This is WHY Trump needs to be voted out ---Both sides are vulnerable

Dan Coats, DNI, said last year: 'Warning lights are blinking red' about cyber threats

But Trump won't listen. He's focused on the southern border and illegal immigrants.

I don't want open borders, I don't know of any liberal who does. That's just Trump bullshit for his base.

But one thing that will affect every single citizen in this country, every single one, is an effective, widespread cyber attack.

Nothing will work. We will be involuntarily hurled back into a 17th century existence in a flash.

I believe Coats, and Donald needs to listen to him.
The two are not mutually exclusive.

We can have BOTH cyber security and illegal Mexican blocking border security.



Why don't you tell the Useful Idiot that?
He's oblivious.
He has a problem with tunnel vision, curating his base and getting re-elected.

Ironically, he would suffer the most from a cyber attack.
Oh my, he wouldn't be able to Tweet to his (m)asses.
No you libtards would suffer the most from a cyber attack, as then you cant come here and prove that you are whiney bitches, and vent against the Greatest president since Ronald Reagan.

^^^^^^ . LOL!
Reagan is rolling over in his grave. He's a "libtard" compared to Trump and his personal Roy Cohn, Bill Barr, and his personal Josef Goebbels, Stephen Miller.


Ah man, do you need some safe space?

Dan Coats, DNI, said last year: 'Warning lights are blinking red' about cyber threats

But Trump won't listen. He's focused on the southern border and illegal immigrants.

I don't want open borders, I don't know of any liberal who does. That's just Trump bullshit for his base.

But one thing that will affect every single citizen in this country, every single one, is an effective, widespread cyber attack.

Nothing will work. We will be involuntarily hurled back into a 17th century existence in a flash.

I believe Coats, and Donald needs to listen to him.

I think Trump listens to anybody that isn't a kook.

After the DNC had their email hacked, what did the Democrats do? They blamed Trump who wasn't even near the White House yet. So don't act like this is something new. Technology advances all the time. As for Trump's concentration on the wall, if the stupid Democrats just gave him the money he asked for instead of shutting down the government for the longest period of time in history, that issue would have been off the table a long time ago.

Trump doesn't listen to anyone except Trump.

Just ask these folks.

Kirstjen Nielsen
Scott Gottlieb
Bill Shine
John Kelly
Ryan Zinke
Nikki Haley
James Mattis
Mira Ricardel
Jeff Sessions
Don McGahn
Joe Hagin
Scott Pruitt
Tom Homan
Ty Cobb
Nadia Schadlow
Michael Anton
Tom Bossert
H.R. McMaster
Hope Hicks
David Shulkin
Josh Raffel
John Dowd
John McEntee
Rex Tillerson
John Feeley
Gary Cohn
David Sorensen***
Rachel Brand
Rob Porter
Brenda Fitzgerald
Taylor Weyeneth***
Andrew McCabe**
Omarosa M. Newman
Marc Short
Dina Powell
Rick Dearborn
Jeremy Katz***
George Sifakis***
Tom Price
Keith Schiller
Sebastian Gorka
Steve Bannon
Carl Icahn
Ezra Cohen-Watnick
Anthony Scaramucci
George Gigicos
Reince Priebus
Derek Harvey
Michael Short
Sean Spicer
Rich Higgins
Mark Corallo
Walter Shaub
Tera Dahl
Michael Dubke
James Comey
Angella Reid
Vivek Murthy
K.T. McFarland
Katie Walsh
Michael Flynn
Sally Yates

Who has left Trump's administration and orbit?
He's a fucking idiot who is going to take this country down lower than a gutter frog in Venezuela.


Click to expand...
Grow the fuck up.

"Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure"
Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure

Maybe you should pay attention to DATES, and not be in such a hurry to copy and paste.

President Trump issued Executive Order 13800, Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure on May 11, 2017,

Transcript: Dan Coats Warns The Lights Are 'Blinking Red' On Russian Cyberattacks
July 18, 2018
Transcript: Dan Coats Warns The Lights Are 'Blinking Red' On Russian Cyberattacks

Nothing has been done.
An EO doesn't mean shit.
Especially when it's signed by the Useful Idiot.
Dan Coats, DNI, said last year: 'Warning lights are blinking red' about cyber threats

But Trump won't listen. He's focused on the southern border and illegal immigrants.

I don't want open borders, I don't know of any liberal who does. That's just Trump bullshit for his base.

But one thing that will affect every single citizen in this country, every single one, is an effective, widespread cyber attack.

