This is why we need a living wage

and for what they do, why the fuck does a Walmart greeter deserve more'n, say, $2 per hour...? jes' askin'...

Because Sheila has an unfunded pension - Walmart MUST be forced into the union so that Walmart employees will pay for her to retire at 50.

Bulcrap! We have sacrificed so we would have money when we retire. You think this is about me? Have I really struck you as being so selfish?
I read many posts about how low walmarts wage stacture is .

the darling of the left who died a few years back steve( apple ) jobs PAID MIN WAGE TO A LOT OF HIS EMPLOYEES AND OUTSOURCED MOST OF IT why no complaint t about him ? he is one democrat of many who pay min to employees at least be consistant

All employers should be paying a living wage to all their employees. If you don't make enough to pay a living wage, you really don't make enough to hire anybody.

Let's raise the minimum wage to the purchasing power it had when it started, index it for inflation, and then the debate will be over.
Define "living wage"

Should a high school kid who works 3 hours a day after school be paid a living wage what ever THAT is? Should a bagger at Win Dixie be paid as much as a plumber?
I own a small business. I generally spend 12 plus hours a day there. Since I bought the place, I've gone 4 months with just one single day off. I do not draw a salary. Should I be forced to pay myself? How much?
Bulcrap! We have sacrificed so we would have money when we retire. You think this is about me? Have I really struck you as being so selfish?

Honestly, yes you have. When I see people demanding "to each according to their need," as you do, it is ALWAYS a scheme to feather their own nest.
If they want socialism so bad why don't they just create a socialist club where everyone can join in and share their wealth with their other club mates.
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Bulcrap! We have sacrificed so we would have money when we retire. You think this is about me? Have I really struck you as being so selfish?

Honestly, yes you have. When I see people demanding "to each according to their need," as you do, it is ALWAYS a scheme to feather their own nest.

Well, you're wrong. I volunteer at my friend's church giving out lunches to the homeless once a week, I volunteer at our local theater, I'm a member of a non academic sorority that raises funds to fight cancer. I give a whole lot of my self. Demanding a living wage for the lowest paid workers in the richest country in the world is not selfish, it's sensible.
Plus, it's economically sound. Put the money in the hands of the people who will spend it and that enriches our economy.
I read many posts about how low walmarts wage stacture is .

the darling of the left who died a few years back steve( apple ) jobs PAID MIN WAGE TO A LOT OF HIS EMPLOYEES AND OUTSOURCED MOST OF IT why no complaint t about him ? he is one democrat of many who pay min to employees at least be consistant

All employers should be paying a living wage to all their employees. If you don't make enough to pay a living wage, you really don't make enough to hire anybody.

Let's raise the minimum wage to the purchasing power it had when it started, index it for inflation, and then the debate will be over.
Define "living wage"

Should a high school kid who works 3 hours a day after school be paid a living wage what ever THAT is? Should a bagger at Win Dixie be paid as much as a plumber?
I own a small business. I generally spend 12 plus hours a day there. Since I bought the place, I've gone 4 months with just one single day off. I do not draw a salary. Should I be forced to pay myself? How much?

The CEO got a huge raise. You didn't. Here's why.

Nearly 45 percent of U.S. workers who earned less than $10.10 an hour last year had either attended college or had graduated, according to an analysis by John Schmitt, a senior economist at the liberal Center for Economic and Policy Research
Bulcrap! We have sacrificed so we would have money when we retire. You think this is about me? Have I really struck you as being so selfish?

Honestly, yes you have. When I see people demanding "to each according to their need," as you do, it is ALWAYS a scheme to feather their own nest.

Well, you're wrong. I volunteer at my friend's church giving out lunches to the homeless once a week, I volunteer at our local theater, I'm a member of a non academic sorority that raises funds to fight cancer. I give a whole lot of my self. Demanding a living wage for the lowest paid workers in the richest country in the world is not selfish, it's sensible.
Plus, it's economically sound. Put the money in the hands of the people who will spend it and that enriches our economy.
So we should take your assets and redistribute them into the hands of people that will enrich our economy? Or do you mean to say that we should only redistribute other peoples assets and not yours?
They'd probably be fired if they took it. Regardless, the problem with that evil Walmart argument is that in my area, the "living wage" is below Walmart's average wage nationally, not to mention that paying a person enough to survive on part-time work is unfair to full-time workers.

"Living wage" == "Union."

The unions are desperate to rob and rape Walmart to refill the empty coffers. SEIU is on the verge of catastrophe due to unfunded pension liabilities. They see the rape and pillage of Walmart and other profitable retailers as their salvation.

I wonder how the Unions will attack Amazon? Per dollar of goods sold, Walmart employs 3.2 times as many people as Amazon. Amazon uses mostly robots. Jeff Bezos is an ultra-left Obamabot who has the lowest payroll per dollar spent of any retail operation - and no union.

