This is why you shouldn't pay burger flippers 15 an hour

In order to keep people off of the government subsidies payrolls, then is it that the government is reaching for the only lever it has to pull, and that being the federal minimum wage law ? Is this a war between the government and business in this nation, and the workers are just caught in the middle of it ? Has the government found that there were people in jobs making minimum wages after being employed in a job for more than two years, and was it found that the employee's were also on the government subsidies programs because of the stagnated job the employee was in for two years or better ? What is the findings, and what should be the governments role be as based upon those findings ? If the government finds that companies have abandoned the concepts of a structural pay grade system, and it found that millions were getting tax payer subsidies based upon their lack of income after they had been employed at a company for two years or more, then is the government wrong for pulling the minimum wage lever on them ? Now is it fair to pull that lever all across the board or just pull it on the offenders based upon it's findings ? DId the government pull the lever across the board because it is more into income redistribution than it is into being fair and reasonable upon the issue ?

Get rid of the government giveaways and people will be forced to work enough to pay their own bills

What's the incentive to improve if a person can work a few hours a week at a MW job and still get free money from the taxpayers?
. But what if the companies won't pay an employee as it should, and within a structural pay system that it should have in place ? What if the employee is barely hanging on to his or her job because of the government no longer being there for them in such a situation ? Then if that employee falters and finally gives up, then who should come to the employee's rescue ? Should that employee due to such a bad experience give up, and therefore become yet another American sitting at the government's table for outcast and charity cases ? Has the private sector done the government wrong in all of this or is it the government who has done the private sector wrong in all of this or were the two working together the whole time in all of this ?
In order to keep people off of the government subsidies payrolls, then is it that the government is reaching for the only lever it has to pull, and that being the federal minimum wage law ? Is this a war between the government and business in this nation, and the workers are just caught in the middle of it ? Has the government found that there were people in jobs making minimum wages after being employed in a job for more than two years, and was it found that the employee's were also on the government subsidies programs because of the stagnated job the employee was in for two years or better ? What is the findings, and what should be the governments role be as based upon those findings ? If the government finds that companies have abandoned the concepts of a structural pay grade system, and it found that millions were getting tax payer subsidies based upon their lack of income after they had been employed at a company for two years or more, then is the government wrong for pulling the minimum wage lever on them ? Now is it fair to pull that lever all across the board or just pull it on the offenders based upon it's findings ? DId the government pull the lever across the board because it is more into income redistribution than it is into being fair and reasonable upon the issue ?

Get rid of the government giveaways and people will be forced to work enough to pay their own bills

What's the incentive to improve if a person can work a few hours a week at a MW job and still get free money from the taxpayers?
. But what if the companies won't pay an employee as it should, and within a structural pay system that it should have in place ? What if the employee is barely hanging on to his or her job because of the government no longer being there for them in such a situation ? Then if that employee falters and finally gives up, then who should come to the employee's rescue ? Should that employee due to such a bad experience give up, and therefore become yet another American sitting at the government's table for outcast and charity cases ? Has the private sector done the government wrong in all of this or is it the government who has done the private sector wrong in all of this or were the two working together the whole time in all of this ?

As it should?

Pay is determined by the value of the skill.

A guy who puts hamburgers in a bag has no skill and can be replaced in a second. Whose fault is it that he has no skills? His own
I never understood why people get all pissy when they find out the CEO of a company makes millions and the bottom workers don't.

A company is not a direct pay based on amount of physical labor machine. Otherwise, ditch diggers would be millionaires. A company is like a car. The value of the parts are based on the value of the work that they give the car. The engine is worth more than the lug nuts. The person who runs the company should make more, he has more riding on his work. If a burger flipper doesn't show up, they can be easily replaced. The value a good Ceo brings to a company is not easy to replace and thus he is paid well so he stays. The CEO knows how to run a business, the burger flipper doesn't. Only a whiney liberal would think that a CEO should make less than an unskilled worker.
. You just made a fool of yourself with a post like that... No one cares how much a CEO makes, but it does raise eyebrows when the company isn't paying for the value of it's laborers in which had helped it reep down it's fields. Showing your greedyness or selfishness in your post is shameful. No one expects to make what the next man up the ladder makes, but just that a structural pay system exist that gives people an idea of what they have to work towards in life. Always remember what man is capable of in all of this, and that is to flat out slave someone if it were legal to do so.

