This is why you shouldn't pay burger flippers 15 an hour

/MOST/ people would like to make more money for doing the same job. It's not a blame game, it's reality.

Regardless, if an employer decides not to give an employee a raise, for w/e reason, the employee has the option to either a) stay and accept that pay or b) quit and find another job. Either way it's personal choice, on both sides.

I've had MW'ers come in, work for a week, then demand a raise; I'm like yea sorry, not happening right now, then the ball is in their court. That's not blaming the employee for anything, it's setting what /I/ the employer am/is willing to pay for the service they are providing me - nothing more, nothing less.
In my office, I had a rule. One year or you are gone. I hired trainees as a receptionist. If in a year they could not be promoted to secretary, I let them go. One receptionist asked me for a raise. I told her no. I would promote her if she thought she could do the work. She quit. She wanted a low level job as a career.

It ended well. 6 months later she was back ready for better.

I have seen people working entry level jobs all their lives. Why? What a waste.
. She ask you for a raise, in which meant she wanted to be moved up although you figured she wasn't ready yet. So she quit because by you not giving her the raise, she figured she didn't make the cut so she quit. You made a statement that she wanted a career at the bottom, but I ask how can you say such a thing about someone ? No one wants s career at the bottom, and to suggest such a thing is ridiculous. She undoubtedly figured she could do better or apply herself better, and she returned to prove it. Glad it worked out, but hope you learned something also in the ordeal. Now did you finally give her the raise or did you ask her if she wanted to just do the job for a low wage since she wanted to make the low wage job her career ?
I told her she could not have a raise as a receptionist. She could be promoted to secretary and make more money. She did not want to learn any new skills nor apply herself beyond answering the phone. After she thought better of it. In six months she came back as a secretary.

End of story, after I closed my office she went to work as a legal assistant. Once gaining skills became ingrained, she went to paralegal school.

Every once in awhile the bootbin the ass works.
In my office, I had a rule. One year or you are gone. I hired trainees as a receptionist. If in a year they could not be promoted to secretary, I let them go. One receptionist asked me for a raise. I told her no. I would promote her if she thought she could do the work. She quit. She wanted a low level job as a career.

It ended well. 6 months later she was back ready for better.

I have seen people working entry level jobs all their lives. Why? What a waste.

What if that's what they want? "what a waste" who are you to make that judgement? I know people who make LESS than minimum wage, and that's what they wanted. Who are you to DEMAND others follow your DICTATION on their lives?

Do you believe in freedom of choice OR NOT?!?
If they want to work at low level jobs, don't ask for a raise.
I'll tell you "people" something. I don't work in fast food, but people who do, do a lot more then "flip burgers". That's a term used by those who are clueless

Its the 3rd thread on this one wonder what kind of "kick" conservative shit bags get out of attacking the poor. I mean, I understand they were never loved as kids but surely even people as dense as this can see they are repeating the cycle.


You understand what ?

In my office, I had a rule. One year or you are gone. I hired trainees as a receptionist. If in a year they could not be promoted to secretary, I let them go. One receptionist asked me for a raise. I told her no. I would promote her if she thought she could do the work. She quit. She wanted a low level job as a career.

It ended well. 6 months later she was back ready for better.

I have seen people working entry level jobs all their lives. Why? What a waste.

What if that's what they want? "what a waste" who are you to make that judgement? I know people who make LESS than minimum wage, and that's what they wanted. Who are you to DEMAND others follow your DICTATION on their lives?

Do you believe in freedom of choice OR NOT?!?
. You know people who want less than minimum wage eh, and they don't want anymore than that ever eh ? Now that is an interesting group of friends or acquaintances you have there. Don't get mad if I don't believe such a thing.

My grandmother lived (when she was alive), in Portsmouth Ohio, way down south in the hills. There was a guy there with a wife and several kids, and they lived in a ground level flat, on the outskirts of town. He would load up his truck with a lawn mower, and mow lawns of retired people. He earned about $10,000 a year.

We ended up doing a little investigative on this, because granny decided to put Lawn mower man in the will, and we wanted to make sure that she wasn't being conned by the guy. Sure enough, he earned about $10,000 a year.

We talked with the dude. He was cool about it. He could have gotten a job at Wendy's working a straight 40 hours, and increased his income 50%. In fact, he was a likable guy, I betcha he could have been a manager, and earned at least $20K.

But.... he didn't want to. He liked setting his own hours, and he liked being able to "go huntin in the woods" as he said.

