This Jewish FBI Agent Infiltrated a Bible Study

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
More evidence the Bolsheviks are in power.

The family of 27-year-old Fi Duong thought they escaped government oppression when they left Vietnam. They were wrong.​
According to an FBI criminal complaint, Duong has been closely surveilled by the FBI for the past six months, including while he engaged in religious activity.​
In conversations with undercover FBI agents, Duong held that he entered the Capitol on January 6th to film the events in a journalistic capacity. The man was a member of a Virginia-based Bible study group that Jewish Joint Terrorism Task Force special agent Jason Jankovitz decided to open up a domestic terror probe into.​
Agents repeatedly tried and failed to snare Duong into a Molotov cocktail plot because he owned multiple empty glass bottles. They were not able to charge him for any explosives related crimes, but the New York Times and various other outlets are reporting him as a terrorist anyway.​
Because, the New York Times is owned by Jews. This FBI agent and the NYT are Jewish supremacists. Still waiting for patriotic Jews to start calling this shit out.
Feds At Bible Study
According to Jankovitz, Duong popped up on the FBI’s radar after an undercover Metropolitan police officer made contact with him outside the Capitol on January 6th.​
A week later, the MPD officer introduced Duong to an undercover FBI agent, who he invited to a Bible study group he attended in Alexandria, Virginia. The suspect expressed anguish over the fact that his family fled persecution in Vietnam in hopes of obtaining freedom in the United States, only to now be subjected to similar oppression in America for his patriotic beliefs.​
At the house, the FBI agents participated in discussions about the Bible and the group of friends also shot firearms together. The criminal complaint also describes plans to improve their driving skills and train together in martial arts.​
Outside of telling group members that he had entered the Capitol to film as a journalist, description of an instance where he had infiltrated an Antifa event, and discussions of Virginia peacefully seceding from the United States, there was nothing in the group that justified federal agents spying on them.​
Failed Attempts At Entrapment
Multiple agents began isolating members and trying to talk them into behavior that could be construed as a domestic terror plot.​
Judging from the affidavit, Duong was meticulously law abiding. He discussed plans to obtain a suppressor for his rifle but only after filing the proper paper work with the ATF, for example. The complaint against Duong focuses heavily on his political criticisms of Antifa, Black Lives Matter and the Democratic Party, but does not describe any activity that could be prosecuted as criminal.​
After noticing a box of empty glass bottles in the suspect’s home, agents began pressuring him to make Molotov Cocktails.​
While creating the contraption — a glass bottle filled with gasoline and ignited with a rag to make a small fire — for entertainment value does not strike most people as a serious crime, federal prosecutors on a political mission have in the past charged making Molotov cocktails as the same thing as building an actual bomb.​
Last June, two FBI agents pressured Duong into trying to build Molotov cocktails to test them out in West Virginia. The suspect then changed his mind last minute. He told the two undercover agents that he wanted to obtain permission from the ATF to construct the explosive device before actually doing it.​
The agents soon peer pressured him into another attempt, this time at an abandoned prison in Fairfax County, which the FBI could use to dump serious charges on the man.​
He was picked up in an undercover FBI vehicle and the men engaged in “reconnaissance.” At the site, Duong was recorded telling the agents that he liked the idea, but would seek to get formal permission from the state before testing the devices near the facility.​
Ultimately, the undercover agents got frustrated and decided to charge him for trespassing at the Capitol. In spite of this, the FBI complaint features the phrase “Molotov cocktail” over 24 times, which is an attempt to paint the suspect as a dangerous criminal when he appears before a judge.​
It should be noted that an FBI criminal complaint is merely a narrative constructed by the agent authoring it, and should thus be taken with a grain of salt.​
Even as the only information available to the public at the moment, there are already serious civil rights and freedom of religion questions, including in respects to bias and hate when it comes to a federal agent of Jewish ancestry deciding to target men of the Christian faith for surveillance while they engage in fellowship and worship.​
Next, the FBI will be entering mosques and trying to do this to them too....

Why wasn't this stuff stopped back when we had a real president in the WH??

Next, the FBI will be entering mosques and trying to do this to them too....

Why wasn't this stuff stopped back when we had a real president in the WH??

Biff...bro...where have you been? They have been in Mosques for 25 years. Probably not synagogues! But I could be wrong.
"they" are not in mosques-----there WAS some minor surveillance of the mosques in
Jersey City, New Jersey -----where your all time fave IMAMs was among the
several who plotted to topple the WTC and several other crimes in NYC which were
comitted with varying "success" The attempted toppling of WTC in 1993 managed
to kill only ??? something like six kaffirin ---
Because, the New York Times is owned by Jews. This FBI agent and the NYT are Jewish supremacists. Still waiting for patriotic Jews to start calling this shit out.
Patriotic to Israel only. Their goal is to punish the goyim (nations) into submission to the law of circumcision. The Protocols of Zion is the real deal everywhere in the world.
Next, the FBI will be entering mosques and trying to do this to them too....

Why wasn't this stuff stopped back when we had a real president in the WH??

Biff...bro...where have you been? They have been in Mosques for 25 years. Probably not synagogues! But I could be wrong.
"they" are not in mosques-----there WAS some minor surveillance of the mosques in
Jersey City, New Jersey -----where your all time fave IMAMs was among the
several who plotted to topple the WTC and several other crimes in NYC which were
comitted with varying "success" The attempted toppling of WTC in 1993 managed
to kill only ??? something like six kaffirin ---
IRosie...those MFers are in everything, and everywhere. If it ain't them (FBI) it's the NSA, DIA, or CIA....or one of the other 20 alphabet agencies. They are monitoring everything.
We exist in a paranoid kleptocracy.
Next, the FBI will be entering mosques and trying to do this to them too....

