much higher than today’s approximately 400 CO2 molecules per million air molecules (ppm). Operators of commercial greenhouses routinely increase CO2 levels to 1000 ppm or more, if they can afford to pay for the CO2.

We should welcome the fact that CO2 has risen to “levels not seen on Earth for millions of years,” even if the “fact” is less certain than you might believe. Plants have been trying to cope with a CO2 famine for millions of years, a famine that is finally ending. With self-assurance worthy of Dr. Pangloss, the article implies that pre-industrial CO2 levels, around 280 ppm, were the “best of all possible worlds.” But 280 ppm is much closer to (sea-level) starvation levels of about 150 ppm, when many plants die, than to the optimum levels for plant growth, which greenhouse operators already know are greater than 1000 ppm.

There is fossil evidence of CO2 starvation at the end of the last ice age, when CO2 levels dropped to below 200 ppm. Even today’s 400 ppm is far too low for optimum plant growth.”
New York Times hysterical over global greening | CFACT

When will you realize that 'global warming' is simply a plan for global governance?

somebody has been "going to get our guns" ever since day one of posting on the internet - guess what?


They can't, but they keep talking about it. Funny that.

Consider the last 30 years of attempted gun control. A dismal failure on their part, because no one likes them.

I consider the last few decades of RW dopes crying about dems taking their water guns very fucking day and nothing has happened.

now thats FUNNY !

They have been packing the lower courts and the Supreme court, and passing gun laws at the local and state dumb ass.....

how many people knocked on your door and took ONE of your guns - dumbass? took Britain about 100 years to get all of their guns......obama packed the Federal courts with gun grabbers....the democrats are now attacking guns at the local and state level, getting their pet judges to declare their laws dumb ass....
Oh bullshit.

Stop telling these outrageous lies. The only on who has recently packed the courts is Moscow Mitch McConnell.

Since tRump cheated his way into office you kids all think it's ok to lie as much as you want.

It's not.
Oh bullshit.

Stop telling these outrageous lies. The only on who has recently packed the courts is Moscow Mitch McConnell.

Since tRump cheated his way into office you kids all think it's ok to lie as much as you want.

It's not.
Still can't accept the election results? Get your meds ready for the next one?

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