This May Be That New Civil War So Many Have Been Referencing....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
The Democrat Party is responsible for a year long spate of arsons, riots, anarko-terrorism.....

Perhaps they are happy with having gotten away with it, and the theft of the election, and replacing a pro-America President with Biden...

But now they have a tiger by the tail......or maybe a dragon:

Three Asian men have become national sensations for standing up to so-called “white supremacy” with the fury of the dragon.

A video clip reportedly recorded in Dallas shows an obese black woman in a yellow shirt angrily storming into the cashier booth of what appears to be a convenience store or gas station, intent on kicking the cashiers’ butts.

But instead of kicking butt, she got her butt kicked.

Despite being significantly smaller than the large black woman, the two Asian men who were initially in the booth quickly whooped her into submission.

At first the woman pushed her way into the booth while yelling “don’t disrespect me” and aimed right for the smaller of the two men, a guy in a white shirt and glasses.

She quickly overwhelmed him with her size, pushing him into the booth’s wall. But the other man quickly rushed to his aid and flashed a gun at the woman."


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Now notice how news reporter Elijah Schaffer of TheBlaze framed it as Asians fighting back against “white supremacists in Dallas.” He purposefully referred to the black woman as a white supremacist to make a point.

Though the majority of recent attacks on Asians have been committed by black perpetrators, the mainstream press has falsely claimed that white supremacy is at he root of these attacks. It’s as if they don’t want the public to believe their lying eyes — or the data.

According to 2018 crime data from the Department of Justice, black-on-Asian crime (50,113) is 281 times more common than Asian-on-black crime (fewer than 563), whereas white-on-Asian crime (43,917) is half as common as Asian-on-white crime (78,789).

(Source: DOJ 2018 Victimization Report)
Nevertheless, just last week NBC News ran a lengthy piece claiming that white people are the true perpetrators of anti-Asian crime. To prove this point, the mainstream outlet deceptively mixed bias complaints and “incidents” in with actual crimes."
The Democrat Party is responsible for a year long spate of arsons, riots, anarko-terrorism.....

Perhaps they are happy with having gotten away with it, and the theft of the election, and replacing a pro-America President with Biden...

But now they have a tiger by the tail......or maybe a dragon:

Three Asian men have become national sensations for standing up to so-called “white supremacy” with the fury of the dragon.

A video clip reportedly recorded in Dallas shows an obese black woman in a yellow shirt angrily storming into the cashier booth of what appears to be a convenience store or gas station, intent on kicking the cashiers’ butts.

But instead of kicking butt, she got her butt kicked.

Despite being significantly smaller than the large black woman, the two Asian men who were initially in the booth quickly whooped her into submission.

At first the woman pushed her way into the booth while yelling “don’t disrespect me” and aimed right for the smaller of the two men, a guy in a white shirt and glasses.

She quickly overwhelmed him with her size, pushing him into the booth’s wall. But the other man quickly rushed to his aid and flashed a gun at the woman."

This civil war talk is for losers, quitters and Trump chumps.
The Democrat Party is responsible for a year long spate of arsons, riots, anarko-terrorism.....

Perhaps they are happy with having gotten away with it, and the theft of the election, and replacing a pro-America President with Biden...

But now they have a tiger by the tail......or maybe a dragon:

Three Asian men have become national sensations for standing up to so-called “white supremacy” with the fury of the dragon.

A video clip reportedly recorded in Dallas shows an obese black woman in a yellow shirt angrily storming into the cashier booth of what appears to be a convenience store or gas station, intent on kicking the cashiers’ butts.

But instead of kicking butt, she got her butt kicked.

Despite being significantly smaller than the large black woman, the two Asian men who were initially in the booth quickly whooped her into submission.

At first the woman pushed her way into the booth while yelling “don’t disrespect me” and aimed right for the smaller of the two men, a guy in a white shirt and glasses.

She quickly overwhelmed him with her size, pushing him into the booth’s wall. But the other man quickly rushed to his aid and flashed a gun at the woman."

This civil war talk is for losers, quitters and Trump chumps.

