This really grinds my gears


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
As I already knew, the Justice dept files lots of lawsuits against big biz, many of which are settled out of court that result in a large financial payment. What I did not know until now is that under the Obama Administration the DOJ took money from those settlements that should have gone to the victims of whatever misdeeds were done and instead gave it to advocacy groups that the administration favored who were not in the least damaged by those same misdeeds. IOW, they were not harmed but got a big payout anyway.

The House Judiciary Committee spotlighted this a year ago, in the report supporting the “Stop Settlement Slush Funds Act of 2016” (which was passed by the House but died in the Senate). And Senator Grassley put the point bluntly, in an October 2016 letter to then-Attorney General Lynch:

The Department handpicked the third-party organizations—none of which have suffered harm—that could receive payments. The Department made its selections through a non-public and unaccountable process that is void of any opportunity for oversight from Congress or transparency to the public. Moreover, the list of government-approved recipients includes organizations from which Congress cut funding in 2011, such as the National Council of La Raza, the National Urban League, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, and NeighborWorks America. The Department has apparently used its settlement agreements to funnel money to left-leaning, politically active organizations, and to effectively restore funding to organizations that Congress deliberately defunded.

In fact, as the House Judiciary Committee report showed, the Obama Justice Department even used settlement funds to support policy initiatives that Congress had defunded. As the committee urged in its report, those programs and recipients may or may not be in the public interest, “but that is entirely beside the point. Under our system of government, Congress gets to decide how money is spent, not DOJ.”

The good news is that this week Trump's Justice Dept put an end to that shit. Anybody want to tell me this practice would not have continued under Hillary Clinton?

The Justice Department Drains the Slush
anyone want to tell me brain dead RW's cant get through a post without saying Clinton ?
If this is true then Obama and his administration stole off of each and everyone of us. Funding groups that had their funding legally removed is tantamount to treason, in my opinion.

It would be nice, if this is true, to see prosecution but sigh the swamp is just too deep. Trump doesn't have time to do something like this when he is being attacked by both sides of the establishment.
anyone want to tell me brain dead RW's cant get through a post without saying Clinton ?
Why are you ok with Slush Funds when the money ought to go directly to the victims the suits were filed for?
My gears get grinded by finding PHISHING emails in my Yahoo. yes, I looked for good spot to post about it. I don't trust a matter of fact I never even opened up an APPLE account? I did not like it when they started asking for Birthdate, Credit Card........etc. That was many many years ago. So my phone is smart but I am not trusting enough to be willing to let it work for me. I would not (did not) click on the link either.

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anyone want to tell me brain dead RW's cant get through a post without saying Clinton ?

I'll tell you why, it's because the corrupt lying democrat bastards can't seem to stop themselves from stealing money that should have gone to legitimate victims and giving it to organizations to support their own political agenda. And circumventing Congress to boot. Fuck that shit, and why is is impossible for progressive liberal assholes to denounce that kind of shit no matter who does it?

And BTW, I would just as pissed if I found out the Repubs were doing the same thing under Bush.
anyone want to tell me brain dead RW's cant get through a post without saying Clinton ?

This is actually a hit piece aimed at President Obama and, more directly, black voting.

Its hooey but what always saddens me is seeing one group that is harmed by white racist RWNJs attacking another group that is harmed by white RWNJ racists.

And the damn link crashed my computer.
anyone want to tell me brain dead RW's cant get through a post without saying Clinton ?

This is actually a hit piece aimed at President Obama and, more directly, black voting.

Its hooey but what always saddens me is seeing one group that is harmed by white racist RWNJs attacking another group that is harmed by white RWNJ racists.

And the damn link crashed my computer.

Is telling the truth a hit piece? I don't think so, and this has nothing to do with racism although I do understand it's what you guys roll with when you're caught with your hand in the cookie jar and have no reasonable explanation.
anyone want to tell me brain dead RW's cant get through a post without saying Clinton ?

I'll tell you why, it's because the corrupt lying democrat bastards can't seem to stop themselves from stealing money that should have gone to legitimate victims and giving it to organizations to support their own political agenda. And circumventing Congress to boot. Fuck that shit, and why is is impossible for progressive liberal assholes to denounce that kind of shit no matter who does it?

And BTW, I would just as pissed if I found out the Repubs were doing the same thing under Bush.

What Obama and Holder did amounts to theft, not to mention the fact that it's a blatant violation of the Constitution. Obama, Holder and Lynch should go to prison for this.

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