This pisses me off


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
Soldiers are not being fed because of budget cuts! UGH


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I have looked into this further and I believe it's a hoax.
First off - the military wouldn't post a sign on a chow hall that says "We're closed for breakfast." That would have been all over the base WEEKS before it occurred and I am sure the Base COs would have addressed the issue with their troops long before it happened. Also - many of these "outposts" are being closed as we transition out of there. I read somewhere that MREs are taking the place of these places that are closed.
Soldiers are not being fed because of budget cuts! UGH

I wonder if the person that wrote that letter to the editor is a Christian and knows that lying is a sin.


Yea because you are there, and know he is lying. STFU Don't you have a Val to milk or something?

it is absolutely a lie. and some bubbemeitzer told by some unknown wackadoodle who, for all we know is the idiot o/p, isn't evidence of anything.

she's just a wackjob.
I have looked into this further and I believe it's a hoax.
First off - the military wouldn't post a sign on a chow hall that says "We're closed for breakfast." That would have been all over the base WEEKS before it occurred and I am sure the Base COs would have addressed the issue with their troops long before it happened. Also - many of these "outposts" are being closed as we transition out of there. I read somewhere that MREs are taking the place of these places that are closed.


sounds more like an internet legend than fact.

a few facts

we are guaranteed 3 hots and a cot.
Damn few can operate w/o coffee and no, and I do mean no, e-6 or up can function w/o coffee
Who is going to tell hungry men, that are fully armed and pissed off, that they don't get a meal?
I have looked into this further and I believe it's a hoax.
First off - the military wouldn't post a sign on a chow hall that says "We're closed for breakfast." That would have been all over the base WEEKS before it occurred and I am sure the Base COs would have addressed the issue with their troops long before it happened. Also - many of these "outposts" are being closed as we transition out of there. I read somewhere that MREs are taking the place of these places that are closed.

It would also say "morning chow", not breakfast.

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