This is why we need a living wage

Many 'mom and pop' stores earn a lot more than you might think.

I own a mom and pop "store" My wife and I have yet to draw a dime of salary.

Yes. Some earn a comfortable living, but most just get by. Asking them to give their employees a 50% raise would put a great many out of business. Would you rather make $7 or $0?

If I couldn't pay my employes a decent wage, I shouldn't be in business.

More evidence of the backwards thinking of libs.
The bottom line question is:

Why do businesses exist?

1. To function as social engineering tools. If so, then they should be playgrounds for social engineers to attempt the perfect controlled society. Labor's cost should be disconnected from labor's value to the company, and compensation set by central planners.
2. To provide goods and services for those who wish to purchase them. If so, they should function solely as means to generate profit for their owners and stakeholders. Labor's cost should be solely a function of labor's value to the company, and compensation set by market forces.
Many 'mom and pop' stores earn a lot more than you might think.

I own a mom and pop "store" My wife and I have yet to draw a dime of salary.

Yes. Some earn a comfortable living, but most just get by. Asking them to give their employees a 50% raise would put a great many out of business. Would you rather make $7 or $0?

If I couldn't pay my employes a decent wage, I shouldn't be in business.
That's YOUR decision to make. I pay my employees well; as well as any similar business in the area, but most are service staff so don't fall under minimum wage.
I do pay what we call shift pay and they usually earn about 3 times that in tips. I'd say they average $20/hour.
You know, once upon a time, with a college education, you could get a job practically anywhere, and it didn't matter what your degree was, as long as you had one.

Once upon a time, legitimate institutions didn't offer worthless degrees such as "Ethnic Studies"

Outside of teaching, who is going to pay a person to hate white people? What value does a professional racist provide?

"Environmental studies" is another completely worthless degree - the graduate is qualified to ask "you want fries with that?" and really nothing more.

Not so today. No, we've shipped our well paying jobs overseas and just to make it worse, we've brought in guest workers and illegals to take our jobs here and keep our wages low.

No one ever paid naval gazers - it's just that colleges didn't used to offer these worthless courses of study.
Many 'mom and pop' stores earn a lot more than you might think.

Noomi - I don't know what grade you finished in Australia, but you have the equivalent of a 2nd grade American education. You really should keep quiet on these subjects that you lack any semblance of grasp of, you are embarrassing yourself.
When my family closed the little grocery store many years ago he had more money in deadbeat accounts owed him than he got for the remaining stock and fixtures. He wouldn't turn any of it over to collection; just wrapped each stack of charge slips in plastic and put them in a closet.

Most of the deadbeats are actually dead today. If they were alive I believe I'd be tempted to send each one of them an IRS 1099 so they could be forced to at least pay taxes on the income they had. Yes, not paying bills IS stealing and income from theft IS taxable.

These days Mom & Pop stores, where they exist, are almost always cash and carry. But there are still a few out there who are willing to help neighbors in need. For which they WILL be punished.
Environmental studies? She might as well have taken underwater basket weaving.:lol:
Why didnt you steer her in a better direction?

You know, once upon a time, with a college education, you could get a job practically anywhere, and it didn't matter what your degree was, as long as you had one. Not so today. No, we've shipped our well paying jobs overseas and just to make it worse, we've brought in guest workers and illegals to take our jobs here and keep our wages low.

And yet you want our lowest wages to go up again. What was it again that caused the jobs to ship overseas? The low price of labor here right? Oh wait....

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Nice try, but changes in our corporate laws as well as tax incentives sent our jobs overseas.
I own a mom and pop "store" My wife and I have yet to draw a dime of salary.

Yes. Some earn a comfortable living, but most just get by. Asking them to give their employees a 50% raise would put a great many out of business. Would you rather make $7 or $0?

If I couldn't pay my employes a decent wage, I shouldn't be in business.

More evidence of the backwards thinking of libs.

You stupid republicans believe in taxing others & hiring government workers to redistribute that taxed revenue to underpaid workers of big box retailers.

It is clearly more efficient to raise the minimum wage to have the employer directly pay their employee so we can get rid of government workers & lower taxes. But Republicans are only for Big Government & Big Business.

Stupid Republicans balloon government spending. They subsidize only big business with carried interest tax loopholes, dividend tax breaks & lower effective tax rates. They punish workers & destroy jobs with higher effective tax rates & payroll taxes collected to subsidize rich tax loopholes & dividend tax cuts.
You know, once upon a time, with a college education, you could get a job practically anywhere, and it didn't matter what your degree was, as long as you had one. Not so today. No, we've shipped our well paying jobs overseas and just to make it worse, we've brought in guest workers and illegals to take our jobs here and keep our wages low.

And yet you want our lowest wages to go up again. What was it again that caused the jobs to ship overseas? The low price of labor here right? Oh wait....