Now, by the way... I'm not suggesting that people don't want to earn more money. Everyone wants to earn more money. What they don't want to do, is do what is required to earn that more money. I'm sure if he could have earned $100,000 mowing 3 lawns a week, he'd have taken the cash.

But there are people who simply would rather do a menial job, and earn little. I'm one of those people actually. I haven't earned more than $20,000 in a single year yet. I was offered a job at Honda. Turned it down. Offered another as a store manager for an auto-parts store. Turned it down. I don't want to do all that.

Why should people like you... force me to do jobs I don't want, because you don't think anyone should have a low paying job?
. Your interpreting my post to say I would force you to do something, but I'm not sure where your getting that from.. The other poster talked about a lady in her office, and she said her office had a policy that you must apply yourself or no raises or job after s certain amount of time. I agreed with her in her specific rules pertaining to her office. Yes some places you can choose freely where you want to be in life, but not all jobs have that as their situation.
No it's the people who accept them that are using taxpayer money so they don't have to work as much

And if you're not making enough money on one job to pay your bills then you work 2 jobs. It's up to you to earn the money you need
. Two jobs making nothing eh ? Man you just made the private sector scream with joy over your statement. That would fix it all huh, otherwise just work two jobs making nothing, and that solves the problem for the private sector side right, and it gets government off the backs of the businesses because the welfare recipients would start drying up. Ummm no one is dumb enough to fall for that idiocy, and even if they are lacking in some areas of brain power, and yet make up for it in brawn, they are still not that stupid. No company should be paying an employee minimum wage or less after being in a job for 1 year or more. Now the question is how much of this was going on before the people demanded justice ? The taxpayers should be the ones most offended, because they have been funding it all.

Tell me where is it written that one 40 hour a week job is supposed to be able to support anyone?
FYI you are part of the private sector so I don't know what "side" you think you're on

If you are not making enough money you have options, work more hours or acquire a skill that is worth more to the market.
. Would you work 40 hours for anyone, and then have to pay your bills (nessesities), in piece meal, and then have to borrow your lunch money and gas money from your parents or friends for next week to get by somehow ? Then if they get tired of you coming to them, would you look to the government to help you or would you ask for a needed raise because you have been busting your butt for two years now, and you still make only 10.00 dollars an hour doing so ? Then you are told by your company in a super poor mouth kind of way that " man it's been tough around here, and in fact we are looking to lay off soon or might even have to shut the doors, but we're just lies to keep the employee out of their bottom lines for as long as they can ? Meanwhile the employee see's the company and it's management staff living like Kings, and awarding themselves huge bonuses and benefits along with sending their kids to private schools that cost per student $6,000 dollars a year up to grade 12, and then off to college they go after that. So next the employee submits his low income to the government in hopes to get some help, then the government gives the employee some help, then the taxpayers go to screaming because they see the employee in the line at the grocery store using an ebt card, but all the while knowing that the person has a job, so they are standing there scratching their head as to what is going on. What a flipping game it all is right ?

I've never had to ask anyone for money since I moved out of my mother's house at 17.

And I worked at least 2 jobs from the time I was 17 until my late 30s. I was always able to pay my bills and eat regularly. I managed to put myself through college and get 2 bachelors degrees and an MBA all without going on the dole.

What you don't seem to understand is that you don't get a raise merely for being at a job for 2 years and doing the bare minimum you have to improve and become more valuable to the company

And if the company you're working at now doesn't think you are valuable then you find a company that does

It's how the world always worked
. You still don't address my points being made, other than giving me your life experiences that may not have involved the things that many are being subjected to today. We all can find a way to candy coat anything, but are the real truths about the entire economy that this nation has to rely upon in order to be healthy being told or addressed properly ? I don't think so. It's like we can go so many layers deep in these conversations, and then you end up getting comments like a person just came aboard, yet he or she has been here the whole time. Points are made, but are they discarded to create the distraction needed to create mayhem or confusion when discussing the issue or issues here? You would think that if a point is made, then the reply wouldn't be one as if a point wasn't already covered or as if it wasn't never made at all. Reply to the points being made is what I say about it, and don't discard them with feel good talk that dances all around a point after it has been made.

You say things like a business should do this or should do that yet you never seem to say what an person should do to take responsibility for his own life

Like so many people here you shift the burden of personal responsibility away from the individual and onto another entity be it government or a business.

I do not confuse the issue by holding people responsible for their lives. It is not a distraction. In fact I shine a light on the real problem here it is you that want to avoid the issue of where actual responsibility lies. Instead you'd rather blame an employer for not having the pay scale he "should" have which really means the one you think is the right one.

