This is why we need a living wage


Starting pay is 11.50 an hour. And they dont hire dumbfucks and slackers. Which eliminates most low wage workers.
The thing you have to remember is not all workers are willing to make a commitment to a job. Those that are succeed,whether they work at Costco,Micky D's. Or a fortune 500 company.
It's amazing how many people want to make this about me. Read the OP, a lousy penny more on the dollar and those people won't have to rely on food stamps to make ends meet.

The problem is that the OP is a lie. It isn't even in the same zip code as factual. Your claim is that labor and overhead on products is 1% - a laughably ignorant claim.

Think about this; Walmart has a target GM of 3% - 97 cents of cost for every dollar spent. Sounds horrible, but is actually pretty typical for retail - food stores are often at less than 2%

So for the lie that the Union thugs tell to be true. then labor would have to be less than 1/3 of one percent. Why? Well, because overhead is calculated as a percent of labor, perhaps 150% - ergo in order for the effect of increase to only be 1 penny, then the labor AND overhead increase would have to add to only 1% - meaning labor could only be 0.33%

See, the shit your spewing is meant to motivate the ignorant and uneducated, anyone with even a smidgen of knowledge in finance or economics is going to laugh and call you a liar. Because your claim really is that fucking stupid.

Why do you ignore that? What is it with you people?

I didn't ignore it, I called it for what it is, a fucking lie by greedy unions looking to rape and pillage.

You are against the food stamp program yet you have no problem with a company like Walmart making out be because of it. They pay their workers so little, they have to rely on food stamps which they then turn around and spend at Walmart. Do you not see how bad that is for our country? For those people? For our taxes?

I'd like evidence that Walmart has ever been granted one penny in food stamps?

This is just more Union lies. Food stamps are now giving to 50% of Americans, which has not a fucking thing to do with Walmart. Anyone with a household income under $53,000 a year is eligible for Food Stamps under Obama. The Food Stamps are given to illegals and to those who vote democrat.
My niece got her degree in Environmental studies. Even with the disaster that is Fukishima she can't get a job in her field. She had to go back to school and get a degree in pharmacology and she still doesn't make much more than minimum wage and she has $thousands in college loans.

The problem with a degree in underwater basket weaving is there is no demand for baskets woven underwater.

Ethnic studies are just as bad.
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Starting pay is 11.50 an hour. And they dont hire dumbfucks and slackers. Which eliminates most low wage workers.

The thing you have to remember is not all workers are willing to make a commitment to a job. Those that are succeed,whether they work at Costco,Micky D's. Or a fortune 500 company.

Do you know this for a fact, or do you just assume that about low wage workers?
Plus aren't happier employees more productive?
I have great benefits at my job now, I work hard so I don't lose my job. Which probably why they offer great benefits..hmmm weird.
This is probably an indication of other things, notably that colleges are over-utilized economically and/or that there is a gross misalignment between what people are majoring in and the need for those particular skill sets. If a million history majors were swept up in the rapture, there would still be too many left behind for them to all have employment in their field.

Part of this is what we call a "college." Beauty School and Plumbing Schools are now deemed "colleges."

I know I'm an old bastard, but in my way of thinking, if it isn't accredited and doesn't offer a bachelors, it ain't a college. A certificate in muffler repair isn't a college education. Real colleges call themselves universities, and trade schools call themselves colleges. Azusa Pacific is a nice college, but they have one campus and one major offered - they are a college. They are accredited and offer a bachelors program, but they are a college. Universities are multi-campus, multi-discipline affairs. BUT to differentiate themselves from the trade schools they claim to be a university.

The degradation of language....

Not all Universities are multi-campus. There really is no practical difference in the US between a college and a university other than some universities group their departments as "colleges" and universities usually have terminal degrees and do serious research.
Nearly 45 percent of U.S. workers who earned less than $10.10 an hour last year had either attended college or had graduated, according to an analysis by John Schmitt, a senior economist at the liberal Center for Economic and Policy Research

This is probably an indication of other things, notably that colleges are over-utilized economically and/or that there is a gross misalignment between what people are majoring in and the need for those particular skill sets. If a million history majors were swept up in the rapture, there would still be too many left behind for them to all have employment in their field.

My niece got her degree in Environmental studies. Even with the disaster that is Fukishima she can't get a job in her field. She had to go back to school and get a degree in pharmacology and she still doesn't make much more than minimum wage and she has $thousands in college loans.