Nothing will work. We will be involuntarily hurled back into a 17th century existence in a flash.

I believe Coats, and Donald needs to listen to him.
The two are not mutually exclusive.

We can have BOTH cyber security and illegal Mexican blocking border security.



Why don't you tell the Useful Idiot that?
He's oblivious.
He has a problem with tunnel vision, curating his base and getting re-elected.

Ironically, he would suffer the most from a cyber attack.
Oh my, he wouldn't be able to Tweet to his (m)asses.
No you libtards would suffer the most from a cyber attack, as then you cant come here and prove that you are whiney bitches, and vent against the Greatest president since Ronald Reagan.

^^^^^^ . LOL!
Reagan is rolling over in his grave. He's a "libtard" compared to Trump and his personal Roy Cohn, Bill Barr, and his personal Josef Goebbels, Stephen Miller.


Ah man, do you need some safe space?


Posting memes.
It's what you do when your brain has been sucked out.
The two are not mutually exclusive.

We can have BOTH cyber security and illegal Mexican blocking border security.



Why don't you tell the Useful Idiot that?
He's oblivious.
He has a problem with tunnel vision, curating his base and getting re-elected.

Ironically, he would suffer the most from a cyber attack.
Oh my, he wouldn't be able to Tweet to his (m)asses.
No you libtards would suffer the most from a cyber attack, as then you cant come here and prove that you are whiney bitches, and vent against the Greatest president since Ronald Reagan.

^^^^^^ . LOL!
Reagan is rolling over in his grave. He's a "libtard" compared to Trump and his personal Roy Cohn, Bill Barr, and his personal Josef Goebbels, Stephen Miller.


Ah man, do you need some safe space?


Posting memes.
It's what you do when your brain has been sucked out.

Whining like you means you never had a brain...

A man walks into a brain surgeons office because he wants to see what the doctor can do for him. In two vials are brains. One brain looks brand new, the other very creased and old. The man asks the doctor about the new looking one, and the doctor replies that the new was is really from a 42 year old liberal, it just never has been used, while the other one is from a 22 year old conservative...
Why don't you tell the Useful Idiot that?
He's oblivious.
He has a problem with tunnel vision, curating his base and getting re-elected.

Ironically, he would suffer the most from a cyber attack.
Oh my, he wouldn't be able to Tweet to his (m)asses.
No you libtards would suffer the most from a cyber attack, as then you cant come here and prove that you are whiney bitches, and vent against the Greatest president since Ronald Reagan.

^^^^^^ . LOL!
Reagan is rolling over in his grave. He's a "libtard" compared to Trump and his personal Roy Cohn, Bill Barr, and his personal Josef Goebbels, Stephen Miller.


Ah man, do you need some safe space?


Posting memes.
It's what you do when your brain has been sucked out.

Whining like you means you never had a brain...

A man walks into a brain surgeons office because he wants to see what the doctor can do for him. In two vials are brains. One brain looks brand new, the other very creased and old. The man asks the doctor about the new looking one, and the doctor replies that the new was is really from a 42 year old liberal, it just never has been used, while the other one is from a 22 year old conservative...

Trolling is for teenagers and idiots who can't make their case.
Which one are you?
Dan Coats, DNI, said last year: 'Warning lights are blinking red' about cyber threats

But Trump won't listen. He's focused on the southern border and illegal immigrants.

I don't want open borders, I don't know of any liberal who does. That's just Trump bullshit for his base.

But one thing that will affect every single citizen in this country, every single one, is an effective, widespread cyber attack.

Nothing will work. We will be involuntarily hurled back into a 17th century existence in a flash.

I believe Coats, and Donald needs to listen to him.

Hey, I'm here to help, here are some of the folks that want open borders...dumbass.

Illegal Immigration: Yes, Democrats Are Now The Party Of Open Borders

The Left Goes All In On Open Borders

LOL! Clicking on your second link......Tucker Carlson? Really?
That's supposed to be some sort of FACT?
Fucking fakest of all news.
No you libtards would suffer the most from a cyber attack, as then you cant come here and prove that you are whiney bitches, and vent against the Greatest president since Ronald Reagan.

^^^^^^ . LOL!
Reagan is rolling over in his grave. He's a "libtard" compared to Trump and his personal Roy Cohn, Bill Barr, and his personal Josef Goebbels, Stephen Miller.


Ah man, do you need some safe space?


Posting memes.
It's what you do when your brain has been sucked out.

