This letter just proved three Democrats guilty of one major crime in the Ukraine


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
Donald Trump and his allies have maintained that the real scandal with Ukraine involves the Democrats.

On Tuesday, the President was proven right.

And this letter just proved three Democrats guilty of one major crime in the Ukraine.

Washington Post columnist Marc Thiessen’s latest piece on the fake Ukraine scandal takes dead aim at the Left’s hypocrisy.

Thiessen noted that liberals are losing their minds over Donald Trump, asking the President of Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden.

Fake news reporters and Democrats are calling Trump a traitor, saying he sold out American national security for political gain and abused his office.

But as Thiessen notes, no one on the Left took any issue with three Democrat Senators — Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Richard Durbin (D-IL), and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) — for writing a letter threatening to withhold assistance to Ukraine if the country didn’t work with Democrats to investigate President Trump.

This letter just proved three Democrats guilty of one major crime in the Ukraine | Renewed Right
But as Thiessen notes, no one on the Left took any issue with three Democrat Senators — Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Richard Durbin (D-IL), and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) — for writing a letter threatening to withhold assistance to Ukraine if the country didn’t work with Democrats to investigate President Trump.

(oh boy)
Durbin, Menendez and Leahy...the Three Stooges of the DNC.
Someone should organize a committee and ask the naughty boys about their letter.
Your source is about as credible as a three dollar bill.

It is true, as the Washington Post did indeed talk about this on their own website:

Democrats Double Standard on Ukraine

You are too lazy to check this for yourself......

It is not just lazy
People like him are terrified of facts - because actual facts usually do not fit the narrative that he has been sold.

Later I will post all the famous Democrat Operatives connected to Obama and Clinton that were working in the Ukraine at the time.
He will also dismiss that.
It will terrify him.
And they certainly didn’t mind when elected Democrats pressured the FBI, NSA, and CIA to investigate Donald Trump.

The sheer shamelessness of the Left’s hypocrisy on these issues is one reason why the American people no longer pay any attention to these fake and manufactured scandals.

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