Bezos, No Fan of Unions, Gets 1,200 Union Workers at Washington Post | Xconomy

Sure but even beyond that, there is room for some middle ground. My thinking is pretty linear on this: My cost of gas, electric, natural gas have gone up in recent years, so I assume most people's have as well (technically I am even paying less than market rate for electric which is an issue my city grapples with but it still has risen). In that atmosphere, I think some increase in minimum wage is appropriate. what that increase should be is more circumspect. Certainly not to $15 per hour--that is just a passive aggressive ultimatum to make people think $10.10 an hour is a bargain they can settle for. 75 cent steps over a couple or three years should be enough to keep up the purchasing power of MW without destroying too many jobs at once and creating too much price inflation
All employers should be paying a living wage to all their employees. If you don't make enough to pay a living wage, you really don't make enough to hire anybody.

Let's raise the minimum wage to the purchasing power it had when it started, index it for inflation, and then the debate will be over.
Define "living wage"

Should a high school kid who works 3 hours a day after school be paid a living wage what ever THAT is? Should a bagger at Win Dixie be paid as much as a plumber?
I own a small business. I generally spend 12 plus hours a day there. Since I bought the place, I've gone 4 months with just one single day off. I do not draw a salary. Should I be forced to pay myself? How much?

The CEO got a huge raise. You didn't. Here's why.

Nearly 45 percent of U.S. workers who earned less than $10.10 an hour last year had either attended college or had graduated, according to an analysis by John Schmitt, a senior economist at the liberal Center for Economic and Policy Research

So by that number I take it that 55% of the people making less than 10.10 an hour did not graduate HS, and of the 45% that did graduate at least 1 person in the survey had at least a two year degree in art appreciation and at least one other person in the survey attended a portion of a class at college.
Bulcrap! We have sacrificed so we would have money when we retire. You think this is about me? Have I really struck you as being so selfish?

Honestly, yes you have. When I see people demanding "to each according to their need," as you do, it is ALWAYS a scheme to feather their own nest.
If they want socialism so bad why don't they just create a socialist club where everyone can join in and share their wealth with their other club mates.

We called them "communes" in the late 60's. They didn't work because some people are lazy and want the others to provide for them while they sit on their asses. Some are industrious and have skills. They carry more than their share of the load until the lazy crowd decides they must organize in order to ensure they will get an even share (living wage) for their less than even contribution.
All employers should be paying a living wage to all their employees. If you don't make enough to pay a living wage, you really don't make enough to hire anybody.

Let's raise the minimum wage to the purchasing power it had when it started, index it for inflation, and then the debate will be over.
Define "living wage"

Should a high school kid who works 3 hours a day after school be paid a living wage what ever THAT is? Should a bagger at Win Dixie be paid as much as a plumber?
I own a small business. I generally spend 12 plus hours a day there. Since I bought the place, I've gone 4 months with just one single day off. I do not draw a salary. Should I be forced to pay myself? How much?

The CEO got a huge raise. You didn't. Here's why.

Nearly 45 percent of U.S. workers who earned less than $10.10 an hour last year had either attended college or had graduated, according to an analysis by John Schmitt, a senior economist at the liberal Center for Economic and Policy Research
Oh yes! The evil CEO straw man comes out now. I am the CEO of my corporation. Am I evil because I don't pay myself a "living wage"?
Well, you're wrong. I volunteer at my friend's church giving out lunches to the homeless once a week, I volunteer at our local theater, I'm a member of a non academic sorority that raises funds to fight cancer. I give a whole lot of my self. Demanding a living wage for the lowest paid workers in the richest country in the world is not selfish, it's sensible.
Plus, it's economically sound. Put the money in the hands of the people who will spend it and that enriches our economy.

RK asked why you don't start a commune and share all you have with the poor?

I didn't see an answer?
Nearly 45 percent of U.S. workers who earned less than $10.10 an hour last year had either attended college or had graduated, according to an analysis by John Schmitt, a senior economist at the liberal Center for Economic and Policy Research

This is probably an indication of other things, notably that colleges are over-utilized economically and/or that there is a gross misalignment between what people are majoring in and the need for those particular skill sets. If a million history majors were swept up in the rapture, there would still be too many left behind for them to all have employment in their field.
This is probably an indication of other things, notably that colleges are over-utilized economically and/or that there is a gross misalignment between what people are majoring in and the need for those particular skill sets. If a million history majors were swept up in the rapture, there would still be too many left behind for them to all have employment in their field.

Part of this is what we call a "college." Beauty School and Plumbing Schools are now deemed "colleges."