Why wasn't this stuff stopped back when we had a real president in the WH??

Biff...bro...where have you been? They have been in Mosques for 25 years. Probably not synagogues! But I could be wrong.
"they" are not in mosques-----there WAS some minor surveillance of the mosques in
Jersey City, New Jersey -----where your all time fave IMAMs was among the
several who plotted to topple the WTC and several other crimes in NYC which were
comitted with varying "success" The attempted toppling of WTC in 1993 managed
to kill only ??? something like six kaffirin ---
I said "Next the FBI will be entering mosques" -- what about word comprehension is difficult for you?
Next, the FBI will be entering mosques and trying to do this to them too....

Why wasn't this stuff stopped back when we had a real president in the WH??

Biff...bro...where have you been? They have been in Mosques for 25 years. Probably not synagogues! But I could be wrong.
"they" are not in mosques-----there WAS some minor surveillance of the mosques in
Jersey City, New Jersey -----where your all time fave IMAMs was among the
several who plotted to topple the WTC and several other crimes in NYC which were
comitted with varying "success" The attempted toppling of WTC in 1993 managed
to kill only ??? something like six kaffirin ---
IRosie...those MFers are in everything, and everywhere. If it ain't them (FBI) it's the NSA, DIA, or CIA....or one of the other 20 alphabet agencies. They are monitoring everything.
We exist in a paranoid kleptocracy.
good. so many terrorist acts could have been avoided if the surveillance of
mosques in Jersey City had been vigorous. As to more recent violence in NYC,
if video surveillance had been properly carried out during violence in the streets
------thousands of dangerous criminals would be in jail rather than infecting the
streets and public transport.
Next, the FBI will be entering mosques and trying to do this to them too....

Why wasn't this stuff stopped back when we had a real president in the WH??

Biff...bro...where have you been? They have been in Mosques for 25 years. Probably not synagogues! But I could be wrong.
"they" are not in mosques-----there WAS some minor surveillance of the mosques in
Jersey City, New Jersey -----where your all time fave IMAMs was among the
several who plotted to topple the WTC and several other crimes in NYC which were
comitted with varying "success" The attempted toppling of WTC in 1993 managed
to kill only ??? something like six kaffirin ---
I said "Next the FBI will be entering mosques" -- what about word comprehension is difficult for you?
What about word comprehension is difficult for you?-----I commented on the FACT that
there was some surveillance of mosques in Jersey City in the past-----but there was so
much objection that the program was terminated. Crime is just HAPPENING without
the benefit of video now in NYC
if video surveillance had been properly carried out during violence in the streets
------thousands of dangerous criminals would be in jail rather than infecting the
streets and public transport.
Pickpocketing on public transportation for one thing isn't encouraged in the mosques, now, it it? What evil is being promoted or compelled there, pray tell?

Why aren't those synagogues under surveillance? Why are Jews so intent on putting churches and other houses of worship under surveillance if they themselves aren't going to attend and listen to the sermon?
if video surveillance had been properly carried out during violence in the streets
------thousands of dangerous criminals would be in jail rather than infecting the
streets and public transport.
Pickpocketing on public transportation for one thing isn't encouraged in the mosques, now, it it? What evil is being promoted or compelled there, pray tell?

Why aren't those synagogues under surveillance? Why are Jews so intent on putting churches and other houses of worship under surveillance if they themselves aren't going to attend and listen to the sermon?
I have never heard any Imam advocate pick-pocketing. If you want to know what IS being
said in mosques, try to wangle an invitation for a Friday service in one that uses english.
Generally mosques that serve persons from South east Asia are english speaking. As to the
post which you pasted------it has nothing to do with mosques or muslims----it addresses
CRIME in NYC which is rampant. People have been arrested because they were videoed
as taking part n the demonstration at the Capitol building, JAN. 6-------murders go virtually
unnoticed in the Streets of NYC, assaults and vandalism is ignored even when witnessed and
the perpetrators are identified. I know of no jew who seeks surveillance of churches. As for
me, I have heard more than enough church sermons. You are very confused.
Their goal is to punish the goyim (nations) into submission to the law of circumcision
murders go virtually
unnoticed in the Streets of NYC, assaults and vandalism is ignored even when witnessed and
the perpetrators are identified
Legitimate 5-Families hits with the backing of City Hall.
even more confused----young black adults are not shooting each other
in Brooklyn at the behest of the GODFATHER. Elderly people are not being
assaulted in the Subways at the behest of John Gotti
There is no reason to drag an FBI agent's personal religion into this. People of all faiths engage in terrorism and then try to hide behind their religions, including people who call themselves "Christian."

People like D. James Kennedy (Christian?) has expressed a desire for him and his cult to take over the entire United States. One of the filthy traitors who attacked Congress on Jan. 6 dragged a cross into the Capitol, thus desecrating both the Christian faith and our nation simultaneously. Like it or not, there is a terrorist movement active in the U.S. that calls itself "Christian." It is active and it doesn't mind using violence to achieve its goals.

This agent was just doing his damned job, which is to protect our nation.
even more confused----young black adults are not shooting each other
in Brooklyn at the behest of the GODFATHER. Elderly people are not being
assaulted in the Subways at the behest of John Gotti
Damn you're getting defensive on behalf of the Jewish and Sicilian crime families.

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