I have no idea what that degree is oriented toward really. I think sometimes you need to have a specific career in mind and a tie-in to get you into that field after you graduate. I would probably go to grad school before I sought a second undergrad if that were my situation though,
This is probably an indication of other things, notably that colleges are over-utilized economically and/or that there is a gross misalignment between what people are majoring in and the need for those particular skill sets. If a million history majors were swept up in the rapture, there would still be too many left behind for them to all have employment in their field.

My niece got her degree in Environmental studies. Even with the disaster that is Fukishima she can't get a job in her field. She had to go back to school and get a degree in pharmacology and she still doesn't make much more than minimum wage and she has $thousands in college loans.

Environmental studies? She might as well have taken underwater basket weaving.:lol:
Why didnt you steer her in a better direction?

You know, once upon a time, with a college education, you could get a job practically anywhere, and it didn't matter what your degree was, as long as you had one. Not so today. No, we've shipped our well paying jobs overseas and just to make it worse, we've brought in guest workers and illegals to take our jobs here and keep our wages low.
My niece got her degree in Environmental studies. Even with the disaster that is Fukishima she can't get a job in her field. She had to go back to school and get a degree in pharmacology and she still doesn't make much more than minimum wage and she has $thousands in college loans.

Environmental studies? She might as well have taken underwater basket weaving.:lol:
Why didnt you steer her in a better direction?

You know, once upon a time, with a college education, you could get a job practically anywhere, and it didn't matter what your degree was, as long as you had one. Not so today. No, we've shipped our well paying jobs overseas and just to make it worse, we've brought in guest workers and illegals to take our jobs here and keep our wages low.

Depends on your idea of well-paying. We have low-end jobs, and high-end jobs still. It is the in-between jobs that are screwed.
My niece got her degree in Environmental studies. Even with the disaster that is Fukishima she can't get a job in her field. She had to go back to school and get a degree in pharmacology and she still doesn't make much more than minimum wage and she has $thousands in college loans.

Environmental studies? She might as well have taken underwater basket weaving.:lol:
Why didnt you steer her in a better direction?

You know, once upon a time, with a college education, you could get a job practically anywhere, and it didn't matter what your degree was, as long as you had one. Not so today. No, we've shipped our well paying jobs overseas and just to make it worse, we've brought in guest workers and illegals to take our jobs here and keep our wages low.

And yet you want our lowest wages to go up again. What was it again that caused the jobs to ship overseas? The low price of labor here right? Oh wait....

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and how many small mom and pop shops can afford that........ wave your magic wands and watch your job laser blow more people into poverty.
Remember when libs would bleat how bad Walmart was for wiping out mom and they praise Costco for same thing.
Did I say that? Point was libs seem to have a short memory and arent very consistant. Libs seem to think mom and pop should pony up to Costco levels it seems without the advantages Costco has on them, bargaining power with suppliers being one. Where does this nonsense originate that conservatives are just itching to cut everyones pay...what we dont have jobs? We're all CEO's So much bs
BTW Panera Bread CEO is a big lib who claims we need to pay the so called living wage but he wont do it unless everyone else is forced to and he has alrdy purchased the computers to do away with big hunk of his work force.....
Many 'mom and pop' stores earn a lot more than you might think.

I own a mom and pop "store" My wife and I have yet to draw a dime of salary.

Yes. Some earn a comfortable living, but most just get by. Asking them to give their employees a 50% raise would put a great many out of business. Would you rather make $7 or $0?
Many 'mom and pop' stores earn a lot more than you might think.

I own a mom and pop "store" My wife and I have yet to draw a dime of salary.

Yes. Some earn a comfortable living, but most just get by. Asking them to give their employees a 50% raise would put a great many out of business. Would you rather make $7 or $0?

If I couldn't pay my employes a decent wage, I shouldn't be in business.
The Shocking Truth About What It Would Cost Us All If Walmart Paid A Living Wage

Watch the video.

$300,000,000 a year in food stamps just for walmart employees. Give them a living wage and we pay an extra 1.4% on their goods. One penny for every dollar spent at Walmart and those employees would not need to live on food stamps.

What would stop them from buying stupid crap and still needing food stamps?

This is a stupid comment. Food stamps are based off of income, not "income left over after you've blown some of it."

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