I know I'm an old bastard, but in my way of thinking, if it isn't accredited and doesn't offer a bachelors, it ain't a college. A certificate in muffler repair isn't a college education. Real colleges call themselves universities, and trade schools call themselves colleges. Azusa Pacific is a nice college, but they have one campus and one major offered - they are a college. They are accredited and offer a bachelors program, but they are a college. Universities are multi-campus, multi-discipline affairs. BUT to differentiate themselves from the trade schools they claim to be a university.

The degradation of language....
Define "living wage"

Should a high school kid who works 3 hours a day after school be paid a living wage what ever THAT is? Should a bagger at Win Dixie be paid as much as a plumber?
I own a small business. I generally spend 12 plus hours a day there. Since I bought the place, I've gone 4 months with just one single day off. I do not draw a salary. Should I be forced to pay myself? How much?

The CEO got a huge raise. You didn't. Here's why.

Nearly 45 percent of U.S. workers who earned less than $10.10 an hour last year had either attended college or had graduated, according to an analysis by John Schmitt, a senior economist at the liberal Center for Economic and Policy Research
Oh yes! The evil CEO straw man comes out now. I am the CEO of my corporation. Am I evil because I don't pay myself a "living wage"?

Did you read the quote? nearly 45 percent of workers in our country who make $10.10 an hour or less have at least some college or a college degree. Nearly half of our workers are educated enough to be paid more yet they aren't. Why? Because the jobs aren't there and the spending power of minimum wage, which they are forced on, has gone down. Raise it so that it has the same spending power it had when it was started, then index it for inflation and our whole country will be better for it.
Well, you're wrong. I volunteer at my friend's church giving out lunches to the homeless once a week, I volunteer at our local theater, I'm a member of a non academic sorority that raises funds to fight cancer. I give a whole lot of my self. Demanding a living wage for the lowest paid workers in the richest country in the world is not selfish, it's sensible.
Plus, it's economically sound. Put the money in the hands of the people who will spend it and that enriches our economy.

RK asked why you don't start a commune and share all you have with the poor?

I didn't see an answer?

It's amazing how many people want to make this about me. Read the OP, a lousy penny more on the dollar and those people won't have to rely on food stamps to make ends meet. Why do you ignore that? What is it with you people? You are against the food stamp program yet you have no problem with a company like Walmart making out be because of it. They pay their workers so little, they have to rely on food stamps which they then turn around and spend at Walmart. Do you not see how bad that is for our country? For those people? For our taxes?
Nearly 45 percent of U.S. workers who earned less than $10.10 an hour last year had either attended college or had graduated, according to an analysis by John Schmitt, a senior economist at the liberal Center for Economic and Policy Research

This is probably an indication of other things, notably that colleges are over-utilized economically and/or that there is a gross misalignment between what people are majoring in and the need for those particular skill sets. If a million history majors were swept up in the rapture, there would still be too many left behind for them to all have employment in their field.

My niece got her degree in Environmental studies. Even with the disaster that is Fukishima she can't get a job in her field. She had to go back to school and get a degree in pharmacology and she still doesn't make much more than minimum wage and she has $thousands in college loans.
Well, you're wrong. I volunteer at my friend's church giving out lunches to the homeless once a week, I volunteer at our local theater, I'm a member of a non academic sorority that raises funds to fight cancer. I give a whole lot of my self. Demanding a living wage for the lowest paid workers in the richest country in the world is not selfish, it's sensible.
Plus, it's economically sound. Put the money in the hands of the people who will spend it and that enriches our economy.

RK asked why you don't start a commune and share all you have with the poor?

I didn't see an answer?

It's amazing how many people want to make this about me. Read the OP, a lousy penny more on the dollar and those people won't have to rely on food stamps to make ends meet. Why do you ignore that? What is it with you people? You are against the food stamp program yet you have no problem with a company like Walmart making out be because of it. They pay their workers so little, they have to rely on food stamps which they then turn around and spend at Walmart. Do you not see how bad that is for our country? For those people? For our taxes?

Do you have any scrap of evidence that shows most of the workers at walmart are on food stamps, or are you just making stuff up?
Nearly 45 percent of U.S. workers who earned less than $10.10 an hour last year had either attended college or had graduated, according to an analysis by John Schmitt, a senior economist at the liberal Center for Economic and Policy Research

This is probably an indication of other things, notably that colleges are over-utilized economically and/or that there is a gross misalignment between what people are majoring in and the need for those particular skill sets. If a million history majors were swept up in the rapture, there would still be too many left behind for them to all have employment in their field.

My niece got her degree in Environmental studies. Even with the disaster that is Fukishima she can't get a job in her field. She had to go back to school and get a degree in pharmacology and she still doesn't make much more than minimum wage and she has $thousands in college loans.

Environmental studies? She might as well have taken underwater basket weaving.:lol:
Why didnt you steer her in a better direction?

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