This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

'"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.'

A republican presidential nominee who will have the effect of turning out the vote in favor of his opponent.

This from the dick who said he'd never be nominated.

Any more predications...asswipe ?
He must have underestimated how stupid Republicans are
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters

What percentage of the population in Hispanic?


I know, math is hard....

A white person voting democrat is no more sane than a Jew voting for a Nazi.

Democrats are openly at war against whites, who are 63% of the population.
'"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.'

A republican presidential nominee who will have the effect of turning out the vote in favor of his opponent.

This from the dick who said he'd never be nominated.

Any more predications...asswipe ?

He doesn't have the nomination, yet. Senior Republicans have been pretty brutal in saying they won't give it to him, even if he does get the votes.

I wouldn't be counting those chickens just yet.
'"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.'

A republican presidential nominee who will have the effect of turning out the vote in favor of his opponent.

This from the dick who said he'd never be nominated.

Any more predications...asswipe ?

He doesn't have the nomination, yet. Senior Republicans have been pretty brutal in saying they won't give it to him, even if he does get the votes.

I wouldn't be counting those chickens just yet.

They are stupid...but not that stupid.

Of course, HIllary is about the same thing on the other side.
amazing, the top dem/lib issues-------------the hoax of man made climate change and whether trannys can piss in women's restrooms.

liberalism is indeed a mental disease.

It is conservatives who are among the only ones in the world denying manmade global warming.......along with the oil companies

that's not true by any stretch of the imagination.

Yes, everyone agrees that the climate is changing, it has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and man has never had anything to do with it.

If you libs need a cause, take on a real one, pollution. forget about the bullshit about man made climate change and take on man made pollution, the entire world would back you on that. But its not as sexy as climate change and you cant use it to find ways to control people's lives.
97% of Scientists agree there is manmade global warming in excess of normal climate shifts. It can be directly linked to the rise of industrialization

The majority of the nations in the world have signed on to the fact that man is affecting the environment

The only ones who oppose are Republicans and Big Oil
no they don't and that just makes you a liar. 75 out 77 believe the earth is warming, not that man is causing it. And it is only 75 out of thousands, so still not sure your numbers are accurate. You should visit the environmental forum more often and get some facts.
No, they believe man is causing it

The 97% consensus on global warming
2007? You know that list is 75 out of 77 right? and that there are other lists with 31k Petition Project, another 400 US Senate Committee on the Environment. From your own link you provided. The facts are you have no facts. 75 out of 77 does not make up all scientists. It is just a mathematical number to get a 97% number. LOL.:cuckoo:
'"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.'

A republican presidential nominee who will have the effect of turning out the vote in favor of his opponent.

This from the dick who said he'd never be nominated.

Any more predications...asswipe ?

He doesn't have the nomination, yet. Senior Republicans have been pretty brutal in saying they won't give it to him, even if he does get the votes.

I wouldn't be counting those chickens just yet.

They are stupid...but not that stupid.

Of course, HIllary is about the same thing on the other side.
except she got four americans killed.
'"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.'

A republican presidential nominee who will have the effect of turning out the vote in favor of his opponent.

This from the dick who said he'd never be nominated.

Any more predications...asswipe ?

He doesn't have the nomination, yet. Senior Republicans have been pretty brutal in saying they won't give it to him, even if he does get the votes.

I wouldn't be counting those chickens just yet.

They are stupid...but not that stupid.

Of course, HIllary is about the same thing on the other side.
except she got four americans killed.

Don't get me wrong....I can't stand her.

But this isn't hers.
'"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.'

A republican presidential nominee who will have the effect of turning out the vote in favor of his opponent.

This from the dick who said he'd never be nominated.

Any more predications...asswipe ?

He doesn't have the nomination, yet. Senior Republicans have been pretty brutal in saying they won't give it to him, even if he does get the votes.

I wouldn't be counting those chickens just yet.

They are stupid...but not that stupid.

Of course, HIllary is about the same thing on the other side.
except she got four americans killed.

Seven Congressional investigations say she didn't
Sun Devil keeps on believing the nonsense.