If you want people to be paid the way you want them to then open a business employ people and do it don't tell anyone else to o what you won't do.

I hold people to the same standard I hold myself to. There is no reason why anyone physically capable to work cannot make enough money to pay his bills on his own

I don't know when the idea that all anyone needs to work is 40 hours a week in order to finance his entire life became so prominent. You work as much as it takes to do what you need to do. That is the attitude a responsible adult holds and the ethic he lives by

Remember anyone who has ever accomplished anything never worked just 40 hours a week
In my office, I had a rule. One year or you are gone. I hired trainees as a receptionist. If in a year they could not be promoted to secretary, I let them go. One receptionist asked me for a raise. I told her no. I would promote her if she thought she could do the work. She quit. She wanted a low level job as a career.

It ended well. 6 months later she was back ready for better.

I have seen people working entry level jobs all their lives. Why? What a waste.
. She ask you for a raise, in which meant she wanted to be moved up although you figured she wasn't ready yet. So she quit because by you not giving her the raise, she figured she didn't make the cut so she quit. You made a statement that she wanted a career at the bottom, but I ask how can you say such a thing about someone ? No one wants s career at the bottom, and to suggest such a thing is ridiculous. She undoubtedly figured she could do better or apply herself better, and she returned to prove it. Glad it worked out, but hope you learned something also in the ordeal. Now did you finally give her the raise or did you ask her if she wanted to just do the job for a low wage since she wanted to make the low wage job her career ?
You ask for a promotion if you want to move up
If you merely ask for raise for the same job you don't want to advance you want more money for doing nothing but what you have been doing
In my office, I had a rule. One year or you are gone. I hired trainees as a receptionist. If in a year they could not be promoted to secretary, I let them go. One receptionist asked me for a raise. I told her no. I would promote her if she thought she could do the work. She quit. She wanted a low level job as a career.

It ended well. 6 months later she was back ready for better.

I have seen people working entry level jobs all their lives. Why? What a waste.
. She ask you for a raise, in which meant she wanted to be moved up although you figured she wasn't ready yet. So she quit because by you not giving her the raise, she figured she didn't make the cut so she quit. You made a statement that she wanted a career at the bottom, but I ask how can you say such a thing about someone ? No one wants s career at the bottom, and to suggest such a thing is ridiculous. She undoubtedly figured she could do better or apply herself better, and she returned to prove it. Glad it worked out, but hope you learned something also in the ordeal. Now did you finally give her the raise or did you ask her if she wanted to just do the job for a low wage since she wanted to make the low wage job her career ?

Actually, that's not true. There are people who want a career at the bottom. They do exist. In fact many of them.

There are many people who want a career that has freedom and flexibility, and low stress, and low responsibility.

I've known some. Several in fact. My last big job, we had a lady there who had a degree in engineering, and all she was doing was typing up documentation. Using almost none of her degree. She quit and went to work for NetJets, which if you know the company is huge, with massive upward mobility, and paid nearly double her salary at the "document" job. In under 8 months, she came back. Cut her pay in half. Why? NetJets expected tons of work, tons of hours, dedication, and there was stress and time tables to be kept. That comes with the pay raise.

Well, she didn't want that. She wanted to be able to stay at home, when needed. She wanted time with her kids. She wanted flexibility in her schedule. So she's in a dead end job, that will be her career for life. IT IS WHAT SHE WANTED.


When I was in high school, my shift manager, who earned just 50¢ more than me an hour, (when the minimum wage was $4.25), had a degree in architecture. 4-Year degree in architecture from Ohio State University. She's earning $5/hour or less. (maybe a bit more, but not much). Why? Because that is what she wanted. I asked her! Why the heck are you here!! "well I wanted to work close to home, and spend more time with my kids, and have a flexible work shift...."

YES, some people want these jobs. Why so many Americans think it's their job to dictate what jobs others have, is the most frustrating aspect of this discussion. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.
. You must be a plant, because no one is buying your crap about someone wanting to remain at minimum wage in which this topic is about. You said she wanted to come back at half the pay, but still that's not at minimum wage.

Yeah I know people who waitress part time and believe me they do not want a 15 an hour wage because they make 25 an hour after tips
In my office, I had a rule. One year or you are gone. I hired trainees as a receptionist. If in a year they could not be promoted to secretary, I let them go. One receptionist asked me for a raise. I told her no. I would promote her if she thought she could do the work. She quit. She wanted a low level job as a career.

