This June was the 2nd warmest ever recorded in USA!

In the Midwest and Northeast, February 2015 ranked as one of the coldest Februaries on record for many major cities. The slideshow above shows how the month finished for 10 locations from Chicago and Cincinnati to New York City and Boston.

For some major cities, it ranked as the coldest or second coldest February on record. In Syracuse, New York and Bangor, Maine, it was not only the coldest February on record, but also the coldest of any month since records began.

Although not shown above, here are some other locations that experienced a record cold February: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, Erie, Pennsylvania and Youngstown, Ohio.

Not only was the cold persistent in the East during February, but the magnitude was also extreme at times. We've seen all-time record lows for the month set in some locations, while others saw their coldest temperatures in decades.
Unusually cool here last couple days. Lotta rain though. Been stuck inside for two days. And someone turned off the heat in the hottub pumping in cold water. Has been lukewarm a couple times over the years but never downright cold like the other day. Thought for a split second it was scaldingly hot. That it even could be cold never even occured to me. :)
And more global warming...

2013 14 North American cold wave - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The 2013–14 North American cold wavewas an extreme weather event extending from December 2013 to April 2014, and was also part of an unusually cold winter affecting parts of Canada and the Eastern United States.[6] The event consisted of 2 episodes, the first one in December 2013 and the second in early 2014, both caused by southward shifts of the North Polar Vortex. Record low temperatures also extended well into March.

From December 6–10, the first wave of record-breaking cold air pushed into the Eastern U.S., before the temperatures returned to a more stable range. On January 2, an Arctic cold front initially associated with a nor'easter, tracked across Canada and the United States, resulting in heavy snowfall. Temperatures fell to unprecedented levels, and low temperature records were broken across the United States. Business, school, and road closures were common, as well as mass flight cancellations.[7][8][9][10]Altogether, more than 200 million people were affected, in an area ranging from theRocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean and extending south to include roughly 187 million residents of the Continental United States.[11]
Summer 2014 is the coldest in a decade New York Post

The summer of 2014 has been one of the mildest on the books — and could be the first summer in a decade without a heatwave.

“It wasn’t clear if it was going to be a hot or a cool summer,” said National Weather Service meteorologist David Stark. “We started out the year very cool and it seems like we just continued that. It doesn’t look like we have any heat waves in the near future.”

Instead of searching for the skimpiest outfits to battle the sizzling sun, New Yorkers are reaching for their sweatshirts.

“It’s been so much colder this summer,” said Susan Vartholomatos, 51, who broke out her bikini for a beach day Friday afternoon. “In the morning, when I go out to my terrace, I need a sweatshirt.”

Vartholomatos said she wishes it was hotter, adding “I’d take heat and humidity over snow any day.”

Only four days have hit 90 degrees this summer, three in July and one in August, with the hottest temperature on the books clocking in at 91.

The last time the city went without a heat wave – classified as three consecutive days of temperatures higher than 90 degrees – was in 2004.
Hum, I must rethink this, I thought global warming side effect was colder harsher weather. I might be wrong, there is always that chance.:biggrin:
According to NOAA 2014 was the warmest in the last 10 or so years, it looks like it came in tenth, using their numbers.

Climate at a Glance National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

Exactly how warm should it be?

Hum, I must rethink this, I thought global warming side effect was colder harsher weather. I might be wrong, there is always that chance.:biggrin:

Global Warming is proven by anything that happens and you libtards will still buy it.
Last week, Los Angeles broke a record by a temp of 107. Except that in tiny little letters at the bottom of the TV screen it said "Palm Springs". It wasn't the temp in Los Angeles, which was below 70. It was just the reported temp in LA. The avg temp in Palm Springs this time of year isn't even 107. It's 113.
Last week, Los Angeles broke a record by a temp of 107. Except that in tiny little letters at the bottom of the TV screen it said "Palm Springs". It wasn't the temp in Los Angeles, which was below 70. It was just the reported temp in LA. The avg temp in Palm Springs this time of year isn't even 107. It's 113.

And I am sure they jumped to correct the spotted oversight, right?


In the Midwest and Northeast, February 2015 ranked as one of the coldest Februaries on record for many major cities. The slideshow above shows how the month finished for 10 locations from Chicago and Cincinnati to New York City and Boston.

For some major cities, it ranked as the coldest or second coldest February on record. In Syracuse, New York and Bangor, Maine, it was not only the coldest February on record, but also the coldest of any month since records began.

Although not shown above, here are some other locations that experienced a record cold February: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, Erie, Pennsylvania and Youngstown, Ohio.

Not only was the cold persistent in the East during February, but the magnitude was also extreme at times. We've seen all-time record lows for the month set in some locations, while others saw their coldest temperatures in decades.
How about the planet? You know, as in "global"?
Conservatives love to discuss" local warming?"
Was the cold temperature is the cities you cherrypicked enough to make the planet coldest than most other years?
How about the planet? You know, as in "global"?
Conservatives love to discuss" local warming?"
Was the cold temperature is the cities you cherrypicked enough to make the planet coldest than most other years?