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Nice try, but changes in our corporate laws as well as tax incentives sent our jobs overseas.

What changes specifically? And what tax incentives specifically?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Many 'mom and pop' stores earn a lot more than you might think.

I own a mom and pop "store" My wife and I have yet to draw a dime of salary.

Yes. Some earn a comfortable living, but most just get by. Asking them to give their employees a 50% raise would put a great many out of business. Would you rather make $7 or $0?

If I couldn't pay my employes a decent wage, I shouldn't be in business.
Yes you should, because your wage structure would be pertaining to your business, and it may be different than others just as it should be representitive of you in the market place for what you and your company does or represents. As well your employee make up may be different (young teens starting out maybe), and then moving on to bigger and better things once out grown your place.

Lets say your business is an arcade business, and all you have is teens working there, otherwise with the exception of maybe the clean up personel who comes in later, now should you be forced to pay your young folks $15 dollars and hour for monitoring the activities of other teens playing games and eating pop corn, and also giving out change to the patrons by a federal government order you should pay that to them ? The answer is NOPE!

Minimum wage is or should be an entrance wage & training wage only, and it shouldn't last for more than 3 to 6 months after training is completed, then companies should have a structured pay grade system that is custom to their business and their employee skill sets. Minimum start, 3 to six months a raise, and then after one year another raise + some benefits like one week of vacation maybe added, and then after 3 years another raise with maybe the second week of vacation added, and then after 5 years aother raise where a milestone is reached, therefore prompting a celebration party where as on and on it all goes you see.

It should not be that an employee is found working at a company for 1 year or more at minimum wage, unless they are teens who will depart the company/arcade after a few summers of work there maybe. I even think that they should be entitled to some sort of raise while there also, but maybe according to their age and time as well as their work ethic and loyalty to be celebrated while there in this way.

Adults should be treated with respect and they should be paid above minimum wages once complete training and show that they are going to remain at their jobs or post as needed. They should be found to be in a structured pay grade system in each company according to it's make up, and it should be that they are found being treated well at all levels in which they had chosen to remain at their post while at the company worked for. Companies should all have a structured pay system that is in accordance with their type of company and according to their successes in the market place. NO GREED should move companies to not operate in a fair and decent manor towards their employee's who help them make it in the market place in which they have chosen to venture in too.

The only role that the government should play in all of this, is insuring that their is a starting point/minimum wage that is acceptable through consensus by most all business leaders in agreement upon, and then they (the government) should maybe check in from time to time just to see if companies are treating their employee's decent and fair while working at these companies. If they find that abuse is taking place in a company against it's employee's, then it (the government) should try and shame them into doing what is right, but not intervene in a dictatorial way. One thing about the rich, is they want the nation to look upon them as heroe's when placed out in the open, and not as villans when they are exposed for what they may be doing to others.
Wrong. If you start a business and want to hire someone to help you out, you either pay them a decent wage, or do the work yourself. If you can't afford to pay someone to help you out, your business sucks. If you can't do the extra work yourself, your business sucks and you need to go back to the drawing board.

No way do you have the right to exploit people just because you are too stupid to work out how to make your business flourish.
Wrong. If you start a business and want to hire someone to help you out, you either pay them a decent wage, or do the work yourself. If you can't afford to pay someone to help you out, your business sucks. If you can't do the extra work yourself, your business sucks and you need to go back to the drawing board.

No way do you have the right to exploit people just because you are too stupid to work out how to make your business flourish.

How is it exploiting someone if they are willing to accept the wage you offer? They aren't any worse off than they were before you created the job are they?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Wrong. If you start a business and want to hire someone to help you out, you either pay them a decent wage, or do the work yourself. If you can't afford to pay someone to help you out, your business sucks. If you can't do the extra work yourself, your business sucks and you need to go back to the drawing board.

No way do you have the right to exploit people just because you are too stupid to work out how to make your business flourish.

How is it exploiting someone if they are willing to accept the wage you offer? They aren't any worse off than they were before you created the job are they?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

They are naively accepting a low wage because they have nothing else. But they should be paid more.
I guess the people earning a dollar a day in the sweat factories in Asia are not being exploited, because they are better off than they were?
How is it exploiting someone if they are willing to accept the wage you offer? They aren't any worse off than they were before you created the job are they?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

So if a 5-year old child were willing to work 18 hours a day in a dimly lit coal mine... that's okay because of "liberty of contract"?
I guess the people earning a dollar a day in the sweat factories in Asia are not being exploited, because they are better off than they were?

Funny thing... that's exactly how the argument goes. Now make the people in Asia small malnourished children.

In the interest of fairness, Global Labor Arbitrage will eventually improve the situation of those people. It actually will better their lives as their real wages are forced upward by demand for labor. Unfortunately there will be a lot of little girls making Nike shoes and iPhone employees leaping from factory windows before those people have the power needed to organize and collectively bargain.

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