This looks the Capital Mob...but it is in Michigan

This is what trump has done to our country. If he had been given four more years, can you imagine how much damage could be done? He woud have us all at each other's throats.

Thing that I find interesting is that the US is quite an eclectic country these days in terms of diversity. Yet almost to a T, all these protesters are white males over 40. They all look the same - beards, camo/rural clothing, caps. The odd white woman is in there. Saw one black guy on capital hill. Just a certain section of society.

This is what trump has done to our country. If he had been given four more years, can you imagine how much damage could be done? He woud have us all at each other's throats.

Exactly. Under a new administration you will see a crackdown on these insurrectionist crackpots.

Yeah, when they get arrested they will whimper like babies when they realize no one will be coming to rescue them from serving time in the big house.

That is just precious, John. BLM do what they do, ANTIFA does what they do, and you and your ilk want to go after these "insurrectionist crackpots"


You see that is wrong. I have condemned the violence at last years riots as did many, many Democrats. You choose to ignore that. Biden condemned the violence at the protests in no uncertain terms.

Yet, Trumpers continue to post misinformation about that.

Trumpers on the other hand have almost been unanimous in their PRAISE of the insurrectionist. Four died. The insurrection was no less that an attempt to overthrow our Constitutional Republic.

‘You would think they would stand up for our democracy. I was wrong.
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This is what trump has done to our country. If he had been given four more years, can you imagine how much damage could be done? He woud have us all at each other's throats.

We will give you the statues, but you give us the political buildings. We can take them all down together....Ebony and Ivory, live together in perfect harmony.....

This is what trump has done to our country. If he had been given four more years, can you imagine how much damage could be done? He woud have us all at each other's throats.

Exactly. Under a new administration you will see a crackdown on these insurrectionists crackpots.

Yeah, when they get arrested,they will whimper when they realize no one will be coming to get them out of prison.

yeah thats what we need,,, a politically motivated purge,,,

and you got the nerve to call trump a fascist nazi

LOL..when you break into the Halls of Government and engage in political Intimidation it is a crime. Trump gave these creeps a pass. Biden will not. Biden will prosecute.

why are you lying???

It is the truth. You know there was news yesterday of a Trumpist insurrection egged on by Trump at the Capitol Building. You must have missed it.

Show the clip, or give the quote of Trump "egging on," the insurrection.

I have not been able to locate it.

I have seen the second hand claims, but I am more interested in the facts.

Here ya go. Commence with the rationalizations in 3..2..1...go! :)

"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."

This is what trump has done to our country. If he had been given four more years, can you imagine how much damage could be done? He woud have us all at each other's throats.

Exactly. Under a new administration you will see a crackdown on these insurrectionists crackpots.

Yeah, when they get arrested,they will whimper when they realize no one will be coming to get them out of prison.

yeah thats what we need,,, a politically motivated purge,,,

and you got the nerve to call trump a fascist nazi

LOL..when you break into the Halls of Government and engage in political Intimidation it is a crime. Trump gave these creeps a pass. Biden will not. Biden will prosecute.

Stay tuned on that, but, you have to wait for the actual facts, not your marching orders from your comrades headquarters.
I think with what they found today, that the actual rioters (not protestors) were probably hired guns.
I say this because of the pipe bombs found at the Republican headquarters AND at the democrat headquarters.

I hate to burst your bubble but many of these ring leaders have been identified and they are Q anon and Trumpsters.

You are right, they received their marching orders. Their marching orders for insurrection came from Trump. He attempted a coup and failed.

These useful idiots for Trump will be prosecuted for tresspass, vandalism and insurrection while Trump sits his fat ass at Mar-a-lago while not giving a shit about them or how they destroyed their lives for that miscreant.

Having said that I agree there may have been other malefactors in the crowd. But who is to blame for that? I It all goes back to Trump for his incitement of this riot and insurrection.
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Stay tuned on that, but, you have to wait for the actual facts, not your marching orders from your comrades headquarters.
I think with what they found today, that the actual rioters (not protestors) were probably hired guns.
I say this because of the pipe bombs found at the Republican headquarters AND at the democrat headquarters.

How come you righties never take responsibility for your actions. Almost to a T, whenever Trump wingnuts do bad shit, within 24 hours it's "oh, they were antifa dressed up as Trump supporters". Shit, the woman that was shot couldn't be move overtly a Trump supporter. What? She was really antifa and gave her life to make Trump look bad. I mean how low and pathetic can you go?
Stay tuned on that, but, you have to wait for the actual facts, not your marching orders from your comrades headquarters.
I think with what they found today, that the actual rioters (not protestors) were probably hired guns.
I say this because of the pipe bombs found at the Republican headquarters AND at the democrat headquarters.