There already is a structural pay system but it's up to you to get it not up to your employer to draw you a map then provide the means for you to follow it

If you want to work in a low skill low wage job for 20 years you have no right to complain about your pay because you did nothing to make yourself worthy of higher pay
. So your saying that there are no companies out there who are using your tax dollars to have their employee's paid or subsidized by those dollars in which if the company doesn't pay them then they know that the government will ? How many were being subsidized by tax payer dollars in so that a company could pay less to it's employee's ? Who in government were working this out hand in hand with the companies in a collaborative and corrupt way over the years ? Who taught the companies or corrupted the government that this was a great thing that was going on ? Isn't this what was going on where millions of illegals were working for peanuts, yet meanwhile they were somehow surviving in a system that if a person wasn't making at least 10 to 10.50 an hour, then that person wouldn't make it ?

No it's the people who accept them that are using taxpayer money so they don't have to work as much

And if you're not making enough money on one job to pay your bills then you work 2 jobs. It's up to you to earn the money you need
. Two jobs making nothing eh ? Man you just made the private sector scream with joy over your statement. That would fix it all huh, otherwise just work two jobs making nothing, and that solves the problem for the private sector side right, and it gets government off the backs of the businesses because the welfare recipients would start drying up. Ummm no one is dumb enough to fall for that idiocy, and even if they are lacking in some areas of brain power, and yet make up for it in brawn, they are still not that stupid. No company should be paying an employee minimum wage or less after being in a job for 1 year or more. Now the question is how much of this was going on before the people demanded justice ? The taxpayers should be the ones most offended, because they have been funding it all.
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. Or should the soldier be saying , " I tell ya what, if burger flippers are getting a raise like that, then we better be getting a good raise also, because this killing and risking our lives for less than $15.00 dollars and hour is plum shameful of this nation". Then the soldier thinks to himself, but I'm not surprised because look at how the government treated us after we got back home in the VA scandal etc.
I never understood why people get all pissy when they find out the CEO of a company makes millions and the bottom workers don't.

A company is not a direct pay based on amount of physical labor machine. Otherwise, ditch diggers would be millionaires. A company is like a car. The value of the parts are based on the value of the work that they give the car. The engine is worth more than the lug nuts. The person who runs the company should make more, he has more riding on his work. If a burger flipper doesn't show up, they can be easily replaced. The value a good Ceo brings to a company is not easy to replace and thus he is paid well so he stays. The CEO knows how to run a business, the burger flipper doesn't. Only a whiney liberal would think that a CEO should make less than an unskilled worker.
. You just made a fool of yourself with a post like that... No one cares how much a CEO makes, but it does raise eyebrows when the company isn't paying for the value of it's laborers in which had helped it reep down it's fields. Showing your greedyness or selfishness in your post is shameful. No one expects to make what the next man up the ladder makes, but just that a structural pay system exist that gives people an idea of what they have to work towards in life. Always remember what man is capable of in all of this, and that is to flat out slave someone if it were legal to do so.

There already is a structural pay system but it's up to you to get it not up to your employer to draw you a map then provide the means for you to follow it

If you want to work in a low skill low wage job for 20 years you have no right to complain about your pay because you did nothing to make yourself worthy of higher pay
. So your saying that there are no companies out there who are using your tax dollars to have their employee's paid or subsidized by those dollars in which if the company doesn't pay them then they know that the government will ? How many were being subsidized by tax payer dollars in so that a company could pay less to it's employee's ? Who in government were working this out hand in hand with the companies in a collaborative and corrupt way over the years ? Who taught the companies or corrupted the government that this was a great thing that was going on ? Isn't this what was going on where millions of illegals were working for peanuts, yet meanwhile they were somehow surviving in a system that if a person wasn't making at least 10 to 10.50 an hour, then that person wouldn't make it ?

No it's the people who accept them that are using taxpayer money so they don't have to work as much

And if you're not making enough money on one job to pay your bills then you work 2 jobs. It's up to you to earn the money you need
. Two jobs making nothing eh ? Man you just made the private sector scream with joy over your statement. That would fix it all huh, otherwise just work two jobs making nothing, and that solves the problem for the private sector side right, and it gets government off the backs of the businesses because the welfare recipients would start drying up. Ummm no one is dumb enough to fall for that idiocy, and even if they are lacking in some areas of brain power, and yet make up for it in brawn, they are still not that stupid. No company should be paying an employee minimum wage or less after being in a job for 1 year or more. Now the question is how much of this was going on before the people demanded justice ? The taxpayers should be the ones most offended, because they have been funding it all.

