This Poor Lady is Confused

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- She wants you to wait 72 hours after you go out to buy a woman while you await a background investigation.

- She wants women to be banned from entering schools and college campuses.

- She wants women banned from polling places on Election Day.

- She wants you to pay a fee to the state before you carry a woman on your person.

- She wants some women banned simply because they look too scary.

- She wants women banned from commercial air travel.

- She wants women to be locked up at all times when not in use.

I will never understand women.
the basement; that is where some women should be.
... for free
Tim I think you have a time period issue, furthermore fail to recognize that in 1861 Vassar college was founded for women only, as with several others. Women's suffrage movement began 10 or more years prior. Women were given the right to vote about 100 years ago. So our society changed and continues to do so, and your point is what?

What right do we have in demanding other cultures conform to your of my belief system? Yes we can voice displeasure, however, that remains the sum total.

Who's demanding ? More like suggesting . Small steps . Like what we've been doing wh girls in Afghanistan . Supporting girls education which was banned under Taliban .

What an idiot. Soros paid $90 million to the numerous organizations to get people up to D.C. as a "spontaneous" march. I wonder how much this lunatic Judd woman was paid out that money for looking like an imbecile.

More right wing fake news!

Well, without the exact amount undisclosed by the NY Times for obvious reasons, here is a headline from your trusty news source.
Billionaire George Soros has ties to more than 50 ‘partners’ of the Women’s March on Washington

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