Whining like you means you never had a brain...

A man walks into a brain surgeons office because he wants to see what the doctor can do for him. In two vials are brains. One brain looks brand new, the other very creased and old. The man asks the doctor about the new looking one, and the doctor replies that the new was is really from a 42 year old liberal, it just never has been used, while the other one is from a 22 year old conservative...

Trolling is for teenagers and idiots who can't make their case.
Which one are you?

Well you are trolling since the OP was started, so I guess you are the idiot, and I am the teenager..Of course I am a old teenager who farts a lot, but that is just me.
Dan Coats, DNI, said last year: 'Warning lights are blinking red' about cyber threats

But Trump won't listen. He's focused on the southern border and illegal immigrants.

I don't want open borders, I don't know of any liberal who does. That's just Trump bullshit for his base.

But one thing that will affect every single citizen in this country, every single one, is an effective, widespread cyber attack.

Nothing will work. We will be involuntarily hurled back into a 17th century existence in a flash.

I believe Coats, and Donald needs to listen to him.

I think Trump listens to anybody that isn't a kook.

After the DNC had their email hacked, what did the Democrats do? They blamed Trump who wasn't even near the White House yet. So don't act like this is something new. Technology advances all the time. As for Trump's concentration on the wall, if the stupid Democrats just gave him the money he asked for instead of shutting down the government for the longest period of time in history, that issue would have been off the table a long time ago.

Trump doesn't listen to anyone except Trump.

Just ask these folks.

Kirstjen Nielsen
Scott Gottlieb
Bill Shine
John Kelly
Ryan Zinke
Nikki Haley
James Mattis
Mira Ricardel
Jeff Sessions
Don McGahn
Joe Hagin
Scott Pruitt
Tom Homan
Ty Cobb
Nadia Schadlow
Michael Anton
Tom Bossert
H.R. McMaster
Hope Hicks
David Shulkin
Josh Raffel
John Dowd
John McEntee
Rex Tillerson
John Feeley
Gary Cohn
David Sorensen***
Rachel Brand
Rob Porter
Brenda Fitzgerald
Taylor Weyeneth***
Andrew McCabe**
Omarosa M. Newman
Marc Short
Dina Powell
Rick Dearborn
Jeremy Katz***
George Sifakis***
Tom Price
Keith Schiller
Sebastian Gorka
Steve Bannon
Carl Icahn
Ezra Cohen-Watnick
Anthony Scaramucci
George Gigicos
Reince Priebus
Derek Harvey
Michael Short
Sean Spicer
Rich Higgins
Mark Corallo
Walter Shaub
Tera Dahl
Michael Dubke
James Comey
Angella Reid
Vivek Murthy
K.T. McFarland
Katie Walsh
Michael Flynn
Sally Yates

Who has left Trump's administration and orbit?
He's a fucking idiot who is going to take this country down lower than a gutter frog in Venezuela.


Click to expand...
Grow the fuck up.

"Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure"
Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure

Maybe you should pay attention to DATES, and not be in such a hurry to copy and paste.

President Trump issued Executive Order 13800, Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure on May 11, 2017,

Transcript: Dan Coats Warns The Lights Are 'Blinking Red' On Russian Cyberattacks
July 18, 2018
Transcript: Dan Coats Warns The Lights Are 'Blinking Red' On Russian Cyberattacks

Nothing has been done.
An EO doesn't mean shit.
Especially when it's signed by the Useful Idiot.

Nigga please...…
Rump should go after those who haven't followed the order...
You're a child.
Dan Coats, DNI, said last year: 'Warning lights are blinking red' about cyber threats

But Trump won't listen. He's focused on the southern border and illegal immigrants.

I don't want open borders, I don't know of any liberal who does. That's just Trump bullshit for his base.

But one thing that will affect every single citizen in this country, every single one, is an effective, widespread cyber attack.

Nothing will work. We will be involuntarily hurled back into a 17th century existence in a flash.

I believe Coats, and Donald needs to listen to him.

I think Trump listens to anybody that isn't a kook.

After the DNC had their email hacked, what did the Democrats do? They blamed Trump who wasn't even near the White House yet. So don't act like this is something new. Technology advances all the time. As for Trump's concentration on the wall, if the stupid Democrats just gave him the money he asked for instead of shutting down the government for the longest period of time in history, that issue would have been off the table a long time ago.

Trump doesn't listen to anyone except Trump.

Just ask these folks.