Tell me where is it written that one 40 hour a week job is supposed to be able to support anyone?
FYI you are part of the private sector so I don't know what "side" you think you're on

If you are not making enough money you have options, work more hours or acquire a skill that is worth more to the market.
. Mixing the two seperate things or tying them together is a ploy no ? How about addressing the lacking that is going on in both areas of concern sesperately ?
So suddenly you want to increase the military budget............LOL

Yeah.........I agree our military is underpaid for what they do............

Forcing 15 to low skills jobs.........will raise prices and kill jobs...........when will your side ever get that through you thick skulls..............................
. You just made a fool of yourself with a post like that... No one cares how much a CEO makes, but it does raise eyebrows when the company isn't paying for the value of it's laborers in which had helped it reep down it's fields. Showing your greedyness or selfishness in your post is shameful. No one expects to make what the next man up the ladder makes, but just that a structural pay system exist that gives people an idea of what they have to work towards in life. Always remember what man is capable of in all of this, and that is to flat out slave someone if it were legal to do so.

There already is a structural pay system but it's up to you to get it not up to your employer to draw you a map then provide the means for you to follow it

If you want to work in a low skill low wage job for 20 years you have no right to complain about your pay because you did nothing to make yourself worthy of higher pay
. So your saying that there are no companies out there who are using your tax dollars to have their employee's paid or subsidized by those dollars in which if the company doesn't pay them then they know that the government will ? How many were being subsidized by tax payer dollars in so that a company could pay less to it's employee's ? Who in government were working this out hand in hand with the companies in a collaborative and corrupt way over the years ? Who taught the companies or corrupted the government that this was a great thing that was going on ? Isn't this what was going on where millions of illegals were working for peanuts, yet meanwhile they were somehow surviving in a system that if a person wasn't making at least 10 to 10.50 an hour, then that person wouldn't make it ?

No it's the people who accept them that are using taxpayer money so they don't have to work as much

And if you're not making enough money on one job to pay your bills then you work 2 jobs. It's up to you to earn the money you need
. Two jobs making nothing eh ? Man you just made the private sector scream with joy over your statement. That would fix it all huh, otherwise just work two jobs making nothing, and that solves the problem for the private sector side right, and it gets government off the backs of the businesses because the welfare recipients would start drying up. Ummm no one is dumb enough to fall for that idiocy, and even if they are lacking in some areas of brain power, and yet make up for it in brawn, they are still not that stupid. No company should be paying an employee minimum wage or less after being in a job for 1 year or more. Now the question is how much of this was going on before the people demanded justice ? The taxpayers should be the ones most offended, because they have been funding it all.

Tell me where is it written that one 40 hour a week job is supposed to be able to support anyone?
FYI you are part of the private sector so I don't know what "side" you think you're on

If you are not making enough money you have options, work more hours or acquire a skill that is worth more to the market.
. Would you work 40 hours for anyone, and then have to pay your bills (nessesities), in piece meal, and then have to borrow your lunch money and gas money from your parents or friends for next week to get by somehow ? Then if they get tired of you coming to them, would you look to the government to help you or would you ask for a needed raise because you have been busting your butt for two years now, and you still make only 10.00 dollars an hour doing so ? Then you are told by your company in a super poor mouth kind of way that " man it's been tough around here, and in fact we are looking to lay off soon or might even have to shut the doors, but we're just lies to keep the employee out of their bottom lines for as long as they can ? Meanwhile the employee see's the company and it's management staff living like Kings, and awarding themselves huge bonuses and benefits along with sending their kids to private schools that cost per student $6,000 dollars a year up to grade 12, and then off to college they go after that. So next the employee submits his low income to the government in hopes to get some help, then the government gives the employee some help, then the taxpayers go to screaming because they see the employee in the line at the grocery store using an ebt card, but all the while knowing that the person has a job, so they are standing there scratching their head as to what is going on. What a flipping game it all is right ?
. Mixing the two seperate things or tying them together is a ploy no ? How about addressing the lacking that is going on in both areas of concern sesperately ?
So suddenly you want to increase the military budget............LOL

Yeah.........I agree our military is underpaid for what they do............

Forcing 15 to low skills jobs.........will raise prices and kill jobs...........when will your side ever get that through you thick skulls..............................
. Wait I thought you were for building up our military because Obama was tearing it down ? Is there a little confusion going on when mixing the issues now ? Oh wait you want more government military contracts awarded to the private sector, but to hell with the grunts on the front lines right ?
. Mixing the two seperate things or tying them together is a ploy no ? How about addressing the lacking that is going on in both areas of concern sesperately ?
So suddenly you want to increase the military budget............LOL

Yeah.........I agree our military is underpaid for what they do............