It ended well. 6 months later she was back ready for better.

I have seen people working entry level jobs all their lives. Why? What a waste.
. She ask you for a raise, in which meant she wanted to be moved up although you figured she wasn't ready yet. So she quit because by you not giving her the raise, she figured she didn't make the cut so she quit. You made a statement that she wanted a career at the bottom, but I ask how can you say such a thing about someone ? No one wants s career at the bottom, and to suggest such a thing is ridiculous. She undoubtedly figured she could do better or apply herself better, and she returned to prove it. Glad it worked out, but hope you learned something also in the ordeal. Now did you finally give her the raise or did you ask her if she wanted to just do the job for a low wage since she wanted to make the low wage job her career ?

Actually, that's not true. There are people who want a career at the bottom. They do exist. In fact many of them.

There are many people who want a career that has freedom and flexibility, and low stress, and low responsibility.

I've known some. Several in fact. My last big job, we had a lady there who had a degree in engineering, and all she was doing was typing up documentation. Using almost none of her degree. She quit and went to work for NetJets, which if you know the company is huge, with massive upward mobility, and paid nearly double her salary at the "document" job. In under 8 months, she came back. Cut her pay in half. Why? NetJets expected tons of work, tons of hours, dedication, and there was stress and time tables to be kept. That comes with the pay raise.

Well, she didn't want that. She wanted to be able to stay at home, when needed. She wanted time with her kids. She wanted flexibility in her schedule. So she's in a dead end job, that will be her career for life. IT IS WHAT SHE WANTED.


When I was in high school, my shift manager, who earned just 50¢ more than me an hour, (when the minimum wage was $4.25), had a degree in architecture. 4-Year degree in architecture from Ohio State University. She's earning $5/hour or less. (maybe a bit more, but not much). Why? Because that is what she wanted. I asked her! Why the heck are you here!! "well I wanted to work close to home, and spend more time with my kids, and have a flexible work shift...."

YES, some people want these jobs. Why so many Americans think it's their job to dictate what jobs others have, is the most frustrating aspect of this discussion. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.
. You must be a plant, because no one is buying your crap about someone wanting to remain at minimum wage in which this topic is about. You said she wanted to come back at half the pay, but still that's not at minimum wage.

If you don't want to stay at MW then you either push for a promotion at your current job or offer to take on more responsibility in some other capacity for an increase in pay. If it can't be had at your current job then you look for another job where you can use your experience to get a better paying job.

If you never aspire to do more than put hamburgers and fries into little bags then all you will ever get is MW
You say things like a business should do this or should do that yet you never seem to say what an person should do to take responsibility for his own life

Like so many people here you shift the burden of personal responsibility away from the individual and onto another entity be it government or a business.

I do not confuse the issue by holding people responsible for their lives. It is not a distraction. In fact I shine a light on the real problem here it is you that want to avoid the issue of where actual responsibility lies. Instead you'd rather blame an employer for not having the pay scale he "should" have which really means the one you think is the right one.

This is a perfect description of a liberal mind.
Liberals have zero respect for high achievers, in fact they loathe them. On the other hand liberals have great compassion and admiration for under achievers.
You say things like a business should do this or should do that yet you never seem to say what an person should do to take responsibility for his own life

Like so many people here you shift the burden of personal responsibility away from the individual and onto another entity be it government or a business.

I do not confuse the issue by holding people responsible for their lives. It is not a distraction. In fact I shine a light on the real problem here it is you that want to avoid the issue of where actual responsibility lies. Instead you'd rather blame an employer for not having the pay scale he "should" have which really means the one you think is the right one.

This is a perfect description of a liberal mind.
Liberals have zero respect for high achievers, in fact they loathe them. On the other hand liberals have great compassion and admiration for under achievers.
. Thanks for informing everyone that while on the plantation, they are to never question the master, and they are to be over joyed at the crumbs thrown to them on the slave Shack floor.. You see the slaves didn't slave for free.. They got a roof over their head with a dirt floor to boot, and they had corn to mash and a hog to eat etc. So who were they to question or ask for more ? I guess the tongue whips being brought out here, are equivalent to the whips when the slaves got out of line or to uppity back then. I guess they wanted to be slaves all their lives as well right ? I have actually seen that argument put up before also... Amazing.
You say things like a business should do this or should do that yet you never seem to say what an person should do to take responsibility for his own life

Like so many people here you shift the burden of personal responsibility away from the individual and onto another entity be it government or a business.

