This Pope Might Attract Young People To Christianity

I am starting to become a fan of Pope Francis (I am not Catholic either). I love this line from the article:

"Another boy asked why children come into the world with problems and suffer “when they have done nothing bad”.

The pope said he had no answer to that question. “One can only raise one’s eyes up to heaven and look for answers that can’t be found.”

What I love is that he has the guts to simply say 'I don't know' instead of trying to come up with some forced explanation that is 99% BS.
The Jonestown guy attracted many lost people & had a children s choir. He used the social injustice of the day, promised to feed the hungry, threw the Bible aside and led the sheep to slaughter.
Its unfortunate if yet another and yet another generation fall victim to religious dogma. Oye.

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