Forcing 15 to low skills jobs.........will raise prices and kill jobs...........when will your side ever get that through you thick skulls..............................
. Wait I thought you were for building up our military because Obama was tearing it down ? Is there a little confusion going on when mixing the issues now ? Oh wait you want more government military contracts awarded to the private sector, but to hell with the grunts on the front lines right ?
You are making assumptions trying to defend the 15 and hour burger flippers..................

I've already stated that they are underpaid.............but I guess that just went right over your point was the 15 dollar and hour for a burger joint is BS..............and will kill jobs.................and it's stupid when they would make more than those fighting for this country................

This experiment will fail.........just like the other liberal emotional decisions of the past..........Your party will help destroy this nation...............
. Mixing the two seperate things or tying them together is a ploy no ? How about addressing the lacking that is going on in both areas of concern sesperately ?
So suddenly you want to increase the military budget............LOL

Yeah.........I agree our military is underpaid for what they do............

Forcing 15 to low skills jobs.........will raise prices and kill jobs...........when will your side ever get that through you thick skulls..............................
. Wait I thought you were for building up our military because Obama was tearing it down ? Is there a little confusion going on when mixing the issues now ? Oh wait you want more government military contracts awarded to the private sector, but to hell with the grunts on the front lines right ?
You are making assumptions trying to defend the 15 and hour burger flippers..................

I've already stated that they are underpaid.............but I guess that just went right over your point was the 15 dollar and hour for a burger joint is BS..............and will kill jobs.................and it's stupid when they would make more than those fighting for this country................

This experiment will fail.........just like the other liberal emotional decisions of the past..........Your party will help destroy this nation...............
. Why do you assign to me as being a lib or dem ? Is it because I wrote some replies or gave some senarios to your post ? How about you reading more than just the replies that you receive for your post, and then you could keep up better as to who your dealing with. Just saying.
. Mixing the two seperate things or tying them together is a ploy no ? How about addressing the lacking that is going on in both areas of concern sesperately ?
So suddenly you want to increase the military budget............LOL

Yeah.........I agree our military is underpaid for what they do............

Forcing 15 to low skills jobs.........will raise prices and kill jobs...........when will your side ever get that through you thick skulls..............................
. Wait I thought you were for building up our military because Obama was tearing it down ? Is there a little confusion going on when mixing the issues now ? Oh wait you want more government military contracts awarded to the private sector, but to hell with the grunts on the front lines right ?
You are making assumptions trying to defend the 15 and hour burger flippers..................

I've already stated that they are underpaid.............but I guess that just went right over your point was the 15 dollar and hour for a burger joint is BS..............and will kill jobs.................and it's stupid when they would make more than those fighting for this country................

This experiment will fail.........just like the other liberal emotional decisions of the past..........Your party will help destroy this nation...............
. How could you make a statement that their under paid without giving a solution to their problem ? What is the solution to their problem if they are stuck in a small town or economic depressed situation that doesn't afford them the opportunities in which some speak of here ? Shouldn't it be that if a multi-billion dollar corporation came into a small town, that the potential employee's would be fighting to get on with that company after knowing who the company is ? Should their expectations be destroyed after finding out that the company might be wanting to go after the town's wealth, yet pay low wages and/or pay no benefits to the employee's that are hired to work there after their training and temp status has been completed ? Then should the employee's turn to the government for assistance because a multi-billion dollar corporation is hell bent on exploiting them ? If any Corp or company would as individuals do the right things in all of this, then the problems may not have escalated to what they have today.
There already is a structural pay system but it's up to you to get it not up to your employer to draw you a map then provide the means for you to follow it

If you want to work in a low skill low wage job for 20 years you have no right to complain about your pay because you did nothing to make yourself worthy of higher pay
. So your saying that there are no companies out there who are using your tax dollars to have their employee's paid or subsidized by those dollars in which if the company doesn't pay them then they know that the government will ? How many were being subsidized by tax payer dollars in so that a company could pay less to it's employee's ? Who in government were working this out hand in hand with the companies in a collaborative and corrupt way over the years ? Who taught the companies or corrupted the government that this was a great thing that was going on ? Isn't this what was going on where millions of illegals were working for peanuts, yet meanwhile they were somehow surviving in a system that if a person wasn't making at least 10 to 10.50 an hour, then that person wouldn't make it ?