I do not confuse the issue by holding people responsible for their lives. It is not a distraction. In fact I shine a light on the real problem here it is you that want to avoid the issue of where actual responsibility lies. Instead you'd rather blame an employer for not having the pay scale he "should" have which really means the one you think is the right one.

This is a perfect description of a liberal mind.
Liberals have zero respect for high achievers, in fact they loathe them. On the other hand liberals have great compassion and admiration for under achievers.
. Thanks for informing everyone that while on the plantation, they are to never question the master, and they are to be over joyed at the crumbs thrown to them on the slave Shack floor.. You see the slaves didn't slave for free.. They got a roof over their head with a dirt floor to boot, and they had corn to mash and a hog to eat etc. So who were they to question or ask for more ? I guess the tongue whips being brought out here, are equivalent to the whips when the slaves got out of line or to uppity back then.

You don't seem to realize YOU are your own master. The sooner you learn that the better off you will be

You really should get therapy so you can leave the slave mentality behind
You say things like a business should do this or should do that yet you never seem to say what an person should do to take responsibility for his own life

Like so many people here you shift the burden of personal responsibility away from the individual and onto another entity be it government or a business.

I do not confuse the issue by holding people responsible for their lives. It is not a distraction. In fact I shine a light on the real problem here it is you that want to avoid the issue of where actual responsibility lies. Instead you'd rather blame an employer for not having the pay scale he "should" have which really means the one you think is the right one.

This is a perfect description of a liberal mind.
Liberals have zero respect for high achievers, in fact they loathe them. On the other hand liberals have great compassion and admiration for under achievers.
. Thanks for informing everyone that while on the plantation, they are to never question the master, and they are to be over joyed at the crumbs thrown to them on the slave Shack floor.. You see the slaves didn't slave for free.. They got a roof over their head with a dirt floor to boot, and they had corn to mash and a hog to eat etc. So who were they to question or ask for more ? I guess the tongue whips being brought out here, are equivalent to the whips when the slaves got out of line or to uppity back then. I guess they wanted to be slaves all their lives as well right ? I have actually seen that argument put up before also... Amazing.

Slavery ended in America on January 31st 1865
You don't seem to realize YOU are your own master. The sooner you learn that the better off you will be

That is tantamount to blasphemy to tell a liberal this.
To a liberal, anyone who has achieved economic success did so ONLY through the abuse of others. Success through hard work, dedication and self sacrifice simply does not exist. Therefore every single person who has financial wealth OWES everyone who does not - a stipend for the abuse that must have happened.
You don't seem to realize YOU are your own master. The sooner you learn that the better off you will be

That is tantamount to blasphemy to tell a liberal this.
To a liberal, anyone who has achieved economic success did so ONLY through the abuse of others. Success through hard work, dedication and self sacrifice simply does not exist. Therefore every single person who has financial wealth OWES everyone who does not - a stipend for the abuse that must have happened.
That is exactly the idea behind the you didn't build that talking point.
You say things like a business should do this or should do that yet you never seem to say what an person should do to take responsibility for his own life

Like so many people here you shift the burden of personal responsibility away from the individual and onto another entity be it government or a business.

I do not confuse the issue by holding people responsible for their lives. It is not a distraction. In fact I shine a light on the real problem here it is you that want to avoid the issue of where actual responsibility lies. Instead you'd rather blame an employer for not having the pay scale he "should" have which really means the one you think is the right one.

This is a perfect description of a liberal mind.
Liberals have zero respect for high achievers, in fact they loathe them. On the other hand liberals have great compassion and admiration for under achievers.
LIBs fear high achievers. As long as there are high achievers in society it means whenever a lazy slack-ass LIB looks in the mirror they see themselves for what they are.
That's the reason in the Liberal Indoctrination Centers the kids are brainwashed into believing 'everyone is the same'. Everyone deserves a trophy. Competition is a dirty word.
What they end up being are a bunch of semi literate pussies/cowardly/'man-bun'/'metros'/who break into a sweat if anyone brings up the subject of actually GOD FORBID! competing against someone else for fear of failing.
I'll tell you "people" something. I don't work in fast food, but people who do, do a lot more then "flip burgers". That's a term used by those who are clueless

Its the 3rd thread on this one wonder what kind of "kick" conservative shit bags get out of attacking the poor. I mean, I understand they were never loved as kids but surely even people as dense as this can see they are repeating the cycle.
Hurry up with my order, burger lady!

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