How come you righties never take responsibility for your actions. Almost to a T, whenever Trump wingnuts do bad shit, within 24 hours it's "oh, they were antifa dressed up as Trump supporters". Shit, the woman that was shot couldn't be move overtly a Trump supporter. What? She was really antifa and gave her life to make Trump look bad. I mean how low and pathetic can you go?
Apparently, not as low as you, you set the standards for a lowlife.
I never said that ALL those people were ANTIFA, it only takes a few to get things stirred up into a frenzy, just like last summer.
But, you seem to have such a low IQ that you can only see things in black and white.

Not that your masters would ever have you do your own critical thinking, but...why would a Trump protestor plant a pipe bomb
at the republican headquarters? wise up, dude.

This is what trump has done to our country. If he had been given four more years, can you imagine how much damage could be done? He woud have us all at each other's throats.

Michigan HATES Whitmer and the dems-----ergo we know the election there was a fraud. What do you expect people to do? Continue to allow our corrupt government to destroy the country.

This is what trump has done to our country. If he had been given four more years, can you imagine how much damage could be done? He woud have us all at each other's throats.

Michigan HATES Whitmer and the dems-----ergo we know the election there was a fraud. What do you expect people to do? Continue to allow our corrupt government to destroy the country.

Why they storm the capital and tear things up....just like all obedient trumpsters.
why would a Trump protestor plant a pipe bomb at the republican headquarters? wise up, dude.

Christ almighty, why wouldn't they? They hate the Repub party. Two months ago it was all Trump/Pence yee-ha! Now, in keeping with Trumpsters and Deplorables eating their own, Pence is a turd because he confirmed the EC votes. Same with anybody who has spoken out against him. Jim Jones had nothing on the Orange Buffoon - and his old, white, male, conservative, dying out, followers.

This is what trump has done to our country. If he had been given four more years, can you imagine how much damage could be done? He woud have us all at each other's throats.

Michigan HATES Whitmer and the dems-----ergo we know the election there was a fraud. What do you expect people to do? Continue to allow our corrupt government to destroy the country.

Why they storm the capital and tear things up....just like all obedient trumpsters.

Entering a public building that is open to all. . . . is not, "storming the capitol."

Secondly, there was no "tearing things up."

Why are you using such hyperbole?

. . . oh yeah, telling the truth doesn't further your political agenda.
why would a Trump protestor plant a pipe bomb at the republican headquarters? wise up, dude.

Christ almighty, why wouldn't they? They hate the Repub party. Two months ago it was all Trump/Pence yee-ha! Now, in keeping with Trumpsters and Deplorables eating their own, Pence is a turd because he confirmed the EC votes. Same with anybody who has spoken out against him. Jim Jones had nothing on the Orange Buffoon - and his old, white, male, conservative, dying out, followers.

Enjoy your evening <shaking head>

This is what trump has done to our country. If he had been given four more years, can you imagine how much damage could be done? He woud have us all at each other's throats.

Exactly. Under a new administration you will see a crackdown on these insurrectionist crackpots.

Yeah, when they get arrested they will whimper like babies when they realize no one will be coming to rescue them from serving time in the big house.

If that so happens, you could be next if you forget to genuflect to whoever can push you down if you sneeze out of turn.

This is what trump has done to our country. If he had been given four more years, can you imagine how much damage could be done? He woud have us all at each other's throats.

Exactly. Under a new administration you will see a crackdown on these insurrectionist crackpots.

Yeah, when they get arrested they will whimper like babies when they realize no one will be coming to rescue them from serving time in the big house.

If that so happens, you could be next if you forget to genuflect to whoever can push you down if you sneeze out of turn.

There are plenty of ways Americans can protest the feelings - from organised, peaceful protests, to the ballot box. Having anarchy never ends well.

This is what trump has done to our country. If he had been given four more years, can you imagine how much damage could be done? He woud have us all at each other's throats.


. . . if you honestly think this all has anything at all to do with Trump? That is all the more proof of how ignorant you really are.

It has nothing to do with Trump, nor does it have to do with Obama.

This is what the education system and the press have done to our nation, and what they will continue to do to our nation, long after Trump is dead, and Obama is retired, until the global oligarchs have achieved their final goals.

It is a distraction game, and you are either a victim of it, or you are amplifying it.

It's the fault of education and the press?? exactly.

This is what trump has done to our country. If he had been given four more years, can you imagine how much damage could be done? He woud have us all at each other's throats.

Those were antifa people dressed as Trump people...just ask any Trump supporter.
why would a Trump protestor plant a pipe bomb at the republican headquarters? wise up, dude.

Christ almighty, why wouldn't they? They hate the Repub party. Two months ago it was all Trump/Pence yee-ha! Now, in keeping with Trumpsters and Deplorables eating their own, Pence is a turd because he confirmed the EC votes. Same with anybody who has spoken out against him. Jim Jones had nothing on the Orange Buffoon - and his old, white, male, conservative, dying out, followers.
Comparing our President to a dead serial child killer with poisoned kool ade 50 years ago is not a very good idea.

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