No it's the people who accept them that are using taxpayer money so they don't have to work as much

And if you're not making enough money on one job to pay your bills then you work 2 jobs. It's up to you to earn the money you need
. Two jobs making nothing eh ? Man you just made the private sector scream with joy over your statement. That would fix it all huh, otherwise just work two jobs making nothing, and that solves the problem for the private sector side right, and it gets government off the backs of the businesses because the welfare recipients would start drying up. Ummm no one is dumb enough to fall for that idiocy, and even if they are lacking in some areas of brain power, and yet make up for it in brawn, they are still not that stupid. No company should be paying an employee minimum wage or less after being in a job for 1 year or more. Now the question is how much of this was going on before the people demanded justice ? The taxpayers should be the ones most offended, because they have been funding it all.

Tell me where is it written that one 40 hour a week job is supposed to be able to support anyone?
FYI you are part of the private sector so I don't know what "side" you think you're on

If you are not making enough money you have options, work more hours or acquire a skill that is worth more to the market.
. Would you work 40 hours for anyone, and then have to pay your bills (nessesities), in piece meal, and then have to borrow your lunch money and gas money from your parents or friends for next week to get by somehow ? Then if they get tired of you coming to them, would you look to the government to help you or would you ask for a needed raise because you have been busting your butt for two years now, and you still make only 10.00 dollars an hour doing so ? Then you are told by your company in a super poor mouth kind of way that " man it's been tough around here, and in fact we are looking to lay off soon or might even have to shut the doors, but we're just lies to keep the employee out of their bottom lines for as long as they can ? Meanwhile the employee see's the company and it's management staff living like Kings, and awarding themselves huge bonuses and benefits along with sending their kids to private schools that cost per student $6,000 dollars a year up to grade 12, and then off to college they go after that. So next the employee submits his low income to the government in hopes to get some help, then the government gives the employee some help, then the taxpayers go to screaming because they see the employee in the line at the grocery store using an ebt card, but all the while knowing that the person has a job, so they are standing there scratching their head as to what is going on. What a flipping game it all is right ?

I've never had to ask anyone for money since I moved out of my mother's house at 17.

And I worked at least 2 jobs from the time I was 17 until my late 30s. I was always able to pay my bills and eat regularly. I managed to put myself through college and get 2 bachelors degrees and an MBA all without going on the dole.

What you don't seem to understand is that you don't get a raise merely for being at a job for 2 years and doing the bare minimum you have to improve and become more valuable to the company

And if the company you're working at now doesn't think you are valuable then you find a company that does

It's how the world always worked
. So your saying that there are no companies out there who are using your tax dollars to have their employee's paid or subsidized by those dollars in which if the company doesn't pay them then they know that the government will ? How many were being subsidized by tax payer dollars in so that a company could pay less to it's employee's ? Who in government were working this out hand in hand with the companies in a collaborative and corrupt way over the years ? Who taught the companies or corrupted the government that this was a great thing that was going on ? Isn't this what was going on where millions of illegals were working for peanuts, yet meanwhile they were somehow surviving in a system that if a person wasn't making at least 10 to 10.50 an hour, then that person wouldn't make it ?

No it's the people who accept them that are using taxpayer money so they don't have to work as much

And if you're not making enough money on one job to pay your bills then you work 2 jobs. It's up to you to earn the money you need
. Two jobs making nothing eh ? Man you just made the private sector scream with joy over your statement. That would fix it all huh, otherwise just work two jobs making nothing, and that solves the problem for the private sector side right, and it gets government off the backs of the businesses because the welfare recipients would start drying up. Ummm no one is dumb enough to fall for that idiocy, and even if they are lacking in some areas of brain power, and yet make up for it in brawn, they are still not that stupid. No company should be paying an employee minimum wage or less after being in a job for 1 year or more. Now the question is how much of this was going on before the people demanded justice ? The taxpayers should be the ones most offended, because they have been funding it all.

Tell me where is it written that one 40 hour a week job is supposed to be able to support anyone?
FYI you are part of the private sector so I don't know what "side" you think you're on

If you are not making enough money you have options, work more hours or acquire a skill that is worth more to the market.
. Would you work 40 hours for anyone, and then have to pay your bills (nessesities), in piece meal, and then have to borrow your lunch money and gas money from your parents or friends for next week to get by somehow ? Then if they get tired of you coming to them, would you look to the government to help you or would you ask for a needed raise because you have been busting your butt for two years now, and you still make only 10.00 dollars an hour doing so ? Then you are told by your company in a super poor mouth kind of way that " man it's been tough around here, and in fact we are looking to lay off soon or might even have to shut the doors, but we're just lies to keep the employee out of their bottom lines for as long as they can ? Meanwhile the employee see's the company and it's management staff living like Kings, and awarding themselves huge bonuses and benefits along with sending their kids to private schools that cost per student $6,000 dollars a year up to grade 12, and then off to college they go after that. So next the employee submits his low income to the government in hopes to get some help, then the government gives the employee some help, then the taxpayers go to screaming because they see the employee in the line at the grocery store using an ebt card, but all the while knowing that the person has a job, so they are standing there scratching their head as to what is going on. What a flipping game it all is right ?