The raw numbers are fine and sho no warming, but the 'adjusted' numbers do. Lysenkoism at work all around
Conservatives loved to tell us that the Northeast was cold in 2014 (though it was nowhere near record cold). But they won't talk about June in the ENTIRE USA for sure.

Hypocrites. They continue to lose the global warming debate. Summary Information National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

So, are you fascists cocksuckers going back to "Global Warming" now, because of June, or are you going to stay with the safer "Climate Change" like you had to go to when you were freezing your asses off up there in Loon Land.
It can't help but get colder. It will get much colder because sunspot activity has decreased to nothing. It's called the Maunder Minimum. Bundle up, because for SURE the colder it gets, the warmer the hoaxers will say it is.
Damn...its July and its cold outside...ugh!

Boston still has snow on the ground...

Snow lingers into summer in winter-weary Boston
Damn...its July and its cold outside...ugh!

Boston still has snow on the ground...

Snow lingers into summer in winter-weary Boston
Damn...its July and its cold outside...ugh!

Boston still has snow on the ground...

Snow lingers into summer in winter-weary Boston
Conservatives loved to tell us that the Northeast was cold in 2014 (though it was nowhere near record cold). But they won't talk about June in the ENTIRE USA for sure.

Hypocrites. They continue to lose the global warming debate. Summary Information National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

Funny,we havent reached 95 in Houston yet... for the first time since 1946.
And last year we never hit 100 which hasnt happened in over 20 years.
Speaking of last year, 2014 summer was the hottest summer on record in the planet. But conservatives think cherry picked cities are planets NOAA says Summer 2014 was hottest ever...Houston we have a problem - Blog - weathertrends360

You seem to be excited... Planning a trip to the Sandbox or something????

And I just LOVE your link!!!!

NOAA says Summer 2014 was hottest ever...Houston we have a problem - Blog - weathertrends360
NOAA says Summer 2014 was hottest ever...Houston we have a problem!
September 22nd, 2014 | wt360

By now you've heard that NOAA National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) declared Summer 2014 was the hottest ever recorded across the globe. Really? They even have it displayed as the now infamous, but debunked, Hockey Stick in the form of a roller coaster. The Hockey Stick is the chart in Al Gore's fictional movie Inconvenient Truth that showed global temperatures have been steady for thousands of years but in the past 30 have sky rocketed out of control due to 400 parts per million of atmospheric carbon.

Do they think we all forgot about Climate Gate when the UK climate scientists willfully massaged data to make it look more extreme than it really was? Recall when the Penn State Climate Professor (responsible for this bogus hockey stick temperature chart) said to
UK counterparts "hide the decline" or "the trick" as they willfully massaged the data to create this totally fabricated temperature graph - still in use today at NOAA-NCDC. Sadly the massaging of climate data continues today and with a few key strokes the past magically was made cooler while the present is made warmer. Here's what NOAA is doing to weather history - see how warm Maine temperatures were in the early 1900s but now they've been cooled by NOAA-NCDC. But our government agency isn't alone as both the Australian Met Office and New Zealand Met Office are the next Climate Gates in the making. With a change in political parties down under came investigations into corruption with their government scientists - a warning for scientists everywhere who didn't learn that the TRUTH will eventually come out.

Back to this Summer being the hottest ever. Empirical and real weather data around the world suggests otherwise. The thousands of temperature sensors from all of the world's weather reporting stations says it was the coolest Summer in 6 years globally (graph below).

The number of hot days over 90F was also well below average - least in 10 years globally. Seems odd that the planet and oceans were so warm yet we didn't see that manifested with extreme heat waves? Hmmmmmm

Land based temperatures have all kinds of flaws like urban heat island affects, movement of sensors, instrumentation errors, etc. etc. so let's look at the Satellite temperature data to see if the planet was #1 hottest this Summer. Nope! Global temperatures (land and oceans) in the lower atmosphere near the surface were +0.20C above average. Graph below continues to show nearly 17 years without any Global Warming.

If we look at just the Ocean temperatures they were +0.22C above average but again nowhere near as hot as 2010 +0.35C, 2002 +0.29C, 2001 +0.29C and the mega El Nino year August 1998 +0.39C.

So assuming you believe the Oceans are blistering hot we have another inconvenient fact - Global Sea Ice is trending 600,000 sq kilometers to 1,100,00 sq kilometers ABOVE AVERAGE globally. Antarctica is bigger than it's ever been setting 7 records this past year and the North Pole is also +53% bigger than just two years ago and +12% bigger than 7 years ago when Al Gore said the North Pole ice would be gone in 2014 - ooopppssss - still here and expanding!

So if the planet is scorching hot and the oceans blistering hot than hurricanes should be rampant across the globe? Nope! The Atlantic continues with the longest streak of 9 straight years without a major land falling hurricane - longest stretch on record going back over 100 years. The other metrics include Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE Index) to measure the strength and longevity of Hurricanes/Typhoons and that too is 51% below average in the Atlantic - near 30 years lows and globally 13% below average. The Eastern Pacific off Mexico to Hawaii has been the active spot this year with weak El Nino type water temperatures - the exception to the global trends.

So the only explanation that Summer 2014 was the hottest ever is data manipulation or maybe some simple math mistakes as it just doesn't add up with reality.
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