I will vote for Gary Johnson if Trump is the nominee.
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters

Der Donald has scape goated Latinos,
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters
Congratulations, libs, you get the criminal, fag, and terrorist votes. You should be proud.

Trump has scape goated Hispanic Voters.

Trump's support for a National Registry for Muslims is Unconstitutional (Violates the First Amendment and violate Article VI.)

Trump's misogyny is alienating Women Voters.

Trump has insulted Jewish Americans and African-Americans.

Trump will get his ass kicked in the November General Election and the Republican Party will be destroyed.
Using the voter turnout of 2012 as a baseline, here is what RePugs need to remember.

MittWitt received 48% of all votes cast. That translates to approxmately Fifty-Seven Million (57,000,000) votes.

A loss of 20% of 57,000,000 is approximately 114,000,000. The Republican Party cannot sustain any form of victory based on that number.

Fully another 1/3 of Republicans will refuse to vote at all. That be would approximately 19,000,000. That would translate into approximately 133,000,000 votes (in total) NOT cast for Trump. That will destroy the Republican Party, which I for one would enjoy.

The Republican Party is looking at it's own demise if the Party is dumb enough to nominate Trump.

Der Trumpenfurhrer and his campaign will serve as the vehicle for the destruction of the Republican Party, I would love to see beaten, bloody and battered carcass of the Elephant hoisted on the flagpole of the Capitol Building.

Please RePugs....Oh Pretty...Pretty Please vote for the lying sack-o-shit that Trump.

You deserve each other.
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Congratulations, libs, you get the criminal, fag, and terrorist votes. You should be proud.

And you can keep your racist, homophobic, islamophobic, misogynist , anti-semitic, hood wearing nut job vote to yourself.

All you have is your hate.

You can Seig Heil onto dung heap of our country's history where you belong. You are tiny and insignificant.

You use you insults because that is all you have.

You have not had an original idea in years.

You sit in a dark, dank and lonely room (not unlike the vast, vacuous, empty space between your ears) and blame other people for your failures.

If I wanted to (and I do not) I would take the nano second you deserved to care. But because you have done this to yourself, why should I? Take some of that personal responsibility you're always talking about look at the singular failure your life is.

You lack the necessary qualifications to be called an intelligent life form.

Go back to stale crackers and warm milk your Mom put out and be sure to take your nap.
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Trump will get his ass kicked in the November General Election and the Republican Party will be destroyed.

It needs to be. The Republican Party isn't really a group of like-minded individuals with similar needs or interests. It's a coalition of factions, each of whom has a different agenda, some in direct opposition to others in the faction, united by their hatred of Democrats.
The wants and needs of the displaced white production workers are quite different from the wants and needs of the 1%, or the Constitutionalists, or the large corporations. I would say that the needs of white production workers are completely at odds with the Koch Brothers and the large corporations.

To give credit where credit is due: only the white working poor are dumb enough to believe the Republican Party, and even that part of the base is saying "Fuck You!" by voting for Donald Trump. Asians, single women, blacks and Hispanics overwhelmingly vote Democrat. If you lose the angry white guys, who's left? The wealthy, and they're only 10% of the voters, and the religious right - again, not enough of them.

Throughout the 8 years of Obama's Presidency, the Republicans have proved, time and time again, that it's Party before country. When the economy was in free fall - Party over country. When Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast - Party over Country. Shut down the government when you don't get your way - Party over country. Any hint of bi-partisan support is pilloried by the Tea Party wing and their re-election is threatened. When Obama borrows ideas from the Heritage Foundation, or other right wing think tanks, they're immediately opposed for no other reason than Obama proposed them.

Most constituents want the Republicans to work on their behalf, not just collect their fat checks and do nothing. The time when the Republicans can fool some of the people all of the time is ending.
Hispanics, Women, Democrats, Muslims, Gays, and Americans who believe their President should possess personal and professional integrity
I agree. Sadly hillary has none.
Trump offers nothing to the middle class.

Nothing toward the wage/price discrepancy which is also the answer to improve the economy.

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