Gee....your sort said the very same thing when you fired on Fort Sumter.

Quite a different tune at Appomattox.
"Three Asian men have become national sensations for standing up to so-called “white supremacy” with the fury of the dragon."

Law abiding Americans expected a similar response to the riots and arsons of the Biden voters during the year leading up to the stoles n election.

Unfortunately, Democrats prevented law enforcement from doing its job, and made certain that the criminal knew they would be protected.

With the following result:

“Jaw-Dropping: Police Chief Association Releases Number of Officers Injured During Violent Riots

The Major Cities Chiefs Association released a report detailing the number of violent riots and the number of police officers injured during the riots U.S. cities faced after the death of George Floyd in May.The MCCA, which has members in 69 of the largest cities in the U.S., released the findings of their survey in October and compiled data from May 25 to July 31, 2020. In total, 8,700 protests took place in major American cities during that time period.Of the 8,700 protests, 574 of them were riots that saw mass looting and destruction.

During the riots cities experienced, the MCCA said their survey found at least 2,000 police officers were injured:

"In cities where violence did occur, assaults on police officers, looting, and arson were the most common criminal activities. Approximately, 72% of major city law enforcement agencies had officers harmed during the protests. This included nearly every agency that experienced at least one violent protest. In total, over the course of the civil unrest from May to July, more than 2,000 officers sustained injuries in the line of duty. One agency reported 50 officers being injured in a single week of protests. Another agency reported that 462 of their officers were injured during the protests in their jurisdiction.

"Looting was also a common occurrence (2,385 instances), with 62% of major city law enforcement agencies indicating that at least one incident of looting occurred in their cities. “

Every single one due to Biden voters.

Riots, arson, anarchism, assaults, lawlessness rewarded, neither lives nor property safe.....under Democrat governance.
One wonders why citizens pay taxes, and what they expect from government, when the above is the norm from Democrats officials.
The Democrat Party is responsible for a year long spate of arsons, riots, anarko-terrorism.....

Perhaps they are happy with having gotten away with it, and the theft of the election, and replacing a pro-America President with Biden...

But now they have a tiger by the tail......or maybe a dragon:

Three Asian men have become national sensations for standing up to so-called “white supremacy” with the fury of the dragon.

A video clip reportedly recorded in Dallas shows an obese black woman in a yellow shirt angrily storming into the cashier booth of what appears to be a convenience store or gas station, intent on kicking the cashiers’ butts.

But instead of kicking butt, she got her butt kicked.

Despite being significantly smaller than the large black woman, the two Asian men who were initially in the booth quickly whooped her into submission.

At first the woman pushed her way into the booth while yelling “don’t disrespect me” and aimed right for the smaller of the two men, a guy in a white shirt and glasses.

She quickly overwhelmed him with her size, pushing him into the booth’s wall. But the other man quickly rushed to his aid and flashed a gun at the woman."

This civil war talk is for losers, quitters and Trump chumps.

We will never have a civil war, atleast not with today's current society.

Group A. It won't happen because the average good natured, hard working citizen won't do anything first. They won't make a move until things really really get out of hand.

Group B. The BLM, antifa, rioters, blacks, brain washed you g whites and so on will never push things far enough because they are all cowards. Sure they will loot, burn, riot, scream and so on but they won't ever do it so much they activate group A because in the end they are cowards. They only do things that are safe like riot in groups, brandish weapons in groups when they are alone and being videoed, attack weaker people alone or fewer people in groups, scream for the camera and such. They are afraid of a real fight so they show their ass but won't ever do it without being out of mommies sight so they can run away if it doesn't go their way.

Group B doesn't want a civil war because they are afraid, and cowards. And group A won't take the first step because they are reasonable people who just want to be left alone.

Group B also is afraid of a civil war because they can't handle it and would be utterly decimated in it almost instantly because group A contains people who actually know what real violence is and have experienced it and can bring it if necessary. Drive by shootings and talking shit on twitter isn't violence like group B thinks it is, military and such know what real violence is because that's all of what group A is.
The Democrat Party is responsible for a year long spate of arsons, riots, anarko-terrorism.....

