This person pretty much right on point about the marxist and how they've won.

Sounds to me like you're playing right into their hands; the idea that you are already defeated and fighting is fruitless.

I'm going to my grave fighting for what is right. It's like coach Dough Ditka once said in a speech, you never really lose until you quit trying.

Let me help: Fox news is still the number one cable news network. CNN is transitioning more right now that they got sick of being in last place. Biden and the Communists won for one reason and one reason only: mail-in voting. They won the battle, but not the war. They won't have that advantage this election and hopefully never again.

I heed the words of the late Rush Limbaugh "You can't tell anybody they are wrong, they have to decide that for themselves. All you can do is give them the information to come to that conclusion." Besides voting, that's what I always try to do. If it's one thing I know about Democrats, it's they are told what to think, but not why they should be thinking it. So they are easily defeated in any sensible debate. It may not work on the weak minded, but I'd like to have faith that weak minded people are a small minority of Americans, and their minds can be changed back once you give them the information that they were wrong, just like Limbaugh said repeatedly.

You're wrong that weak minded Americans are in the minority.
But you can still choose to die on your feet as opposed to bended knee when the uber tyranny descends.

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