I've never had to ask anyone for money since I moved out of my mother's house at 17.

And I worked at least 2 jobs from the time I was 17 until my late 30s. I was always able to pay my bills and eat regularly. I managed to put myself through college and get 2 bachelors degrees and an MBA all without going on the dole.

What you don't seem to understand is that you don't get a raise merely for being at a job for 2 years and doing the bare minimum you have to improve and become more valuable to the company

And if the company you're working at now doesn't think you are valuable then you find a company that does

It's how the world always worked
. You still don't address my points being made, other than giving me your life experiences that may not have involved the things that many are being subjected to today. We all can find a way to candy coat anything, but are the real truths about the entire economy that this nation has to rely upon in order to be healthy being told or addressed properly ? I don't think so. It's like we can go so many layers deep in these conversations, and then you end up getting comments like a person just came aboard, yet he or she has been here the whole time. Points are made, but are they discarded to create the distraction needed to create mayhem or confusion when discussing the issue or issues here? You would think that if a point is made, then the reply wouldn't be one as if a point wasn't already covered or as if it wasn't never made at all. Reply to the points being made is what I say about it, and don't discard them with feel good talk that dances all around a point after it has been made.
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Where I'm from they are hiring based on lop sided or one sided quota's, and that opens up even another troubling issue in these lower rung or starter jobs these days. Reverse discrimination is running rampant in these corporate fast food joints now or as is being found in parts of the deep south, and it amazes me how when the shoe is on the other foot, no one see's the discrimination anymore no matter how much they know it's happening. Why is this ? I think that it's because discrimination against whites is somehow played as a myth when it happens, even though it's happening right before their very eyes now.
It's called a budget, I have x amount for employee hiring. If I can get 10 people @ MW on that budget I'll do that, because it casts a wider net on all /needed/ employees being there on any given day or shift. If I can now only get 5 employees, and thus it is now imperative that /all/ 5 make it everyday they are scheduled, then MW'ers with poor work ethics (almost all of them) are gone. So ultimately the poor work ethic MW'ers who couldn't move up the pay scale are the ones who will end up unemployed and on the gov ticket - exactly where they were before in probably 90% of the cases.

The push for 15 has absolutely /nothing/ to do with getting folks off gov assistance. If anything it's an attempt to punish the 1% that will fail miserably.
It's called a budget, I have x amount for employee hiring. If I can get 10 people @ MW on that budget I'll do that, because it casts a wider net on all /needed/ employees being there on any given day or shift. If I can now only get 5 employees, and thus it is now imperative that /all/ 5 make it everyday they are scheduled, then MW'ers with poor work ethics (almost all of them) are gone. So ultimately the poor work ethic MW'ers who couldn't move up the pay scale are the ones who will end up unemployed and on the gov ticket - exactly where they were before in probably 90% of the cases.

The push for 15 has absolutely /nothing/ to do with getting folks off gov assistance. If anything it's an attempt to punish the 1% that will fail miserably.
. Yep, it's why I wonder if it's truly about helping the ones who have been mis-treated by their companies or is it about income redistribution under the guise of helping the citizens on the lower scales be treated fairly ?
Only in America, can a rich white guy, with orange skin, ie Trump who by the way, and others like him are the reason wages in this country hasn't caught up with inflation and the cost of living since the late 60's, convince stupid ignorant white people that its Obama's the black guys fought, life now sucks in america...LOLOLOL. Not these rich white mf's, these CEO's, the Wall street fucks, who keep their white ass's out of the middle class....endlessly. Truth be told, if this country stayed with the cost of living, min. wage should be about 20 bucks an hour.

80% of the jobs in this country are all service industry jobs, just about....and that includes the burger flippers that I hope spit on your shit when you come in, moron.

This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is why a race-pimp Al Sharpton has been at the WH dozens of times in the last few years......angry losers like this one are helpless without him. :blsmile:

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