Perhaps they are happy with having gotten away with it, and the theft of the election, and replacing a pro-America President with Biden...

But now they have a tiger by the tail......or maybe a dragon:

Three Asian men have become national sensations for standing up to so-called “white supremacy” with the fury of the dragon.

A video clip reportedly recorded in Dallas shows an obese black woman in a yellow shirt angrily storming into the cashier booth of what appears to be a convenience store or gas station, intent on kicking the cashiers’ butts.

But instead of kicking butt, she got her butt kicked.

Despite being significantly smaller than the large black woman, the two Asian men who were initially in the booth quickly whooped her into submission.

At first the woman pushed her way into the booth while yelling “don’t disrespect me” and aimed right for the smaller of the two men, a guy in a white shirt and glasses.

She quickly overwhelmed him with her size, pushing him into the booth’s wall. But the other man quickly rushed to his aid and flashed a gun at the woman."

This civil war talk is for losers, quitters and Trump chumps.

We will never have a civil war, atleast not with today's current society.

Group A. It won't happen because the average good natured, hard working citizen won't do anything first. They won't make a move until things really really get out of hand.

Group B. The BLM, antifa, rioters, blacks, brain washed you g whites and so on will never push things far enough because they are all cowards. Sure they will loot, burn, riot, scream and so on but they won't ever do it so much they activate group A because in the end they are cowards. They only do things that are safe like riot in groups, brandish weapons in groups when they are alone and being videoed, attack weaker people alone or fewer people in groups, scream for the camera and such. They are afraid of a real fight so they show their ass but won't ever do it without being out of mommies sight so they can run away if it doesn't go their way.

Group B doesn't want a civil war because they are afraid, and cowards. And group A won't take the first step because they are reasonable people who just want to be left alone.

Group B also is afraid of a civil war because they can't handle it and would be utterly decimated in it almost instantly because group A contains people who actually know what real violence is and have experienced it and can bring it if necessary. Drive by shootings and talking shit on twitter isn't violence like group B thinks it is, military and such know what real violence is because that's all of what group A is.

So basically we have cowards, liars and a lot of noise.
The Democrat Party is responsible for a year long spate of arsons, riots, anarko-terrorism.....

Perhaps they are happy with having gotten away with it, and the theft of the election, and replacing a pro-America President with Biden...

But now they have a tiger by the tail......or maybe a dragon:

Three Asian men have become national sensations for standing up to so-called “white supremacy” with the fury of the dragon.

A video clip reportedly recorded in Dallas shows an obese black woman in a yellow shirt angrily storming into the cashier booth of what appears to be a convenience store or gas station, intent on kicking the cashiers’ butts.

But instead of kicking butt, she got her butt kicked.

Despite being significantly smaller than the large black woman, the two Asian men who were initially in the booth quickly whooped her into submission.

At first the woman pushed her way into the booth while yelling “don’t disrespect me” and aimed right for the smaller of the two men, a guy in a white shirt and glasses.

She quickly overwhelmed him with her size, pushing him into the booth’s wall. But the other man quickly rushed to his aid and flashed a gun at the woman."

The real shame of it is that Obama, Biden and the ones behind them who encourage this behavior are the people who actually need the beating.

I feel sorry for the woman here when the real culprits are free to laugh at her
"Three Asian men have become national sensations for standing up to so-called “white supremacy” with the fury of the dragon."

Law abiding Americans expected a similar response to the riots and arsons of the Biden voters during the year leading up to the stoles n election.

Unfortunately, Democrats prevented law enforcement from doing its job, and made certain that the criminal knew they would be protected.

With the following result:

“Jaw-Dropping: Police Chief Association Releases Number of Officers Injured During Violent Riots

The Major Cities Chiefs Association released a report detailing the number of violent riots and the number of police officers injured during the riots U.S. cities faced after the death of George Floyd in May.The MCCA, which has members in 69 of the largest cities in the U.S., released the findings of their survey in October and compiled data from May 25 to July 31, 2020. In total, 8,700 protests took place in major American cities during that time period.Of the 8,700 protests, 574 of them were riots that saw mass looting and destruction.

