This one is a doozy

At your age, you'll have your evidence soon enough.

Soon enough, you'll have your chance to tell Him in person.
Here we go again you old fool. Atheists don't go anywhere and if they did have a choice it wouldn't be with crusty old ratbags like you.

Dont threaten me with your crap. You haven't learnt much lately. I'm too witty for you.
Talk about quick. You nailed it at the speed of light.

Thats exactly my point Mr Hubble. Science etc doesn't mention god.
But fear not comrade. In the horsehead nebula, trillions of light years away, stars are still bring churned out by the dozens. That should make you pleased knowing god is back at work.
Scientist rarely talk about God. They talk about thing quantifiable to man. Has God ever be quantifiable? I don't think so. They simply seek to see, know, and quantify what is before them, as it is a natural thing to expand the knowledge base of man. It really isn't a competition, ya know?
I don't give a shit about any clock. How is that relevant you old soak.

My point is your filthy God didn't exist and in that distance there is not one shred of evidence of your ridiculous heaven or any other Christian shit.

Why do you bother to come on here? Youve never laud a gkive on me but keep returning like a sheep killing dog. Are you on some ridiculous crusade to destroy me? Youre not in the hunt.
Lol, you shouldn't be allowed in the science forum. Your HATE is better for R&E.

"Why do you bother to come on here? Youve never laud a gkive on me but keep returning like a sheep killing dog. Are you on some ridiculous crusade to destroy me? Youre not in the hunt."

First you're OBSESSED with me because I point out how SCIENCE BACKS UP THE BIBLE. The point is the WRATH OF GOD will take care of you in the afterlife. No need for me to toss a ferocious punch with a closed fist and not a gloved one.
Scientist rarely talk about God. They talk about thing quantifiable to man. Has God ever be quantifiable? I don't think so. They simply seek to see, know, and quantify what is before them, as it is a natural thing to expand the knowledge base of man It really isn't a competition, ya know?
Unless you are a Creationist/LITTERalist and don't acknowledge evolution.
(and other scientific facts like an older than 6000 yr earth, eyc)

Unless you are a Creationist/LITTERalist and don't acknowledge evolution.
(and other scientific facts like an older than 6000 yr earth, eyc)

I do not classify creationists as scientists, as they do not use quantifiable facts. If you believe something to be true, it very well might be true, whether you have facts or not. In science it is about the facts.
I do not classify creationists as scientists, as they do not use quantifiable facts. If you believe something to be true, it very well might be true, whether you have facts or not. In science it is about the facts.
This TRUE OP Was moved to 'Conspiracy.;
Stupid mods.

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Could be just a conspiracy

We've fooled ourselves before with galaxies that look just like this one. The evidence we have simply isn't strong enough.

  • But the properties of the candidate galaxy have not been spectroscopically confirmed. We've fooled ourselves before without that key data, and we should be highly skeptical now.
It appears there is older things than god.

How old do you think God is?
Talk about quick. You nailed it at the speed of light.

Thats exactly my point Mr Hubble. Science etc doesn't mention god.
But fear not comrade. In the horsehead nebula, trillions of light years away, stars are still bring churned out by the dozens. That should make you pleased knowing god is back at work.
If you're going to attempt using science to disprove God's existence, it would behoove you to make sure you're using science correctly. Light from objects trillions of lightyears away would not have reached us yet and in fact the objects themselves would be several orders of magnitude older than the universe itself. You're not very good at this, are you?
Here we go again you old fool. Atheists don't go anywhere and if they did have a choice it wouldn't be with crusty old ratbags like you.

Dont threaten me with your crap. You haven't learnt much lately. I'm too witty for you.
Why do you feel threatened by that? If you don't believe it, why does it frighten you?
I don't give a shit about any clock. How is that relevant you old soak.

My point is your filthy God didn't exist and in that distance there is not one shred of evidence of your ridiculous heaven or any other Christian shit.

Why do you bother to come on here? Youve never laud a gkive on me but keep returning like a sheep killing dog. Are you on some ridiculous crusade to destroy me? Youre not in the hunt.

^^^Why does the board tolerate this kind of racist hatred and bigotry?
Talk about quick. You nailed it at the speed of light.

Thats exactly my point Mr Hubble. Science etc doesn't mention god.
But fear not comrade. In the horsehead nebula, trillions of light years away, stars are still bring churned out by the dozens. That should make you pleased knowing god is back at work.

^ Creator denier

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