Kirstjen Nielsen
Scott Gottlieb
Bill Shine
John Kelly
Ryan Zinke
Nikki Haley
James Mattis
Mira Ricardel
Jeff Sessions
Don McGahn
Joe Hagin
Scott Pruitt
Tom Homan
Ty Cobb
Nadia Schadlow
Michael Anton
Tom Bossert
H.R. McMaster
Hope Hicks
David Shulkin
Josh Raffel
John Dowd
John McEntee
Rex Tillerson
John Feeley
Gary Cohn
David Sorensen***
Rachel Brand
Rob Porter
Brenda Fitzgerald
Taylor Weyeneth***
Andrew McCabe**
Omarosa M. Newman
Marc Short
Dina Powell
Rick Dearborn
Jeremy Katz***
George Sifakis***
Tom Price
Keith Schiller
Sebastian Gorka
Steve Bannon
Carl Icahn
Ezra Cohen-Watnick
Anthony Scaramucci
George Gigicos
Reince Priebus
Derek Harvey
Michael Short
Sean Spicer
Rich Higgins
Mark Corallo
Walter Shaub
Tera Dahl
Michael Dubke
James Comey
Angella Reid
Vivek Murthy
K.T. McFarland
Katie Walsh
Michael Flynn
Sally Yates

Who has left Trump's administration and orbit?
He's a fucking idiot who is going to take this country down lower than a gutter frog in Venezuela.


GREAT ONE! What a list! Full of people like deep stater Obama operative JAMES COMEY who admitted he was breaking the law illegally trying to record information and conversations in the hopes of framing Trump!

And Trump let him go. Sheesh.
He's a fucking idiot who is going to take this country down lower than a gutter frog in Venezuela.

You mean after he's done doing the opposite which has been happening for over two and a half years now?

Liberal: Trump is going to destroy this country.
Conservative: The economy hasn't been this great since the 90's!
Liberal: Yeah that Trump has been really riding on Obama's coat tails.

rolling eyes.gif
Last edited:
Dan Coats, DNI, said last year: 'Warning lights are blinking red' about cyber threats

But Trump won't listen. He's focused on the southern border and illegal immigrants.

I don't want open borders, I don't know of any liberal who does. That's just Trump bullshit for his base.

But one thing that will affect every single citizen in this country, every single one, is an effective, widespread cyber attack.

Nothing will work. We will be involuntarily hurled back into a 17th century existence in a flash.

I believe Coats, and Donald needs to listen to him.

I think Trump listens to anybody that isn't a kook.

After the DNC had their email hacked, what did the Democrats do? They blamed Trump who wasn't even near the White House yet. So don't act like this is something new. Technology advances all the time. As for Trump's concentration on the wall, if the stupid Democrats just gave him the money he asked for instead of shutting down the government for the longest period of time in history, that issue would have been off the table a long time ago.
The DNC email was never hacked.
Dan Coats, DNI, said last year: 'Warning lights are blinking red' about cyber threats

But Trump won't listen. He's focused on the southern border and illegal immigrants.

I don't want open borders, I don't know of any liberal who does. That's just Trump bullshit for his base.

But one thing that will affect every single citizen in this country, every single one, is an effective, widespread cyber attack.

Nothing will work. We will be involuntarily hurled back into a 17th century existence in a flash.

I believe Coats, and Donald needs to listen to him.

Hey, I'm here to help, here are some of the folks that want open borders...dumbass.

Illegal Immigration: Yes, Democrats Are Now The Party Of Open Borders

The Left Goes All In On Open Borders

LOL! Clicking on your second link......Tucker Carlson? Really?
That's supposed to be some sort of FACT?
Fucking fakest of all news.

Huh? My guess is you screwed up....again.
Waiting for 2020 should change his moniker to Waiting for 2024.

Trump will win in 2020 and we can all listen to the lefty loons scream.

Sure hope they have crayons, coloring books, blankets, teddy bears and a safe place.

Sucks to be them.
There seems to be a pattern with the Left and Right.
Clinton and Obammy had no real relationship with their fathers and they are left wingers.
Bush and Trump have great relationships with their fathers and they are right wingers.
It looks like fathers are very vital for kids.
There seems to be a pattern with the Left and Right.
Clinton and Obammy had no real relationship with their fathers and they are left wingers.
Bush and Trump have great relationships with their fathers and they are right wingers.
It looks like fathers are very vital for kids.

Maybe the left knew that distant relationships with fathers make children liberals, and that's why they pushed for single-parent families.

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