During the riots cities experienced, the MCCA said their survey found at least 2,000 police officers were injured:

"In cities where violence did occur, assaults on police officers, looting, and arson were the most common criminal activities. Approximately, 72% of major city law enforcement agencies had officers harmed during the protests. This included nearly every agency that experienced at least one violent protest. In total, over the course of the civil unrest from May to July, more than 2,000 officers sustained injuries in the line of duty. One agency reported 50 officers being injured in a single week of protests. Another agency reported that 462 of their officers were injured during the protests in their jurisdiction.

"Looting was also a common occurrence (2,385 instances), with 62% of major city law enforcement agencies indicating that at least one incident of looting occurred in their cities. “

Every single one due to Biden voters.

Riots, arson, anarchism, assaults, lawlessness rewarded, neither lives nor property safe.....under Democrat governance.
One wonders why citizens pay taxes, and what they expect from government, when the above is the norm from Democrats officials.
The difference is that those rioters started protesting excessive use of force by police. Right wingers were trying to insurrect against Congress who were trying to do their job.
"Three Asian men have become national sensations for standing up to so-called “white supremacy” with the fury of the dragon."

Law abiding Americans expected a similar response to the riots and arsons of the Biden voters during the year leading up to the stoles n election.

Unfortunately, Democrats prevented law enforcement from doing its job, and made certain that the criminal knew they would be protected.

With the following result:

“Jaw-Dropping: Police Chief Association Releases Number of Officers Injured During Violent Riots

The Major Cities Chiefs Association released a report detailing the number of violent riots and the number of police officers injured during the riots U.S. cities faced after the death of George Floyd in May.The MCCA, which has members in 69 of the largest cities in the U.S., released the findings of their survey in October and compiled data from May 25 to July 31, 2020. In total, 8,700 protests took place in major American cities during that time period.Of the 8,700 protests, 574 of them were riots that saw mass looting and destruction.

During the riots cities experienced, the MCCA said their survey found at least 2,000 police officers were injured:

"In cities where violence did occur, assaults on police officers, looting, and arson were the most common criminal activities. Approximately, 72% of major city law enforcement agencies had officers harmed during the protests. This included nearly every agency that experienced at least one violent protest. In total, over the course of the civil unrest from May to July, more than 2,000 officers sustained injuries in the line of duty. One agency reported 50 officers being injured in a single week of protests. Another agency reported that 462 of their officers were injured during the protests in their jurisdiction.

"Looting was also a common occurrence (2,385 instances), with 62% of major city law enforcement agencies indicating that at least one incident of looting occurred in their cities. “

Every single one due to Biden voters.

Riots, arson, anarchism, assaults, lawlessness rewarded, neither lives nor property safe.....under Democrat governance.
One wonders why citizens pay taxes, and what they expect from government, when the above is the norm from Democrats officials.
The difference is that those rioters started protesting excessive use of force by police. Right wingers were trying to insurrect against Congress who were trying to do their job.

So you think it's better to destroy random people's businesses that had nothing to do with some black crook getting killed?
"Three Asian men have become national sensations for standing up to so-called “white supremacy” with the fury of the dragon."

Law abiding Americans expected a similar response to the riots and arsons of the Biden voters during the year leading up to the stoles n election.

Unfortunately, Democrats prevented law enforcement from doing its job, and made certain that the criminal knew they would be protected.

With the following result:

“Jaw-Dropping: Police Chief Association Releases Number of Officers Injured During Violent Riots

The Major Cities Chiefs Association released a report detailing the number of violent riots and the number of police officers injured during the riots U.S. cities faced after the death of George Floyd in May.The MCCA, which has members in 69 of the largest cities in the U.S., released the findings of their survey in October and compiled data from May 25 to July 31, 2020. In total, 8,700 protests took place in major American cities during that time period.Of the 8,700 protests, 574 of them were riots that saw mass looting and destruction.

