This Just In...Global Gullible Warming Treaty Sputters

No it isn't...The effects of CO2 in a closed and controlled environment -which the planet clearly is not- are known.

You should take your own advice on repeating lies over and over again.

wow ! - Dude is a credible climate scientist too?
but you are a credible scientist who can translate the current data for us here right?
Irrelevant to your lie.....The most evident part of which was the nebulous weasel word "credible".

Which, of course, begs the question: Credible to whom?

Moreover, it's invoking the logical fallacy of appeal to authority.
Main Entry: cred·i·ble
Pronunciation: \ˈkre-də-bəl\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin credibilis, from credere
Date: 14th century
1 : offering reasonable grounds for being believed <a credible account of an accident> <credible witnesses>
You 90% claim is an outright lie.


No, it is an underestimate.

Scientific opinion on climate change and global warming

Environmental groups have warned of the contribution to climate change from human activities for decades. It has taken the scientific community many years to begin making definitive statements about the accuracy of these claims. It should be noted that while the overwhelming majority of scientists now accept that human activities are a major cause of global warming, there is still a small number of scientists who disagree with these conclusions.

evidence supporting global warming & human causes
The fact that carbon dioxide absorbs and emits IR radiation has been known for over a century. Gas bubbles trapped in ice cores give us a detailed record of atmospheric chemistry and temperature back more than four hundred thousand years, with the temperature record confirmed by other geologic evidence. This record tells us that carbon dioxide and temperature rise and fall tightly together. The recent rise in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is greater than any in hundreds of thousands of years and this is human-caused.

The historical temperature record shows a rise of 0.4–0.8 °C over the last 100 years, and the current warmth is unusual in the past 1000 years. Climate change attribution studies using both models and observations find that the warming of the last 50 years is likely caused by human activity. Natural variability (including solar variation) alone cannot explain the recent change. Climate models can reproduce the observed trend only when greenhouse gas forcing is included.

There is a scientific consensus behind all of the above, reflected in official statements by professional associations related to climate science. Humankind is performing a great geophysical experiment and if it turns out badly — however that is defined — we cannot undo it. We cannot even abruptly turn it off. Too many of the things we are doing now have long-term ramifications for centuries into the future.

Climate models predict more warming, and other climate effects such as sea level rise, more frequent and severe storms, drought and heat waves in the future.
You 90% claim is an outright lie.


No, it is an underestimate.

Scientific opinion on climate change and global warming

Environmental groups have warned of the contribution to climate change from human activities for decades. It has taken the scientific community many years to begin making definitive statements about the accuracy of these claims. It should be noted that while the overwhelming majority of scientists now accept that human activities are a major cause of global warming, there is still a small number of scientists who disagree with these conclusions.blablablablabla...

There's zero evidence in there for the completely ridiculous 90% claim.

Volume of paragraphs and a list of head-bobbers in an echo chamber doesn't disguise a weak-assed deflection.

BTW..."Consensus" isn't scientific....It's political.
Yap, yap, yap. But not a single referance. Because Doooodeeee......, knows there are none.
You 90% claim is an outright lie.


No, it is an underestimate.

Scientific opinion on climate change and global warming

Environmental groups have warned of the contribution to climate change from human activities for decades. It has taken the scientific community many years to begin making definitive statements about the accuracy of these claims. It should be noted that while the overwhelming majority of scientists now accept that human activities are a major cause of global warming, there is still a small number of scientists who disagree with these conclusions.blablablablabla...

There's zero evidence in there for the completely ridiculous 90% claim.

Volume of paragraphs and a list of head-bobbers in an echo chamber doesn't disguise a weak-assed deflection.

BTW..."Consensus" isn't scientific....It's political.

Yap, yap, yap. But not a single referance (sic). Because Doooodeeee......, knows there are none.
I have plenty of references, just none that you'll accept, so what would be the point?

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