During the riots cities experienced, the MCCA said their survey found at least 2,000 police officers were injured:

"In cities where violence did occur, assaults on police officers, looting, and arson were the most common criminal activities. Approximately, 72% of major city law enforcement agencies had officers harmed during the protests. This included nearly every agency that experienced at least one violent protest. In total, over the course of the civil unrest from May to July, more than 2,000 officers sustained injuries in the line of duty. One agency reported 50 officers being injured in a single week of protests. Another agency reported that 462 of their officers were injured during the protests in their jurisdiction.

"Looting was also a common occurrence (2,385 instances), with 62% of major city law enforcement agencies indicating that at least one incident of looting occurred in their cities. “

Every single one due to Biden voters.

Riots, arson, anarchism, assaults, lawlessness rewarded, neither lives nor property safe.....under Democrat governance.
One wonders why citizens pay taxes, and what they expect from government, when the above is the norm from Democrats officials.
The difference is that those rioters started protesting excessive use of force by police. Right wingers were trying to insurrect against Congress who were trying to do their job.

So you think it's better to destroy random people's businesses that had nothing to do with some black crook getting killed?
No. I believe it is Worse to be rebels without a Cause.
"Three Asian men have become national sensations for standing up to so-called “white supremacy” with the fury of the dragon."

Law abiding Americans expected a similar response to the riots and arsons of the Biden voters during the year leading up to the stoles n election.

Unfortunately, Democrats prevented law enforcement from doing its job, and made certain that the criminal knew they would be protected.

With the following result:

“Jaw-Dropping: Police Chief Association Releases Number of Officers Injured During Violent Riots

The Major Cities Chiefs Association released a report detailing the number of violent riots and the number of police officers injured during the riots U.S. cities faced after the death of George Floyd in May.The MCCA, which has members in 69 of the largest cities in the U.S., released the findings of their survey in October and compiled data from May 25 to July 31, 2020. In total, 8,700 protests took place in major American cities during that time period.Of the 8,700 protests, 574 of them were riots that saw mass looting and destruction.

During the riots cities experienced, the MCCA said their survey found at least 2,000 police officers were injured:

"In cities where violence did occur, assaults on police officers, looting, and arson were the most common criminal activities. Approximately, 72% of major city law enforcement agencies had officers harmed during the protests. This included nearly every agency that experienced at least one violent protest. In total, over the course of the civil unrest from May to July, more than 2,000 officers sustained injuries in the line of duty. One agency reported 50 officers being injured in a single week of protests. Another agency reported that 462 of their officers were injured during the protests in their jurisdiction.

"Looting was also a common occurrence (2,385 instances), with 62% of major city law enforcement agencies indicating that at least one incident of looting occurred in their cities. “

Every single one due to Biden voters.

Riots, arson, anarchism, assaults, lawlessness rewarded, neither lives nor property safe.....under Democrat governance.
One wonders why citizens pay taxes, and what they expect from government, when the above is the norm from Democrats officials.
The difference is that those rioters started protesting excessive use of force by police. Right wingers were trying to insurrect against Congress who were trying to do their job.

So you think it's better to destroy random people's businesses that had nothing to do with some black crook getting killed?
No. I believe it is Worse to be rebels without a Cause.

I see you dodged the question.
The Democrat Party is responsible for a year long spate of arsons, riots, anarko-terrorism.....

Perhaps they are happy with having gotten away with it, and the theft of the election, and replacing a pro-America President with Biden...

But now they have a tiger by the tail......or maybe a dragon:

Three Asian men have become national sensations for standing up to so-called “white supremacy” with the fury of the dragon.

A video clip reportedly recorded in Dallas shows an obese black woman in a yellow shirt angrily storming into the cashier booth of what appears to be a convenience store or gas station, intent on kicking the cashiers’ butts.

But instead of kicking butt, she got her butt kicked.

Despite being significantly smaller than the large black woman, the two Asian men who were initially in the booth quickly whooped her into submission.

At first the woman pushed her way into the booth while yelling “don’t disrespect me” and aimed right for the smaller of the two men, a guy in a white shirt and glasses.

She quickly overwhelmed him with her size, pushing him into the booth’s wall. But the other man quickly rushed to his aid and flashed a gun at the woman."


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